As expected of the old man, he is so open-minded.

Wendy raised her hand and took out a bottle of wine from the void, uncorked it and drank a few sips of it, with an expression on her face that was half-smiling, half-crying.

I...I want to wait and see.

He couldn't be as relieved as Zhongli was when his old friend passed away. He wanted his best friend to see the beautiful world outside the tower with his own eyes.

Even if it's just for a moment.

Chapter 328 Mandrill, your surprise is gone

Han Xiao contacted Alice immediately after returning home, and immediately informed her of the result of his conversation with Zhongli.

It seems that Mr. Zhongli does not agree with your plan?

That's not true, it's just that we didn't agree to carry out the plan in Liyue.

Listening to Alice's voice coming from the Dudu communication device, Han Xiao made a small retort.

Well, that's really a pity.

Alice on the other side of the communication device was not surprised to learn that Zhongli did not intend to let Han Xiao carry out the heroic transformation project in Liyue.

After all, the old-fashioned Lord Yan Shen attaches great importance to the issue of earth veins, and will not take this risk with Liyue at all.

As for why Alice knew that Zhongli was the Rock God, this was not what Han Xiao said.

That's because she knew Zhongli's true identity a long time ago.

It's a pity indeed.

Hearing this, Han Xiao was also a little helpless.

He originally planned to make a deal with the Order Council after the experiment in the Dark Sea was successful.

Then just wait for Sumeru's reaction.

As long as Sky Island does not react in any way to Xumi, Hanxiao can let the departed yakshas and immortals such as Fannan or Yixiao guide Tianjun return to the world.

Maybe the heroic transformation can't bring about a real resurrection, but at least it can comfort the Great Sage of Conquering Demons.

After all, Mandrill has worked tirelessly for Liyue for thousands of years, so it would be a good thing for him to see his old friends and relatives, right?

But since Zhongli chose to refuse, although Han Xiao felt a little regretful, she still decided to abide by the other party's opinion.


At this moment, Alice on the other end of the Dudu communication device suddenly chuckled, and then asked a little narrowly:

When I went to see Mr. Yun last time, I heard that you and Hu Tao, the master of Liyue Rebirth Hall, have known each other since childhood. If you do this, aren't you afraid that she will come knocking on your door to trouble you?

Well...can I say I forgot about it?

Suddenly hearing Hu Tao's name from Alice's mouth, Han Xiao's face froze, and she immediately stuttered in response.

He seemed to have really forgotten about walnuts.

Haha, it seems that even if Mr. Zhongli agrees, your plan cannot be implemented in Liyue.


Listening to Alice's laughter on the other side of the communication device, Han Xiao reached out to cover her face and couldn't help but shake her head.

The other party was right. Even if Zhongli really agreed to his suggestion, I'm afraid that Hu Tao would come to the door with the battle of protecting Mo as soon as the plan started.

After teasing Han Xiao for a while, Alice, who recovered, continued to talk about business:

You can cut down the design of the Heroic Spiritualization Project and compile a summary and give it to me. I'll ask Dolly to help you contact Xumi's thirty-man group. They have channels to contact the old guys in the Order Academy.

no problem.


Although the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan is related to whether Han Xiao can trade the Heart of God from the Order Council, it is only an idea on paper at the moment.

Whether it will work or not is a matter of debate.

And even if the Order does not agree to the deal, Han Xiao is not in a hurry, he still has a plan B.

emmm, you are asking what plan B is.

Han Xiao said it was very simple, just wait for news from Yingmei.

Although Han Xiao didn't know what the situation would be like in Sumeru in the game, he knew that once a traveler went to Sumeru, something would happen there.

Who told the fools to target the hearts of gods of the other six countries? When the time comes, all he needs to do is lay an ambush.

So after giving the abridged summary of the heroic transformation plan to Alice, he put it aside and ignored it.

After all, there are more important things waiting for him to deal with right now.

Putting the plan to become a hero behind, Han Xiao picked up Albedo's latest mobile phone and looked at it, as if waiting for something.

Jingle Bell--

Under Han Xiao's gaze, the phone suddenly vibrated, followed by a crisp ringing sound.


Hearing the phone ringing, Han Xiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly, then pressed the button to answer the call and put it to her ear.


Hanxiao, it's me.

How does it feel, Ningguang?

Hearing Ning Guang's voice coming from the microphone in his ear, Han Xiao smiled and said hello.

Is the news you sent from someone true?

In the Qunyu Pavilion.

Ning Guang and Han Xiao were holding their phones, with a very solemn expression on their faces.

At first, when Han Xiao sent the phone over, she thought it was a new generation of Dudu communicator.

