For example, Abedo went to the alchemy workshop early in the morning. While checking the operation of the machinery in the workshop, he also did not forget to guide the alchemists inside the workshop.

Emmm, as a side note, although the alchemists in Liyue are not very talented, they have received really good teacher education.

Liuyun Jiefengzhenjun, Abedo and Hanxiao, each of them has his own uniqueness in alchemy mechanisms and other aspects.

Perhaps after some time, one or two of these alchemists with extensive experience will emerge.

Back to the topic, Abedo chose to go to Lianyuan, while Xingqiu went to the management department of Mingyun Town to help the managers here handle a lot of accumulated official duties.

As for our protagonist Han Xiao, he didn’t go anywhere. He chose to stay in the shipyard like a salted fish and watch the workers busy making final inspections.


About a few hours later, when the sun gradually climbed to the highest point in the sky, Han Xiao, who was leaning on the window sill and watching the busy figures of the shipyard workers, suddenly heard a rapid sound of breaking through the sky in the distance.

Following the source of the sound, I saw a huge black shadow flying towards Mingyun Town not far away.

It is the Jade Pavilion of Ningguang.

Oh, it's finally here!

Seeing Qun Yu Pavilion gradually approaching Mingyun Town, Han Xiao raised her eyebrows, murmured something in her mouth, and walked towards the outside of the shipyard.

The speed of Qun Yu Pavilion was very fast, and it flew over Mingyun Town in a short while. Its huge body directly blocked all the sunlight above the entire shipyard.


Along with the huge smoke and roar, Qunyu Pavilion slowly fell and stopped on the hilltop near the shipyard.

Immediately afterwards, Ningguang and Keqing appeared on the platform of Qunyu Pavilion with Qixing, Ganyu and others, and slowly walked down the steps of Qunyu Pavilion. are finally here!

Han Xiao, who came out of the shipyard, saw several people walking down the Qunyu Pavilion, and immediately greeted them, greeting them familiarly.

Hanxiao? Didn't you say you couldn't come before?

Before Ning Guang spoke, Ke Qing beside him narrowed his eyes slightly, with some doubts in his tone.

When Qixing planned to watch the ceremony together, the other party refused because he had something important to do, so why did he show up in Mingyun Town again now?

Things have changed a little bit, so I'll come over and take a look when I have some free time.

Regarding Ke Qing's doubts, Han Xiao just shrugged.

He really didn't plan to come over originally. After all, his main energy was going to be on the experiments in Yuanxia Palace at that time.

But now that the object of the transaction has changed from the great sage Azar to the little Lucky Grass King Nasida, the experiment does not need to be so urgent.

Besides, the most important first phase experiment of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan has been successful. All that is left is to find a way to remove the contamination of forbidden knowledge on the soul fragments. The subsequent experimental phases are still very easy.

It's good that you're here. This time all seven of our stars are here.

He held the cigarette rod in his hand and took a sip. He exhaled white mist and glanced at the shipyard at the foot of the mountain, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It's good that Han Xiao can come to participate in the launching ceremony. After all, the steamship is the first new generation maritime military force in Liyue that surpasses all current ships.

It is most appropriate for the Seven Stars to witness this occasion together.

Let's go. I'll take you to the temporary accommodation to settle down first. You can participate in the launching ceremony in a few days.


Three days passed by in a flash, and time finally came to the day of the steel steamship launching ceremony.

It's still dark, but the shipyard is already brightly lit.

All the boatmen were doing the final round of inspections under the command of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

The keel is normal!

“There are no gaps in the hull, it’s normal!”

Steam components are working fine!

The propeller starts normally!

Soon, listening to the inspection results reported by the boatmen, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she had already inspected the steamship several times in the past few days, she still felt a little uneasy as long as it had not been launched into the water. Fortunately, no faults had been found in the continuous inspections in the past few days.

Yawn... Master Liuyun, don't be so nervous. Steel ships are not that easy to break down.

Han Xiao, who was dragged up from the warm bed by Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun early in the morning, yawned and comforted his cheap master.

You can't say that, it's better to be careful.

After hearing his disciple's consolation, Lord Liuyun Jiefeng immediately shook his head. This Tianheng was not just a ship, it also represented the strongest maritime power in Liyue at present.

So you can never be too careful.


Regarding Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's uneasiness, Han Xiao couldn't help but curled her lips and stopped talking. She just quietly watched the boatmen checking back and forth on the Tianheng.


The sun at noon slowly set towards the west, and the time soon came to around two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the shipyard.

Because of today's launch ceremony, the entire Mingyun Town was suspended for a day. Many Qianyan Army and alchemists came to the shipyard to get a glimpse of the Tianheng.

Since they live in Mingyun Town, they naturally knew a long time ago that a 'big one' that had never been seen in Liyue was being built in the shipyard at the dock outside the town.

Now that we have finally waited for the launching ceremony, it would be a shame not to see it with our own eyes.

Of course... when they arrived at the shipyard, before everyone could see them, they saw a group of big shots that were rarely seen in Liyue in the past.

Is that Lord Ningguang?

Moreover, look, aren't Master Keqing and Master Hanxiao over there? Are the people next to them the other Masters Seven Stars?

She probably didn't run away. Miss Gan Yu, the Seven Star Secretary of Yuehai Pavilion, is here too.

