The other party went dormant and seized the opportunity to become the Seven Stars of Liyue, but as for them, they were still idle young men on the Yujing stage.

Until now, Shaoyin dared not recall the look on her father's face after learning that Han Xiao had become the Seven Stars of Liyue.

Hating iron but not steel?

It's not that serious.

But there are still feelings of resentment, envy and jealousy.

Shaoyin, who has a good relationship with her family, feels a lot of pressure, not to mention some young masters who are already dandy and only know how to fool around.

It can be said that even now, the name Han Xiao is a 'taboo' in the hearts of the young masters in Yujingtai.

Because the pressure this 'other people's child' brings to them is unprecedented.

Therefore, when she heard Xingqiu say that the person who came to him this time was Han Xiao, Shaoyin almost instinctively felt Alexander.

Uh...Did Han Xiao bring you so much pressure?

After hearing Shaoyin's slightly 'sad and angry' accusation, Xingqiu didn't know how to comfort him for a while, and could only laugh twice awkwardly.

Oh yes, I almost forgot that you are the same guy!

Hearing his friend's voice, Shaoyin immediately cast a resentful look at him.

In the past, Xingqiu was famous among the young masters in Yujingtai for not doing his job properly, and his father was even more troubled by it.

As a result, the other party has now transformed into the secretary-general of Guili City, a veritable second-in-command.

With the lessons learned from Han Xiao before, the young masters in Yujingtai learned the lesson this time and did not dare to laugh at the joke in private, for fear that what happened before would happen again.

After all, Xing Qiuneng and Han Xiao had been playing together since childhood, and they felt that the two of them were in the same boat, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

The final facts did not exceed their expectations.

Xingqiu basically showed no discomfort and managed a city with a population of one million in an orderly manner.

Another ‘other people’s child’.

Shaoyin said that she has been studying imaging technology crazily in the past two years, firstly because she really likes it, and secondly because she wants to achieve great results in a new track as soon as possible.

In this case, he wouldn't have to face his father's penetrating gaze from time to time that said he wanted to continue practicing the trumpet.

Ahaha... let's go find Han Xiao!

Facing Shaoyin's resentful gaze, Lian Xingqiu couldn't bear it this time. After all, he really couldn't take what the other person said.

Xingqiu wanted to explain that he was actually tricked into Guili City by his old father and Fa Xiao, but after thinking about it, saying this seemed like a disguised attack on people, so he could only quickly change the topic.

Okay, you lead the way.

Shaoyin had no intention of continuing on this depressing topic. After taking a few deep breaths, he was mentally prepared to see Han Xiao.

Isn’t it just to meet ‘other people’s children’?

He is not afraid, really not afraid!

Wait a minute, I'll make a call first to find out where they are.

With that said, Xingqiu took out his mobile phone and dialed Han Xiao's number.

This is Hanxiao, who are you?

It's me, Xingqiu.

Hearing Han Xiao's voice from the other side of the phone, Xingqiu glanced at Shaoyin beside him who subconsciously straightened his back, and said in a calm tone as much as possible:

Shaoyin has come back to Licheng. Do you want to meet her?

I'm at Abedo's house, just bring him over.

As soon as he finished speaking, a busy signal came from the phone.


On the other side, Han Xiao, who hung up the phone, put the phone back into the jade pendant, then turned to look at Abedo:

We'll wait until the people arrive, will you take them or should I take them?

Come on, I'm kind of interested in his use of color.

Chapter 624: Material preparation (Happy Lantern Festival!)

Soon, Shaoyin, led by Xingqiu, arrived at a small independent two-story villa.

This is it.

Hearing Xingqiu's voice, Shaoyin quickly tidied up her appearance, feeling a flash of nervousness in her heart.

There is no other way, what we are going to see later is Han Xiao, who has put great pressure on these Yujingtai young masters in recent years, and the famous alchemist Master Abedo.

Both of them are extremely famous people, so it would be strange if he didn't feel nervous.

Don't be so nervous.

Looking at his friend's tense face, Xingqiu smiled and comforted:

Xingqiu and Abedo get along very well. They are not tigers.

It’s easy to get along with, maybe!

Shaoyin couldn't help but roll her eyes at Xingqiu. The other party was good friends with those two people, so she naturally felt that they would get along well with each other.

But this was his first meeting, and Han Xiao and Abedo were well-known big shots. If he lost etiquette in front of those two people, he would believe it or not that his father would beat them to death later.

Forget it, just come with me.

Seeing that Shaoyin seemed to have no intention of relaxing at all, Xingqiu shrugged helplessly, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing this, Shaoyin quickly followed into the villa.

Hanxiao, Abedo!

As soon as they entered the living room, they saw Han Xiao and Abedo sitting in front of the sofa discussing something. Xingqiu immediately said hello to attract their attention.

I brought you this person. This is Shaoyin, a good friend I met at Yujingtai.

I'm Shaoyin, I've met Lord Hanxiao, Master Abeido!

