How about now, can you prove that what I said is true?

What a surprise.

Reaching out and taking off the void terminal belonging to Elhaysen, Seno slowly spoke out a few words.

Yes, it was an accident.

The Void System is a relic left by the Great Cishu King, and the only controller has always been in the hands of the Great Sage Azar.

Perhaps Xumi has many geniuses who can modify his own void terminal, but that only modifies the local data and does not affect the operation of the entire system.

But now there is a 'special case' in Elhaysen's void terminal.

Chapter 524: The Forgotten Tinari

Elhaysen's void terminal not only breaks through the restriction of binding one identity to one void terminal, but can also monitor the movements of the void system controller in Azar's hand at all times.

This level of transformation is no longer something that one or two geniuses can accomplish. After all, the void system is a product involving the power of gods.

Add an additional 'super authority' to the void system that is not affected by the controller. The only people who can do this are the former Daci Tree King and Xumi's current grass god, Little Lucky Grass King.

Even Sano had to admit that the evidence provided by Elhaysen was indeed strong enough.

The Little Lucky Grass King who has not appeared for five hundred years has finally appeared. It seems that the Jiaolingyuan's move to resurrect the Great Ci Tree King has made our grass god unable to sit still?

Former Gale Disciplinary Master Seno!

Hearing Seno's words that he didn't know should be described as sarcastic, Elhaysen suddenly raised his voice and interrupted the other person's soliloquy.

Although I have no special views on gods, I think I should inform you about the situation of the little Lucky Grass King.

The reason why our current Grass God doesn't show up is because she has been imprisoned in Jingshan Palace by successive great sages since five hundred years ago.

Are you kidding me, Elhaysen?

How can a mortal imprison a god!

Before Seno could speak, Tinari, who had come to his senses, looked at Elhaysen with a ridiculous expression on his face.

Imprisoning gods?

And have you been doing this since five hundred years ago?

Are all the great sages crazy?

Another point is that even the great sages are just mortals, how do they manage to imprison gods.

Elhaysen first glanced at Tinari, whose face was full of disbelief, and then looked at Seno, who was in deep thought.

Seeing the other party's thoughtful look, he just opened his mouth to explain:

Seno, as the Disciplinary Officer of Dafeng, you must know that according to the records in the books in the Wisdom Palace, there is a small closed space in the Jingshan Palace that the Great Cishu King used his power to create for himself.

I do know that.

Sano nodded, indicating that the other party was right, and that he had indeed seen an introduction to this aspect in a book.

According to records in the book, whenever King Daci Shu was in trouble, she would shut herself in a small closed space in Jingshan Palace for quiet reflection.

When the Great Compassionate Tree King comes out of it, he will often bring wise answers.

Our current Lord Grass God is locked in this device, and the internal opening device has also been dismantled by the great sages of the past.

It can be said that there is no internal opening device. This thing is a perfect cage for imprisoning gods.


Thinking of the great sage Azar who showed a arrogant attitude toward him and even said that disciplinarians have no right to judge sages, Seno's eyes gradually seeped with murderous intent.

They tried to resurrect the deceased Great Ci Tree King, and at the same time imprisoned the current Grass God. They even dared to do these disobedient things. What else could these sages from the Order Academy not dare to do?

Didn't Azar say that the disciplinary authority's power to judge scholars comes from the Ecclesiastical Council, so he has no power to judge wise men?

What if we judge in the name of God?

After Elhaysen's explanation, Seno and Tinari gradually accepted the fact that the Little Lucky Grass King was imprisoned.

But at the same time, they couldn't help but have another question.

Why didn't Little Lucky Grass King appear in front of the Sumeru people until now?

What did the other party do in the past five hundred years?

Maybe Seno and the others never dreamed that the reason Nasida hadn't appeared for five hundred years was just because of inferiority complex.

Ahem, let's continue.

As if seeing the confusion of Seno and Tinari, Elhaysen, who also didn't quite understand what was going on, quickly spoke to divert the two's attention:

According to the explanation of the Little Lucky Grass King, because of forbidden knowledge, the Great Merciful Tree King fell and passed away during the outbreak of pollution in Sumeru five hundred years ago. It also brought the Demon Scale Disease and the Death Domain to Sumeru.

Today, the soul fragment of the Great Merciful Tree King still contains this forbidden knowledge that pollutes the World Tree.

Once Azar and the others resurrect the Great Merciful Tree King, not only Sumeru, but even the entire Teyvat Continent will suffer disaster.

The magic scale disease turned out to be caused by the World Tree being contaminated by forbidden knowledge?

After listening to Alhaysen's explanation, Tinari was suddenly stunned.

It wasn't that he didn't believe what the other party said, but he found that he seemed to have forgotten one thing.

Who cured Kelai's magic scale disease?

Weird, why can't I remember it?

Tinari covered his forehead with one hand, his eyebrows furrowed tightly, and his whole body fell into endless confusion.

It obviously happened not long ago, how could he forget it based on his memory.

Tinari, what's wrong with you?

Senor noticed something strange about Tinari, Senor's eyes were a little confused.

I...I may have memory problems.

what happened?

