I used a sneak attack method, and the weapon I used was a long gun. Even if Azar and the others get the news, they will only believe that it was you, the former Gale Disciplinary Officer.

Elhaysen spread his hands quite calmly. He had already disguised himself before taking action, so that he was not exposed so easily.


Soon, night falls.

The three Elhaysens who had confirmed their cooperation during the day took advantage of the cover of night and quietly left the silent Zen Garden.

With many years of experience in surviving in the wild, Tinari took Seno and the others quickly through the leafy rain forest and headed straight for Xumi City.

Elhaysen, are we really going to Xumi City?

As he got closer and closer to Sumeru City, Tinari couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

Is this really not a self-inflicted trap?

If we want to get in touch with the void system, we can only go to Sumeru City.

Elhaysen, who was following Tinari, gave his answer without hesitation.

Their goal is to destroy the experimental project of the Order Academy, and if they want to do this, they must contact the void system.

So even though they knew that the current Xumi City was like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den to them, they still went to try it.

Have you figured out how to contact the void system?

Seno, who was at the back of the three-person team, suddenly interrupted the conversation.

After all, two of the three of them have been privately ordered to be arrested by the Teaching Council, and the remaining one has also been suspected, and I am afraid that he is not on the list of 100% trust by the Great Sage Azar.

In the current situation, without a solid plan, they probably wouldn't be able to access the void system at all.

Don't worry, I already have a solution.


At the same time that Elheisen and his three men were rushing towards Xumi City under the cover of night.

The Great Sage Azar also found Han Xiao who was resting in the underground laboratory.

Your Excellency Romani, everything is ready.

Are you finally ready?

Hearing Azar's words, Han Xiao closed the book in her hand and smiled on her face.

When does the Great Sage plan to start the experiment?

Of course the sooner the better!

Azar gave his answer without hesitation.

Seeing that the goal of the great sages of the past in Xumi was about to be achieved in his own hands, he naturally wanted to do it as quickly as possible.

Is that so? Let's start tomorrow. What do you think, Great Sage?


Chapter 526: Elhaysen with auditory hallucinations

The next day.

In the underground laboratory.

Huge instruments surrounded the entire experimental site in a circle, and countless scholars were busy making final adjustments in front of their assigned instruments.

Several conduits extend from all the instruments. They all converge in the center of the instrument and are connected to a transparent box about half a person's height.

A fluorescent chess piece is floating inside the box.

It was Han Xiao's target item when he came to Xumi at this time, the God's Heart of the Grass God.

Heart of the Grass God.

Han Xiao stood in front of the box with her hands behind her back, her eyes looking at the Heart of God floating up and down inside the box, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes.

After working hard for so long, he finally saw his goal.

While he was seriously admiring the Heart of God in the box, the great sage Azar appeared behind him at some point.

Ahem...Mr. Romani!

Seeing Han Xiao's face staring at the Heart of God, the great sage Azar coughed slightly, and then reminded:

It's getting late, can we start the experiment?

As long as the experiment is successful, the heart of God will be yours sooner or later.


Hearing Azar's reassurance, Han Xiao nodded slightly and retracted his gaze from the Heart of the Grass God.

Then, accompanied by Azar, he came to the launch platform and looked around at the scholars who had been waiting for the order.

Everyone, I won't say anything more. The dream project has officially begun!

Open the link!

The link is successful and the dream structure is being built!

Command input is in progress, Zhineng input is normal!

Following Han Xiao's order, all the scholars started the instruments in an orderly manner according to the steps designed before the experiment started.


Soon, when the instructions were successfully executed, the Heart of the Grass God in the center of the transparent box suddenly burst out with emerald green energy.

This energy flows into the surrounding instruments along the tubes on the box.

The next moment, a huge virtual screen appeared in mid-air in the underground test site, and the screen showed a high-altitude bird's-eye view of the entire Xumi City.

At the same time, each Sumeru person's void terminal flashed slightly for a few seconds inadvertently.

The dream structure has been completed and stability is being ensured!

