Having personally obtained the Heart of Barbatos, she knew very well that it was the Heart of the Rock God of Morax.

The lady's original plan was very simple. Bacha's attack on Guili City would definitely cause chaos in the city, and Hanxiao would definitely drive back from Liyue Port by then.

She had laid many ambushes on Han Xiao's way back to the city, and was also ready to take action herself.

The purpose is to seize the heart of God in one fell swoop.

However, now that I heard that Dadalia speculated that the immortals were not staying in Jueyunjian, but probably in Guili City, it was strange that the lady's face was not ugly.

Bashi went to attack Guili City where the immortals were stationed. It was like a meat bun beating a dog with no return. He probably couldn't make any trouble.

In this way, the plan to ambush Han Xiao on the only way from Liyue Port to Guili City was basically a failure.

It seems that your plan is not going well either.

In the base, Dadalia understood something from the lady's ugly expression, and immediately responded with a bright smile on her face without any courtesy.

Hmph, it's better than being played as a pawn.

Each other.

Faced with the lady's ridicule, Dadalia shrugged and spread his hands, smiling.

He had indeed been tricked, and he admitted it, but now it seemed that the lady's plan would also end in failure.

Dadalia was quite happy about this. After all, he had failed. If the lady's plan succeeded, wouldn't it prove that he was useless.

It's better now. The other party's plan failed just like him, and I feel more balanced!

Well, I have to say that the CEOs of Fools are really a group of friendly and good colleagues.


In the Qunyu Pavilion.

Fools, their attacks have become more urgent!

Looking at the endless stream of Fool soldiers coming out of the whirlpool portal, a soldier from the Qianyan Army led by Ke Qing suddenly shouted.

Hmph, you are very courageous. After understanding this matter, none of the diplomats from the Solstice Kingdom can even think of escaping!

Seeing the soldiers of Fools pouring out, a flash of anger flashed in the eyes of Ning Guang, who was maintaining the magic circle, and he couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

I just said that my previous proposal was very good, and the fools should be prohibited from setting foot in Liyue again.

Hearing Ning Guang's angry tone, Han Xiao, who was strangling Fool's soldiers, quickly agreed.

At this time, he was on the energy platform constructed by magic. One hand was pressed on the Vientiane Codex at his waist, and the fingertips of the other hand were dancing continuously.

As Han Xiao's fingertips danced, seven extremely exquisite dolls shuttled back and forth on the battlefield like butterflies.

Every time the puppet moved back and forth, there would be a burst of blood, and then a Fool soldier fell to the ground heavily, clutching his throat.

Wow, Han Xiao is so awesome!

Paimon, who was following Ying, watched Han Xiao stay on the spot and control the puppets to kill the Fool soldiers one after another. She couldn't help but put her hands over her mouth and sighed repeatedly.

It's really great.

Pulling out the edge of the edgeless sword from the body of a fool, Ying took the time to glance at Han Xiao and agreed with Paimon's statement.

Before in Guili City, Han Xiao had always given her the image of a 'mad scientist'. It wasn't until she was ambushed by fools on the road last time that she realized that the opponent actually had good martial arts skills.

But now it seems that Han Xiao was just warming up at that time, and now the opponent is showing his true abilities.


While dodging Osel's breath attack and looking at the Fool soldiers who were still coming out of the whirlpool door, Ying felt very unsure of herself.

If they continue like this, sooner or later they will run out of energy, and then they will really be doomed.

Paimon, who had been observing the overall situation by Ying's side, also noticed this and immediately shouted anxiously:

Ying, think of a solution quickly. If this continues, we will...

Children, do you want to say that you can't hold on any longer?

Before Paimon finished speaking, a slightly older voice suddenly reached the ears of Han Xiao and others.

At the same time, a stooped old man quietly appeared next to Ningguang.

Grandma Ping?

Ning Guang noticed that there was someone suddenly appearing next to him. The hair on Ning Guang's body stood on end, and he was almost so frightened that he couldn't hold on to the magic circle in his hand.

Fortunately, after discovering that the visitor was Grandma Ping who often appeared in Yujing Terrace, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said:

My guess is correct, you are indeed an immortal.

Oh, are you so sure?

After hearing Ning Guang's words, Grandma Ping looked at her with a smile on her face, as if she intended to listen to the other party's explanation.

Don't underestimate my intelligence network, Grandma Ping.

Ning Guang also replied with a smile.

How could she not know that after being a Qixing for so many years, there was an old man who often drank tea and admired the flowers on the Yujing Terrace.

After a little investigation, she found that many old people had met each other when they were children. If she still couldn't discover Grandma Ping's identity, then the Seven Stars would be useless.

This year's Seven Stars are really good.

After listening to Ningguang's explanation, Grandma Ping first glanced at Keqing, who was leading the Qianyan Army soldiers to fight.

Then he turned his attention to Han Xiao, who was standing there directing the puppets to kill the soldiers of the Fool, and then sighed with relief.

Then, Grandma Ping raised her hand and pointed it at Ying, and a majestic immortal power instantly poured into the opponent's body.

Child, don't say depressing words on the battlefield, just accept this.


Before Ying could react, the majestic immortal power merged into her body, and in the next second, white shock flashes burst out around her body.

In an instant, after the soldiers around Ying were swept away by the shock wave, everyone flew out as if they had been hit harder than ever before.

Wow, this is the famous Grandma Ping's shock wave. Grandma, I want to have one too!

Seeing Ying's whole body radiating light, Han Xiao, who was directing the puppet to kill the enemy, suddenly felt sour.

