Upon hearing Abedo's inquiry, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng also immediately turned his attention to his apprentice.

Originally she was very happy to see Xingqiu's shocked expression, but now listening to Abedo's words, her apprentice seemed not satisfied with the ship's data.

“I just think it’s a pity that the displacement cannot reach 10,000 tons.”

Han Xiao shrugged. It wasn't that he was dissatisfied, it was just that he was used to seeing giant steel ships in his previous life. A mere 1,500 tons was a bit disdainful to him.

After all, which of the top ten sea behemoths in the past life had a displacement of more than 10,000 tons, and aircraft carriers can reach more than 100,000 tons.

Even the largest civilian ship recorded was a million tons.

Fifteen hundred tons...emmm, no wonder Han Xiao feels a little disdainful.

Ten thousand tons?

Han Xiao felt that the numbers were sparse and ordinary, but they were like a thunder that struck Liu Yun Jie Feng and several people were dazzled.

Otherwise, he was really frightened by Han Xiao's tone.

The current displacement of the largest ships in Liyue and Mondstadt is only a few hundred tons. The 1,500-ton steamship is more than three times larger than the previous ships. This is already a huge improvement.

However, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and others never expected that Han Xiao's goal would be so high.

It's still so high that they can't even imagine it.

However, these people were all people who had seen the big world. After a brief shock, they began to discuss whether a large ship with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons could be realized.

A giant ship of 10,000 tons, it seems a bit too ethereal.

The first one to speak was Xingqiu. He was the only one in the group who didn't know much about this technology, so he expressed his views from the perspective of an ordinary person.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said that the displacement of this giant ship was 1,500 tons, which surprised Xingqiu. He really couldn't imagine how majestic the so-called 10,000-ton giant ship Han Xiao said was.

It's so ethereal that it's not too subtle.

Hearing Xingqiu's sigh, Abedo immediately shook his head and said that the other party's words were wrong. As a rigorous alchemist, he believed that the 10,000-ton giant wheel was theoretically achievable.

That's true, but judging from the current power of the steamship, it is far from meeting the requirements.

Although he agreed with Abedo's remarks, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun still stated the current situation.

As the other party said, in theory, it is indeed not difficult to realize a 10,000-ton giant ship, but today's steam power cannot drive such a huge beast at all.

Unless they can fully master the energy technology of Kanria in the heart of the mixing wheel furnace, there may be some hope by then.

As for Liyue now... Haha, don't think about it.

Can you even build a 10,000-ton giant ship?

The conversation between Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Abedo surprised Xingqiu on the side. He originally thought that the 10,000-ton giant ship was just Han Xiao's good hope.

Unexpectedly, both Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought it was achievable, but they just lacked the motivation to drive it.

Without enough power, even if it were built now, it would be nothing more than an iron box.

Abedo spread his hands helplessly. The problem of power could not be solved. Even building a 10,000-ton giant wheel would be nothing more than a spectacle. Not only would it be of no use, it would also hinder Liyue's development.

To paraphrase Han Xiao’s usual joke, it’s the so-called ‘wonders harming the country’.

Don't even think about the 10,000-ton giant ship for now. Liyue doesn't have that ability right now.

Before Xingqiu could continue asking, Han Xiao interrupted and gave his conclusion.

Now let's look forward to the launching ceremony in a few days.

Speaking of which, Hanxiao.

Seeing Han Xiao talking about the huge ship in front of him, Xingqiu suddenly seemed to think of something and quickly asked:

Have you given this giant ship a name?

Ah this...

As soon as these words came out, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and Han Xiao were stunned, and then all three of them had a look of embarrassment in their eyes.

It seems they really forgot to name the steamboat.

It seems you didn't give a name?

Seeing that several people looked strange, Xingqiu couldn't help but shook his head.

The ship was about to be launched, but luckily these big guys didn't even have a name for the ship.

I really don’t know what they will say in celebration during the launching ceremony.

Is it possible to say, ‘Warmly celebrate the official launch ceremony of Liyue Steel Steamship’?

This is too funny.

Chapter 437 Ship Name and Assembly Line

Inside the shipyard.

When Xingqiu asked the name of the steamer, Hanxiao and the others, who had completely forgotten about it, were destined to be embarrassed.

In fact, it’s not their fault.

Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun are both research madmen. For them, research is the main task, and naming the creation is the icing on the cake for them.

As for Han Xiao's thoughts at that time, she also drifted to Yuanxia Palace, so she also forgot about this matter.

Fortunately, there are still a few days before the launching ceremony, so it's not too late to name it now.

Seeing that Han Xiao and the others had completely forgotten about this matter, Xingqiu was quite glad that he mentioned it, otherwise he would have been very embarrassed when waiting for the launching ceremony.

The whole body of the steamship is made of steel, so why not call it the Steel?

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun rolled his eyes and immediately expressed his thoughts.

Steel number...Why not call it Iron plate number?

Hearing the name given by his cheap master, Han Xiao couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Before he could refute, Abedo rejected Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's proposal:

Zhenjun, this name is too realistic and has repetitive features. This is the first ship but it will not be the last. I think it is inappropriate.

That's right... I am not thinking carefully.

Hearing this, Lord Liuyun Jiefeng nodded and agreed with Abedo's statement.

