Because I found that you seemed to be hanging on Senior Tinari on purpose.

Seeing the slightly affected expression of the other party, Abatuyi couldn't help but roll his eyes at Han Xiao, and at the same time, he did not forget to explain his opinion.

The other party just took Kakata away in front of Tinari. He didn't think that his senior would put the matter down and stop investigating.

In addition, all his information in the void system has been cleared, which will make Tinari set his sights on the Order Academy.

It was obvious that Hanxiao himself wanted to make a deal with the sages of the Order Council, and the deal also contained taboo properties. Logically speaking, it should be as hidden as possible.

But what's the result?

Han Xiao was not only careless and tried her best to avoid exposing her flaws in front of outsiders, but also deliberately revealed some clues in front of Tinari.

This is simply asking for trouble for yourself.

After spending this time together, Abatuyi discovered that Han Xiao was not the kind of negligent person.

So he could only think of one explanation for why the other party did this.

That is, Han Xiao seems to be very happy to see Senior Tinari facing off against the Order Academy. could I possibly have such ability?

After listening to Abatuyi's words, Han Xiao spoke modestly, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

Come on, I can still believe your expression!

Seeing the other party's undisguised expression, Abatui curled his lips speechlessly, and then asked:

Now I doubt whether you have already made the calculation after hearing about Kakata.


Han Xiao suddenly raised her index finger in front of her lips to make a silent gesture, and then gave Abatui a Riddler-like explanation with a smile.

Don't say it, don't say it! really calculated well.

Abatuyi subconsciously clicked his tongue, with a deceived expression on his face.

Why did you choose to search with Kakata because of his miraculous performance? It's all lies.

The other party simply wanted to take this opportunity to attract Tinari's attention, so that the other party would be aware of the abnormality in the Order Academy.

It's not calculated well, it's just taking advantage of the situation.

Perhaps because he saw what Abatui was thinking, Han Xiao explained with an undiminished smile on his face.

There was one thing he didn't lie to.

That is to say, Han Xiao is indeed very interested in Kakata's affairs. After all, he is quite concerned about a mechanical creation that can escape from 'commands'.

It's just that there is indeed a little calculation in it.

Abatuyi didn't know that Han Xiao didn't hear Tinari's name for the first time from him, but learned it from Kelai.

It can be said that before Ke Lai came to Guili City for medical treatment, Tinari had fallen into the sights of Han Xiao and Naxida.

emmm, how should I put it?

We have to start from the beginning.

When Dina Zede received the order, Nacida's original idea was to save the dying lives of her few followers.

But what she didn't expect was that Dina Zedai's father actually knew Tinari who was far away in Daochenglin and informed him of the matter.

This sudden operation made Nasida suddenly appear very passive. After all, if the news leaked out, the sages of the Order Academy would definitely find something fishy.

It can only be said that after being imprisoned for too long, Nasida's first layout was a little unfamiliar, and she neglected the interpersonal relationship.

In order to prevent the information that she could send messages to the outside world from being leaked, she directly possessed her consciousness in an eagle and flew to the vicinity of Huacheng City to observe Tinari.

Once the other party makes a move to report to the Ecclesiarchy, Nasida will immediately use her power to make the other party forget about the existence of this matter.

However, to her surprise, after receiving the letter from Dina Zedai's father, Tinari did not make any announcement and just secretly sent his apprentice Kelai away to Liyue.

Then he just acted like it never happened and didn't mention it to anyone.

It was from this time on that Tinari officially entered Nasida and Han Xiao's sight.

When Ke Lai arrived in Liyue for treatment and was recovering, Han Xiao often chatted with him and got a lot of information about Tinari.

At the same time, Nasida also analyzed some of Tinari's character and behavior after a period of observation.

In the end, the two of them summarized the information, and they agreed that Tinari was already somewhat dissatisfied with the Order House.

A clue to this can be seen from the fact that a talented scholar on the other side not only did not stay at the Jiaoling Academy to teach, but instead went to Daocheng Forest to become a ranger.

A talented scholar who has the eye of God and is knowledgeable and capable. He has his own judgment about the Order and does not blindly trust it.

In addition, Tinari did not have the distrustful attitude towards Nasida, the little Lucky Grass King, like other Sumeru people.

So after a long period of observation and discussion, Han Xiao and Nasida thought they could try to win Tinari over to their side.

After all, Han Xiao had signed a contract with Nasida before.

If you want to help the other party deal with the powerful sages in the Order Academy, you can't do it without some capable helpers.

Originally, Han Xiao's first choice target was the secretary Elhaysen mentioned by Nasida, but she didn't expect to discover a talent like Tinari along the way.

Nowadays, Nasida's side has very few people, so it would be best to get more people on their side.

As for whether Tinari will join here, Han Xiao is quite sure about this.

First of all, just the tricks that the sages of the Order Institute made privately, such as the imprisoning of the Little Lucky Grass King, were enough to amplify Tinari's dissatisfaction with the Order Institute.

