The remaining three candidates knew about the Strata Abyss a little earlier, but they did not seize this opportunity.

Whether it's from vision to means, I think Han Xiao can take over as Tianshu Star after Uncle Tian retires.

I agree with Ningguang's opinion.

Keqing immediately agreed upon seeing this.

In this incident, she had witnessed Han Xiao's ability with her own eyes.

Ke Qing has no objection to Han Xiao being appointed as the next Tianshu Star.

On the contrary, she agreed with Ningguang's words. After all, she was equally optimistic about Han Xiao compared to the other three candidates.


As soon as Keqing finished speaking, Tianxuan voted in favor.

Before the meeting, Tianxuan had communicated with Keqing privately, and naturally knew that recommending Han Xiao could expand the benefits of their 'rule by man' faction.

Even if Han Xiao himself has an emperor behind him, just the fact that the other party's ideas are like-minded to their 'Rule of Man Sect' is enough for Tianxuan to vote for Han Xiao.

I don't deny Han Xiao's ability.

After looking at Tianshu Gujing Wubo's expression, Kaiyang could only rush onto the stage to occupy the opposite side of Keqing and others.

But I still recommend observing first and seeing more about his methods.

I agree, wait until he has dealt with those 500,000 people.

For a while, those standing on Kaiyang's side also jumped out.

The situation quickly became a 3:3 tie.

Now only Uncle Tian was left, and the six Seven Stars from the two factions simultaneously turned their attention to Uncle Tian, ​​who had been silent.

Seeing that all his colleagues were waiting for his answer, Uncle Tian thought carefully for a long time before giving his answer.

His idea was also to observe Han Xiao more, just like Zhiyi did.

Very good, how about he take the lead in the Guiliyuan New City Plan?

While Ningguang and Qixing were discussing Han Xiao's affairs, where were Han Xiao's people?

He is lying among the corpses at home.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: The redhead here on my side has started to travel around the world, mmp. It seems that Wang Luffy is about to eat the fruit. How is the situation on your side?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Isn't that about ten years away from the plot? Why are you panicking? I'll probably see that Huang Mao in less than two years, and I don't know if it's a brother or a sister.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: As for me, I haven't been able to find Hualiuzhai Glass. I'm very sad, comrades, there are no more days and nights.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Zhuo, you traveled through time just for day and night. Can we have some snacks, Mr. Jixiao?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: That's right, look at me. I secretly reported Aaron and Mouse to Garp through Mr. Kizaru, and directly broke one of his grandson's legs when he became king. I think Mr. Garp will definitely do it in the future. Thank you for mine.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Ah, without Nami, wouldn't Wang Lufei and Liu Suolong have to die at sea?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: That shouldn't be the case. There are probably other navigators on board.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: As for me, a lot of plots have already appeared, but generally speaking, I also have the identity of a legendary duelist.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Legendary duelist? I'm afraid he's not a legendary level digger.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Also, don't think that I'm not doing the right thing, okay? My Bayonetta is very strong.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Bayonita? Zhuo, what on earth did you do?

[World of Wisdom·Hanxiao]: It's just a taboo doll. What's there to care about? There are so many of them in the night party. Besides, when Akabane Raijin arrives next year, this night party will be fun.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Okay, Sister Bei has done it for you, now take it!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I beg you, the boss of Jixiao, to give me one. I'm not greedy. Please give me a tip.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Guna, if you want to do it yourself, it's not like I haven't uploaded the method of making dolls before.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's get down to business. I think I must have been stabbed in the back by Zhongli. You see, I suddenly became a candidate for the Seven Stars.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: You did it yourself, you can't blame others, but if he tricks you, you can also trick him!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I think Boss Hai Xiao is right. Morax hasn't retired yet.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: I agree, it's a big deal.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Actually, I have also thought about it, well, let's sign a contract with him sometime.

After closing the chat group, Han Xiao reached out and pinched the bridge of her sore nose.

Those guys in the group who are afraid of the world being in chaos put it simply, Zhongli is not that easy to control!

Although he said this, Han Xiao was actually moved by this proposal in his heart.

Digging canals, building dams, and dredging rivers can be solved by the other side.

Zhong Erzhu's tool man attribute points are full.

If Han Xiao's main purpose was not to temporarily resettle the 500,000 unemployed miners, he would have dragged Zhong Li to build infrastructure in Liyue.


Thinking that there was only one trade route between Liyue and Mondstadt, Shimen, Han Xiao suddenly wanted to drag Uncle Zhongli to open up another sea transportation channel.

How should I put it, when it comes to business dealings between Liyue and Mondstadt, there are actually two ways to choose from.

One is Shimen, and the other is along Mingyun Town and through Longji Snow Mountain to reach Mondstadt.

It's just that the situation in the Longji Snow Mountain is too complicated, and the merchant caravan entering it has a narrow escape.

So after calculation, the only trade route between Liyue and Mondstadt is Shimen.

