Is this child so innocent?

But soon he rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea, and quickly turned to look at Zhongli aside.

Morax, I heard that Gan Yu and Han Xiao are brothers and sisters.


Then do you think there is a chance between the two of them?

Speaking of this, Ruotuo Dragon King couldn't help but admire his own idea.

You see, if Gan Yu finds a mortal, his lifespan is a big problem, but Han Xiao is different.

The two of them are senior brothers and sisters in terms of status. They are also superiors and subordinates at work, and their life span is not a problem.

Tsk tsk... The more I talk about it, the better it becomes. Morax, what do you think of my idea?

Haha, not very good.

Seeing that Dragon King Ruotuo suddenly thought of pairing up Gan Yu and Han Xiao, the corners of Zhongli's mouth quickly dropped.

Chapter 636 The party begins

Knowing that Dragon King Ruotuo wanted Han Xiao and Gan Yu to form a pair, Zhongli twitched his lips to express disapproval.


Seeing that his proposal was rejected by Morax without hesitation, Ruoduo Dragon King looked at the other party with a puzzled face, as if he didn't understand why the other party refused so simply.

Could it be that Han Xiao already has a lover?

As far as I know there is none.

Then why did you refuse?

Do you want me to tell you that I actually prefer Han Xiao to take over that unlucky kid Hu Tao?

Hearing Ruotuo Dragon King's questioning, Zhongli couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In fact, he also knew that with Han Xiao's status as an immortal, it would be best if his lover was also an immortal.

After all, the lifespan gap between long-lived species and short-lived species is indeed an unavoidable problem.

He just felt worried when he thought that although his hall master was good-looking, his temperament was too out-of-touch, which would be difficult for ordinary people to accept.

Even though Hu Tao is still young, if she continues like this, it will be difficult for her to find her husband in the future.

If there is no heir, wouldn’t the Rebirth Hall, which has been passed down for more than 3,700 years, end at the seventy-seventh generation?

As a guest at the Hall of Purity, and having watched Hu Tao grow up, Zhongli really didn't want his unlucky child to die alone in the future.

At present, it seems that the one who accepts Hu Tao the most is Han Xiao, another unlucky child in his eyes.

The two have been playing together since childhood, and they feel like happy enemies when they get along with each other.

Therefore, in the eyes of Zhongli, the ‘old father’, Han Xiao is the best candidate for Hu Tao.

Morax...are you planning to find a lover for Hanxiao boy?

Seeing Zhongli not speaking for a long time, Dragon King Ruotuo vaguely felt that he might have guessed the truth of the matter.

The reason why Morax rejected his proposal was probably because the other party already had his own candidate in mind.

No...I just think that love is a matter of mutual consent.

In order not to expose his 'little thoughts', Zhongli decisively made up a reason for himself.

It's better to let Han Xiao make his own choice in this matter. It's best if we don't interfere with each other's decision.

It's not like there is no love between short-lived species and long-lived species. Gan Yu's mother and Yan Fei's father are examples of love between humans.

What you say makes sense!

After hearing Zhongli's explanation, Ruotuo Dragon King nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, they are indeed Han Xiao's elders in terms of status, but love matters are not about being paired together. The key point is that both parties like each other.

Although he felt that Gan Yu was Han Xiao's best match, he had transformed from a short-lived species into a long-lived species, and his concept might not have changed yet.

Forget it...I won't mess with this matter. Let's see Hanxiao's own choice!

That's very good.

Seeing that Ruotuo Dragon King gave up the idea of ​​bringing Han Xiao and Gan Yu together, Zhongli's expression did not change, but he let out a long sigh of relief in his heart.

If he hadn't noticed that Hu Tao had some intentions towards Han Xiao that he didn't even understand, he wouldn't have made every excuse to persuade Ruotuo Dragon King.

Sigh... He, a guest, has paid too much for the Hall of Rebirth.


Gan Yu, who was standing on the stage, didn't know that just now she almost had her life-long event decided.

“Everyone is welcome to come and watch this year’s Hai Lantern Festival Gala.”

Although she kept complaining to Han Xiao that she was nervous off the stage, once on the stage, Gan Yu calmed down and returned to her usual working state.

It's another festive season. Here, on behalf of the Seven Stars and Eight Gates, I would like to say Happy Hai Lantern Festival to everyone!

On the stage, Gan Yu talked eloquently, and his auspicious words came one after another.

In the background, Han Xiaozheng and Ningguang were leaning in front of the stairs and listening to Gan Yu's speech on the stage.

You talk about being nervous, but isn't that a good expression!

Listening to Gan Yu's methodical hosting, Han Xiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly, murmured something in a low voice, and then turned to look at Ning Guang:

Ningguang, in previous years, Qixing usually hosted the opening of the party. Why did it go to Senior Sister Gan Yu this year?

Isn't my arrangement good?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ningguang folded his hands in front of his chest and explained in a leisurely tone:

This is the first Hai Lantern Festival party after leaving the emperor's home. From now on, Liyue will usher in a new era.

