As a scholar, Elhaysen does not have the introverted style of others. He advocates research autonomy and prefers a comfortable environment.

This is why he is obviously very good, but has always kept a low profile, so that many people subconsciously ignore him.

Because for Alhaysen, having a stable job and high-quality real estate in Xumi and living a relaxed and comfortable life are what he pursues.

But now Tinari's visit broke his peace.

Sage Nafis, I don't remember that I had much contact with him, right?

With his eyes fixed on Tinari, Elhaysen hoped to hear from the other party where exactly he showed his flaws.

Instructors attach great importance to every talented student. You have already been noticed when you were a student.

Tinari was also unambiguous and directly said what Elhaysen least wanted to hear.

It's just that the instructor saw that you seemed to have no intention of showing off your talents, so he chose to remain silent.

whispering sound...

After hearing Tinari's answer, Elhaysen lowered the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hand and handed the information in his hand back to the other party.

I can't help you with this kind of thing.


Seeing that the other party rejected his request without hesitation, Tinari was very confused.

There are probably huge secrets hidden behind these things.


Elhaysen nodded.

Based on the recent news he received in the Holy Order and what was recorded in Tinari's information, he had already discovered that something was wrong.

But then again, what does this have to do with him?

Thinking of this, Elhaysen changed the subject:

I'm just a clerk. If you want someone to help, you can go to Gale Disciplinary Officer Seno.

I'll go to Seno's side.

Tinari, who saw that Elhaysen didn't want to get involved, was slightly silent. He raised his hand and put the information document handed over by the other party back into the space of the Eye of God.

Then before leaving the office, he dropped a meaningful sentence:

Elhaysen, your instructor said you like a peaceful life, but if someone comes to break this peace, what will you do?

After saying that, Tinari left the office directly, leaving only Elhaysen who looked unhappy.

What a headache...

Looking at the office where he was the only one left, Elhaysen sighed deeply.

I'm afraid the other party really got it right this time.

As the secretary of the Order Council, although he has no right to participate in the important decisions and meetings of the Order Council, others would not pay attention to him on weekdays.

But no one would know that Alhaysen could discern the details of many major events in just one simple meeting.

For example, in a meeting the day before yesterday, he noticed that there was an abnormal transfer of personnel within the Order. A large number of scholars and guards were suddenly assigned to a research project.

After considering the contents of the information sent by Tinari, it would be strange to say that there are no ghosts in it.

And...he also found the 'ghost'.


Recalling a certain record in the document just now, Elhaysen's face gradually darkened, and he couldn't help mumbling to himself.

Compared to the 'big secret' that Tinari said he had not yet investigated clearly, he had just discovered a truly terrifying secret in the information.

Abatuyi, who was clearly recorded as dead in the file, actually came back to life!

As mentioned before, Elhaysen is the secretary of the Order and is responsible for archiving backup information.

So a long time ago, he knew the whole story of Abatui's expulsion from the Order and the subsequent news of his death.

However, Elhaysen never expected that one day he would see the reappearance of a person who had been recorded as dead in the information sent by others.

If it weren't for his good concentration, he might have shouted out the first time he saw the information.

Forget it, Sano knows about Abatuyi anyway, so let him investigate first.

After thinking for a long time, Elhaysen decided to let Seno and the others explore the path first. If the other party could solve the problem, then his peaceful life could continue to be maintained.

If it can't be solved...

Then he could only choose to take action.

After all, the resurrection from the dead is completely contrary to the rules and order in Elhaysen's view, and needs to be corrected.


On the other side, Tinari, who came out of Alhaysen's office, did not leave the Order House, but walked straight towards the discipline institution that was disliked by everyone in Sumeru.

And under the guidance of a disciplinary officer, he found Sainuo resting alone in his room.

You are quite brave.

After carefully stuffing the rare card he had just obtained back into the secret book box, Seno looked at Tinari standing in front of him with interest.

On weekdays, don't you scholars always hang around me waiting for the Disciplinary Officer? Why did you take the initiative to come to me?

Disciplinary Officer Dafeng, I'm here to ask for your help.

How can you help me?

After hearing what was going on, Sano immediately got into work mode.

Please take a look at this first!

Tinari once again took out the information that he had shown Elhaysen before from the Eye of God space, and then handed it to the other party.

After taking the information and just glancing at it, Seno's pupils shrank suddenly and his whole body froze in place.

The next moment, he asked Tinari in a rather cold tone:

Tinari, are you sure you saw Abatuyi with your own eyes just a few days ago?

What's wrong with this?

