His level is pretty good.

When Han Xiao said this, Abedo quickly remembered who the other party was talking about.

When he heard that Xingqiu's friend had made a movie, even Han Xiao thought it was pretty good, so he took the time to go to the small theater in Guilicheng to watch it.

After reading it, Abedo came to the same conclusion as Han Xiao’s original judgment.

Although Shaoyin may be playing the game for the first time, the narrative of the story jumps a bit, and the picture seems not very coherent.

But the other party's camera movements and color use have their own ideas, which is indeed a good idea.

It's just...what should I do with the material?

After the personnel were confirmed, Abedo immediately got into work and pointed out very directly what they needed to face most at the moment, which was the materials needed to edit the film.

The Lantern Festival is approaching in a few days, but they don't have much film material.

Don't worry about this, I've already prepared it!

Regarding Albedo's concerns, Han Xiao immediately patted his chest and said that he would solve the problem. Then he cleared his throat under the other's gaze:



A gust of breeze blew through the living room, and then the Great Sage of Conquering Demons appeared in front of the two of them.

Hanxiao, what do you want from me?

Senior Mandrill, Mr. Zhongli should have told you.

Emperor...Mr. Zhongli said that you have something to do with me, but he didn't say anything specific.

Actually, it's very simple. I hope that Senior Mandrill will bring this with you when you deal with the resentment of the demon god.

Han Xiao took out a small projector from Yu Perry and handed it to the other party.


Although Han Xiao didn't quite understand the purpose of doing this, since the emperor left him a private message, Mandrill didn't think much about it, reached out to take the projector and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Chapter 622: Other People’s Children

The movements of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons came and went like the wind. From the time he appeared to when he disappeared, it took less than a minute. The speed was so fast that Albedo was surprised and thought it was his illusion.

Han Xiao... was that the Great Sage of Conquering Demons just now?

Yes, haven't you seen me several times before?

Hearing the uncertain tone in Abedo's mouth, Han Xiao nodded and was a little surprised at the same time.

Although Mandrill is indeed not tall, he is not so short that others cannot notice him.

Such a big person appeared in front of them just now. Even if the speed was a little faster, they could still see who it was.

Are Abedo's eyes so bad?

Moreover, during the two or three years in Guili City, Abedo sometimes encountered Mandrills who came to him to get the essence of the Holy Light.

Is it necessary to look so surprised?

Han Xiao was a little confused.

I naturally know the Great Sage of Conquering Demons.

Seemingly seeing the confusion in Han Xiao's eyes, Abedo quickly explained the reason for his confusion:

I'm curious as to why you gave the projector to the Great Sage of Conquering Demons.

Of course it's to ask Senior Mandrill to help us shoot some material!

We don't have much material in hand, and we don't have the time to collect the materials ourselves, right?

Han Xiao gave an explanation with a matter-of-fact expression on her face.

The Sea Lantern Festival is approaching in just a few days. If they want to satisfy Ningguang's ideas, they first need a lot of materials.

So after accepting the mission, he called Zhongli directly and asked him to say hello to the immortals.

After all, in terms of moving speed, only the immortals can do it if they want to capture the entire Liyue in a short time.

You asked the Demon-Conquering Great Sage to help you collect materials?

Yeah, what's wrong?

No...just a little surprised.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Abedo didn't know what to say for a while.

It is obvious that the Liyue people have always been very respectful towards the immortals, and no one dares to think of the other party blatantly ordering the immortals to work.

It should be said that it was Han Xiao who even dared to dig a hole for the King of Rocks to jump into when he retired and pretended to be dead. He was so courageous.

Speaking of which, the Great Sage of Conquering Demons is very fast, but the whole territory of Liyue is not small, right? Can the opponent really make it in time?

After sighing in his heart that Han Xiao was a little brave, Abedo quickly asked the other party a more objective question.

That is to say, the speed of the Demon-Conquering Great Sage is indeed not slow, but the whole territory of Liyue is not small, and they need more materials.

Can the other party really handle such a complicated matter by himself?

Of course Senior Mandrill is not the only one. I asked Mr. Zhongli to invite the True Lord Li Shui Laying Mountain and the True Lord Cutting Moon Zhuyang out of this cave. They and Master Liuyun each brought projectors to help me shoot the material. went.

I asked why I didn't see Zhenjun Liuyun today. Are all these people traveling far away today because of your request?

Only then did Abedo understand why Han Xiao wasn't worried about Yingying's material at all. His romantic partner had already made arrangements before meeting him.

The immortals in Liyue have very strong feet. According to my estimation, we can get a large amount of materials in less than half a day.

What about Mr. Zhongli? Are you asking him for help?

Not only that, I also asked Lady Wendy to help me with the latest batch of brewed liquor.

Good guy, even the gods will not be spared.

Abedo was speechless. It seemed that in order to complete the task as quickly as possible, his boss really dared to use anyone.

I don’t know how Emperor Yan Wang could hold back from beating Han Xiao so hard.


While Han Xiao was chatting with Abedo, the electric car with a black face passed the inspection of the gatekeeper and drove quickly towards Kuixing Tower.

Soon, the car followed the empty street and arrived in front of Kuixing Tower.

At this time, Xingqiu has been waiting here for a long time.