Han Xiao's idea was very simple, which was to take Zhongli and open a strait between the mountains near Shimen so that shipping could pass through.

I just don’t know if Grandpa Lu from Mondstadt accepts this view.

After all, the other party's winery is nearby, so he may not agree with this idea.

Anyway, it is definitely hopeless to let Han Xiao do it alone, but if Zhongli brings a few more bottles of wine, will Barbatos, who is not doing anything serious, agree to it?

While Han Xiao was talking about it privately, Abedo, who was conducting experiments in the Longji Snow Mountain, received a letter.

Teacher, this is a letter written by Teacher Zhenyu to you.

I see.

Abedo took the letter and found that there were two of them, one of which was signed Han Xiao.

Han Xiao? This letter is also for me?

Chapter 35 If you want to be rich, build roads first

After reading the letter from Xingqiu, Abedo was a little surprised. This was the first time he saw Teacher Zhenyu giving someone a favor.

Thinking of this, Abedo directly picked up the envelope signed Han Xiao, tore open the seal, took out the letter and read it.

There was not much handwriting on the letter, only a few lines, but Abedo read it very carefully.

What an interesting idea.

Putting down the letter in his hand, Abedo couldn't help but reach out and rub his chin, with a curious look in his eyes.

Machines that can communicate thousands of miles away, machines that control heat and cold, carriages that add power, etc.

This puppet master named Han Xiao does have fantastic ideas.

And he also wanted to learn alchemy from him.

What an interesting person.

Abedo had to admit that he was moved by the conditions proposed by the other party in the letter.

Because a long time ago, he had actually imagined a machine that would allow two people to communicate even though they were thousands of miles apart.

It's a pity that Abedo quickly gave up this idea.

The reason is also very simple, that is, research requires a lot of funds.

The funds provided to him by the Knights of the West Wind can only be said to be a drop in the bucket. Now Abedo earns most of his research funds from his part-time job as an illustrator.

There is even a strange rumor circulating among Inazuma that buy illustrations and get toilet paper for free.

Han Xiao mentioned in the letter that as long as Abedo can come to Liyue to work for a period of time, he will be able to obtain a large amount of funds.

Why doesn't he feel moved by you?

granulated sugar.

Thinking of this, Abedo walked quickly to the test bench, found a pen and paper, and wrote a reply letter and handed it to his disciple.

Send your reply to Liyue as soon as possible and tell me that I will leave for Liyue immediately to interview him.

I'll go to the Knights first and report to Captain Qin.

I understand, teacher.

Although he didn't quite understand what was written in the letter that made Abedo make the decision to go to Liyue, Sartang still nodded and said he would do it.

After Sugar left the laboratory, Abedo returned to the test bench and started the experiment, muttering Han Xiao's name in a low voice:

Han Xiao, let me see if your alchemy ability can keep up with your thinking.

For the sake of a large amount of research funds, Abedo is still thinking of meeting Han Xiao and seeing his qualifications in person.

But Han Xiao received an order from Qixing.

Let me take up the post of General Affairs Department and temporarily handle the Strata Abyss incident?

Looking at the appointment letter in his hand, Han Xiao looked at Gan Yu who came to the door with some surprise.

Suddenly I was given a position in the General Affairs Department, which can be regarded as suddenly crossing the hierarchy between civilians and officials.

This is the joint decision of the Seven Stars.

Compared to last time, Gan Yu's face looked a little more scrutinized this time.

It's not that Gan Yu doesn't believe in Han Xiao's ability. After handling Liyue's early crisis, she no longer has any doubts about Han Xiao's ability.


When thinking about Han Xiao's idea of ​​building a new city in Guiliyuan, Gan Yu and Uncle Tian couldn't help but think of the same thing.

That is whether the other party will take the opportunity to cause division.

But before Gan Yu could react, the emperor sent a verbal order asking her to follow Han Xiao's arrangements.

Therefore, Gan Yu seemed a little hesitant about Qixing's order this time.

Are half a million miners already on their way back to Liyue?


Okay, let's give them two days off first.

Knowing that 500,000 miners were on their way back, Han Xiao did not immediately order them to go directly to build embankments, but instead let them go home to reunite with their relatives.

After all, he is not that kind of crazy capitalist.

I will draft a document later. After the miners return, the General Affairs Department will find a time to issue policies for the new city.


What's wrong?

Seeing Han Xiao's ready-to-fight attitude, Gan Yu couldn't help but call him back in the end.

Will there be any problems in building a new urban area?

Something went wrong?

What could go wrong?

Han Xiao was a little puzzled when she heard Gan Yu's question.

Just seeing the hesitant expression on the other person's face, he seemed to understand what Gan Yu was worried about.

Don't worry, Guiliyuan can be regarded as the old capital of Liyue people. The emperor will watch it.

Perhaps because Han Xiao answered quite simply, the expression on Gan Yu's face looked much better.

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