However, when Ningguang learned the true situation of the mobile phone, she knew that the matter was a bit big.

The emergence of mobile phones has allowed her to see the future of Liyue, which is about to undergo big changes.

Of course it's true. The phone is in front of you. How can it be false?

Han Xiao also knew why Ningguang contacted him uneasily after seeing the real thing. He probably wanted to get a definite guarantee from himself.

“What’s the cell phone coverage like?”

Hearing Han Xiao's unhesitating assurance, Ningguang's heart calmed down, and then his eyes revealed the shrewdness of the businessman.

In her opinion, mobile phones, a tool that allows people to communicate over long distances, were Han Xiao's most useful invention to Liyue besides weapons.

To put it bluntly, with a mobile phone, Ningguang can fully predict how much efficiency it will improve Liyue's political and military circles.

Not to mention the private sector, the impact is immeasurable.

Therefore, what she is most concerned about now is the coverage of mobile phones, or the maximum distance that can be received.

Looking at the current situation, most of Liyue can be covered.

After hearing Ningguang's inquiry, Han Xiao also informed each other of his and Abedo's conclusions.

If we take Guili City as the starting point, the current mobile phone signal coverage area can reach from Mingyun Town in the east, to Jueyunjian in the west, to Wuwangpo in the north, and to Liyue Port in the south.

As for Qingcezhuang and other places, the coverage distance is not yet reached.

“Can’t we still cover places like Qingce Village, Qiaoying Village and Layer Rock Abyss?”

After receiving Han Xiao's answer, Ning Guang frowned slightly.

The coverage area is a bit small. If even Liyue cannot achieve full coverage, doesn't it mean that cross-border communication cannot be completed?

In this case, the role of mobile phones will be much smaller.

You want to ask if it can cover Mondstadt and other places.

Han Xiao quickly understood what Ningguang was thinking, and immediately explained with a smile:

Don't worry, mobile phones need to receive signals to complete communication. What Abedo and I tested was the longest contact distance between two mobile phones.

To complete cross-border communication, you only need to build a signal relay tower at regular intervals.

Does this mean that mobile phones can enable cross-border communication?

It's natural!

Han Xiao, who was holding a mobile phone, raised an eyebrow and her tone was full of confidence.

Chapter 329 Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun mastered Keqing’s secret

It seems you are very confident.

Although Ningguang didn't quite understand the slightly professional words in Han Xiao's mouth, she still understood the general meaning.

Since Han Xiao is so confident, it means that he can indeed extend the calling distance of his mobile phone to other countries.

Thinking of this, Ningguang felt a little more happy.

So we just need to mark out some places and build a few signal towers...what kind of towers are they?

Signal relay tower.

Oh, right, so we only need to build signal relay towers to complete cross-border communications, right?


That's good!

Hearing the affirmative tone coming from Han Xiao, Ningguang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said rather arrogantly:

I will ask Keqing to send a construction team to build signal relay towers throughout Liyue. First, we can achieve long-distance communication throughout Liyue.

“The boss is awesome!”

Regarding Ning Guang's awe-inspiring expression, Han Xiao immediately offered words of praise.

This is the advantage of having a rich woman standing behind you.


With Ningguang's support, Keqing led the construction team to Guili City within half a day.


As soon as he arrived at Guili City, Keqing directly found Han Xiao who was in the alchemy workshop. At the same time, he also saw Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and Abedo beside him.

Zhenjun Liuyun, are you here? Keqing is being rude.

This should be Mr. Abedo, the alchemist master of the Knights of the West Wind. I am Yuheng Xing Keqing. Mr. Abedo can just call me Keqing.

Hello, Miss Keqing, I am Abedo.

Upon hearing Keqing's self-introduction, Abedo nodded to her gently.

After the two introduced each other, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun finally said:

You don't need to worry about Yu Hengxing. Are you looking for Han Xiao?

Yes, Zhenjun, Ningguang asked me to bring the construction team to get the drawings for building the signal relay tower.

Keqing gave a very solemn answer to Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's inquiry.

She had already learned all the details about the mobile phone from Ning Guang, so she naturally understood that this was something that could bring great changes and benefits to Liyue.

So after receiving the news, she rushed over with the construction team.

So that's what happened. You came just in time. We are discussing it.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was quite satisfied with the fact that Keqing led the construction team to Guili City within half a day.

This means that this generation of Qixing attaches great importance to Liyue. Isn't this what the emperor expected to see.

Until then, Han Xiao, who had been lying on the alchemy table with a pen and drawing, raised his head, looked at Ke Qing and said.

Keqing, I'm afraid you have to wait for a while. Master Liuyun and I have to verify the calculation results again.

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