I almost forgot to introduce you. Ying and Paimon are my colleagues.

The Tianquan star is shining brightly and the Yuheng star is shining brightly.

Keqing, Ningguang, these are the traveler Ying who helped Mondstadt solve the dragon disaster, and her guide Paimeng.


Just as Han Xiao was introducing Ningguang Keqing and Ying, the mandrills on the outskirts of Guili City were already fighting with the intruders.

A huge creature with three dragon-shaped heads stood upright in the sea, with each head's enlarged mouth constantly spraying powerful water jets.

She is the wife of Osel, the demon god of the whirlpool, and the remaining power of the whirlpool is domineering.

Around her, the mandrill, whose whole body was entangled with dark green wind elements, shuttled back and forth in the air quickly and flexibly, causing a long and narrow wound on Ba Sha's body every time.

But every time a wound appears, water will cover the wound and heal completely.

Once again seeing the wounds he had caused on Bashi being healed by the water, Mandrill, who was always good at fighting, couldn't help but frown.

Haili is the opponent's home court, and he will suffer a lot if he continues to fight like this.

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons, I will come to help you!

The next moment, the resounding voice of True Monarch Jieyue Zhuyang resounded through the sky, and three bright golden light arrows accompanied by the voice instantly stabbed into the foreheads of the three heads of Bashi.


In pain, Bashi couldn't help but let out a painful roar, and his huge body began to twist continuously. The surrounding seawater suddenly sprang up a tsunami of more than ten meters high and hit Mandrill and the others.

Although several immortals could easily avoid the tsunami's attack, considering that Guili City was not far behind them, the three immortals Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun immediately mobilized their immortal power to form a magic circle, and all the tsunamis were destroyed. Blocked.

This situation is wrong. Why is Bashi's power stronger than before?

After blocking the tsunami, Liuyun Sanxian and Mandrill met together. When they met, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun asked the doubts in his heart.

During the Demon God War, when they followed the emperor to conquer Osel, Basha's power was not as strong as it is today. At that time, any immortal could suppress the opponent steadily.

However, the tsunami that Bashi set off at will was so powerful, which she really didn't understand.

The other demon gods have gradually declined in strength due to the wear and tear caused by the passage of time. Why does Ba Cha's power increase instead of decreasing?

It should be because of Osel.

Hearing Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's doubts, Mandrill glanced in the direction of Liyue Port without leaving a trace, and then turned his gaze back to Bashi.

There is only one explanation for Bashi's sudden strength, and that is that Osel has escaped from the emperor's seal.

As the wife of Osel, the demon god of whirlpools, she can naturally share some of Osel's power.

The reason why Bashi was not strong during the Demon God War was because the enemy Osel faced at that time was the emperor, and of course he did not dare to transfer his power to his wife.

But it's different now. The emperor basically lets Liyue Qixing do what he wants, and Osel, whose pressure has been reduced sharply, has the remaining power to share his power with Ba Xie.

Thinking of this, Mandrill quickly said to Sanxian Liuyun:

Liu Yun, go to Liyue Port quickly to provide support. I will leave this place to you.


Go quickly!

Liu Yun, leave this place to the Great Sage of Conquering Demons. Now that Osel is out of trouble, Liyue Port is now more dangerous than Guili City.

Seeing that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was hesitant, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun and Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun looked at each other, and then they started to persuade each other.

In that case, let me ask the Great Sage of Conquering Demons here.

After hearing the persuasion of the two old friends, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun also knew that what they said was correct. Liyue Port, which may be being attacked by Osel at the moment, was more dangerous than Guili City.

If Osel can be eliminated, Bashi will not become a big problem.

After saying that, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun vibrated his wings and flew directly into the sky, and flew quickly towards Liyue Port under the entanglement of immortal power.

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons, I'll leave this to you.

Seeing this, True Lord Shayue Zhuyang and True Lord Lishui Dieshan said to Mandrill in unison, and then quickly caught up with True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, and the three immortals galloped towards Liyue Port together.