After all, the second and third steel steamships will continue to be built in the future. They are all made of steel. Using this name will indeed duplicate the characteristics.

Do you have any good suggestions?

After thinking for a while, Abedo said slowly:

Liyue has many strange mountains. How about naming it after the mountain?

Tianheng Mountain is the gateway that has guarded Liyue Port for thousands of years, and the steel steamship is also the force that guards the sea defense line. I think how about calling it Tianheng?

Hearing Abedo's thoughts, Han Xiao's eyes lit up and he agreed with it:

What Abedo said is right. Tianheng Mountain has been the gateway to Liyue Port for thousands of years. Moreover, Yixiao Dao Tianjun sacrificed his life to protect Tianheng Mountain from being destroyed in the war.

The name Tianheng can not only show that the steel steamship is an important protective force on the Liyue Sea, but also remember the war that year.

I agree with the name Tianheng.

Yixiao... I didn't expect you guys to still remember Han Xiao.

Hearing the familiar name from Han Xiao's mouth, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun sighed slightly, and then nodded his head.

It's a good name, and I think it's feasible.

Soon, this steel steamship that had not yet been launched had a brand new name, Tianheng.

After figuring out the name of the steamship, the few of them did not stay at the shipyard any longer. Instead, they headed towards the alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town under the leadership of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

In Han Xiao's words, although he approved the establishment of this place, he himself has never been here.

When I come here this time, I naturally want to take a good look.

Neither Xingqiu nor Abedo had any objections to this. The alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town was responsible for manufacturing almost all mechanical parts, and they had never been here before.

So a few people quickly crossed the seaside path and arrived at the location of Mingyun Town.

In the past, there were mines everywhere in Mingyun Town due to mining. Later, as the mine resources were exhausted, the place gradually became deserted and became a place no one cares about.

It wasn't until Han Xiao classified this place as a military area that Mingyun Town regained its popularity.

Han Xiao and the three of them were here for the first time. When they saw Mingyun Town, they subconsciously looked at this small town that carries the manufacturing of various mechanical parts in Liyue.

At this time, most of the mining facilities in the town have been demolished, and the mines have been turned into warehouses for storing supplies.

Around the town, rows of neat military camps formed a circle, surrounding the entire town.

In the center of the town, a huge alchemy workshop was standing there, and there were many smaller factories next to it.

Thank you for your hard work, Master Liuyun!

Seeing that Mingyun Town had escaped from desolation and regained its popularity, Han Xiao couldn't help but say thank you to her cheap master.

After all, this period of time was managed by Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng. The restoration of Mingyun Town to its current state depends on planning, but it also requires the care of its own cheap masters.

Why is it so hard? When Liyue Port was established, it was much more difficult than Mingyun Town.

Hearing his disciple's thanks, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng didn't feel proud at all.

At the beginning, Han Xiao sent a large number of Qianyan troops to directly station in Mingyun Town. It was too simple to build a town when they had food, clothing, manpower and no foreign enemies.

It is completely different from the time when the emperor led the immortals and Liyue people to build Liyue Port all the way.

Speaking of which, is the entire Mingyun Town such a big place?

After looking around, Xingqiu found that in addition to the military camp buildings, there seemed to be a large alchemy workshop and a few factories in the center of the town.

Is something wrong?

Sensing Xingqiu's doubts, Han Xiao couldn't help but turn her gaze to her own child.

I remember that nearly 80% of the parts for various alchemy equipment needed in Liyue come from Mingyun Town, right?

Xingqiu stretched out his hand and scratched his hair. While recalling the official documents he had handled, he asked the doubts in his heart.

Liyue Port and Guili City have a combined population of several million, and there is a huge demand for various alchemy equipment such as electric vehicles and lights.

There is only one alchemy workshop and several factories in Mingyun Town. How do they meet the needs of the entire Liyue area?

I think it's the machine tool.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Albedo quickly gave the answer.

When the machine tool was originally designed, he was also involved, so he naturally knew the capabilities of the machine tool.


Even though Mingyun Town is not a big place, the emergence of machine tools has greatly increased production capacity.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun nodded, and at the same time did not forget to add:

In addition, the assembly line production proposed by Han Xiao also played a decisive role.

Then she explained to Xingqiu what the so-called assembly line production was.

“No wonder Mingyun Town’s production capacity can satisfy the entire region!”

After listening to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's explanation, Xingqiu understood what the assembly line production method was and all the questions in his mind were gone.

After visiting the alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun led several people to the door of the dormitory that had been prepared.

You guys will stay here for a few days now, and the launching ceremony will be held in a few days.

I still need to keep an eye on the shipyard, so I will leave first.

Chapter 438 Before the Launching Ceremony

The morning of the second day.

The entire Mingyun Town was bathed in golden sunshine, and batches of Qianyan Army began to patrol the entire town according to the designated route.

In the center of the city, the roar of machines in the huge alchemy workshop continues. Countless alchemists and production workers are skillfully manipulating machine tools of different forms. Brand-new alchemy equipment follows the tracks. The teleportation gradually took shape under their hands.

Since the launching ceremony was still a few days away, Abedo and Xingqiu were also idle, so they each found something to do that they were good at.

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