Seeing that the other party looked anxious, Han Xiao looked very calm.

This experiment cannot be done in the Order Academy.


Seeing that the long-cherished wish of the great sages of the past five hundred years was about to be realized in his own hands, Azar now wished that Han Xiao would immediately plunge into the experiment instead of looking so leisurely like now.

I need to find a place where the ley lines are active to conduct the experiment.

Han Xiao was naturally aware of Azar's inner urgency at the moment, but considering that he wanted to buy Abatuyi a little more time, he naturally delayed it as long as he could.

Where the earth veins are active, this is simple!

After learning about Han Xiao's request, the great sage Azar was unambiguous. He just wanted to find a place with active earth veins.

It’s not like there’s nothing here in Xumi!

Apart from this, do you need anything else? The Order will never be perfunctory.

After hearing the great sage Azar's sworn assurance, Han Xiao was not polite and directly took out a thick stack of documents from his arms and handed them to him.

Here are the experimental instruments I need. Before I find the experiment location, I hope you, Lord Azar, can send the instruments.

Where's your previous instrument?

Reaching out to catch the document handed over by Han Xiao, the great sage Azar quickly browsed the contents of the document and asked without raising his head.

“Isn’t it okay to just continue using it?”

Of course not. The instrument I used before was relatively crude. It might be okay to use it to summon ordinary people.

Han Xiao immediately shook his head, and then gave the great sage Azar a reasonable explanation:

The Great Merciful Tree King is a demon. If I want to awaken the opponent's consciousness sleeping in the earth's veins, the power of my crudely made instruments will definitely not be up to standard.

This is a lie.

As a disciple of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, Han Xiao is a thief in the art of mechanism.

At the same time, under the guidance of Albedo and Alice, his alchemy was equally outstanding.

In addition, the ores, metals and other materials Han Xiao used to make the instruments were all treasures obtained from Zhongli.

Therefore, the instrument he created to summon Abatuyi had no so-called power problem at all.

As for the reason why Han Xiao went to the trouble even though he knew the instrument was fine, as mentioned before, it was simply to squeeze out more time for Abatuyi.

And because the Experimental Teaching Academy on his side attaches great importance to it, Azar and other high-level officials will definitely have their eyes on him.

In this way, the number of manpower inside the Order will be much smaller, and Abatui can more safely find a secret road to the place where Nasida is imprisoned.

Although everyone in Sumeru knows that the Little Lucky Grass King lives in the Jingshan Palace on the top floor of the Jiaolingyuan, the gate of the Jingshan Palace is guarded all year round.

If you want to get in touch with Nasida secretly, you must naturally find the entrance to Jingshan Palace inside the Order.

This is simple. I will send scholars from Su Lun Sect and Miao Lun Sect to help you complete the site selection and instrument manufacturing as soon as possible.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's request, Great Sage Azar breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s okay, nothing the other party proposed is difficult.

Isn't it just about selecting a site and manufacturing instruments and equipment? There is not much in the Teaching Academy, but there are many scholars.

The Su Lun sect is proficient in alchemy and geology, while the Miao Lun sect has its own attainments in the art of mechanism.

With their help, I believe the experimental site will be set up soon.

When he thought that the Great Merciful Tree King was about to return to the world in his term, Azar could already 'see' a future where Sumeru would once again develop rapidly under the leadership of the gods.


In a single room somewhere deep in the monastery.

Abatuyi, who had been keeping quiet in the room, suddenly opened his eyes.

After several days of careful observation, he had discovered that the guard strength of the Order House had been significantly reduced.

This proves that Han Xiao's plan has begun to take effect.

It's so simple to have a manpower problem. I was really laughed at by that guy Roman.

Abatuyi, who got up from the bed, couldn't help but clicked his tongue when he saw that the guard strength of the Order House had weakened as Han Xiao had expected.

Why didn't I realize that there was such a big hidden danger in the Jiaolingyuan or Xumi?

Chapter 508: The Weird Xumi System

Not long after Abatuyi and Han Xiao met, the two once talked about the Order Academy during a casual chat.

At that time, Han Xiao had laughed at the Imperial Academy's strategy of not setting up an army and choosing to use mercenaries.

At that time, Abatuyi had a detailed debate with the other party over this matter.

Now it seems that Han Xiao's point of view does seem to make sense.

Reaching out to push the door open, Abatuyi walked out of the single room openly. Looking at the empty walkway outside the door, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Because Xumi people mainly advocate wisdom, the dream of most Xumi people since childhood is to become a knowledgeable scholar.

Without the official military system, the entire city security and defense issues in Xumi were handed over to the mercenary thirty-man regiment and some other gilded brigades.

Most of the members of these gilded brigades came to the desert area and belonged to the former people of the Red Prince.

In the eyes of most Sumeru people, the locals of Sumeru are engaged in noble mental activities, while the physical labor is left to the desert people with a low level of education.

Over the years, Xumi has formed a unique national system.

The Order paid money to the Gilded Brigade, and the other party sent people to maintain law and order in the city.

But this caused a big problem, that is, the size of the Gilded Brigade was not that big.

After all, there are only so many ways for a brigade to make money, and it is impossible to maintain a large number of members, let alone form a large-scale organization like the Qianyan Army and the West Wind Knights.

