The main reason for this is that the composition of this team seems a bit strange to them.

Mr. Yun's appearance on the stage did give them a big surprise, but what happened to Xin Yan who was following Mr. Yun?

Isn't that a rock singer?

Forget about being a rock singer, the other person is also a musician.

The question is, is it really a joke that Mr. Tianshu Xing and Hu Tao, the master of the Purity Hall, performed on stage together?

Can this team really do it?

With full of doubts, everyone stared at the people on the stage, waiting for the show to start.


Soon, with everyone watching, Han Xiao and the others walked to their instruments as they had rehearsed before.


Along with the sound of mechanical operation switches, a large number of cylindrical projection lights focused on Yun Jin, who was wearing a costume and holding a microphone in the center of the stage.

The next moment, a colorful picture appeared on the huge curtain erected at the back of the party.

At the same time, as the machine was running, the same picture and the calm words appeared on the screens throughout Liyue:

In the wind and rain of the country, the sea tide surges and floods. Tianheng Town is turbulent, and the boat is turned upside down in the face of danger.

Dong dong dong——

Echoing the recitation, Hutao sat in front of the drum set, holding a drumstick and shaking his body rhythmically while beating out a low drum beat.

When a series of chants with different voices but the same majestic momentum fell, Hu Tao's drumbeat suddenly increased in volume.

In an instant, Han Xiao and others played the instruments in their hands at the same time, and the passionate melody was instantly transmitted to everyone's eardrums through the amplifying equipment.

Yun Jin also raised the microphone in her hand and sang loudly with her eyes closed.

Emerging musical instruments are constantly intertwined with classical instruments such as the flute and erhu in the image, and together with Yun Jin's singing, they create a beautiful picture of the past and present.


It's really... thoughtful.

Listening to the lyrics that talked about Liyue's eternity, Zhongli's eyes flashed with reminiscence on the high platform, but a happy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

It is said that songs reflect aspirations, and in Yun Jin's singing and the melody played by Han Xiao and the others, he could indeed hear the Liyue people's aspirations to bid farewell to the old era and welcome the arrival of the new era.

This song is really beautiful.

Hearing Morax's sigh in his ears, Ruoduo Dragon King glanced at his old friend with a smile:

I'm not as elegant as you. I can think so much while listening to a song!

On the other side, the box where Mond was.

Looking at the pictures of Liyue's ancient history displayed on the big screen and listening to the sonorous and powerful singing in her ears, Lisa's expression became much more solemn.

Qin, did you hear it?

Our neighbor has great ambitions!

Hearing Lisa's words, Qin, who was born in a noble family and had good musical literacy, also nodded. She also heard the hidden meaning in Yun Jin's singing voice or the lyrics.

It's normal. The Seven Stars of this generation are all outstanding people. Coupled with the departure of Emperor Yanwang, it's not surprising that Liyue will usher in changes.

Then how do you plan to face our neighbor who is preparing to welcome a new era?

Maintain an alliance with Liyue and keep up with each other's development.

Qin gave her plan without hesitation.

After saying that, she turned her gaze to Albedo.

Before Qin could speak, Albedo, who felt his eyes looking at him, directly promised:

Han Xiao promised me that Liyue and Mond's technology sharing strategy will not change.

Also...Captain Qin, please be mentally prepared for what's coming next.

What preparation?

After glancing at Han Xiao who was playing a passionate melody on the stage, Albedo turned his attention to Qin and Lisa, and said with a meaningful expression:

After the Hai Lantern Festival, you will see that Liyue will undergo an unprecedented change.

Chapter 638 Zhongli’s answer

Unprecedented changes?

Hearing Abedo's very meaningful reminder, Lisa and Qin couldn't help but look at each other.

Today, Liyue is developing at a rapid pace, and the number of various convenient products has actually far exceeded their expectations.

Generally speaking, after a country enters a stage of rapid development, it should usher in a short bottleneck period.

Why does it seem that Liyue does not intend to abide by this theorem and is ready to continue taking off?

Is this really possible?

Thinking of this, Qin couldn't help but ask in a tentative tone:

Albedo, can you tell us what the changes are?

I can't go into details, or I can't tell you in a short time.

Hearing Qin's question, Abedo lowered his head and pondered for a moment before giving a rather vague answer.

It's not that he doesn't want to explain, it's mainly that the Internet contains many cutting-edge theories and other-world theories, which are quite troublesome to explain.

In short, just think of it as an invention similar to the void system.

The void system...the one of Xumi?


After receiving Abedo's affirmative reply, Lisa, as a gifted scholar that Sumeru called rare in two hundred years, quickly recalled the function of the void system, with a look of surprise on her face.

She has deeply experienced the advancement and convenience of the void system, and it is definitely one of the top inventions in the Teyvat continent.

If Abedo and Han Xiao plan to launch a product similar to the Void System next, then Liyue's development will indeed not stagnate. Instead, as Abedo said, Liyue will undergo unprecedented changes.

