And resurrecting the Demon God...this is ridiculous!

Although the Demon God is immortal, he has never seen the Demon God return from death in so many years.

Even if he returns, he will probably be just a similar new demon god.

Are both the Little Lucky Grass King and those sages crazy?

This is indeed true.

Seeing Wendy's rare expression of genuine surprise, Zhongli answered him slowly in a calm and unchanging tone.

It's exactly what I guessed.

The corners of Han Xiao's mouth rose slightly, and the truth Zhong Li told was indeed almost the same as what he had guessed before.

Hanxiao, since you have guessed the truth about the Grass God, you should know how important the Grass God's heart is to the sages of Xumi.

Hearing Han Xiao's sigh, Zhongli instantly turned his gaze to him, his tone still full of seriousness.

The Void System is a system that the sages of Sumeru have devoted all their efforts to resurrecting the Great Merciful Tree King over the past five hundred years. Its basic core is the Heart of God.

It's almost impossible for you to get the Heart of God from the Order.

Not necessarily, Mr. Zhongli.

Seeing that Zhongli's words meant to persuade him to give up his love for the grass god, Han Xiao just shook his head and said pointedly:

Have you forgotten what I said before?


Zhongli was silent for a moment, then raised his hand, and a wave of rock elements instantly poured into the ground to reinforce the magic circle that had been operating to isolate the earth veins since the conversation.

After doing all this, he spoke out the answer in his heart:

The experiment you want to start in the Dark Sea is probably related to resurrection.

After listening to his own story, Han Xiao still looked confident about getting the Heart of God, which had to make Zhongli suspect that the experiment he planned to do in the dark sea was related to resurrection.

Because only in this way can he exchange for the Heart of the Grass God from the group of sages who have gone crazy in the Order Academy.

As expected of Mr. Zhongli, yes, the experiment I plan to do in the Dark Sea is indeed related to resurrection.

After saying that, Han Xiao shook her head again and directly denied herself: shouldn't be called resurrection. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it reincarnation.

Brother Hanxiao, resurrection is not a simple matter.

Wendy, who was listening to Renren's conversation, suddenly spoke quietly, with a little more gloom in her eyes.

He had never seen a truly resurrected creature on Teyvat.

If he really had the ability to resurrect, he would have found a way to get it.

After all, even the free God of Wind will have regrets.

Although Zhong Li didn't speak, the expression on his face was similar to Wendy's.

He, the rock, also has many regrets.

Uh... maybe there is something wrong with my expression. You two, please listen to my explanation.

Seeing that both Wendy and Zhongli seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, Han Xiao quickly explained the experiment he was planning to conduct in the dark sea.

Mr. Zhongli and Sir Wendy, you two remember that everything is recorded in the earth veins.

Hearing Han Xiao mention the earth veins, Zhongli frowned subconsciously.

I was about to ask the other party if he had already promised not to touch the earth veins, so why did he want to take the initiative to do so now?

But he soon realized that he must have gone astray.

The location where Han Xiao is going to experiment is in the dark sea, where it is not clear whether there are even earth veins there.

You must know that after Yuanxia Palace sank into the ground, although there were still earth veins on the entire land, they were no longer connected to Teyvat's earth veins.

Therefore, even if there are still earth veins in the Dark Sea, the laws of heaven may not be able to monitor and control them.

After understanding this, Zhongli relaxed and thought about Han Xiao's words, and quickly understood the other party's plan.

You want to use the function of ground records to recover consciousness and soul, and use experiments to bring the souls of the dead back to the earth again?

This is the content of the experiment I plan to do, and it is also the capital I plan to use in exchange with the Order.

Hearing that Zhongli had basically guessed his plan, Han Xiao took out a stack of documents filled with various mysterious runes from his jade pendant and handed them to Zhongli.

As a result, Zhongli read the documents handed over by Han Xiao carefully one by one, and even Wendy came to his side and watched carefully.

The entire living room suddenly became quiet, and Han Xiao did not disturb Zhongli and the two of them, holding the tea cups in both hands and watching them quietly reading the documents.

What an incredible technology. Did you get this from outside the world?

After reading all the documents in his hand, Zhong Li raised his head and looked at Han Xiao, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Although he had known for a long time that Han Xiao had powers outside the world, to be honest, the technology on the document in front of him still shocked him.

Are humans outside the world so wild that they can even achieve this kind of resurrection-like technology?

Tsk tsk tsk, heroic spirit transformation...what an incredible idea.

Wendy, who also read the entire document, couldn't help but click his tongue. He had learned a lot today.

The old man is right. Do people outside the world have such bold ideas?

Mr. Zhongli, Sir Wendy, at least my plan is much more reliable than the god-making plan of the great sages of the Order Council, and it will not cause any harm to the people of Sumeru.

Han Xiao shrugged, his tone showing no respect for the sages of the Order Academy.

After all, the void system has robbed all Sumeru people of their right to dream.

Chapter 327 The different attitudes of the two gods

Heroic spirit.

There are corresponding explanations in various language families, such as the soul of a martyr or the soul of a hero, etc.

But the most memorable explanation is the concept from Norse mythology.

Heavenly Father Odin wanted to select those fallen warriors who were brave and good at fighting on the battlefield on earth, so Valkyrie rode on horseback and patrolled with the Wild Hunt to bring the dead warriors into Valhalla.

These warriors are called heroic spirits.

