But seeing that the other party didn't seem to be joking, a possibility that he had never considered before involuntarily emerged in his heart.

Ice your body for preservation, look for parts because that's how you fix it when it breaks.

While looking at Kakata, who was very big but always looked like a child, Han Xiao said in a faint tone.

Perhaps during the period of your death, or perhaps even earlier, Kakata already had a weak sense of self. This is the key to its ability to transcend the constraints of instructions.

I still can't believe it.

Regarding Han Xiao's speculation, Abatuyi swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and his tone of voice seemed a little erratic.

Is the goal that I have been striving for just completed?

I always feel that there is no reality!

Then how do you explain Kakata's behavior beyond the instructions? Don't tell me it's a mechanical malfunction.

Seeing Abatuyi's dazed expression, Han Xiao crossed her arms and stopped talking, just staring at him.

It is naturally impossible for the machine to malfunction.

Abatuyi is still confident in drawing conclusions on this point, because in previous inspections, he did not find any incorrectly executed instructions in any of Kakata's instruction modules.

But after ruling out this possibility, it seemed that only Han Xiao's theory was left.

Chapter 488 Abatui buried himself

Is my dream just... coming true?

Although Abatui actually agreed with Han Xiao's guess in his heart, it really made him feel untrue.

Before the Order issued a ban on the study of mechanical life, many scholars in Xumi launched an attack on this subject.

After all, Abatui is just a latecomer.

The reason why the study of mechanical life was banned by the Order Council was precisely because the scholars who had studied it before could not find a solution and finally violated the taboo. Some even thought of living humans.

But even so, no scholar has found the slightest clue about giving life and consciousness to mechanical creations.

Abatuyi does not think that he is better than so many seniors who research mechanical creations.

Could it be a problem with that ancient scroll?

Suddenly, he thought of the information he had brought back from a certain ruins.

If there is any difference between the birth of Kakata and other mechanical creations, then this is the only difference.

When I made Kakata, I referred to some of the techniques in the ancient scrolls.

Are you talking about this information?

After listening to Abatuyi's speculation, Han Xiao directly picked up a piece of information from the experimental table and gestured towards him.


Seeing the ancient scroll in Han Xiao's hand, Abatuyi nodded.

If Kakata really gave birth to self-awareness as the other party said, it may be the result of the technology in this document.

Unfortunately, I don't think so!

However, Han Xiao directly denied Abatui's speculation.

I read the technology recorded in this ancient scroll last night. The technology above is indeed unique.

But it does not involve the field of life consciousness or soul. I don't think that the technology in this ancient scroll can be used to create a mechanical creation like Kakata that can give birth to consciousness.

But other than that, I really can't think of any other reason.

Hearing Han Xiao deny his guess, Abatui couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Like my predecessors, I did not touch some forbidden areas that should not be touched in order to study mechanical life, such as using living people to create mechanical life.

The only things that were a bit out of the ordinary were the ancient scrolls in Han Xiao's hand and the technology to extract energy from the earth's veins.

If it weren't for these, he really didn't know what else could have caused Kakata to become self-aware.

Maybe it's a miracle of nature.

You said it happened naturally?

No, no, no, this is even more impossible. This kind of thing has never happened in the entire history of Xumi!

Abatuyi immediately shook his head crazily. Han Xiao's answer was even more unreliable than his previous speculation.

Natural birth...haha, how is that possible!

Don't be so absolute.

Seeing that Abatuyi didn't believe in the natural birth of consciousness, Han Xiao smiled mysteriously.

Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean you don't have it.

He knew that among the Fools' Executive Officers, there was one who was in a very similar situation.

That's right, it's our thunder and lightning cannon... ahem, let's call him a skirmisher.

Skirmisher was the first doll body that Thor built for himself, but it was abandoned due to some circumstances.

If we follow the general process, things might end here.

But there happened to be a turning point in reality. A 'miracle' came to the stragglers without any warning, making them self-aware.

Of course, because of his status as the executive officer of the Skirmishers and Fools, Han Xiao did not choose to tell Aba Tuiming.

He only vaguely told the other party that there was such an example in Teyvat, so it was not impossible for Kakata to generate consciousness independently.

Does such a miracle really exist?

Abatuyi was stunned. He really didn't expect that this kind of thing that almost only existed in fantasy actually happened in reality.

And listening to Han Xiao's vague tone, the other party seems to have a high status now.


In the next three days, in order to verify Han Xiao's guess, Abatuyi took Kakata and started various tests.

Most of the experimental results prove that Kakata is still acting according to instructions.

