Knowing that Zhongli wanted to change his car, Wendy, who had also seen Yingmei racing, immediately said that he wanted one too.

So there was a scene where the two of them came to the door in person today.

Mr. Zhongli, the price of this car may be a little expensive.

Zhongli and Wendy wanted to build a motorcycle similar to Ying's. Han Xiao thought there was no problem, but they still had to pay for it.

After all, this car is really not cheap, and the materials alone are worth a lot of money. He can't let Zhong Li and the two of them go for nothing.

It doesn't matter, I have some collections for you to choose from.

As he spoke, Zhongli moved his right index finger slightly, and as the magic circle lit up, pieces of rare ore appeared in the alchemy workshop.

Then he looked at Wendy aside and said:

Barbatos, it's your turn.

Oh, I was hoping that little brother Hanxiao would give me one for free.

Wendy sighed and waved her hand to summon a pile of extremely rare alchemy materials, some of which were even the best ones that had long since disappeared from Teyvat.

Well, as the two oldest of the Seven Gods, Zhongli and Wendy may not have much cash, but they have collected a lot of materials.

No problem, Mr. Zhongli and Mr. Wendy, I will definitely deliver the car to your door within three days.

Looking at the top-quality ores and alchemy materials that almost covered the entire alchemy workshop floor, Han Xiao agreed to build a car for the two of them without hesitation.

Then it's settled, let's take our leave.

Seeing that Han Xiao agreed, Zhongli and Wendy turned around and left the alchemy workshop.

As soon as the two left, Han Xiao immediately stretched out her hands like a hamster to pick up the materials on the ground and stuffed them into her jade pendant.

Some people may ask him why he is so anxious, because it is impossible not to be anxious.

There are so many top-quality materials and ores. If Abedo sees them later, the other party will definitely snatch them from him.

Finally, before Abedo came to the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao collected most of the top-quality ores and extinct alchemy materials into his jade pendant.

Only some relatively precious ores and alchemical materials are left.



Accompanied by the sound of the sharp blade of the edgeless sword cutting through the air, a Qiuqiu man wailed and fell in front of Ying.

Finally done.

After clearing the Qiuqiu camp that occupied the road, Ying put away the edgeless sword in her hand and showed a look of relief on her face.

This was the first time she was in such a hurry to complete a task. If not for the motorcycle that saved a lot of time, these tasks would have taken about half a day just on the road.

Great, let's go back quickly!

Paimeng on the side suddenly cheered, and at the same time anxiously urged the other party to return to Licheng quickly.

Why are you so positive today?

Ying turned her head and glanced at Paimon in surprise, then pointed at the treasure chest in the camp.

Our treasure chest hasn't even been opened yet!

It's not because you pulled me up early in the morning.

Paimon put his hands on his hips and glared at Ying with an annoyed look on his face:

I haven't even slept well yet.

Eat, sleep and eat. If you continue like this, you will turn into a pig sooner or later.

Huh, no way!

Hearing Ying's complaint, Paimon instantly crossed his arms in front of his chest and turned his little face to one side to retort angrily.

But there was a little more guilt in his words.

Okay, let's open the treasure chest and then we'll go back to find Han Xiao.

Ying shrugged, said something perfunctory and walked towards the treasure chest.

Chapter 227 Abedo guessed Zhongli’s identity

Just as Yingmei was cleaning up the camp, Abedo was walking into the alchemy workshop.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw ores and alchemy materials piled everywhere on the ground, as well as Han Xiao who was almost assembling the hanging bucket.

What's going on with all these ores and materials on the ground?

Squatting down and carefully inspecting the ores and materials, Albedo found that the texture of these ores and alchemy materials was much better than what they had used before.

This made him a little confused about where Han Xiao got this batch of good goods.

It's a pity that Abedo didn't know that what he saw in front of him was already left over from Han Xiao's selection, and the real 'ruthless' goods had long been put away by the other party.

Oh, that's what you said.

Han Xiao, who was assembling the trailer bucket for Ying, turned her head when she heard Abedo's inquiry, and said without changing her expression and her heart not beating:

This is the material sent by Mr. Zhongli and Mr. Wendy to help them build armored cavalry. We need it within three days.

The kind of honorary knight?


Okay, I'll build it later.

Abedo nodded, and then prepared to put the materials away, but as soon as he bent down, his whole body suddenly stopped moving.

Wait a minute, what did Han Xiao say just now?

Mr. Zhongli came with Wendy. Do they know each other?

For a moment, Abedo's mind couldn't help but recall the scenes of Han Xiao and Zhong Li getting along, and he soon discovered some clues.

He had noticed before that Han Xiao's attitude towards Zhongli was different from others, and he seemed to have a bit of respect for him.

But at that time Abedo only thought that Han Xiao showed good attitude because he respected Zhongli's erudition.

But combined with today's news that Zhongli and Wendy knew each other, I also thought about the rumors between Han Xiao and Liyueyan King Dijun.

Abedo thought he might have discovered a secret.

Perhaps even Han Xiao didn't expect that his casual words would make the extremely smart Albedo realize that something was wrong.


What's wrong?

