The subordinate departments of Seven Stars have been calling for the restart of the Strata Abyss. In addition, the ore reserves have gradually bottomed out after more than a year of consumption.

If a group of experts can be found to solve the problem of the Layer Rock Abyss, this will definitely be good news for Liyue.

Yes, after listening to this, are you interested in taking on this task?

May I know who else is on the team besides me?


Han Xiao nodded, and then introduced the list of team members he had drafted to Yingmei.

First of all, the person recommended by Ningguang is also her right-hand assistant, Miss Ye Lan from the General Affairs Department. She is quite capable and is very good at handling crisis tasks.

The second one is Yan Fei, the half-human and half-immortal legal advisor. I believe you have met her. She entered the Layer Rock Abyss because of her client's will.

Then there is the Demon-Conquering Great Holy Mandrill, and the adventurer Romani Solomon.

Wait, who did you say last?

Originally, when she heard that each member of the investigation team was more powerful than the last, Yingmei couldn't help but nod her head. However, when Han Xiao reported the name of her puppet clone, she suddenly lost her composure.

What happened to that adventurer?

Yes, yes!

Not only Yingmei seemed a little excited, but Paimon on the side was nodding his head hurriedly:

Han Xiao, you don't know that this person speaks mysteriously and is a fake Fontaine person. How could you choose him to join the team?

You can rest assured on this issue, he is on your side.

Hearing that both of them were very suspicious of their puppet clones, Han Xiao raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said pointedly.

On our side?

Seeing the smile on Han Xiao's face, Yingmei couldn't help but frown her delicate brows, and a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

Could it be that the fake Fontaine named Roman was his?

Ying, who noticed some clues, immediately calmed down and considered it carefully, and suddenly felt that this was indeed a good choice.

The danger level below the abyss is not low. Having a teammate who is good at space ability can greatly reduce safety problems.

How about exploring the Great Strata Abyss with these team members, are you willing to accept this task?

Seeing Ying thinking about it, the smile on Han Xiao's face remained unchanged. If the other party could guess the identity of the doll Han Xiao based on his own hints, he wouldn't mind.

This can be regarded as Han Xiao's little bit of bad fun.

I agreed.

Considering that the problems under the giant rock abyss were probably caused by the Abyss Cult, after some thought, Ying agreed to take on the task.

Chapter 357 The first meeting between Shen He and Ye Lan

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons, the candidates to go to the abyss have been selected. Do you want to take a look?

He and Ying decided to go to the Layer Rock Abyss. After the other party left, Han Xiao called Mandrill and handed over the list of members of the exploration team in his hand.

After taking a look at the list handed over by Han Xiao, Mandrill found that the other party's selection was quite reliable.

The dangers below the giant rock abyss are unpredictable, and it is difficult to protect yourself without a certain amount of strength.

Although he didn't know much about the strength of Ye Lan and Luo Man, he still knew the abilities of Yan Fei and Traveler.

Moreover, Yelan and Luoman were recommended by Ningguang and Hanxiao respectively, so their abilities would not be much different.

Putting down the list in his hand, Mandrill nodded to Han Xiao and said:

These guys can.

Then Great Sage, do you want to meet these members?

Seeing that Mandrill agreed with the exploration team he selected, Han Xiao asked in a tentative tone.

Since there is always a supply of holy light essence, the situation of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons is much better than in the game, so Zhongli once asked him to try to let Mandrill have more contact with people.

So Han Xiao took this opportunity to let Mandrill and Yingmei get to know each other.

No need, I can act alone when the time comes.

It's a pity that after hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Mandrill refused without hesitation.

Even though Han Xiao's help purified a lot of the demonic resentment in his body, it would basically not cause harm to people.

But for him who has long been accustomed to living alone, he is still not used to having more contact with other people.

Okay then, I'll let you know when I want to leave.

Seeing that Mandrill still had no intention of contacting people, Han Xiao couldn't help but shrugged. Uncle Zhongli's request was really difficult to complete. The other party's habit could not be broken in a short time.


After discussing with Han Xiao and deciding to send an investigative team to the Layer Rock Abyss, Ning Guang was not idle either. On the same day, he found Ye Lan's subordinate Shang Hua and asked him to rush to Qiaoying Village and ask him to come back quickly.

While Han Xiao was talking to the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, Ye Lan also rushed back from Qiaoying Village after a long journey.

Ningguang, why are you so anxious to come back to me?

As soon as he stepped into Qunyu Pavilion, Ye Lan couldn't wait to ask his immediate boss.

You must know that she was conducting a covert investigation in Qiaoyingzhuang, and had found out some information about spies from other countries. She was about to close the net, but was called back by Ningguang.

So Yelan was naturally curious about the reason why the other party was so anxious to call her back.

I remember that you attached great importance to the news about the Strata Abyss.

Facing Yelan's inquiry, Ningguang held the jade cigarette rod in one hand and put the other hand on the table while looking at the other party. Although his words were in questions, his tone was quite firm.


Ye Lan hummed softly, she had not concealed this matter, and it was understandable that Ning Guang knew it.

My ancestors Boyang and Rong Zhao were two brothers. When the incident occurred in the Layeryan Abyss, both of them went to the front line to fight, but in the end only our ancestor Rong Zhao came back, and he was mentally insane.

