But strangely enough, unlike the people in the treasure-stealing group, Liyue's eldest sister Nan is indeed a very cautious person.

The Qianyan Army has encircled and suppressed them so many times, but the other party's information has not been exposed at all.

So after learning that Han Xiao seemed to know some information about Liyue, the eldest sister of the treasure thief group, Xingqiu's curiosity couldn't help but be aroused.

A person who can escape from multiple sieges by Qianyan Army without even exposing his own information is definitely not a simple character.

Don't ask, I just have a few clues, so I'm not 100% sure.

Han Xiao waved his hand, signaling Xingqiu not to ask any more questions. He himself was just guessing and had no conclusive evidence.

It's not good to identify randomly.

Oh well.

Seeing that Hanxiao didn't want to talk, Xingqiu could only give up and talk about the next thing:

What are you going to do with these troublesome treasure thieves after they are caught?

Do you want to hand this person over to me?

What's wrong, you are short of manpower now?

Very lacking.

Xingqiu nodded, then counted the accounts for Han Xiao with his fingers.

Look, you have arranged the construction of the military camp and service station on the new roadside and the decoration of the new theater, and most of the labor was used to build the embankment.

There are also clerks from stores such as electric cars and phonographs, apprentices sent by Wanmintang, and many elites from the Qianyan Army who were recently taken away by Zhiyi, etc.

When he thought that a lot of the work he had to do had to be put on hold temporarily due to lack of manpower, Xingqiu couldn't help but complain to Han Xiao:

Currently, the manpower gap in Guili City is too large, and many projects cannot be started.

Guili City is already so short of labor?

Who told you to open up so many new industries in Guili City? These industries all require manpower to operate.

Hearing Han Xiao's slightly surprised inquiry, Xingqiu nodded in distress.

Guilicheng started too quickly, and new industries sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Every time a new industry is born, the gap in human resources in the city will increase.

Therefore, Xingqiu attaches great importance to these members of the treasure thief group who are about to be caught. Without him, these are ready-made labor forces.

Okay, I'll leave this group of people to you.

After thinking for a moment, Han Xiao readily agreed to Xingqiu's request to take over the ready-made labor force, not caring about what the members of the treasure-stealing group thought at all (laughs).

That's right Han Xiao.

After negotiating with Han Xiao about the distribution of the treasure-stealing group members after they were captured, Xingqiu took out another document and placed it in front of him.

Didn't you discuss with me before how to increase the population of Guili City? This is an idea that I worked out together with the staff. See if it works.

After hearing Xingqiu's words, Han Xiao picked up the document and started reading it.

According to the document, in order to increase the population of Guili City, Xingqiu and the staff of Kuixing Tower thought of ways to have more children, and also formulated some subsidy policies.

For example, the one-time maternity subsidy is 100,000 molara for the first child, 150,000 molara for the second child, and increases in sequence by 50,000 molara.

At the same time, as long as a family gives birth to a second child, they can receive a childcare subsidy of 1 million molas per year. This childcare subsidy can be paid continuously for three years until the child reaches three years old.

In addition, the city government can provide partial reimbursement for maternity medical expenses and medical expenses for children before the age of three.

very nice.

After seeing what Xingqiu and the others had come up with, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction. The younger generation of staff in Kuixing Tower had grown up very quickly.

The policy of more children and more children they came up with was almost the same as in his previous life.

So you agree?

Let's add one more.

Han Xiao held the document in one hand and placed the other hand naturally on the desk, tapping the table with her index finger rhythmically.

Appropriate care can be given to some families with many children in housing in Guili City.

For example, rent reductions and exemptions can be implemented for families with multiple children who have been renting, and certain loan discounts can also be provided for those who want to buy a house in Guili City.

In short, don't let Liyue people think that having a second child will become a burden on the family.

No problem, I'll make arrangements right away.

After writing down Han Xiao's suggestion, Xingqiu turned around and left the office.


At the same time, Ying brought Paimeng to Wanmin Hall, and Xiangling was already waiting for them at the door.

You are finally here!

Seeing Ying and Paimon, Xiangling hurriedly called them into the store, while not forgetting to say:

I've prepared meals for you!

Ying, who followed Xiangling into Wanmin Hall, saw the lunch boxes piled up like a hill on the counter at first sight.

Each lunch box is individually packaged and transparent.

Hey, this lunch box?

I didn't expect it. Brother Han Xiao provided this to me.

Seeing that Ying was curious about the transparent lunch box, Xiangling also smiled and explained.

It's a portable resin lunch box. Just throw it away to the designated recycling site after eating it.

