After saying that, Elhaysen did not forget to salute Nasida:

Lord Little Lucky Grass King, please guide us on the way to see the Great Ci Tree King. I will definitely report the Great Sage's conspiracy to him.


Nacida nodded slightly, then raised her right hand, and a bright fluorescent light sank into the depths of the Order's courtyard like a rope.

Follow the guidance and you will find Him.

Seeing that Nasida pointed out the direction for them, Elhaysen and the others did not dare to neglect, and rushed directly into the depths of the Order in the direction of the fluorescent light.

Looking at the running figures of Elhaysen and the others, Abatui quietly came behind Nasida, bent down, and asked in a low voice:

Lord Little Lucky Grass King, is it really necessary to act like this?


Upon hearing Abatui's inquiry, Nasida first glanced at Desiya and others who were tying up Azar with ropes, and then withdrew her right hand and put her index finger in front of her lips, signaling the other party to keep quiet.

This is a necessary process.

I don't understand the necessary process?

Regarding Nasida's explanation, Abatui's face was full of doubts.

He really didn't understand the benefits of doing this. Mr. Roman and the Little Lucky Grass King were obviously allies, and Elhaysen and the others were also acting for the Little Lucky Grass King.

Why would He deliberately create a situation where the two sides are in opposition?

Also, why did Mr. Little Lucky Grass King let Mr. Roman resurrect the Great Ci Tree King? It is not a good thing for two generations of gods of wisdom to appear together.

Don't worry, Abatuyi.

Elhaysen and the others will not be in danger. You will soon know the reason why I did this.


Time goes back to when Elhaysen and others interrogated the great sage Azar.

As Han Xiao's conversation with the Daci Tree King ended, the pollution within the entire consciousness space gradually receded, and soon only a few almost negligible black spots remained.

Although the pollution has not been completely eliminated, the fact that you were able to achieve this is really beyond my expectation.

Looking at the brand new space of consciousness, King Daci Shu sighed several times.

The little bit of pollution left in the space of one's own consciousness is no longer something to be afraid of.

At that time, just by using the void system, the source of the pollution could be completely pulled out.

Thank you Lord Tree King for your compliment. Then it's time for me to take the next step.

Hearing another compliment from the Great Ci Tree King, Han Xiao bent down slightly, left a word and then left the space of consciousness. should I face you, Buyer?

Seeing Han Xiao's voice slowly dissipate in the space of consciousness, the Great Ci Tree King suddenly let out a sad sigh.


After returning to reality, Han Xiao first glanced at the many unconscious scholars in the test site, and then pressed the red button on the instrument that had been pressed for a long time.


In an instant, the instruments in the test site suddenly made an extreme running sound, and a faint blue light of power also appeared on each instrument.

In order to ensure the success rate of the ceremony, Han Xiao walked directly into the magic circle in the center of the test site, took out a World Tree branch that Nasida gave him and placed it in the center of the magic circle.

Then the magic circuit in the doll's body operated at full power, and faint blue lines appeared throughout the body.

Feeling the majestic power in her body, Han Xiao recited the mantra after the magic transformation:

I swear here!

You are under the World Tree, entrusted to the kingdom of destiny and wisdom.

Obide by the contract of heaven, let the historical bubble sleeping in the earth's veins come back again from the moon on the other side!


Along with the incantation, Han Xiao injected majestic power into the magic circle.

In an instant, a huge beam of light rose into the sky.

At the same time, a full moon appeared above the sky of Sumeru and connected with the light pillar.


When the full moon appeared in the sky contrary to common sense, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Teyvat.

Unlike ordinary people who think this is a rare astronomical spectacle, some people who know the secrets of Teyvat continent invariably set their sights on the location of Sky Island.

However, what surprised them was that Sky Island only trembled slightly and did not make any more reaction, as if it acquiesced.

Return to the city.

Emperor, this is...

When the full moon appeared in the sky, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and others who were being invited to Guili City all looked at Zhongli who was holding a tea cup and looking at the sky.

This movement is quite big...even the 'moon' has come out!

He said some words that even the immortals present could not understand. After observing that Sky Island did not respond in any way, Zhongli withdrew his gaze and explained with a smile:

An old friend is coming back.

Old friend?

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun looked at each other in disbelief, and at the same time they were a little confused.

What old friend do they have who can create such a big scene that even they in Liyue can see?

Inazuma, Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Just when Yae Shenzi was wondering why this abnormal full moon appeared.

Even after the eye-hunting order was lifted, Raikage, who rarely left his pure land, appeared in front of the opponent with a solemn look on his face, holding the Naginata Rice Light.

Oh, look who this is, isn't this...

However, before Yae Kamiko could finish her teasing, her words were stopped by Raikage's cold eyes.

Son of God, send someone to Xumi.

...Can you tell me why, Shadow?

Seeing the serious look on Raikage's face, Yae Shenzi also put away his ungrateful smile and looked at him seriously.

I see a possibility!