After hearing Xingqiu introduce herself to Han Xiao and Abedo, Shaoyin quickly bowed respectfully.

Mr. Shaoyin, don't be so reserved, relax.

Looking at Shaoyin, whose movements were a little stiff and her expression was a little nervous, Abedo spoke softly to comfort the other person, and then turned his eyes to Han Xiao who was aside, signaling with his eyes that the other person didn't want to say anything quickly.

After receiving Albedo's look in his eyes, Han Xiao showed a warm smile on his face:

Mr. Shaoyin, you must have known the reason why Abedo and I invited you here this time from Xingqiu.


Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Shaoyin responded repeatedly:

Xingqiu already mentioned to me on the way that the two adults are looking for me for this Hai Lantern Festival party.

Very good, let's test it first.

Han Xiao nodded, and then found some video materials from Yu Perry that were used at the Huili City Gala and placed them on the coffee table.

Albedo on the side also brought a projector and other equipment.

There are a lot of film materials here. Can you use these materials to edit a short film of about thirty seconds?

I can try it!

Shaoyin didn't say anything, but the look on her face became much calmer.

It was just editing video material. He had edited a video that lasted for more than an hour before, and a thirty-second video clip was not too difficult.

Then Abedo, Mr. Shaoyin will leave it to you.

Well, you want to go out?

Master Liuyun and the others should have circled the entire territory of Liyue. I'm going to see how the footage is going.

Then I'll take my leave now. I still have a lot of official business to deal with.

Seeing that Hanxiao was about to leave, Xingqiu also said goodbye.

Then the two left the villa, leaving only Abedo and Shaoyin.


Thank you Master Liuyun, the two True Lords, and Senior Mandrill for all your help.

On the pavilion on the roof of the school, Han Xiao, who had separated from Xingqiu at the intersection, put the shadow materials piled as high as a hill on the stone table into a jade pendant, and did not forget to say thank you to the immortals.

You are Welcome...

Hearing Han Xiao's thanks, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun was the first to respond, and then glanced at Zhongli and Dragon King Ruotuo who were sitting aside drinking tea.

Since it is the emperor who speaks, we will naturally not refuse!

Hanxiao, what are you and Abedo going to do with these materials?

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng did not be polite to his apprentice, and directly asked the doubts in his heart.

She, Zhenjun Xieyue Zhuyang and Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan gathered together today to prepare a banquet, and then invited Zhongli and Ruotuo Dragon King to come to the party, but they received a message from Zhongli halfway through. .

After a few people flew to Guili City, they learned that the emperor had asked them to take a projector to shoot a large amount of material throughout Liyue at Hanxiao's request.

So after meeting his apprentice, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun naturally wanted to ask Han Xiao what he planned to do with these materials.

Ningguang and I plan to make this Hai Lantern Festival party more lively, so we want to come up with something new.

Upon hearing the inquiry from his cheap master, Han Xiao didn't hold back and directly told what he and Ningguang were thinking.

Is it the one from the Guili City Gala?

Mandrill, who remained silent on the side, suddenly thought of something and immediately asked.

Hey, Great Sage, do you know?

Han Xiao, who was loading film materials into Yu Perry, raised his head in surprise, as if he was surprised that Mandrill actually knew what they planned to do.

I watched the party you held before.

Seeing that Han Xiao was a little surprised, Zhongli, who was sitting next to Dragon King Ruotuo and holding a teacup in his hand, casually explained:

Mr. Yun's special stage performance had a special charm.

Mr. Zhongli, please don't miss this Hai Lantern Festival party. Ningguang and I spent a lot of effort this time.

Yeah, then I'd like to take a closer look.

Don't worry, you won't be disappointed!

Listening to Han Xiao being so familiar with the conversation with the emperor, the True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang and the True Lord Lishui Dieshan looked at the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng at the same time, with a hint of hidden envy in their eyes.

Liu Yun is really lucky.

Although they had known for a long time that the emperor valued Han Xiao very much, they did not expect that the relationship between the two of them would be so good, and he would even call them to help.

Should they also find a few apprentices to look after?

However, True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang and True Monarch Li Shui and the Mountain also gave up this idea after just thinking about it.

After all, they have never had any apprentices, and not every apprentice is as capable as Han Xiao, right?


After bidding farewell to Zhongli and others, Han Xiao quickly returned to Albedo's villa along the street.

As soon as he entered the living room, he found that Abedo had erected a white curtain in the living room at some point.

A series of rapidly switching shots were being projected above the curtain.

It's quite impressive!

Standing in a corner and watching the video clip that lasted less than a minute, Han Xiao subconsciously gave her own evaluation.

Chapter 625: Requirements for Hailantern Festival works

Suddenly, another voice came to her ears. Shaoyin, who was waiting for judgment next to Abedo, was startled. Then she turned her head and followed the source of the voice and saw Han Xiao standing in the corner. She quickly stood up and saluted.

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