Covering his stomach with both hands, Paimon quickly looked at Yingmei pitifully.

I'm a little hungry now that you say that. Let's go to Wanmin Hall.


Following Paimon's cheers, the two of them walked towards the Manmin Hall.


Manmin Hall.

Finally alive!

Putting down the special chopsticks Xiangling gave her, Paimeng kept rubbing her round belly and lay on the chair with a happy face.

I have to say that she has mastered chopsticks in order to eat delicious food.

Yingya next to him behaved exactly like Paimon, leaning lazily on the chair and picking his teeth with a toothpick in one hand.

On the table in front of them, there were about a dozen empty plates.

Have you all eaten?

Xiangling, who had finally finished her work, just walked into the box when she saw the two people who were already in the post-dinner state, and of course the pile of empty plates on the table.

Surprise was written on her little face.

These are more than ten big dishes, and the two of them just finished them?

Hey, don't mention it!

She waved her hand towards Xiangling, and there was an expression on Ying's face that was hard to explain.

Paimon and I haven't had a good time these days.

It's just that we've been too busy these days and we can't have a good meal at all.

Paimon on the side heard what Ying said and immediately echoed, and then said with a look of sadness:

That lawyer named Yan Fei is really eloquent. I've been told so much these days that I'm dizzy.

Actually, Yanfei is still very nice, but she is a little more serious when it comes to legal issues. She is usually really nice.

After hearing Paimon's complaints, Xiang Ling had a kind word for Yan Fei.

Xiang Ling met Yan Fei several times at Grandma Ping's place because she was learning marksmanship from her master.

As time went by, the two of them started talking, and their relationship gradually became familiar.

So she still has a certain understanding of Yan Fei, and as long as there are no legal problems, the other party is still easy to get along with.

Oh, I almost forgot.

In fact, Xiang Ling was also taught legal knowledge by Yan Fei in private, but she never understood it very well.

By the way, Ying, and Paimon, where do you plan to go later?

Perhaps because he saw that Ying and Paimon didn't want to talk more about Yan Fei, Xiang Ling also followed the two people's wishes and changed the topic.

I'm going to look for Han Xiao later.

You're going to find Brother Hanxiao. That's great. Can you do me a favor?

Xiangling looked at Ying with some embarrassment.

I really can't leave here.

No problem, what do you want me to tell you?

Ying agreed to Xiang Ling's request without hesitation. After all, the other party was the chef in charge of her three meals a day, so it was right to help her out.

Although Ying's own skills are not bad, Xiangling's skills are unfortunately better.

I would like to ask Brother Hanxiao if the next batch of electric cars will have the kind of model that can be used to sell goods.

Seeing that Ying agreed to help, Xiangling quickly stated her request.

Wanmintang has only been open for half a month, and business is extremely prosperous.

However, the corresponding consumption of food materials is also very large, especially the animal meat in Qingquan Town is a large consumer.

In order to allow the residents of Guilicheng to eat fresher and more delicious meat products, Xiangling plans to use electric vehicles to pull the goods directly from the production area.

No problem. I'll go ask for you after you get some rest.


It's a delivery model electric car, no problem. I'll have Mingyun Town make one soon.

In the alchemy workshop, after hearing Ying's intention, Han Xiao immediately said that there was no problem at all.

It's just an electric vehicle for hauling goods. Just ask Liuyun to make one from Zhenjun Liuyun's place.

Is there anything else?

Yes, the motorcycle is for sale or not.

After talking about Xiangling, when Han Xiao asked, Ying quickly revealed his intention to buy a motorcycle.

You want to buy?

Han Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this. It was indeed similar to what he thought. After experiencing the armored cavalry, there was a high probability that Ying would come up with the idea of ​​purchasing it.

This machine may be a bit expensive. After all, Abedo and I spent a lot of alchemy materials and rare metals.

How much?

Yingying has long been mentally prepared for the high cost of motorcycles, because she also felt it through actual experience during the test ride.

Not only is this motorcycle not particularly heavy, the shock absorption effect is also very good as Han Xiao said.

At least I didn't feel too bumpy when driving on uneven roads in the wild.

Probably a million molas.

After carefully thinking about the precious metals and alchemy materials used on the armored cavalry, Han Xiao gave a relatively conservative price.

After all, if you really want to calculate the value, the price of those particularly precious metals and rare alchemy materials, armored cavalry, would be in the tens of millions.

A few million is already very cheap.

Ah this.