When the three immortals left, looking at Bashi who had just escaped from the light arrow nailed to his head, Mandrill's face turned cold. He held the gun in his left hand and quickly brushed his face with his right hand.

A Nuo mask with a ferocious face and two fierce fangs at the corners of its mouth appeared on his face.

Jing Yao Nuo Dance!

With the appearance of the mask, Mandrill also emitted several extremely ominous black auras that entangled it.


Attention everyone, Osel is coming out!

After a brief introduction to both parties, Han Xiao noticed a sudden change in the whirlpool on the sea and immediately shouted.

Ying, Ningguang and the others looked at each other and mobilized their elemental power to inject the elemental versions in a circle into the terminal.

In an instant, the Jade Pavilion seemed to be surrounded by a golden ring-shaped 'light belt'.

Chapter 272: Madam: It’s over, my plan is also a pill

Guyun Pavilion

The whirlpool on the sea surface suddenly disappeared, countless seawater kept rolling, and a huge black shadow was swimming back and forth underwater.

Fluorescent lines formed a strange pattern on his body.

Dark clouds filled the sky, and three huge water columns rushed into the sky to form a rare waterspout.

The next moment, Osel's head suddenly broke through the water, and his dozens of meters long neck turned the entire sea upside down.

What followed was the overwhelming pressure of the devil.

In the Qunyu Pavilion, the soldiers of the Qianyan Army who were originally maintaining the defense line felt their bodies sink, and their bodies shook involuntarily.

So...so scary!

Seeing Osel, the Demon God of the Whirlpool, finally showing his true form, Paimon was so frightened that he hid behind Ying with a look of fear on his face.

Just looking at it from such a distance made me feel like I couldn't breathe smoothly.

It seems that the pressure of the ancient demon gods is very harmful to the bodies of ordinary people.

Looking at the crumbling Qianyan Army soldiers all around, Ke Qingdai frowned and quickly directed the soldiers who could not bear it to stay away from the defense line, leaving only those soldiers who could still move.

Condensing light!

Seeing all the heads of Osel emerging from the sea, Han Xiao quickly shouted.

Hearing Han Xiao's cry, Ning Guang did not dare to neglect, quickly pressed the seal with both hands to activate the magic circle, and all the final machines that were ready to go simultaneously spit out a continuous stream of golden light arrows at Ossel.

Boom boom boom——

The golden rain of arrows bombarded Osel's body at an extremely fast speed, and explosive smoke balls exploded on his neck one after another.

Although it did not cause much damage, it successfully delayed Osel's progress.

Very good!

Seeing that the attack was effective, Paimon clapped his little hands repeatedly, his face full of excitement.

However, before she could be happy for long, the space on the platform of Qunyu Pavilion suddenly twisted into several black whirlpool doors, and groups of fools walked out of them one after another.

Ah, it's the fools!

Those Qianyan troops who are able to move, follow me!

Seeing the fools walking towards the final machine, Keqing held the Dragon Yin in the box without saying a word before jumping onto the floating magic circle platform and running towards the fools. The Eye of God on his back also emitted a trace of purple light. Thunder and lightning.

Seeing this, Ying didn't hesitate, picked up the edgeless sword in his hand and followed.

Next time the Seven Stars Council will introduce a law prohibiting the entry of Winter Fools!

Looking at the crowd of fools who came to disrupt the situation as in the game, Han Xiao complained quite unhappily to Ning Guang, who was maintaining the magic circle.

Then he tied the Vientiane Code around his waist with one hand, and controlled the seven puppets released from Jade Perry to kill the fools with the other hand.

Unless we break off diplomatic relations with Solstice Kingdom, we can't pass this kind of law no matter how hard we think about it.

Hearing Han Xiao's complaints, Ningguang rolled her eyes at him angrily.