He's quite thoughtful.

Hearing Xiang Ling's words, Ying couldn't help but admired.

After all, the more detailed Han Xiao thinks about it, the greater the chance of success of the takeaway plan proposed by the other party, and the higher the possibility of making money himself.

Hurry up and pack the lunch box, otherwise it won't taste good if it's cold.


At Xiangling's urging, Ying quickly packed the lunch boxes filled with food into the 'incubator' she had brought.

Then she carried these 'incubators' onto the motorcycle rack outside the door and fixed them.

After doing all this, Yingcai sat on the motorcycle again and waved to Xiangling.

Then I'll leave first!

See you!


As the motorcycle started, Ying's figure quickly disappeared in front of Xiang Ling's eyes.


On the other side, Dadalia, who had completed a debt collection mission with his subordinates today because of itchy hands, found an unexpected visitor as soon as he walked into the Northland Bank.

The eighth seat of the Executive Officer of Fools—Ms.

Madam, why are you here?

Seeing the lady standing in the bank hall, Dadalia's face was full of doubts.

Chapter 229: Dada Duck’s mentality explodes

Why am I here?

Hearing Dadalia's inquiry, the lady looked at the other party with her head held high, and said sarcastically rather arrogantly:

It's not because someone is constrained by the Seven Stars of Liyue that it makes it difficult for Beiguo Bank to move forward in Liyue Port.

Hey, hey, hey, it's not me who caused this situation. It was obviously Pantalone's men who did the stupid thing, okay!

Seeing that the lady was mocking him as soon as she came up, Dadalia responded unceremoniously.

It's not his fault.

If the rich man's former envoy named Yusupov, who was stationed in Liyue in winter, had not been caught together with the Liyue people in an attempt to infiltrate Liyue, Beiguo Bank would not have been in such a difficult situation.

Dadalia said that it was such a mess when he took over. He is not specialized in clerical work, so it is good to be able to maintain the current situation.

That's why I came here to help you.

Of course the lady knows why Beiguo Bank is currently in trouble in Liyue, and she also knows that Dadalia is not to blame for this matter.

The reason why she mocked the other party was just her habitual tone.

Are you coming to help me?

Hearing the lady say that she came to Liyue to help him, Dadalia's face turned gloomy at this time.

Sorry, I may not have heard you clearly. Could you please say it again?


Seeing Dadalia's vaguely angry look, the lady could only shake her head and sigh.

Originally I shouldn't have let you know about this plan, but it's a pity that things are unpredictable. Let me explain the situation to you first.

In order to prevent the walls from having ears, come to the conference room with me.

After saying that, the lady turned around and walked towards the conference room on the second floor of Beiguo Bank.

Dadalia, who stood there with an ugly face, looked at the other person's figure disappearing from sight, and finally decided to follow him.

He wanted to hear what plans the lady was hiding from him.


Return to the original dam construction site along the river.

The workers who had just finished their morning work were preparing to go to the designated location to receive today's free lunch as usual.

They unexpectedly discovered that a new window had been added next to the lunch pick-up location.

It was a makeshift counter. The owner behind the counter was a girl with short blond hair and a mysterious flying object floating in the air.

Well, that is our Yingmei and Paimon.

There was also a simple wooden sign hanging in front of the counter with the title 'Manmin Hall Special Lunch' written on it.

Below the title is a list of meal types and prices.

Wanmin Hall offers special lunch, is it true?

It should be true, but it seems to cost money.

Spending money? Forget it, I'll just have a free lunch.

Aren't you tired of the free lunch? I think you can give it a try. It's not expensive at all.

Many workers stood not far away and looked at Ying's counter. They subconsciously gathered around to discuss and quickly divided into three groups.

One group felt that Guili City provided free lunch, so why waste money on buying lunch.

The other group thinks that after eating such a free lunch, they will get tired of eating the same few dishes every day.

It is better to spend a little money to buy a special lunch provided by Wanmintang, which is delicious and not expensive.

As for the last group, they don’t know what to choose.

Lu Xiang is one of this group of workers.

He felt that it was a bit uneconomical to spend money on lunch when there was a free lunch, but he was tired of eating the free lunch provided by Guili City.

While Lu Xiang was hesitating, he happened to see Long Hong, the captain of Qianyan Army who was passing by to maintain order on the embankment.

Captain Takahiro!

Lu Xiang called the other person's name and trotted quickly to the other person's side.

You are...Lu Xiang, right?

Seeing Lu Xiang appearing in front of him, Longhong thought about it in his brain for a while, and then remembered the other person's name.

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