Upper decision decided by the economic background.

Han Xiao didn't want to become a Seven Star one day in the future and die by 'suicide' the next day due to seven stabs in his back.

But Han Xiao, why did you suddenly mention the alchemist?

Ning Guang was a little confused. Weren't they discussing the issue of 500,000 miners before? Why did they suddenly focus on the alchemist?

I hope to find the mechanics and alchemists. The key is Liyue's absence.

Well, there are still a few.

What's the use of a few? What I need is the one with innovative ability, just like the chief alchemist of Mondstadt.

You mean Abedo?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's requirements, Ning Guang rolled his eyes at Han Xiao.

Then you should find me a second master like that!


Han Xiao was stunned, as if there really was someone like Albedo.

Young Master Abe on the snow-capped mountains is not bad at alchemy either.

However, Han Xiao thought about it and decided to give up this idea for the time being.

Mr. Abe was too angry and not as gentle as Mr. Abe, so he couldn't control it.

If you are looking for a mechanism master, there is one in Liyue.


It is recorded in ancient books that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is good at creating mechanical objects.

Forget it!

That woman.

Sorry, I don't want to talk to someone who can't chat.

Seeing Ningguang mention Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Han Xiao immediately shook his head.

What a dark history if caught, the other party's mouth really dares to talk about it.

Tell me, what are you going to do with those alchemists, Han Xiao?

Ningguang could keep his composure and cooperate with Hanxiao to go around, but Keqing couldn't.

So when she saw that the two of them had been talking about topics that had nothing to do with important matters, she couldn't help but ask.

Of course it is for the future development of Liyue.

To this, Han Xiao answered without hesitation.

Chapter 33 Han Xiao: I belong to the emperor

Liyue's main problems right now are two points.

When talking about the plan for Liyue, Han Xiao raised two fingers.

The first point is the agricultural problem that I have been repeatedly emphasizing. This is also a point that we must solve now, unless you can find seeds that can produce tens of thousands of kilograms per acre at once.

It's impossible for this kind of seed to exist, okay?

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Ke Qing couldn't help but interrupt.

Tens of thousands of pounds?

It’s a beautiful thought. I would be grateful if I could produce 500 kilograms per acre.

Don't interrupt, listen to me first.

Han Xiao waved her hand to Keqing and told her to go aside and be quiet.

In addition to agricultural issues, Liyue's second step should be to develop industry.

As he said that, Han Xiao couldn't help but complain in front of the two of them:

Look at Fengdan. They can even build a photo camera. What about Liyue?

A wooden hidden shadow lamp?

Facing Han Xiao's soul question, Ke Qing and Ning Guang looked at each other silently, and both shut up.

There is no way, Han Xiao is right.

Fengdan's technology developed much faster than Liyue's.

Take the photo camera as an example. I couldn’t see the business opportunities in it.

Saw it, and had great ideas.

But as a result, there is no talent to do this stuff, so we can only invest in the other party.

That's why you asked me if the alchemist can be used?


Han Xiao nodded.

Liyue's current industrial structure must be adjusted.

At present, Liyue has no other competitive products except silk and porcelain, which are slightly better.

If this is the case, then think of ways to add other competitive products.

In this way, not only can some new jobs be created, but also the export trade volume can be increased, and economic growth can be freed from dependence on the mining industry.

As for the subsequent education issues, we will leave them for later.

I have written down everything you said, and I will mention it at the Seven-Star Council later.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't want to say the follow-up in one breath today, Ning Guang also stood up and prepared to leave. Seeing this, Ke Qing also stood up.

I hope you can discuss a charter soon.

Han Xiao sent the two of them all the way to the door. Before leaving, she couldn't help but urge:

If we drag it on any longer, the 500,000 miners will not be able to hold it back.

Don't worry, we will get there as soon as possible.

Ning Guang also knew that this matter must be decided as soon as possible, so he didn't say much and walked towards Qun Yu Pavilion with Ke Qing. They would continue to discuss the advice they received from Han Xiao with Qixing.

However, since the two did not conceal their whereabouts, a small group of people in Chihuyan still discovered them.

Hey, do you think there are two adults over there, Tianquan and Yuheng?

It seems so.

