Facing the double guarantees from Tianshu Star and Tianquan Star, Paimeng felt as if he had been beaten to death, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

The reward is no less than five million molas, which is enough for her to buy a lot of delicious food.


Hanxiao, Yelan and the others have already set off, why haven't they seen the Great Sage of Conquering Demons?

After hanging up the communication with Little Paimon, Ningguang asked Han Xiao about Mandrill's situation while watching the picture on the curtain.

In order to make the exploration of the Layer Rock Abyss go more smoothly these days, she specially asked Ye Lan and others to have a brief conversation on their mobile phones to get to know each other.

But during the chat, it seemed that the Great Sage of Conquering Demons was never seen.

Wait, there seems to be another person who has no news.

Ningguang suddenly thought that besides Mandrill, there was another person in the investigation team who had not shown up in the past few days, so he immediately added:

I almost forgot, there is also the adventurer named Roman. There seems to be no news about them in the entire team?

Senior Mandrill is used to being alone, so there is a high probability that he will not be with the team, but will wander around alone to conduct investigations.

Hearing Ning Guang's question, Han Xiao, who also looked up at the screen, answered without thinking:

As for the adventurer Roman, he is already waiting at the entrance of the Strata Abyss.

That's it...

Seeing Han Xiao say this, Ningguang nodded thoughtfully and did not continue to ask.

In the past few days, she had investigated some information about Romani Solomon through her intelligence network.

After all, this person was the one she was least familiar with in the entire investigation team.

But the investigation results surprised Ning Guang.

There is very little information about Romani Solomon. The only thing that can be determined is that he registered as an adventurer with the Guili City Adventurer Association, and then showed up in the Mondstadt area.

Apart from these, no more information about this person can be found.

Originally, Ningguang was not willing to let someone with too unknown identity join the team, but seeing Han Xiao's attitude towards this person, she had a vague guess.

This person named Romani Solomon is probably someone Han Xiao has secretly trained over the past year.


As time passed, Ying soon passed by Qingxupu and arrived near the entrance of the Layer Rock Abyss.

Sure enough, at the entrance, there were already three people standing there waiting for their arrival, it was Yelan Shenhe and Roman with a smile on his face.

Traveller and Miss Yanfei, you are here.

Seeing Ying and Yan Fei, Ye Lan immediately stepped forward and said hello. As soon as she moved, Shen He on the side also came close to them.

Hello, I'm Shen He.

With that said, Shen He extended his right hand to Yingmei.

That's not necessary.

Seeing that the familiar scene was about to happen again, Ye Lan's eyes twitched, and she quickly reached out her upper hand and pressed down the opponent's right hand with force.

At the same time, he looked at Yingmei and the two apologetically and explained:

This disciple of the Liuyunxian family, Shen He, doesn't interact with many people on weekdays, so he doesn't know how to restrain his strength.

Hello, I'm Ying, and this is Paimon.

Although she didn't quite understand what Ye Lan said about her strong strength, Ying was still considerate and did not ask the reason, and directly introduced herself and Paimon on this topic.

Yan Fei on the side looked at Shen He up and down with great interest and then said with a smile:

You are Han Xiao's second senior sister Shen He. I heard Zhenjun Liuyun mentioned you before. My name is Yan Fei. I'm glad to meet you.

After saying that, Yan Fei immediately turned to look at Roman, who was watching the show with his arms folded, and his words became a bit sharper:

This should be Mr. Roman, the adventurer Miss Ying met in Mondstadt before. Am I right?

Before coming here, she heard someone mention what happened when she met Roman in Mondstadt, so she was also wary of this unknown person.

If this person hadn't been recommended by Han Xiao to join the investigation team, Yan Fei would have teamed up with others to kick him out of the team.

Exactly down there.

Hearing Yan Fei turn everyone's attention to him, Roman smiled and nodded, then took out a hand and waved to Ying Mei and Paimon.

We meet again, Miss Ying and Little Miss Paimon. Let me just say we will meet again.

It's been a while, Mr. Roman.

Perhaps because of Han Xiao's guarantee, Ying's expression looked very calm when she saw Roman again this time.

Now that everyone is here, let's set off.

Looking up at the sky, Ye Lan immediately clapped her hands and interrupted everyone's conversation.

Hey, where is the Great Sage of Conquering Demons?

Isn't he coming with us?

Seeing Ye Lan calling everyone to set off, Yan Fei asked in surprise.

I know this!

Upon hearing Yanfei's question, Paimon immediately gave the answer:

Han Xiao said that Mandrill has already gone down first, so we don't need to wait for him and can just enter the layered rock abyss directly.

Chapter 359 Ye Lan assigns tasks

After stepping into the giant rock abyss, Yingmei and others moved very fast. The five of them each found a rock key and activated it.

As the Pan Key was deactivated, the magic circle that originally sealed the lower layer of the Strata Rock Abyss also dissipated, and several people also took advantage of the situation to regroup at the mouth of the abyss in the center of the Strata Rock Abyss.

Is this the entrance to the bottom of the Great Rock Abyss? It looks so dark.