Although he knew that the price of motorcycles was definitely not cheap, Ying didn't expect it to be so expensive. He didn't have enough money on his own.

Chapter 221 The girl who works hard to make money and repay the loan

Is this car so expensive?

This armored cavalry uses new steel materials that Abedo and I researched and a large amount of precious alchemical materials. The price of several million is actually very cheap.

Han Xiao opened her hands to Ying with an expression that said, You've made millions by selling it.

If you really want to calculate it based on the original price, it would be impossible to buy it without tens of millions of molas.

I can't afford millions more.

Ying shook her head. The amount of mola all over her body now only amounted to more than six million, including the five million she earned from selling electrical crystals.

Let's not talk about whether more than six million is enough to buy a car in full. Even if it can be bought, she and Paimon will have no money to eat.

What do you think of this?

Seeing that Yingying had the idea of ​​giving up the purchase, Han Xiao finally expressed the idea he had thought about for a long time.

You can pay one million molas upfront for this car just like buying a house in installments, and pay a certain amount of repayment every month for the rest.

What do you think about the interest rate I charge you 2%?

One million?

When she heard that Han Xiao was planning to sell the car to her in installments, Ying immediately lowered her head and thought about it before deciding that it was acceptable.

Okay, I can accept this method.

As soon as Ying finished speaking, she saw Han Xiao conjuring paper and pen out of thin air (actually from Yu Perry), and then took the pen and scrawled the terms of the contract on the paper.

After he finished writing, he handed the paper filled with the contract to Ying.

See if there are any problems. If there are no problems, sign your name and we will have a contract.

He reached out and took over the paper with the contract written on it. After reading it carefully, Ying nodded to indicate that he had no doubts, then took a pen and wrote his name on the signatures of the two identical documents.

Is this okay?

Let me see.

Han Xiao took back the contract in Ying's hand and looked at the signature area, then signed her name and said:

It's no problem. The contract has been made. Anyone who breaks his promise shall be punished by eating rocks.

The contract has been made. Anyone who breaks his promise shall be punished by eating rocks.

As the words of the two fell, a trace of rock element light flashed on the contract document, and a rock element mark was left at the bottom of the document.

This means that the document was witnessed by Morax, the god of contracts.

This is your share, please keep it.

Pulling out one of the two identical contract documents and handing it to Ying, Han Xiao told the other party to keep the contract in a safe place while putting the stub in her hand into the jade pendant.

Then I'll take my leave now!

After settling the ownership of the motorcycle, Ying happily waved to Han Xiao as a farewell, and then jumped away from the alchemy workshop.

It seems your plan is going to succeed.

Abedo, who had been silent from beginning to end, waited until Ying's figure disappeared from the alchemy workshop before congratulating Han Xiao.

It's still early, this is just the first step.

Han Xiao shrugged, the expression on his face was very calm.

This is just the first step in the plan of Yingmei stays tonight. The next step is to let the other party find a way to buy a house in Guili City.

I believe that with the mortgage and car loan, the other party should be trapped.


Ying, how can one million Mora be spent like this?

After walking out of the alchemy workshop, Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, couldn't help but ask in a low voice, with a look of distress on his face.

One million molas is enough for her to eat delicious food for more than three months.

And you have to continue to pay repayments every month. Isn’t it too luxurious just to buy a car?

It's more convenient to have a trolley.

After taking a look at Paimeng who was worried about the small money, Ying felt that the price of the car was not cheap, but she could accept it after thinking about it.

After all, it is much more convenient to travel in the wild after having a car, and it greatly reduces the time spent on the road.

In this way, she can take on more tasks issued by the Adventurers Association every day, and the money she earns will naturally increase.

That's right!

After listening to Ying's explanation, Paimon thought about it carefully and felt that what the other party said was reasonable.

Of course, although he could accept the price, it was not a small amount of money after all. After breaking away from the short-term excitement of spending money, Ying's mind was already thinking about how to pay back the money.

At present, she still has about five million Mora left, and after excluding her and Paimon's food expenses, there is not much money left.

So now I think my goal is to find a way to make money quickly.

Just what to do?

Walking on the street, Ying kept looking around, trying to find a way to earn Mora.

Soon, the two of them walked more than half of the route around Guili City.

Ying, can we really find a way to make money if we go around like this?

Looking at Ying who was still walking and observing the surroundings, Paimon couldn't stand it anymore.

Although I agree with Ying's method of making money, can I really come up with any ideas just by wandering around Guili City like this?

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