In order to obtain the Heart of God from the great sage of the Order Academy, Han Xiao specially asked for all the information and rituals about the heroic spirits from herself in the world of Xingyue.

As for how he got Xingxiao, it was naturally the loot from the clock tower last time.

Ahem, let’s get back to the topic.

In the world of Xingyue, heroic spirits are beings transformed into heroes who gather their faith after death. They are freed from the shackles of time and move to the Seat of Heroic Spirits located outside the world.

The only thing that can truly summon the true body of the heroic spirit is the world. The spirit seance ceremony and summoning of the heroic spirit is also a decisive battle magic used to save the world of primates.

It's just that for their own convenience, humans have downgraded this kind of magic into a summoning system. It is the summoning ritual used to summon servants in the Holy Grail War.

Although there is no strange thing like the Seat of Heroes on Teyvat, Teyvat does have earth veins!

The ley lines not only record all the information on Teyvat Road, but even the consciousness and incomplete souls of all living creatures will be recovered by the ley lines.

So Han Xiao, with the help of Xing Xiao, designed a set of unique summoning rituals based on the current situation of Teyvat Continent.

Through this set of summoning rituals, he can quickly anchor to the incomplete souls and consciousness of the dead recovered by the earth's veins, and then fish them out of the earth's veins through ritual formations.

Although this was not a resurrection in the actual sense, it was enough for Han Xiao.

What he needs is to fish out the remaining consciousness and soul fragments of the Great Mercy Tree King from the earth veins, and then implant them into the previously prepared dolls to cut off the connection with the earth veins and prevent them from being recycled by the earth veins again.

As mentioned before, the demon god of Teyvat cannot die.

As long as the consciousness wakes up, the possibility of the devil reviving is quite high.

This is Han Xiao's plan to exchange the heart of God with the great sages of the Order Academy.

People outside the world have even realized this idea, which is really impressive.

After listening to Han Xiao's detailed explanation of his plan, Wendy couldn't help but click her tongue, marveling at the methods of humans in other worlds.

Judging from the information provided by the other party, the spirit seance ceremony and the summoning of heroic spirits are obviously the ultimate means for the world itself to deal with disasters, but they have been downgraded into a practical means of summoning by these human conveniences.

Should he say that the humans in that world were superb and courageous?

Hearing Wendy's sighing voice in his ears, Zhongli silently put down the documents in his hands and began to think deeply.

It has to be said that Han Xiao is indeed very courageous and dares to adopt such a plan to make deals with the sages of the Order Academy.

Judging from the information, if everything goes well, his plan will indeed be simpler than the God-making plan of the Imperial Academy.

As for the matter of heroic transformation involving earth veins.

Haha, the God-making plan of the Order Institute itself involves the World Tree, and the damage to the earth caused by the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan is actually less than their previous plan.

The main reason why Zhongli was deep in thought was because even he was slightly tempted by Han Xiao's plan.

Move the sky, float the house...

Countless comrades who had fought for Liyue through life and death kept reappearing in Zhongli's mind, and finally settled on a gentle and tranquil female face.


Mr. Zhongli, what do you think of my plan?

Seeing that Zhongli remained silent, Han Xiao felt a little uneasy. He knew that the plan to trade with the Order involved the earth's veins.

Although it seemed from the results that he would not be involved, Han Xiao was still a little worried that Zhongli would not agree.

Hearing Han Xiao's slightly worried voice, Zhongli opened his eyes and sighed deeply.

Sigh...Who are you going to choose for the experiment?

So you agree!

The experiment can be carried out, but the heroic transformation cannot be used in Liyue. Whether you can reach a deal with the Order depends on your own ability.

After some inner struggle, Zhongli gave up the plan to carry out the heroic transformation in Liyue.

As a guest at the Rebirth Hall, he felt that the concept of the Rebirth Hall was still very good, and the living should not disturb the dead.

As for Han Xiao's plan to use the Heroic Spiritualization Plan to make deals with the Imperial Academy, it would be fine as long as it is not carried out on the land of Liyue.

Sumeru is not under his jurisdiction.

Mr. Zhongli, I plan to summon a relatively famous scholar in the history of Xumi to serve as evidence for the heroic transformation plan.

Seeing that Zhongli agreed that he would not care about the hero's spiritualization plan as long as it was not carried out in Liyue, Han Xiao quickly revealed his plan.

The reason why he went to the dark sea to conduct experiments was to summon a successful sample.

Only in this way can the sages of the Order Academy see hope.

After all, the other party has been carrying out the god-making plan for so many years. It is simply impossible for them to give up immediately without conclusive evidence.


Watching Han Xiao leave, Wendy looked at Zhongli, who was sitting motionless, and suddenly spoke, her tone no longer as agile as before, but with a hint of austerity:

Old man, the success rate of Han Xiao's plan seems to be quite high...

Hearing the alcoholic poet's different tone than usual, Zhongli raised his head and looked at him, and asked slowly:

Barbatos, are you excited?


Hearing this, Wendy fell silent.

Is he excited?

To be honest, he was indeed moved.

Even as a free wind god, he still has great regrets.

Alas, life and death are impermanent, but Yin and Yang are orderly.

Seeing that his old friend was entangled in his heart, Zhongli could only sigh softly, but he still spoke to persuade him:

Barbatos, what is gone is gone after all, and what is summoned back is just a shadow of the past. We living people should not disturb the sleep of the dead.

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