Paimon, who was holding the camera equipment, cautiously approached the hole and took a look down, then immediately retracted his little head and said with a scared look on his face.

The people of Liyue have made a living from the ores here for thousands of years. You can imagine how big the area is down here.

Seeing that Paimon looked a little scared, Yan Fei explained to him the reason for the formation of the layered rock abyss.

Everyone, be careful next time.

As a client who had been investigated several times, Ye Lan directed Shen He to shake down the elevator, and worriedly warned everyone again:

After more than a year of ban, even I don't know what's going on down there. You must listen to my command after you go down.

Don't worry, we will definitely obey the command, Miss Ye Lan.

Roman opened his mouth to respond for everyone.

That's good.

Seeing that everyone agreed with Roman's words, Ye Lan immediately jumped onto the elevator and then called a few people up.

After everyone jumped on the elevator, she pulled the mechanical button.


With the sound of mechanisms rubbing against each other, the elevator began to slowly descend into the bottom of the giant rock abyss.


Han Xiao, are you sure your method can really solve the problem of the layered rock abyss?

Through the camera in Paimeng's hand, Ningguang watched the descending figures of everyone, and couldn't help but ask Han Xiao his doubts.

When there was an accident in the Strata Rock Abyss, the information Ye Lan brought back stated that unknown black mud gushes out from the bottom of the mine. Once miners come into contact with the black mud, they will faint directly and gradually lose their vitality.

It was precisely because they couldn't find a solution that Qixing ordered the Layeryan Abyss to be sealed. Otherwise, given the proportion of Layeryan Abyss in Liyue's economy, how could they give up just as they said.

This time, had it not been for Han Xiao's proposal to send out an investigation team to solve the problem at the bottom of the mine, Ningguang would have only planned to open the shallow mining area.

The main reason why she agreed was because Han Xiao said that he had a solution to the black mud.

Don't worry, since I dare to do it, I am sure of it.

Seeing that Ning Guang was still a little worried, Han Xiao comforted him and explained with a rather confident expression on his face.

He did discuss the issue with Albedo about the stratified abyss.

According to their inference, the black mud at the bottom of the mine is likely to appear along with changes in the earth veins, so as long as the activity of the earth veins is disturbed where the black mud gushes out, the black mud should be able to be cleaned up.

To this end, Abedo searched for a lot of information, and finally found an overview of the instrument called Pulshina Light Nail in the academic section of the Steam Bird a long time ago.

With his super talent, he directly copied the drawings, and then Han Xiao took the drawings and produced several sets of Purshina Nails.

Currently, these instruments are placed in Ying's Brother Cheng pot.

I believe that with the help of these instruments, the exploration team should be able to clear or even close the exit of the ley line to the outside world.

Hopefully everything goes well.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, the expression on Ningguang's face became much more relaxed.

Now that Abedo and Han Xiao have speculated on the cause of the black mud and found a solution, the next step is to see the performance of the investigation team.


While Han Xiao and Ning Guang were talking, the elevator finally reached the bottom floor after a period of work.

Due to the ban for more than a year, the bottom of the layered rock abyss was already pitch black and nothing could be seen at all.


Following the sound of a machine opening and closing, a bright white light beam pierced the darkness at the bottom of the mine and shot into the distance.

It turned out that Ye Lan took out the flashlight provided by Han Xiao Qingqing at some point.

Everyone get out their flashlights.

Seeing everyone's subconscious actions to avoid the light source in his hand, Ye Lan calmly issued his first order as the leader of the team.

Soon, everyone took out their flashlights and lit them.

After more than a year, the bottom of the layered rock abyss finally welcomed the light again.

There is a temporary camp ahead. Everyone, follow me first.

Seeing everyone taking out their flashlights, Ye Lan nodded with satisfaction. This is him with a strong style. He must have been in a bad state before.

After leading everyone through the narrow corridor, the investigation team came to a slightly dilapidated camp.

He casually pulled out a piece of felt from the Eye of God and wiped the table in the camp. Then Ye Lan took out the map of the Strata Rock Abyss and placed it on the table and said:

This is a map of the bottom of the Layer Rock Abyss Mine. Everyone, take a look and I will divide the tasks.

As he spoke, Ye Lan held a flashlight in one hand and pointed out several locations on the map with the other.

I heard from the miners that there seems to be some kind of monster there. I'm going to investigate the cave here.

Yan Fei, go to the main mining area.

I heard that Mr. Roman has space ability, so I'd like to ask you to go to the farthest fluorescent channel.

Shen He, go to Shuizhuze.

As for Miss Ying, I leave the rugged stone hall to you.

After arranging everyone one by one, Ye Lan looked around at the people present.

Do you guys have any objections? If not, how about just following my arrangement?


no problem.

Several people present, including Roman, nodded after hearing Ye Lan's arrangement, saying that they had no objections.

In that case, Miss Ying, please take out Purshina's bare nails.


After Yingmei took out Purshina's bare nails, Yelan put away a set and put it into her God's Eye space and said:

Everyone get a set of Purshina Nails, and then set off according to the designated position.

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