The energy channels are smooth and everything is ready.

As the reports from the scholars rang out in the underground testing site, an invisible giant net invisible to everyone slowly spread out and gradually enveloped the entire Xumi City.

Very good, keep monitoring!

Listening to the reports coming one after another, Han Xiao raised her hands and applauded everyone.

While applauding, he did not forget to turn around and look at the great sage Azar beside him:

Lord Azar, everything is going well so far. When we arrive in two days, the dream environment of Xumi City will be completed.

What a great start!

Looking at the Xumi people in the illusory screen who knew nothing about the incident, Azar also had a satisfied smile on his face.

People of Sumeru, rejoice!

You only need to wait for two more days, and all of you will contribute your own strength to the return of the Great Merciful Tree King to the world!


Two days passed almost in a flash.

As time goes by, the dream environment has completely enveloped the entire Xumi City. Once night comes, the entire Xumi City will fall into an endless dream.

At the same time, after two days and two nights of non-stop rapid march, the three Elhaysens also successfully sneaked into Xumi City.

This is my home. Let's rest here for the night and then discuss the next steps when we are refreshed.

In a quiet private house, Elhaysen brought Seno and Tinari to the guest room, and at the same time told them about the subsequent arrangements.

After two days and nights of non-stop traveling, the three of them were now in a state of mental exhaustion. It was better to wait until they had rested before talking about anything.

Are you sure it's safe here?

Although he was a little tired, Seno still managed to gather his energy and looked at Elhaysen and asked his doubts.

Azar thought I accepted the order and left Sumeru City. No one will come here now.

While saying this, Elhaysen couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, a certain unlucky tenant was not here, otherwise it would be really hard to explain.


As the sun sets, the moonlight fills the entire Xumi City like a veil, and the stars hanging high above the night officially announce the arrival of night.

After finishing their rest, the three Elhaysens also walked out of their respective rooms and gathered in the living room.

Seeing that Seno and Tinari were already sitting at the square table in the center of the living room, Elhaysen strode over, pulled out a chair and sat down.


Just when he was about to speak, a strange voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Alhaysen was stunned immediately, and what he was about to say was swallowed back.

What's wrong with you? You haven't rested yet, right?

Did you hear a strange sound? It was a beeping sound.

A strange sound, or a beep?

Seno and Tinari couldn't help but look at each other. Where is the strange sound?

It was late at night and everything was very quiet. If there was any sound, they wouldn't be unable to hear it.

Elhaysen, did you hear wrongly?

Tinari scratched his head and asked in a tentative tone.


Seeing the faces of Seno and Tinari that didn't look like they were lying, Elhaysen couldn't help but fell silent, and his expression became a little solemn.

He was sure that he did hear a beeping sound, and that the sound was right next to his ears, which was absolutely unmistakable.

But Tinari and the others didn't look like they were lying when they said they didn't hear the sound.

Could it be that only I can hear this voice?

Alhaysen, who realized that something was a little unusual, did not choose to act rashly. Instead, he followed Tinari's inquiry and admitted that he had heard wrongly.

You're right, maybe I heard wrong.

Stop talking about this, let's talk about business!

After briefly explaining the matter, he discussed the next plan of action with Seno.

After everything was discussed, Elhaysen returned to his room.

As soon as he entered the room, he locked the door and leaned his whole body against the door. His face instantly became so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

There is a problem, there is definitely a problem!

There was no doubt that the beeping sound was not an auditory hallucination, I really heard it.

But why can't Tinari, Senor and the others hear this sound?

What the hell does this happen?

For a time, countless questions flooded into Elhaysen's mind, which made him feel as if he was in layers of fog and couldn't see anything around him clearly.

Chapter 527 The Endless August

What's wrong with you? You haven't rested yet, right?

Did you hear a strange sound? It was a beeping sound.

Hearing Tinari's question, Elhaysen gave his answer without thinking.

But the next moment, he was completely stunned on the spot.

Wait, that’s not right!

Something is wrong!

Elhaysen frowned subconsciously.

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