It's really amazing. It seems that Mondstadt really needs to be prepared.

We will discuss this matter after the party is over. Let's watch the party with Keli first!

Glancing at Keli who was paying close attention to the stage, Qin quickly raised her hand to interrupt the conversation between Lisa and Abedo.

Anyway, I won’t be able to tell clearly now. In this case, it’s better to wait until after the party is over and everyone sits down to talk slowly.

As for now... let’s continue to enjoy the Hai Lantern Festival Party!

After hearing Qin's words, Lisa and Abedo did not continue chatting, but walked to Keli's side and watched the party with each other.


Compared to Mondstadt, who vaguely knew Liyue's next development steps because of Albedo, it seemed more relaxed.

The situation in Inazuma's box was relatively dull.

Kamisato Ayaka, who was born into a noble family like Qin, was naturally not that bad in musical literacy. She also understood the hidden meaning in the lyrics performed by Yun Sumire.

Liyue will welcome the arrival of a new era...

Is this Han Xiao’s idea or the idea of ​​all Qixing?

Watching Yun Jin's performance on the stage gradually coming to an end, Kamisato Ayaka seemed a little absent-minded.

Her focus now is not on the performance at all, but on analyzing Liyue's future plans.

It's a pity that there is no one around Kamisato Ayaka who knows Hanxiao's plan like Abedo.

So even though she is quite smart, without enough information, she still cannot understand the truth.

There is another person who has the same problem as Kamisato Ayaka, and that is the girl Columbia who is watching the party in the North Country Bank.

She was warned from a distance by Dragon King Ruotuo before. Although she suffered a small loss, she quickly recovered.

Therefore, she did not miss the stage performance by Han Xiao and others, and naturally understood the meaning of the lyrics.

Is it really okay to keep going like this?

Glancing cautiously at Zhongli and Dragon King Ruotuo who were standing alone not far away, Columbia could not help but lower her head and murmured in a low voice.

Compared with Ayaka Kamisato who had no clue at all, she still knew some information.

For example, Han Xiao brought back from Xumi the core used to maintain the operation of the void system, which is the Heart of the Grass God.

According to the judgment of the doctor and Harlequin, the other party is likely to create a new version of the void system in Liyue.

Based on this judgment, Columbia also roughly guessed what the new era in the lyrics refers to.

But after coming to this conclusion, she was a little confused.

Liyue is developing so fast, is Morax really not worried that Liyue will attract the attention of heaven if it continues like this?

Or does the other party have other solutions?


At the end of the song, Han Xiao took the microphone and briefly expressed her gratitude before leading Hu Tao and others off the stage.

Then, under Gan Yu's presiding announcement, one exciting program after another was presented in front of all the audience.

On the roof of the Wanwen Collection House, while enjoying the party, Dragon King Ruotuo also did not forget to pay some attention to Columbia at Beiguo Bank.

Then he saw the thoughtful expression on the other person's face.

Morax, what do you think that little girl is thinking?

Seeing Columbia's eyes secretly glancing at them from time to time, Ruoduo Dragon King couldn't help but become interested, and immediately asked Zhongli his doubts.

How could I guess that?

Just for fun, I'm curious about what that little girl is thinking now?

Forget it, let me make a guess.

Seeing Ruotuo Dragon King's high interest, Zhongli did not disdain his old friend's interest. He put his index finger and thumb on his chin and thought for a moment.

Combined with the other party's special racial identity, and considering that she fell into this state of worrying about gains and losses after hearing Han Xiao's performance.

Soon, a guess emerged in his mind.

Maybe I know what she's worried about.

Oh, tell me!

A look of curiosity flashed in Ruotuo Dragon King's eyes. He wanted to hear what speculation his old friend had made.

That little girl is probably wondering now why I let Han Xiao develop Liyue without any restrictions.

This is indeed a very good question, and I am also curious about your thoughts.

Hearing Zhongli's guess, Ruotuo Dragon King nodded repeatedly.

Not to mention the little girl with a special race in Beiguo Bank, after he woke up, he also heard about Kanrea.

Therefore, Dragon King Ruotuo was very curious as to why his old friend let Han Xiao develop to Liyue when he knew for sure that a country developing too fast would attract the attention of heavenly justice.

Isn't he afraid that Liyue, who has been protected by them for more than three thousand years, will follow in the footsteps of Kanria?

Don't worry, Liyue's current development is not enough to attract the attention of heaven, let alone the current one who is still sleeping.

What's more, Han Xiao has never touched the earth's veins or abyss in his treatment of Liyue's development. Everything is in line with the rules.

Chapter 639: Liyue’s Protection

Liyue's development is not enough to attract the attention of heaven?

Hearing his old friend's explanation, Ruotuo Dragon King was a little surprised.

Although he didn't wake up for a long time, he also had a brief understanding of the current Liyue accompanied by Zhongli.

In the eyes of Dragon King Ruotuo, Liyue today is much more advanced than before he lost his mind.

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