Hearing Albedo's voice coming from behind again, Han Xiao put down the tools in her hands and turned to look at him.

However, when he turned around, he saw Albedo staring at him seriously.

What's wrong with you? Why are you so serious?

Han Xiao, who was a little confused by Abe's suddenly serious look, couldn't help but look around at herself, and found that there was no difference from usual before asking in confusion.

Before, you said that these materials and ores were delivered by Mr. Wendy and Mr. Zhongli. Does that mean that the two of them are actually familiar with each other?

Can you tell me, Mr. Zhongli doesn't have another identity like Mr. Wendy?


It was only then, after listening to Abedo's inquiry, that Han Xiao realized that she seemed to have accidentally let something slip.

Sure enough, Mr. Zhongli has another identity.

Although Han Xiao did not give an answer, judging from the other party's attitude, Albedo knew that he might have guessed correctly.

It makes Han Xiao, a Seven Star, have implicit respect in his attitude, and he is familiar with Mondstadt's Wind God.

Judging from these two points alone, Zhongli's identity is at least an immortal. Of course, there is a bolder guess, that is, the other party is the god of Liyue, the Rock King Morax.

Can you tell me what you guessed?

Seeing Abedo's expression of 'I guessed it', Han Xiao also asked a question with some uncertainty.

He wanted to see how much the other party had guessed.

Seeing that Han Xiao was still testing, Abedo thought for a moment and then decided to make a bold guess and spit out four words:

Emperor Rock King.

As soon as these four words came out, Han Xiao fell silent.

It seems I guessed it right.

Abedo, who had already concluded from the other person's face, didn't know what to say for a moment.

Mr. Zhongli is famous for being knowledgeable in Liyue. Abedo has heard many rumors about him since he came to Guili City.

Later, after Zhongli was invited by Han Xiao to serve as the principal of Guili City, he and Zhongli also met at the school and chatted many times about alchemy.

It was from that time on that Abedo knew that Zhongli was indeed as knowledgeable as the rumors among the residents of Liyue.

The amount of knowledge can even be described as amazing.

Now it seems that as the oldest god among the seven gods, it is strange that Zhongli does not have a rich reserve of knowledge.


Thinking that he had often seen Zhongli wandering around Guili City and shopping without even taking Maura with him, Abedo also fell silent.

Why do the gods of Mondstadt and Liyue seem so unique?

Perhaps seeing that Abedo had already guessed Zhongli's identity, Han Xiao did not remain silent but instead warned:

Albedo, please keep Mr. Zhongli's identity a secret.

I see.

Abedo nodded. Although he didn't quite understand why the rock god turned into a human and became a guest at the Hall of Rebirth, since the other party didn't intend to reveal his identity, he would naturally not be too troublesome.

Soon Abedo suppressed this matter in his heart and returned to his usual appearance, but Han Xiao didn't know if it was his imagination.

He felt that Abedo seemed to be more attentive when building armored cavalry for Wendy and Zhongli.


Around noon, after Ying and Paimeng arrived as promised and took away the ready-made bucket, Han Xiao said goodbye to Albedo and headed to Kuixing Tower.

After arriving at Kuixing Building, he approached Xing Qiugang and was about to ask how the new theater was being renovated recently. Unexpectedly, the other party was the first to report a situation to him:

Hanxiao, recently news came from the Qianyan Army that the treasure stealing group's activities near Guili City have become rampant again.

Wait a minute, why are there so many treasure stealing groups?

Before Xingqiu could continue, Han Xiao quickly reached out to interrupt the other party and asked with confusion.

It was obvious that he had solved the problem of unemployed miners in the Strata Rock Abyss, and at the beginning of the city's founding, he had arrested a large number of people from the treasure-stealing group.

It stands to reason that the treasure stealing group in Liyue is no longer a thing. Why can he still hear the news that the treasure stealing group's activities are getting more and more rampant?

According to reports from our informants, the recent group of treasure thieves seem to have fled from other countries to join the leader of a treasure thieves group they call Big Sister Tou.

Xingqiu looked through the documents compiled by the following people and continued:

Most of them seem to be people from Mondstadt. It seems that because one of the two giants of the treasure thief group, the 'Northern Strange Bird', was arrested, they wanted to come to Liyue to join the 'Southern Sister' who is as famous as the 'Northern Strange Bird' '.

I probably know what's going on.

Hearing Xingqiu talk about Sister Nan, the leader of the treasure thief group who had never been caught, Han Xiao immediately thought of the two very suspicious people in the game.

You first send people to arrest all these troublemakers. As for Sister Nan, I may have some clues.

Chapter 228 Han Xiao: It’s better to have more children.

It seems like you already have someone chosen. Can I ask who it is?

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to be guessing about the identity of the treasure thief group's eldest sister, Xingqiu closed the document in his hand and asked curiously.

Although the Treasure Thief Group is a large organization, its structure is quite loose and mixed. Generally speaking, the identities of the members of the Treasure Thief Group can be quickly ascertained with the help of official power.

Xingqiu had read the archives from the early days of the establishment of Guili City. At that time, Qianyan Army soldiers used the information provided by Ye Lan to wipe out all the treasure thieves in Guiliyuan.

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