Seeing Xingqiu standing at the door of Kuixing Tower, the black electric car drove straight past and stopped in front of him.

As the car door opened, an artistic young man with a very long ponytail walked out of the back seat of the electric car, calling the other person's name and not forgetting to salute him with a fist in his hand.

Shaoyin, you're finally here!

Seeing that the person getting out of the car was his friend Shaoyin, whom he had been waiting for, Xingqiu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then he raised his fists and saluted him in return.

I came quickly enough. After receiving your news, I drove non-stop and didn't dare to delay along the way!

Thanks for your hard work!


She waved her hand to Xingqiu, and then Shaoyin looked at him curiously:

I didn't make it clear on the phone before. What exactly do you want me to do when you call me here this time?

I need your help with something!

After hearing Shaoyin's inquiry, Xingqiu realized that Han Xiao had spotted him and wanted him to join the production of the Hai Lantern Festival party.

It's actually that guy Han Xiao!

When she learned that she was selected by Tianshu Xing Hanxiao to join the other party's temporary team, and also participated in the program production of the Hai Lantern Festival party in charge of Tianquan Xing Ningguang, Shaoyin seemed a little stiff, and her tone was full of surprise. .

Shaoyin, from your tone, have you met Han Xiao?

Seeing the surprise that could not be concealed in Shaoyin's words, Xingqiu couldn't help but turn his head to look at him.

I haven't heard Han Xiao say that they have met before?

Why do you feel that the other person is afraid of meeting you when you are young?

I've never met him in person, but I've never heard of his name.

Perhaps seeing Xingqiu's doubts, Shaoyin gradually calmed down, with a perhaps helpless expression on her face.

Xingqiu, you also know that although my chamber of commerce is not as large as Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, it can still be considered a small asset.

Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?

You'll know after you hear what I say!

Shaoyin waved her hand, indicating to Xingqiu to listen to her first.

I am the third son in the family, with an older sister and an older brother. I don't need to inherit the family business, so my father has always been a free-spirited person to me.

Originally I was very satisfied with this way of living, but things changed in the past few years.

Han Xiao, that is, the young master of the branch of the Han family, first went out on his own to earn a living capital. This made my father unsatisfied with me for the first time.

As he said this, Shaoyin covered her face with her hands in great pain:

Who would have thought that the other party would suddenly become a seven-star and have such a big career? Do you know what a big blow Han Xiao's appearance has caused to us young masters in Yujingtai.

Chapter 623: Shaoyin’s Shadow

As a young man who was raised by his father, Shaoyin himself is actually very satisfied with this kind of life.

The elder brother and sister are the heirs of the family's chamber of commerce. Although he has no inheritance rights, his father also retained a part of the shares of the chamber of commerce. It can be said that he will have no worries about food and drink throughout his life.

This kind of living standard has surpassed that of most families in Liyue. He is not a person who strives for power and gain, so naturally he will not be dissatisfied with his brothers and sisters.

On the contrary, after seeing the busy lives of her brothers and sisters, Shaoyin felt that there was nothing wrong with being a playboy, and she could still do the things she liked.

He and Xingqiu became friends back then, perhaps because neither of them cared much about their family careers.

It was just Shaoyin's tragic discovery that his peaceful life was gradually changing with the emergence of Han Xiao.

Han Xiao was born in a branch of the Millennium Han family. Although the other party didn't like to show up in Yujing Terrace, they naturally knew something about the situation.

When they first learned that the other party was not willing to study in the Han family and planned to go out on his own, many young masters in Yujingtai secretly planned to laugh at the joke.

Because Shaoyin had a good relationship with Xingqiu, although she didn't laugh at Han Xiao like the others, she was actually not very optimistic about the other person's plans deep down.

Unexpectedly, the development of the plot was completely beyond their expectations. The other party accurately targeted the tepid earth puppet industry in Liyue at the time, and almost destroyed the original earth puppet industry with his dexterous sculpture skills and aesthetic talent. .

Han Xiao not only firmly occupies the top position in the industry reshuffle, but is even vaguely developing in the direction of an artist.

Now it's better, the joke didn't go unnoticed, and most of the young men in Yujingtai were severely beaten by their families.

Shaoyin is one of those affected.

During that time when eating at home, his father would inadvertently tell Han Xiao's deeds, and then ask him in a friendly manner if he had any hobbies recently, and the family could also contribute.

It can be said that many young masters in Yujingtai at that time were full of resentment towards Han Xiao, the 'other people's child' who suddenly appeared.

Originally, Shaoyin thought that the disturbance caused by Han Xiao would slowly dissipate and they could return to their usual life.

But the facts told him that reality is so magical.

After the incident in the Layer Rock Abyss, Han Xiao somehow caught the emperor's eye, and then showed a method that even Qixing couldn't fault.

When it comes to dealing with the issue of the Strata Rock Abyss, the other party not only perfectly solved the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation for millions of miners, but even rebuilt Liyue's old capital on Guiliyuan thousands of years ago.

And with this achievement, he succeeded the position of Tianshu Star of the previous generation and became the Seven Stars of Liyue.

This time it was better, and the other party became another legendary figure in Liyue after Tianquan Xing Ningguang.

However, these people suffered an unprecedented blow.

In terms of age, Han Xiao is basically around the same age as them.

In terms of origin, there is not much difference between the Han family branch and them.

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