In fact, there was already a god who planned to do this, but it was a pity that when they were about to take action, a rock gun stood in front of them.

Damn Morax, how could he be so lucky!

For a moment, many of the top bosses in Teyvat continent cursed secretly, and retracted their reluctant glances angrily.

However, although they failed to recruit them, these people did not give up and unanimously ordered their subordinates to set off for Liyue.

If they can't get anyone, they should send someone to build a good relationship with the head office!

It is foreseeable that Liyue will be lively next time.


Han Xiao did not know at this time that she had caused uneasiness among many bigwigs in the Teyvat continent.

He was now staring nervously at the beam of light that was gradually dissipating in the magic circle.

Soon, as the light beam dispersed, a beautiful elder sister with elf ears and a proud figure appeared in front of Han Xiao.

It was none other than King Daci Shu who passed away five hundred years ago.

It's really surprising that it restored me to my original shape.

In the center of the magic circle, feeling the fragments of his soul gradually gathering together, King Daci Tree realized that he still underestimated Han Xiao's ability.

The resurrection of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan is not perfect for ordinary people, because only the soul is summoned back, and the body of ordinary people is not enough to carry the resurrection.

However, this shortcoming is no longer a shortcoming when it comes to the Demon God.

As an immortal demon, he can gradually bring back the dissipated soul fragments as long as his consciousness wakes up. Restore the body of the devil.

Welcome back to Teyvat, Lord Tree King!

Seeing the beautiful figure of the Great Ci Tree King in the magic circle, Han Xiao couldn't help but smile on her face.

Chapter 550: The two sides confronting each other

I don't know whether my return will be good or bad for the continent of Teyvat.

In response to Han Xiao's welcome, the Daci Tree King raised his head and looked at the slowly disappearing moon in the sky through all the obstacles. He didn't have an accurate conclusion in his heart at the moment.

Her 'resurrection' has attracted a lot of attention, and she will probably have to deal with temptations from many old friends next.

In addition, from the other party's dictation, King Daci Shu also heard that the current situation in Xumi was also in a mess.

Maybe there will be a little trouble.

Han Xiao didn't hide it, after all, Xumi's problems were indeed not small, whether it was the Order Academy itself or the conflict between the people of the desert.

Immediately, his conversation changed:

Sir King Tree, can you put those problems aside for now and help me deal with the trouble at hand first?

You mean the people approaching here?

The Daci Tree King retracted his gaze from the moon and looked at Han Xiao, a smile flashing in his eyes.

Although she had just resurrected and her strength had not returned to its peak state, she could still hear the footsteps not far away running towards the underground testing ground.

These are the candidates that Miss Nacida values. As a senior, Mr. Tree King, would you like to help test them?

The sage chosen by Buyer really interests me.

Knowing that the few people running towards the testing site were the sage candidates selected by Nasida, King Daci Shu immediately showed great interest.

Tell me, how should I cooperate?

You just have to act less intelligent.

Are you pretending to be controlled? Okay, I get it!

After understanding Han Xiao's plan, the Great Ci Tree King nodded slightly, and then sank his consciousness into the World Tree.

She had just been resurrected, and there were a lot of things she didn't understand, so she took this opportunity to inquire about it from the World Tree.

Especially the practices of several great sages in the past five hundred years deserve her careful investigation!

Of course, King Daci Shu didn't really ignore the testing ground.

While checking the details of what happened in the past five hundred years, she also opened a small window to broadcast the situation on Han Xiao's side in real time.

After all, the upcoming ones are the sage candidates chosen by Buyer personally for the first time. As a 'mother' or 'sister', she has to keep a check on each other.


As the consciousness of the Great Merciful Tree King sank into the World Tree, the eyes of her body left in the testing site suddenly dimmed a lot.

To put it simply, it has lost its agility and only retained some basic intelligence.

Lord Tree King, please take it easy later and don't let them fight you!


Listening to the two words spoken coldly by the Great Ci Tree King, Han Xiao felt relieved and quietly waited for the people who were about to arrive.


Soon, a series of hurried footsteps sounded in the passage of the underground testing ground, and then the figures of Elhaysen and others appeared in front of him.

finally come!

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and then put on a villain face according to the acting skills taught by A Jin before, looking reservedly and arrogantly at Elhaysen and others who arrived at the testing site.

Long time no see, Ranger Tinari.

Romani Solomon!

Tinari looked at Han Xiao, whom he had met once before in the testing ground, and then at the silent King Daci Shu, who gritted his teeth and shouted out the other person's name.

He really couldn't wait to go back to the time when he met Han Xiao for the first time. If he had caught the other person at that time, there would probably not be so much trouble now.

As I said, just call me Roman, Ranger Tinari.

Han Xiao didn't particularly pay attention to the anger in Tinari's eyes. After a simple greeting, he turned his attention to Elhaysen and Seno next to him.

This must be the first time you two gentlemen and I have met. Why don't you introduce yourself?

Alhaysen, Clerk of the Order.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Elhaysen stretched out his hand to hold the somewhat excited Seno, and introduced his name in a calm tone. At the same time, he did not forget to introduce Seno:

This is Seno, the Disciplinary Officer of the Imperial Academy.