It's really strange, why would these two adults come to look for the puppet master of the Han family?

You must be underestimating Master Han Xiao. I also saw Miss Gan Yu from Yuehai Pavilion here too!

Wow, is Master Hanxiao so good at his craftsmanship?

The craftsmanship is indeed very good, but I always feel that things are not as we guessed.

The heated discussions among the people in Liyue did not stop Keqing and Ningguang from explaining. They rushed back to Qunyu Pavilion as quickly as possible and notified Qixing again for a meeting.

At the meeting, Ningguang dictated the opinions she received from Han Xiao.

What do you think?

After finishing speaking, Ningguang looked at several of his colleagues with interest, and estimated that a few of them would agree with Han Xiao's suggestion.

Keqing should be the one, and if Han Xiao's suggestion would benefit the most, it would be Keqing.

Who made her the Seven Stars in charge of land construction?

The other one should be Tianxuan. Before the meeting, Ningguang saw Keqing pulling the other person and whispering something. Judging from the smile on Keqing's face, it shouldn't be a big problem.

As for the other four, I don't know. Anyway, I can't tell from their expressions.

I agree with Han Xiao's suggestion.

I agree.

As soon as Ningguang finished speaking, Keqing couldn't wait to raise her hand to express her approval, and then Tianxuan also raised her hand to vote in favor.

I have no objection to the agricultural issues mentioned above. Han Xiao has indeed hit the point of Liyue's current pain point.

Seeing that the remaining people were silent, Kaiyang had no choice but to stand up and be a 'bad guy' for once.

As for the subsequent industries, I'm sorry! My suggestion is not to implement it until I see the competitive products he mentioned.

The risk of using the knife indiscriminately is too high.

I think it's okay. At least products like video cameras are already showing signs of becoming popular in Liyue. Others can make them but we can't. This is backwardness.

Yao Guang, who had always remained neutral and seldom spoke, suddenly spoke up and clearly supported Han Xiao, which immediately surprised the other Seven Stars.

But for Yaoguang himself, even if he is a neutral faction and has been doing some troubling things for a long time, this does not mean that he does not want Liyue to develop better.

Han Xiao's example of using a video camera moved him.

The pressure is now on Uncle Tian's side.

I saw him thinking for a long time, and then slowly asked a question:

I only have one question, and that is how to manage the new urban area after it is built, or how to manage it?

Uncle Tian paused for a moment, then said something that made everyone's expressions change drastically.

Would it be divisive?

Uncle Tian, ​​you are thinking too much. You are just opening a new city.

Keqing immediately stood up and refuted.

The new city is naturally based on Liyue Port.

I'm afraid not, Keqing.

Ning Guang sighed secretly in his heart, feeling that Ke Qing was still too upright.

Anyway, after listening to Han Xiao's suggestion, she already realized that the other party definitely had plans in mind that he had not revealed yet.

The reason why I didn't say anything was probably because I was afraid of too much opposition.

Let's settle things first.

Thinking of this, Ningguang tapped the cigarette pole on the table to attract everyone's attention.

It seems that everyone actually agrees with Han Xiao's suggestion, but some small details are not clear.

In Liyue, we naturally obey the emperor.

Don't forget, everyone, Han Xiao is a talent personally recommended by the emperor. He must have already known all this.

Yes, why did they forget it?

After hearing Ning Guang's speech, the eyes of several Seven Stars suddenly lit up.

Gan Yu had said that Han Xiao was personally recommended by the emperor to be a candidate for the Seven Stars.

The emperor is so wise and powerful, how could Han Xiao not know what he is going to do? There must be some deep meaning in it.

That being the case, I agree with Hanxiao's plan.

I agree too.

After thinking about this, Uncle Tian decisively chose to agree, and the remaining few also voted in favor.

Zhongli, who was fishing in the teahouse, suddenly paused and felt inexplicably that he was carrying something he shouldn't be carrying.

Chapter 34 Succession is imminent

Just right, we can talk about the next topic.

After seeing that all Seven Stars voted in favor, Ningguang felt that the time was almost ripe, and immediately struck while the iron was hot and said:

I think that when the crisis broke out in Liyue, only Han Xiao performed the best among all the seven-star candidates.

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