Gan Yu is a human-fairy hybrid, so it would be best for her to host this Hai Lantern Festival party.

Oh...that's awesome!

Regarding Ning Guang's answer, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and glanced at the other party in surprise.

He didn't expect that Ningguang had such thoughts behind choosing Gan Yu as the host of this Hai Lantern Festival party.

As expected of Tianquan Xing Ningguang, he is thoughtful and good at expressing his thoughts in details.

You'd better prepare as soon as possible. Gan Yu's hosting will end soon.

Ningguang didn't pay much attention to Han Xiao's praise for herself. She just pointed in the direction of the stage and signaled Han Xiao to get ready quickly.

After all, he, Yun Jin and others had to spearhead the party.

That's right, then I'll go meet A Jin and the others.

Han Xiao nodded and said no more, turned around and walked towards Yun Jin and the others who were gathering together.

Arriving in front of Yun Jin and Hu Tao who were sitting around the musical instrument, he immediately greeted them with a smile:

Girls, how are you preparing?

Are you nervous?

Don't worry Han Xiao, we won't feel nervous.

Xin Yan was the first to give Han Xiao a reassuring look. As a rock singer who often performs on the streets of Liyue, this kind of scene is trivial to her.

Yes, yes, rather than being nervous, it would be better to say that this Hall Master is very excited now!

Hu Tao, you'd better restrain yourself.

Seeing Hu Tao jumping up in the background, Yun Jin quickly reached out and put her hand on her shoulder to signal her to calm down, and then turned to look at Han Xiao:

It's fine on my end.

That's good.

Hearing Yun Jin's still steady voice, Han Xiao knew that she was indeed worrying too much.

Xin Yan has rich stage experience, and Yun Jin is a frequent visitor to the stage. The two of them will definitely not have stage fright in such a scene.

As for Hu Tao... emmm, this is a social terrorist. It's strange that she would feel nervous.

Please enjoy the first program of this year's Hai Lantern Festival party.

At this moment, the opening ceremony hosted by Gan Yu on the stage came to an end.

Let's go, it's our turn!

Hearing Gan Yu announce the name of the first program of the party, Han Xiao immediately clapped his hands and signaled the staff to bring the instruments to the stage.

Chapter 637: Farewell in the past, now we must stand together

As Gan Yu announced the curtain, the staff quickly moved the musical instruments onto the stage one by one.

If the Liyue people could guess its function, they had never seen the 'big thing' that required several people to lift.

Hey, these instruments...

In Mond's box, Lisa was a little surprised and glanced at the large musical instrument that was carried onto the stage by the staff, and then turned to look at Albedo:

Albedo, do you know what this instrument is?

The shape looks a bit like the pipe organ over at Fontaine.

Hey, you haven't seen this instrument before?

Indeed not.

Seeing the staff on the stage carefully installing the amplification equipment next to the large musical instrument, he immediately changed his words and said:

“But now it seems it’s not the organ over at Fontaine, but a new instrument.”


Lisa, who also saw the staff installing the amplification equipment on the stage, couldn't help but nodded.

The pipe organ is a pneumatic keyboard instrument with an extremely loud sound. Logically speaking, it does not require amplification equipment.

Now the staff is installing amplification equipment for this big guy. Obviously, the two are not the same way of making sounds.

I didn't expect that Tianshu Xing also studies music and is very energetic!


The conversation between Albedo and Lisa in the Mondstadt box is like a microcosm.

Anyone who has studied music at the party has discovered that the big guy on the stage is unusual. It is probably an instrument that has never appeared in the continent of Teyvat.

This excited many foreigners who came to watch the party.

Visitors to Fontaine, in particular, were staring intently at the stage, waiting for what wonderful performance the musical instrument would perform next.

And just when everyone focused their attention on the stage, Han Xiao led Yun Jin, Hu Tao and Xin Yan onto the stage.

Hey...this team is quite interesting!

When he saw Han Xiao leading Yun Jin and others onto the stage, Xing Qiu, who was leaning in front of the railing on the balcony of the high-rise building affiliated to Feiyun Chamber of Commerce in Yujing Terrace, showed a look of interest.

Really, it was Brother Han Xiao and Yun Jin who were the first to perform on stage!

“I feel like the next performance will be wonderful!”

Xiangling and Chongyun, who were invited as guests, had the same expressions as Xingqiu. They were both looking forward to the performance of their little friends.


It turned out to be Lord Tianshuxing and Mr. Yun performing on stage in person?

Oh my god! I didn't expect that I could see Mr. Yun's performance at Qiaoyingzhuang!

I always feel something is wrong. The person next to Mr. Yun seems to be the rock singer Xin Yan?

Why is Hall Master Hu from the Hall of Purity here here? Why do you feel that this team is a bit strange?

If Xingqiu and the others were surprised and excited when Han Xiao and others appeared on stage, then the audience watching the party in front of the big screens in Liyue all had doubts in their hearts.

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