As for ancestor Boyang, there has been no news since then, so I have always wanted to find out what happened.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Lan reacted instantly, looked at Ning Guang in surprise and asked:

Could it be that you asked me to come back this time to restart the investigation of the Strata Abyss?

That's right.

Seeing that Yelan had accurately guessed her plan, Ningguang pulled out the team list drawn up by Han Xiao from the pile of documents on the side and handed it to her.

These are the members of the exploration team that Han Xiao and I have planned. See if you need more people.


Glancing at the names on the list, Ye Lan had a look of surprise on her face.

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons, the half-human and half-immortal Yan Fei, and the travelers who had previously shown their talents at the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

Except for the Romani recommended by Han Xiao, whom she didn't recognize, the abilities of the others were all top-notch.

With such a few teammates acting together under the Strata Abyss, they are enough to deal with most crises under the Strata Abyss.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly broke the atmosphere of the conversation in the office, and then Baiwen's voice rang outside the door:

Lord Ningguang, Miss Gan Yu has something to ask you.

Invite her in.

As Ning Guang finished speaking, the office door was pushed open with a creak, and Gan Yu's figure walked in, with a tall white-haired woman following behind her.

Gan Yu, who is this?

Seeing Gan Yu walk into his office, Ning Guang did not ask the other party why he came, but instead focused on the expressionless woman behind him.

This is my junior sister, Shen He.

I've seen Tianquan Star.

After hearing his senior sister introduce himself, Shen He said hello to Ningguang in a calm tone.

It turns out that he is a disciple of the Liuyunxian family. It's rude.

Ning Guang didn't mind Shen He's somewhat cold attitude.

As a shrewd businessman, she could tell at a glance that the other person's emotions were much weaker than those of ordinary people. She probably had to follow the immortals to practice in the mountains all year round.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Ningguang asked Gan Yu’s purpose:

Gan Yu, why did you bring Miss Shen He here this time?

It's like this. Aren't you and Han Xiao going to send people to investigate the Strata Rock Abyss? Zhenjun Liuyun sent a message last night and wanted to recommend Shen He to join the team.

Was it originally the plan of Liu Yunxian's family? Of course it is possible.

Hearing that Shen He was the candidate recommended by Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun to join the exploration team, Ning Guang simply agreed. Then she turned to look at Ye Lan beside her:

This is Ye Lan. She is also the temporary captain of the exploration team that Han Xiao and I have planned.

Hearing this, Shen He turned his gaze directly to Ye Lan, and then walked up to the opponent with long legs.

Uh...Miss Shen He?

Looking at Shen He, who was almost the same height as himself and with an inexplicable sense of oppression, Ye Lan, the always strong underground queen, was also in a rare daze at this time.

Shen He.

So you were introducing yourself to me?

For a moment, Ye Lan was helpless by Shen He's sudden way of introducing himself, and then she had no choice but to extend her hand to him.

Yelan, welcome to join the exploration team.

Looking at Yelan's outstretched hand, Shen He stood there and thought for a moment, then slowly stretched out his right hand and squeezed the opponent's palm hard.


The sharp pain in her palm made Ye Lan take a breath of cold air, and then she tried to pull her hand back, but she still couldn't succeed after trying several times.

It was not until Gan Yu reminded her that she took her hand out of Shen He's hand.

Oh my god, what kind of strange teammate did I meet?

Seeing Shen He who was still expressionless, Ye Lan had a vague premonition in her heart. She seemed to be defeated by the woman in front of her?

Chapter 358: Investigation Team, Assemble

With the personnel confirmed, the members of the Stratayan Abyss investigation team set out from Liyue Port and Guili City and headed towards the Stratayan Abyss.

In order to cope with this investigation, Ningguang and Han Xiao not only selected masters like Yelan as members, but also prepared many props for them.

For example, the top-of-the-line Alice original Dudu communicator can communicate smoothly unless encountering some special circumstances.

In addition, the live camera used for archeology before Han Xiao was also handed over to Paimeng. He and Ning Guang, who specially flew to Guili City in Qun Jade Pavilion, formed a behind-the-scenes observer. The two of them would also sit in the Behind the screen, team members analyze the situation.

Of course, in order to deal with the possible crisis under the giant layer of rock, Han Xiao even mobilized a large amount of grain and stored it in Ying's brother Cheng's pot.

In Kuixing Tower, Han Xiao and Ningguang were sitting side by side, and in front of them was a large curtain.

The scene above the curtain is that of Yingmei driving an armored cavalry carrying Yanfei and Paimon towards the abyss of rock.

Looking at the scene behind the curtain, Han Xiao put the phone to her ear and said to the receiver:

Paimon, you have to do a good job as a photographer this time. When you come back, Ningguang and I will pay you a considerable sum of money.


Soon, Paimon's excited response came from the phone.

of course it's true.

Han Xiao smiled and replied, then handed the phone in her hand to Ning Guang, gesturing for the other party to say a few words as well.

Seeing this, Ning Guang didn't back down, took the phone directly and spoke his promise into the receiver.

I can guarantee that the reward this time will be no less than five million molas.

Wow! I will definitely do it well!

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