Secondly, Han Xiao also has a trump card.

That is, he can help Tinari solve the Dead Zone problem.

Han Xiao was not wandering around in the rain forest during this period. He had long discovered that the formation of the dead zone seemed to have the same origin as the magic scale disease, and he personally cleared a dead zone with the essence of holy light.

With these two points in mind, Han Xiao believes that Tinari, who respects life and loves the rainforest, will make a wise choice.

Forget it, why am I asking so many questions?

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't hide his purpose, Abatuyi lost the intention to continue the kiss.

Now he can return to the world with the help of the other party's strength, which is already a huge kindness.

As for what Han Xiao wants to do, it's not something he can control as an experiment.

Chapter 487 The Miraculous Kakata

Then let's take a look at Kakata first!

Seeing Abatuyi's attitude of 'I don't know anything, don't tell me anything', Han Xiao chuckled and then released Kakata.


With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Kakata's huge body appeared in front of the two of them.


The moment he saw Kakata, Abatui couldn't help but call him by his name, with a look of joy in his eyes.

When the auditory module received a familiar sound, Kakata turned his head directly to look at the source of the sound.

The next moment, its whole body started dancing, like a very happy child.

Immediately, the two hugged each other.'s such a touching picture!

Seeing the scene of Abatui and Kakata hugging each other because they had not reunited, Han Xiao, who was watching with his arms folded, also flashed a smile in his eyes.

Thank you, Roman.

After briefly celebrating their reunion with Kakata, Abatuyi calmed down and hugged the opponent's thick mechanical thigh with one hand while solemnly thanking Han Xiao.

Maybe the other party had his own reasons and calculations for choosing to help find Kakata, but this did not prevent him from being grateful to Han Xiao.

After all, Abatuyi also knew very well that Kakata had become Tinari's target, and it was very difficult to 'take back' Kakata from his senior with his ability alone.

No need to thank you. You should first find out why it doesn't obey the instructions. I'm very curious about this matter.

Regarding Abatuyi's thanks, Han Xiao waved his hand indifferently. The other party owed him so much that he didn't even bother to calculate it.

Han Xiao is now more concerned about whether Kakata has truly transcended the constraints of instructions.

If it's true, it's really a big deal.

Don't worry, give me half a day to check, and I'll make sure I give you an accurate answer.

Then I'll wait for your good news.


The night passed.

Early the next morning, after getting up, Abatuyi simply washed himself and then eagerly began to inspect Kakata.

As for Han Xiao, he sat leisurely aside, waiting for the other party's subsequent inspection report.

The inspection time was not short. Abatuyi had added many modules and instructions in order to give Kakata life.

This... is incredible!

After checking all the instructions inside Kakata, Abatui's face showed a clear look of shock. It was obvious that he had suffered some impact that was enough to subvert his senses.

It seems that the results of the inspection are beyond your expectations?

Hearing Abatui's exclamation, Han Xiao put down the milk tea in her hand and her eyes fell on Kakata's huge body.


Abatui put down the inspection tools in his hand in a daze, and murmured as if he was asking himself questions and then answering:

There are no errors in the instructions, and there are no new instructions independently derived. What is going on?


Upon hearing this, Han Xiao's eyes immediately flashed with light, her upper body leaned forward slightly, and she asked with interest on her face:

Tell me what's going on.

Seeing that Han Xiao was so interested, Abatuyi did not disappoint and directly told all his findings.

Before he found Kakata, he actually had some guesses about its transcendence from the constraints of instructions.

Kakata was originally created because Abatui once obtained a lot of ancient research information in a secret realm.

Therefore, when he learned that Kakata did not comply with the instructions and stayed in the experimental site, he actually speculated whether he had used ancient technology to cause it to develop the function of self-evolution.

To put it simply, Kakata no longer needs to set instructions by him, but can generate new instructions based on the current environment.

However, the facts always exceed people's guesses. After careful inspection, Abatuyi did not find any trace of the new instructions on Kakata.

What is stored internally is still the instructions that he set before.

Faced with this kind of inspection result, it was obviously beyond Abatuyi's estimation.

You mean Kakata isn't actually intelligent?

According to the test results, it seems so, but...

But if that's the case, then Kakata's behavior before is difficult to explain, am I right?

Before Abatuyi finished speaking, Han Xiao said all the rest of his words.


Abatuyi nodded. Han Xiao was right. This was what he found incredible.

The scholar's reason told him that Kakata was just an unintelligent mechanical creation, but on the other side, his frozen body and Kakata suddenly leaving the experimental site were all impacting his inherent concepts.

I have a guess. I wonder if you would like to hear it?

Han Xiao first glanced at Kakata, who was constantly circling Abatuyi like a child, and then returned his gaze to him.

Perhaps Kakata can no longer be simply described as a mechanical creation.

you mean...

Hearing Han Xiao's guess, Abatui raised his head in astonishment, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

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