The secretary of the Imperial Academy and the Disciplinary Officer are both big shots.

With an unpredictable smile on his face, Han Xiao put his right hand on his chest and bowed to the two of them quite formally.

Romani Solomon, you can be like Ranger Tinari, just call me Roman.

Then Mr. Roman, the guy next to you doesn't want to explain?

Elhaysen was not polite and pointed directly at King Daci Shu who remained silent on the side.


Facing Elhaysen's inquiry, Han Xiao deliberately raised her voice and asked in a rather beaten tone:

Sir, since you can find her here, do you still need me to introduce you to who she is?

Lord Daci Shuwang...

Hearing Han Xiao's fist-clenching tone, Elhaysen took a step forward and used his body to block the unstable Seno and Tinari.

Mr. Roman, do you know that according to the laws and regulations of the Holy Order, resurrection from the dead is a major crime!

Is this happening?

Han Xiao pretended to be exaggerated and spread her hands to look at Alhaysen. Not only did the smile on her face not disappear, but her smile became even brighter:

But I'm not from the Order Council. Your Sumeru laws don't seem to be able to control me, a Fontaine person, right?

Heh...Mr. Roman, it's hard to say whether you are from Fontaine or not. Can you first tell me what benefits Azar promised you?

Elhaysen didn't believe Han Xiao's claim that he was from Fontaine at all, but he was too lazy to argue with the other party about such trivial matters.

Now we still have to figure out what promise Azar made to help the Order complete this forbidden experiment.

This is an experiment that both parties are willing to conduct. He provides the resources and I provide the technology. Master Azar can realize the long-cherished wish of the great sages of the Imperial Academy, and I can also obtain unprecedented experimental data. A win-win situation, right?

It seems that if I don't catch you, you won't be willing to tell the truth, Mr. Roman.

Seeing Han Xiao using words to deal with him, Elhaysen snorted coldly and then moved away from his body.

Behind him, Seno and Tinari had already taken out their weapons.

Are you planning to use force? I'm really impatient.

Let's take it easy, Romani Solomon!

As Elhaysen showed off his long sword, Tinari shouted loudly, pointed his bow and arrow at Han Xiao, and the grass elements in the air gathered on the bow string to form an elemental arrow.


Just hearing the bowstring trembling, the elemental arrows streaked across a stream of light, heading straight for Han Xiao's face.

Chapter 551 The three people who were suppressed and beaten

The green arrow pierced the air, leaving a thin line in the air and heading straight towards Han Xiao.

Facing the arrows that were rushing towards her, Han Xiao stood still and stood motionless in an extremely abnormal manner, still looking at Tinari and the others with a smile on her face.


Just as the arrow was about to hit Han Xiao, a black shadow that was faster than the arrow hit the arrow shaft hard.

The entire arrow that was hit by surprise exploded in mid-air. Fortunately, Tinari was prepared. The exploded grass elements quickly gathered together, forming several small split arrows and continued to fly towards Han Xiao.

It's a pity that after crushing the arrows, the black shadow transformed into a tree wall, which perfectly blocked all the small splitting arrows.

The battle between the two sides was almost completed in an instant, but Elhaysen and others saw the reason for the change.

It turns out that from some unknown time, the body of the Great Ci Tree King stood in front of Han Xiao, and Tinari's arrows were shot down by him controlling the branches.

Lord Tree King!

Looking at the expressionless Daci Shu King standing in front of Han Xiao, Tinari held the bow and arrow tightly in his right hand, wondering whether he should continue shooting.

Tinari, the other party does not have the consciousness of Lord Tree King!

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Elhaysen shouted, holding a long sword in his right hand, and kicked one foot on the ground, blocking the incoming branches like an arrow.

At the same time, a flash of lightning flashed, and Sai Nuo jumped up high, holding the red sand staff in both hands and slashing towards the Great Merciful Tree King.

After being roared by Elhaysen, Tinari came to his senses and reentered the fighting state. He once again raised his bow and arrow and aimed at the Great Ci Tree King who was fighting with Elhaysen and Seno.

For a moment, the three of them worked together to fight the unconscious Daci Shu King.

Our protagonist, Han Xiao, pulled away and came outside the battlefield, folding his arms and leisurely watching the battle of several people.

Hey, these people are pretty good!

At this moment, a slightly surprised comment from King Daci Shu came to his ears.

Lord Tree King, are you back?

I just went to get in touch with the World Tree and check out what happened to Xumi in the past five hundred years.

Mentioning the record he had just seen in the World Tree, King Daci Tree couldn't help but feel a little depressed:

Sigh... Just like what you said, every generation of great sages in the past five hundred years have fallen into demonic confusion. Buyer is really suffering!

It's all over, isn't it?

Looking at Elhaysen and the others who were struggling to support themselves under the Great Ci Tree King, Han Xiao comforted them.

Don't you have some outstanding talents in front of you now?

Tinari, Elhaysen and Xeno, these are their names, right?


They are all children with both civil and military skills.

In the World Tree, through the small window, he observed Elhaysen and the others being beaten by his own body. The King of the Great Merciful Tree could not help but admire softly.

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