You must know that many people have been encouraging the implementation of Grandma Ping in the previous life, isn't it because the shock wave of Grandma Ping in the main plot left a deep impression on them.

Now that she saw this scene with her own eyes, Han Xiao was naturally very greedy.

You kid...

Seeing that Han Xiao called her immortal power Grandma Ping's shock wave and was famous, Grandma Ping could only look at him with a dumbfounded expression.

He is indeed the unlucky child the emperor calls him. He has always been so out-of-touch since he was a child.

Okay, okay, you have a share too.

After saying that, Grandma Ping once again sent a stream of immortal power into Han Xiao's body.

Chapter 274 The Exploding Platform

With the influx of immortal power, Han Xiao immediately became the second glowing villain present besides Ying. At the same time, the shock wave that kept spreading outwards towards the body also arrived as promised.

This feels really good.

Feeling the immortal power flowing in her body, Han Xiao silently asked the chat group to extract a small amount as a sample.

The main reason why he did this was because he was a little curious about the difference between what the immortals called immortal power and elemental power.

If the difference can be distinguished, perhaps more of Teyvat's secrets can be revealed.

Since Han Xiao started the live broadcast after going to Qunyu Pavilion, the chat group was extremely lively at this time.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Is this the true image of Osel? It looks like my super-large Neptune type.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Osel is also a demon god after all. He is much stronger than Neptune. How about giving him some face?

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Indeed, if you put it on my side, the power of the devil is enough for magicians to drink from it.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Generally speaking, beings that can control power are not weak, at least this is clearly reflected in my case.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: That's it. There are too many exceptions on my side, and Osel won't be able to make a splash if he leaves me here.

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: The levels of the world are different. The big guys on your side, Xi Xiao, are all multi-level. If Osel is placed on my side, the whole world can be equaled.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Having said that, knowing that doing so will damage the relationship between the two countries, are the fools so stubborn?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Well, let's put it this way, the reputation of the Fools is very bad in the Teyvat continent. It's even worse than what is said in the game.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I understand, they are used to being overbearing, right?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: That's about right. There are many high-end combatants among the executive officers, and their behavior is somewhat unscrupulous.

After casually chatting for a few words in the chat group, Han Xiao returned his attention.

He didn't want to comment too much on the behavior of the Foolish People. Everyone else's goals were set on the laws of heaven. It would be a fool to have a good attitude towards the other six nations.

For now, let’s deal with these troublemaking fools completely.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao strode forward, protected by Grandma Ping's shock wave. He and Ying ran rampant on the battlefield like two sharks that broke into a school of fish.

Keqing, who spent a lot of effort to deal with another debtor of Fools, took advantage of the opportunity to jump to Ningguang's side. She was panting from exhaustion. The long battle made her hands and feet weak from chopping people.

Looking at Han Xiao and Ying who were like two wild bulls darting back and forth between the soldiers of Yu Fang, Ke Qing's eyes were full of envy, and she immediately turned her head to look at Grandma Ping with shining eyes:

Grandma...can you give me one too?

You girl... your health is a bit bad.

Upon hearing Keqing's request, Grandma Ping sighed helplessly.

Not everyone is qualified to withstand the immortal power. Ying and Han Xiao's souls are strong, and so are their bones.

In the old saying, both of them are the kind of wizards who are rare to see in a century.

Although Yu Hengxing is also the owner of the Eye of God, in terms of physical fitness, he is still far behind Han Xiao and Ying.

If there is anyone else in Liyue Port who can withstand the immortal power, the only one left is Beidou, the leader of the Southern Cross Fleet.

That's it...

After hearing what Grandma Ping said, Keqing was slightly disappointed, but she quickly put the matter behind her. After recovering some of her physical strength, she rushed down and continued fighting with the Fool's soldiers.

As the two glowing villains Ying and Han Xiao showed off their power on the field, the number of Fool soldiers on the Qunyu Pavilion was slowly decreasing.

Everyone, please hold on and repel the fools completely!

Seeing that no new Fool Soldiers finally entered the Whirlpool Gate, Keqing held the dragon's chant in the box and wiped it on the neck of a Fool Soldier while loudly cheering for the Qianyan Army soldiers.

When the last Fool soldier was knocked out of the Qunyu Pavilion and fell into the sea, the interference in front of him was eliminated, and Ningguang immediately activated the magic circle with all his strength.

The next moment, all the final machines followed the flow of the magic circle, all gathered together and simultaneously exploded with the strongest power.


There was a loud noise, and the light emitted by countless terminal machines at the same time converged into a beam of light that was several people high and hit Osel directly.


Osel, who had been suppressed in place by the saturation attack of the terminal machine before, couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and fell limply into the water.

Great, it works!

Seeing that the Final Machine had successfully caused damage to Ocell, Paimon excitedly clenched his small fists and leaned forward.

If we continue to suppress it like this...

However, before she could finish her words, a blue beam of light shot straight into the sky at lightning speed.

No, everyone retreat to Qunyu Pavilion quickly!

Seeing Osel spit out the beam of light, Han Xiao immediately judged the opponent's plan, turned around, took the arms of the two soldiers closest to him, and ran towards the direction of Qunyu Pavilion behind him.

He did not forget to loudly remind everyone who was still on the platform of the magic circle to evacuate immediately.

It's a pity that his reminder was still a step too late.

Almost as soon as Han Xiao stepped onto the Qunyu Pavilion, countless meteor-like water bombs struck towards the magic circle platform.

Boom boom boom——

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