Master Abeido and the Liuyunxian family are also here. Darling, my eyes have been opened today. There are so many big shots!

Looking at the group of people standing on the high platform of the shipyard, the people around them couldn't help but start talking in private.

Chapter 439 Qixing who wants to ‘make dumplings’

It seems everyone is very excited.

On the temporary high platform outside the shipyard, Ningguang glanced at the people who were whispering, then looked at Han Xiao and joked with a smile.

Well, after all, they have been living in Mingyun Town, and that big guy was built bit by bit under their noses. It's normal to be excited.

Faced with Ning Guang's teasing, Han Xiao responded calmly.


Ning Guang nodded in agreement.

The Tianheng is indeed worth the visit of all of us Seven Stars.


Hearing Ning Guang's words, Ke Qing on the side couldn't help but murmur to herself. The shock that had not receded still remained in her eyes.

Not just her, Tian Ji Yaoguang and other Qixing's faces looked similar to Ke Qing's at this time.

Although Qixing had received Han Xiao's design concept for the Tianheng a long time ago, and he also generally knew that the Tianheng was definitely an unprecedented sea monster.

But as the old saying goes, seeing something is better than hearing it a hundred times.

When Keqing and others saw with their own eyes the Tianheng, which was shining with a cold light and full of oppression, they realized that Han Xiao's words were not exaggerated at all.

Once equipped with a terrifying maritime behemoth like the Tianheng, the Liyue Navy could really rise from the bottom of the Seven Kingdoms to a top overlord.

After taking a look at the closed shipyard, Kaiyangxing then fixed his gaze firmly on Han Xiao, his eyes filled with a fanatical light.

Hanxiao, how long will it take for the navy to field at least ten Tianheng ships?

For ten ships, it will probably take about five years.

Hearing Kaiyangxing's inquiry, Han Xiao frowned slightly, and after calculating the time silently in his mind, he gave the other party a rough guess.

Five years, does it take so long?

Kaiyangxing was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly asked:

I remember that construction of the Kaiyang started three months ago. If we go at this rate, we should be able to build four ships a year, right? Why does it take so long five years?

You can't say that. The Tianheng is a special case.

Regarding Kaiyangxing's question, before Han Xiao could speak, Albedo suddenly picked up the topic.

As soon as his words came out, he immediately attracted the attention of Ning Guang and others.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Abedo calmly explained why he said that.

According to Han Xiao and I's calculations, based on the current industrial base of Mingyun Town, it will take six to eight months to build a Tianheng.

So it will take at least sixty months, or five years, to complete the ten Tianheng ships.

The main reason why Tianheng was able to be completed in just three months is because Zhenjun Liuyun invited foreign aid to help.

Albedo is right.

Seeing Abedo mentioning himself, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun agreed without hesitation.

Originally Han Xiao gave me the time to build the Tianheng in about half a year, but in order to see this new generation of steamship launched as soon as possible, I specially invited Li Shui, Cai Yue and my disciple Shen Crane help.”

Without their help, it would have taken at least three more months for Tianheng to be completed.

So that's it.

Following the explanations given by Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Abedo, everyone finally understood.

The Tianheng, which was lying in the shipyard at this time, was built because Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng wanted to see it launched as soon as possible, so he invited foreign aid to help build it.

Ningguang and others also expressed their understanding of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's approach.

After all, it is the first new generation steamship made of steel in Liyue, so there is no problem in asking the immortals to help.

But if ships of the same level are built in the future, it would be a bit unrealistic to continue to help Qingxian.

No wonder Han Xiao and Abedo speculated that the construction of a ship would take at least six to eight months.

Five years... is a long time.

After understanding the reason, Kaiyangxing couldn't help but smacked his lips, with a look of pity in his eyes.

It seems that the transformation of Liyue's sea power cannot be completed in a short time.

Hanxiao, Master Abedo and Zhenjun.

Just when Kaiyangxing felt a little pity, Ningguang, who had been listening by the side, discovered the 'omission' in the words of Abedo and others:

You are talking about the current industrial base of Mingyun Town, right?

“What if the industrial base was improved?”

As soon as these words came out, Kaiyangxing and others, who originally felt a little pity, immediately raised their heads and stared at Albedo, with a look of hope in their eyes again.

Ningguang's words were a wake-up call for them.

Indeed, based on Liyue's current industrial standards, it may take six to eight months to build a Tianheng.

But the industrial level is not static, especially now that Liyue's industrial foundation has been built quite solidly by Han Xiao and a few people. The next step is to tell the development period.

Now that industrial standards are beginning to take off, doesn't it mean that the construction time of the Tianheng will also be greatly shortened?

If that's the case, maybe one can be built in four months.

Regarding the hypothesis put forward by Ning Guang, Abedo lowered his head and pondered. After a series of complicated calculations in his heart, he raised his head and looked at everyone, giving an estimate that Qixing was quite excited about.

Four months, three ships a year, ten ships will take a little more than three years. This is really a good guess.

Keqing quickly told her calculation results, and her pretty face became a little more excited.

Although according to Abedo's calculations, even if Liyue's industrial base is improved, it will still take about three years to build ten steel steamships equal to the Tianheng.

But this is much better than the previous conclusion that the lower limit is guaranteed for five years, and it may take seven years to build ten ships.

After thinking about this, Ke Qing and Ning Guang couldn't help but look at each other, and everyone secretly made up their mind.

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