This made him very disappointed, thinking that his previous speculations were wrong.

It wasn't until Abatuyi took out his body from the ice at Han Xiao's suggestion and conducted an experiment of pretending to be dead that things changed.

...How can this be?

When Kakata found that his master was motionless again, he quickly ran to the side and took out mechanical parts and placed them on the body. Abatuyi, who was hiding in the corner, was in a trance.

Perhaps this is what is called a miracle.

Behind Abatui, Han Xiao said with a sigh.

The technology used to make Kakata did not go beyond the field of mechanical manufacturing, but the facts clearly told them that no matter how cold the machine was, it would produce unprecedented miracles because of the bond.


the other side.

After tracking in the rainforest for many days, Tinari finally found some clues and followed these traces to the depths of the contaminated zone.

There is actually a laboratory here?

Looking at the huge experimental site in front of him, Tinari frowned slightly. He really didn't expect that someone would actually build a laboratory in such a harsh environment.

But what concerned him more was the huge mechanical creation in the center of the laboratory.

It was the murderer who attacked the caravan that Han Xiao and Abatuyi took away before!

After understanding that this might be his junior's laboratory, Tinari quickly walked to the center of the experimental site, and then he saw a letter placed on the experimental table.

While stopping to pick up the letter and read it, Han Xiao and Abatuyi stood side by side in the dense forest in the distance.

Are you really determined to give Kakata to Tinari?


Aren't you afraid that Tinari will dismantle it? You must know that Kakata is a creation prohibited by the Order.

I believe senior.

After hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abatui's eyes were still looking towards the laboratory in the distance, as if he could see the situation there through layers of dense forest.

I explained in the letter why Kakata attacked the caravan, and also left compensation. As a senior who respects life, he will not sit idly by.

You shouldn't have told Tinari about your death, right?

How is that possible? I buried the body. I just made up a past reason and told it to the senior.

Abatuyi shook his head. Resurrection from the dead was too ridiculous. How could he tell Tinari about such a thing.

Perhaps in order to dilute the sadness of separation in his heart, he took the initiative to joke to Han Xiao:

But speaking of it, burying yourself is really a wonderful experience.

I guess this is the only one I have in Teyvat.

Uh...I guess not.

Chapter 489 Abatuyi: I am a target

In Abatuyi's disbelieving eyes, Han Xiao didn't know how much effort it took to resist telling the other party that a certain thief in Liyue had done this trick some time ago.

And the subsequent impact brought by the other party is much greater than that of Abatui.

However, Han Xiao was very wise and did not say more about this, but immediately turned the topic to Kakata.

By the way, don't you feel bad that those materials were destroyed like this?

At this time, in the experimental site, Tinari was piling up the technical materials that Abatui had specially left in the laboratory and burning them all.

After knowing that these information documents were collected bit by bit by the other party over the years, and now they were sent to Tinari for destruction, Han Xiao naturally wanted to know how Abatuyi was feeling now.

Do you believe me when I say I don't feel sorry for you?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abatuyi glared at him angrily.

Those information were accumulated by him over the years. Although he still remembered the general content in his mind, how could he not feel distressed when Tinari destroyed it with a fire.

Why do you do this if you feel sorry for me?

Seeing that Abatuyi was obviously very distressed but still acted generous and calm, Han Xiao suddenly didn't understand.

Those materials don't take up much space. You can just hide them somewhere else. Why would you choose to give them to the other party for destruction?

Because this information is no longer useful to me.

In the end, Abatuyi, who could no longer pretend to be calm, sighed helplessly.

There were two main reasons why he left the information intact in the laboratory for Tinari to destroy.

Firstly, these materials themselves are contraband of the Order, and leaving them here is always a hidden danger. It would be easier to let Tinari burn them on fire. Anyway, he basically remembers the contents of the materials.

The second point is also the most important point.

This information does not help at all in how to reproduce Kakata.

Now that things have happened, Abatui can finally understand that Kakata can give birth to a weak consciousness, which is exactly the product of a miracle as Han Xiao said.

It is completely fanciful to want to recreate a Kakata using the technology based on these materials.

Therefore, Abatuyi felt that it would be better to get rid of things that were of no use to him and could easily cause problems with Tinari's hands.

Even if it's a little bit reluctant to let go.

Then let's continue watching?

Glancing at the unbroken black smoke in the sky in the direction of the laboratory, Han Xiao asked casually.

Don't watch anymore, let's go!

Abatuyi replied without thinking. At the same time, his body made a choice and turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the laboratory.

Seeing this, Han Xiao also chuckled, and then followed the other party's pace.


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