Taking this opportunity to clean up the forces of fools in Liyue and kill them severely is probably the limit. How can such a big thing as breaking off diplomatic relations be implemented just by talking about it.


Under the eaves somewhere in Liyue Port.

Gan Yu, who had previously accompanied Zhong Li to purchase the items needed for the ceremony to send immortals, seemed very absent-minded at this time.

Not long after the sudden heavy rain, Kaiyangxing and others had sent Qianyan Army to start evacuating the residents in the port door to door, which made her realize that something was wrong immediately.

After randomly stopping a soldier to inquire, he learned that something strange had happened in Guyun Pavilion, and that Ningguang, Han Xiao and several other seven stars had already rushed over in Qunyu Pavilion.

Gan Yu, who was born during the Demon God War, immediately understood that there must be something wrong with the emperor's seal, Guyun, and that was why she seemed so restless.

She didn't know if Han Xiao and the others could stop the demon who broke through the seal.

Gan Yu's strangeness could not escape Zhongli's eyes. He looked up at the sky with heavy rain and said softly:

Miss Gan Yu, the purchase of the ceremony for the immortal ceremony has almost been completed. I think the situation in Liyue Port is not right at the moment. You can leave on your own and leave me alone.

Thank you, Mr. Zhongli, for your understanding.

Hearing Zhongli's words asking her to leave first, Gan Yu ignored the rudeness and quickly nodded to Zhongli to apologize, then quickly turned around and ran towards the outside of Liyue Port in the rain.

Watching Gan Yu's disappearing figure, Zhongli turned his gaze in the direction of Guyun Pavilion. Under his spiritual observation, he could see all the scenes in Guyun Pavilion at this time.

Well done.

Seeing Osaier being shot down like a swarm of machine guns from the Jade Pavilion and unable to move even half a step forward, the corners of Zhongli's mouth slightly raised, and a look of relief appeared in his eyes.

Although the final machine on Qunyu Pavilion is not as powerful as the original version, it is sufficient with its two advantages of simple operation and energy production.


On the other side, in an underground cave somewhere in Liyue, this is the deepest hidden base of the Fools in Liyue.

Countless ring-shaped mechanisms in the base stand in the middle of the open space, and batch after batch of Fool soldiers are being transported to the Jade Pavilion through the whirlpool doors on the mechanisms.

The lady was looking at the soldiers entering the whirlpool portal, and said in a mocking tone to Dadalia, who had just returned to the base:

I never expected that, Dadalia, you would be forced to use the last resort in less than a day.

Hearing the lady's sarcasm, Dadalia's face grew grim, and she looked quite disgusted. However, she remained silent and allowed the other party to laugh at her.

Although he knew that he was actually being plotted by Han Xiao and others, it was also true that he was forced to use the last resort in less than a day.

It was agreed at the beginning to help the lady delay for a few more days, but now that the matter has not been settled, Dadalia, who knows she is in the wrong, can only sit back and let the ridicule go.

Tell me what's going on.

After a little sarcasm to Dadalia, the lady asked the other party what happened again.

She was also aware of Dadalia's strength, and logically speaking, she would not be in a situation where she had to resort to last resort so quickly.

So the lady is now curious about what made him make this choice.

I was tricked by someone. The immortals are not in Jueyunjian at all, so I used Bai Wu Tabu.

Dadalia was quite depressed and told the reason for his failure.

The immortals are not in Jueyunjian?

The lady suddenly turned around and looked at Dadalia in surprise:

Then where are they now?

It's Han Xiao who plots against me. The immortals are probably in Guili City right now.


Hearing Dadalia's speculation, the lady's face immediately sank.

If all the immortals are returning to Licheng at this time, wouldn't her plan also fail?

Chapter 273 Han Xiao: Grandma, I also want to have one

After careful investigation, the lady discovered that since Morax appeared and returned to Liyuan, Han Xiao had a chess piece-shaped pendant around her waist.

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