Seeing Seno's abnormal behavior, Tinari couldn't help but feel a little bit in her heart, and a bad feeling surged out of her heart.

As expected, Seno's next words made him completely confused.

Tinari, what would you think if I told you that Abatui has been recorded as dead in the Order House?

This is impossible!

Chapter 510: A tool-like discipline mechanism

Seeing Sano's cold expression, Tinari knew that the other party must have discovered some important clues, but he never expected that the other party's words would directly shock him to death.

I just met Abatuyi a few days ago. Officer Dafeng, is there an error in the records of the Order?

I'm sorry, Tinari.

Seeing Tinari's flustered face, Seno sighed softly.

According to our investigation, Abatuyi did die of illness a few months ago.

As he spoke, he told the investigation situation of the disciplinary agency.

It turned out that after Abatui was expelled from the Order, the disciplinary authorities did not relax their monitoring of him, and it was soon discovered that he had a serious disease and needed to take medicine regularly to ensure his life safety.

But just a few months ago, Abatuyi suddenly stopped buying drugs.

After discovering this situation, the disciplinary agency sent a disciplinary officer to investigate, and finally saw local corpses in a laboratory in a contaminated area.

Originally, this discipline officer was planning to take action to restrain Abatuyi's body, but unfortunately he encountered a huge mechanical obstacle in the process.

As a last resort, the discipline officer had no choice but to stop his actions and returned to the Order Hall alone to report the news.

Looking at Tinari whose expression became increasingly ugly, Seno did not choose to stop, but continued:

Originally, I was planning to personally bring the other party's body back for burial, but my request was rejected by the Order.

So the matter just dropped.

...Then what happened to Abatuyi that I saw?

After listening to Seno's explanation, Tinari's mind was in confusion.

He knew that the other party would not deceive him about this matter, but the problem was that he did see the living Abatuyi with his own eyes a few days ago.

If Abatui had really died long ago, wouldn't he have gone to hell?

This is what I am very concerned about now, Tinari, can you promise me that you did not admit the wrong person?

I can guarantee that I am absolutely right.

Seeing that Tinari answered without hesitation, the expression on Seno's face became more solemn.

If Tinari is right, then there are probably only two explanations for this matter.

One is that the disciplinary officer who reported Abatuyi's death reported false news. Abatuyi was not really dead.

So when he wanted to collect Abatuyi's body, the sages of the Order came forward to reject his suggestion.

If this is the case, it means that there is a problem with the disciplinary agency as Xumi's law enforcement department.

As for the other explanation.

The Disciplinary Officer did not lie. Abatui was indeed dead, but Tinari actually saw him, so there was only one answer.

Abatuyi is back from the dead.

To be honest, of these two explanations, Sano would rather face the first scenario.

After all, the first situation is relatively easier to solve than the second one.

Resurrection from the dead, does this really exist on the continent of Teyvat?

However, Sano also knows very well that no matter what the situation is, this is not a good thing for Xumi.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Tinari and quickly ordered:

I will investigate this matter, Tinari, please don't make any noise for now.



After sending Tinari away, Seno was silent while looking at the information in his hand, and then called the disciplinary officer Hertel who had reported to him the conclusion that Abatui was dead.

Hertel, you were solely responsible for investigating the Abatuyi incident, right?

Yes, Master Seno.

Hertel, who was suddenly called, glanced at Seno with some confusion, then nodded and admitted that he was indeed responsible for investigating Abatui.

The other party is really dead?

Lord Seno, I saw this with my own eyes!

Tell me everything you saw.

Although he didn't quite understand what Seno meant by his words, Hertel himself honestly told everything about what he saw at the beginning.

As a scholar who was expelled by the Order of the Order, the disciplinary agency has naturally been paying attention to each other's every move.

Naturally, the other party's behavior of buying medicine in Xumi to treat his illness could not be hidden from the disciplinary authorities.

Hertel, who was in charge of Abatui, also asked the drug seller privately and found out that the drugs purchased by the other party were all used to treat serious illnesses.

This proves that the other party has been seriously ill a long time ago.

Until a few months ago, Abatuyi suddenly stopped coming to buy medicine. Hertel, who realized something was wrong, found the other party's laboratory based on the clues he had found before.

Well, Hertel actually knew about Abatuyi's construction of a laboratory in a contaminated area a long time ago.

However, as soon as this matter was uploaded to the void, he received instructions from the great sage Azar, telling him not to worry about it.

After Hertel found Abatui's laboratory through the contaminated area, he saw the opponent lying on the ground lifeless.

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