Tinari's strange behavior not only attracted the attention of Seno, but also aroused the curiosity of Alhaysen.

Seeing that both of them turned their attention to him, Tinari covered his forehead with one hand and answered intermittently.

My apprentice Ke Lai...she is a patient of Demon Scale Disease. Her Demon Scale Disease was cured some time ago.

Has the demon scale been cured?

Hearing this, Elhaysen and Seno had expressions of surprise on their faces.

They were still saying just now that Demon Scale is an incurable terminal disease that was born because the World Tree was contaminated by forbidden knowledge.

Turning around, Tinari gave them such a big 'surprise'.

The Demon Scale Disease has been cured, doesn’t that mean someone has found a solution to the pollution of forbidden knowledge?

Could it be Azar and the others?

Before the two of them could ask, Tinari continued what he had said before:

Now the problem arises here. It obviously happened not long ago, but I can't remember at all who cured the magic scale disease.

This is not normal at all. I still remember everything before Kelai left Xumi, but I can't remember at all how she was cured.

Wait a minute, your apprentice has left Xumi?

After keenly discovering some important information in Tinari's words, Elhaysen quickly raised his hand to interrupt him.

Can you still remember where Kelai went after leaving Xumi?

Uh...can't remember.

Tinari shook his head. He only remembered that Kelai left Xumi for a trip. After he came back, the magic scale disease was cured, and he couldn't remember anything else.

It's interesting. It seems like your memory has been artificially tampered with.

Chapter 525: The upcoming experiment

Could it be Azar who did it?

After hearing Elhaysen's guess, Seno subconsciously connected the matter with the great sage Azar.

After all, Tinari's memory contains clues that can completely cure the demon scale disease.

In order to ensure that the experimental project would not be destroyed by outsiders, the Apostolic Order probably used the void system to blind Tinari's brain, causing him to temporarily forget this memory.

If it is a void system, Baobuqi can really do this.

Azar, judging from the probability, it is quite possible.

Regarding Seno's speculation, Elhaysen pondered for a moment, and then agreed that the possibility of the other party's guess being true was indeed very high.

But deep down in his heart, he vaguely felt that this matter was not as simple as they speculated.

However, it is a pity that since there is no more evidence to form a complete inference, Elhaysen can only temporarily leave this almost crazy idea behind.

I'm so sorry, you two. I wish I hadn't been tricked.

Seeing that the two of them attached so much importance to their lost memories, Tinari, who was covering his forehead, couldn't help but show an apologetic look on his face.

It is clear that they may hold an extremely important clue. If there was no 'amnesia', the three of them might be able to minimize the risks caused by the experiment of resurrecting the Great Ci Tree King in the Order.

It's not your fault, Tinari.

Elhaysen shook his head, indicating that the other party did not need to feel guilty about this.

Although Tinari lost the memory of curing the demon scale disease, which indirectly caused some twists and turns in their actions, the other party's experience also confirmed one thing.

That is, the void system is indeed harmful to the brains of Sumeru people.

Perhaps this kind of harm cannot be seen or felt on ordinary days, but at a critical moment, it becomes a quite 'fatal' problem.

When this is over, I must submit an application to stop using the void system.

When he thought that all the Sumeru people, including himself, each of their brains left room for the void system to operate, Elhaysen made a rare rant.

Think about it, even if the void system brings a lot of conveniences in daily life.

But his mind may be controlled by others using the void system. Even if Elhaysen's personality is rational and calm, it will be difficult to remain calm when encountering such a thing.

After all, no matter who it is, if their own safety is eroded, even individuals will be angry.

I agree with that too.

Hearing Elhaysen's subconscious complaint, Sano couldn't help but nod in agreement.

I don't know if it's okay, but once he knew that the void system could control the brains of Xumi people through the void terminal, this really made him unacceptable.

We will discuss the matter of Demon Scale Disease later, let's get down to business now.

Although the clue of Demon Scale Disease is extremely important, because he could not solve the cause of Tinari's amnesia, Elhaysen could only shelve this clue temporarily.

According to Little Lucky Grass King's explanation, the teaching institute's project to resurrect the Great Ci Tree King has reached the final step, which involves using huge amounts of energy to drive the start-up of experimental instruments.

As for the source of the huge energy that the Order Academy plans to use, it is still unclear, but this energy should be guided by the void system.

So we have only one goal now, which is to destroy the void system controlled by the Order to obtain energy.

Elhaysen, what are you going to do?

Sano also agreed with Elhaysen's suggestion.

It's just that the three of them are now on the list of the Teaching Council, and it becomes difficult to get close to the controller of the void system.

To be precise, you two are on the list of the Order, but I am not!

After hearing what Seno said, Elhaysen specifically corrected him.

Thanks to Nacida's help, he was temporarily free of Azar's suspicion and successfully gained a certain amount of trust.

The other party even gave him a task to find Tinari and bring him back to the Order.

Didn't you say that you dealt with the guards sent by the Imperial Academy on the road to Richana Garden?

Hearing Elhaysen say this, Seno turned his eyes to the other party in surprise.

Having done this, wouldn’t it arouse Azar’s suspicion?

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