Since the number of people in the Gilded Brigade cannot be expanded, the number of people the Order can employ will naturally be much smaller.

Therefore, after Han Xiao learned about the situation of the Order Academy from Abatui, he made a plan to attract the attention of the Order Academy himself and delay the time.

Because as long as the Teaching Order focuses all its attention on him, there will be an emptiness inside the Teaching Order, and the other party can take this opportunity to investigate.

And the facts were indeed not beyond Han Xiao's expectation. As soon as he started to take action, the guards outside Abatuyi's door were transferred by Azar.

Speechless about Xumi's employment system, Abatui walked along the deserted corridor toward the depths of the Order.

There were very few guards he met along the way, and he could easily avoid patrols by simply getting stuck in some blind spots.

Finally, after a period of searching, Abatuyi finally found the road leading to the Jingshan Palace above in an inconspicuous area.

However, he did not choose to go in to investigate immediately, but retreated directly to his single room.

After returning to the room, Abatuyi immediately used the communication tool inside his mechanical skeleton to send a communication signal to Han Xiao requesting contact.


Time soon came to night.

After receiving the signal during the day, Han Xiao returned to her residence and contacted Abatuyi.

Hey, Abatuyi, can you hear me?

You can hear it, I found the passage to Jingshan Palace.

Oh, so fast?

Hearing that Abatuyi had found the passage to Jingshan Palace, Han Xiao raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although he knew that the Order was short of guard manpower due to institutional problems, but Abatuyi was able to find the target they were looking for so quickly. Was the Order too ineffective?

Yeah...because there aren't many guards patrolling the entire Order.

Facing Han Xiao's surprise, Abatuyi, who was in a single room, replied with a faint tone, and his face was full of depression.

His relationship with the Jiaolingyuan is indeed not very good, but the Jiaolingyuan is also the core area of ​​their Xumi.

Abatuyi didn't know what to say when he only guarded such an important area.

This level of defense is not as high as the security level of some famous families in Xumiru.

It's so embarrassing.

It's probably because Azar has transferred them to maintain the security of the experimental site.

Han Xiao was not so surprised when he heard Abatuyi's slightly resentful tone.

With the conclusion of the deal with the great sage Azar, a large number of scholars from the Su Lun sect and the Miao Lun sect were sent by the other party to assist him in determining the location of the experimental site and the construction of instruments.

In addition, Azar also sent many guards to guard the entire experimental site.

As mentioned before, due to Xumi's institutional problems, the number of mercenaries that can be hired by the opponent to guard the Order Academy is not large.

In addition, this experiment is extremely important in the heart of the great sage Azar, so the number of guards who can be trusted by the other party is even smaller.

Basically, only those guards who have been stationed inside the Order can make the great sage Azar trust him.

After transferring these people to the experimental site, the interior of the Teaching Order will be empty.

By the way, are there any guards outside the gate of Jingshan Palace?

Ignoring Abatui, who was sighing and disappointed with the defense issues of the Order, Han Xiao quickly changed the topic to business.

There are more.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abatuyi also put away his depression and quickly told everything he knew about the situation.

Although there are far fewer guards inside the Order, when I followed the passage to Jingshan Palace, I found that there were still guards at the entrance.

Where's the number of people?

It's not that much. It should be about five guards.

That's good. Next, you stay quietly in the Teaching Order for the time being. It won't be long before the Teaching Order will fall into chaos. You can just sneak out when the time comes.


In the next few days, Abatui followed the advice given by Han Xiao and stayed in the teaching courtyard quite honestly.

The great sage Azar, along with the scholars from the Imperial Academy, began to work overtime to create the instruments needed for Hanxiao.

On the other side, Tinari also found a capable person who he thought could handle the matter.

Why...why did you come to me?

Looking at the series of information provided by Tinari in his hand, Elhaysen, the secretary of the Order, frowned and felt very puzzled.

It was obvious that I was not familiar with Tinari and had only met him a few times in the Order House before. How could the other party dare to come to me with such troublesome matters?

Moreover, how did Tinari decide that he was capable of solving it?

Is there something wrong with me?

Because there are not many people I can trust in the entire Xumi City, and you are the only one who has the ability to help me.

Looking at Elhaysen who was full of resistance, Tinari said seriously.

I am also from the Order Council...

But my mentor Nafis said that you are capable but not eye-catching. Most of the sages in the Order have ignored you.

Nafis, the sage of the Life Theory Sect...Tsk!

Chapter 509: Seno sensed something was wrong


A scholar from the ‘Knowledge Sect’, one of the six major sects in Sumeru, currently serves as secretary of the Academy of Education.

Although secretary may sound like a very powerful title, in fact, it is just due to the custom of giving official names in order to save face.

The real secretary neither follows all major meetings nor participates in the decision-making of core affairs. He is only responsible for archiving and backing up important information and does not need to show up at all.

In reality, he probably looks like a minute-taker.

The official is not a big one, but from a certain perspective, the secretary is one of the functions that knows the most things in the entire Order.

Perhaps for scholars who aspire to become the Six Great Sages, the position of secretary does not attract their attention, but for Elhaysen, this is a position tailor-made for him.

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