Chapter 549: The Resurrection of the Great Ci Tree King


This time, Yae Shenzi really didn't understand what his god was thinking.

Although it is indeed strange that the moon suddenly appears in the sky, it doesn't make Kage so serious that he walks out of the Pure Land of Isshin?

What happened to Xumi?

Yes, a possibility that I have never dreamed of seeing!

Raising his head and staring at the full moon in the distant sky, Raikage's right hand tightly held the Naginata Rice Light, and there were even crackling lightning flashes in the air.

The whole body was even trembling slightly, and the beautiful face showed unprecedented excitement.


Seeing this appearance of Raikage, Yae Shenzi opened his mouth slightly, and his violet eyes were full of shock.

You know, Raikage is the pinnacle of martial arts in the Inazuma region, and its control of the body can be said to be extremely precise.

But it was such a top warrior who started to tremble in front of her for the first time.

Even though Lei Qianqian's body was shaking extremely weakly, it still showed how confused the other party must be inside at this time.

Well, how should I put it?

Compared to the Thunder movie, Yae Shenzi is a bit younger after all. After all, she is not the first generation of Thunder God's descendants. There are some secrets on the Teyvat continent that are not particularly clear.

However, seeing his own god giving such a solemn order, Yae Shenzi did not continue to joke, but looked at Lei Keqian seriously.

Do you have anyone in mind to go to Sumeru, Shadow?

Hearing Yae Shenzi's inquiry, Raikage couldn't help but fall into thinking.

The Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order have just been lifted, and today's rice wife is full of waste, and there is basically a shortage of manpower everywhere.

However, among the three pursuits, the Tianling Implementation and the Determining Implementation were purged from top to bottom because of their collusion with the fools.

Although it has not lost its position of worship, its power has shrunk too much.

The envoy to Sumeru must have a certain identity in order to appear solemn. After excluding the Tianling Fengxu and the determined Fengxu, only Kamisato Ayato, the head of the Shefang family, is the best choice.

Unfortunately, the other party and Kujo Sora are currently too busy trying to rebuild Inazuma.

Apart from them, Yae Shenzi's identity is quite sufficient.

However, the Influence Mountain has always been a high-risk zone for Inazuma. Shenzakura Ozu has just passed by, and it is still inseparable from the protection of the shrine maiden.

After thinking about it, a candidate emerged in Lei Qian’s mind:

Well... let the lady of the Kamisato family be the messenger.

Oh, that Princess Egret from the Kamisato family?

Hearing that his god-sama named Kamisato Ayaka, the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family, Yae Kamiko looked at Raikage with some surprise:

The other party looks very good. You even remember the other party's name.

It's just that when the general searched Kujo's house, he found a lot of official documents that had been intercepted by Kujo Takayuki, and many of them were letters of advice from the little girl of Kamisato's family.

Recalling Kamisato Ayaka's stack of remonstrances against the Eye Hunting Order, Raikage gave his own evaluation of Yae Kamiko.

This trip to Sumeru is very important. The little girl from the Kamisato family is very courageous, and her status and strength are sufficient. Judging from the current situation of Inazuma's shortage of manpower, she is the best candidate.

Okay, I'll go and inform the society later.

Well, leave it to you.

Thunder Movie nodded slightly, then turned around and prepared to return to the Pure Land of One Heart.

Oh...Kage! Wait!

Seeing that his own god was about to go home without saying a word, Yae Shenzi quickly called out to him:

You haven't said what happened in Xumi that deserves your attention!

Maybe it has something to do with an old friend.

Standing in front of the crack leading to the Pure Land of One Heart, Raikage was silent for a moment, and then said some obscure words to Yae Shenzi.

I can't guarantee the specific situation. We'll wait until the little girl from the Kamisato family comes back from Xumi.

After saying that, Raikage ignored Yae Shenzi, who was deep in thought, and walked directly into the Pure Land of Isshin and disappeared into Narukami Grand Shrine.

Really, mysterious.

Seeing that the thunder movie disappeared in front of his eyes without any delay, Yae Shenzi immediately curled his lips and turned around to call Kano Nana.

Nana, go to Kamisato Yashiki and ask Princess Shirataki to come to Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Yes, Lord Palace Secretary.


The excitement in Ray's movie is not too outrageous.

Wendy, who was on the top of the wind dragon ruins tower, was looking at the 'moon' above Xumi and kept pouring wine for herself. While drinking, crystal tears flowed from her face.

It can be said that except for Zhongli, who had known about it for a long time and seemed relatively calm, Xumi had attracted the attention of almost all the top people in Teyvat at this time.

If this were placed in a game, Han Xiao might not be able to directly achieve the achievement of [Seven Gods Gaze].

To put it bluntly, if Han Xiao's life level hadn't reached the level of a demon god, just with the attention of the gods and the method of resurrecting the Great Merciful Tree King, he would have been covered with seven-element God's Eyes. Do you believe it? Do not believe!

After all, this is resurrection technology, who wouldn't want to take this kind of talent under his command.

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