
You said Ying was arrested by Yan Fei?

When Han Xiao was discussing with Abedo in the alchemy workshop how to continue developing the elemental gift system, secretary Xu Wan suddenly came to the door.

Then he reported a bit of unexpected news to him.

Yes, Lawyer Yan Fei said that Miss Ying violated many Liyue road traffic safety regulations.

Xu Wan nodded and relayed the meaning of Yan Fei's words.

According to Miss Yanfei's wishes, Miss Ying will probably have to receive a week's education on laws and regulations.

You tell Yan Fei that it was my negligence that allowed Ying to hit the road without a license. There is no need to register a bad record. Let her take the driving license test directly after the education is over.

As for the fact that she forgot to educate her husband on the traffic laws for returning to and leaving the city, all Han Xiao could do was to eliminate his bad records.

After all, the main problem in this matter is him.

However, he could only express his helplessness as Ying had to undergo a week's education on laws and regulations from Yan Fei.

Who knew that the opponent would start racing as soon as he got started.


The next day, Han Xiao and Abedo were still tinkering with the subject of elemental gifts in the alchemy workshop.

Ying and Paimon were sitting on small benches while Yan Fei stopped in front of the podium and talked endlessly about traffic regulations.

This side of Liyue Port.

Ningguang is receiving Dadalia in Qunyu Pavilion.

Because it was official business, Dadalia also came as the envoy of Solstice, so the standards of this meeting were quite high.

As soon as they met, the two sides started lengthy and boring negotiations, most of which were about business issues between the two countries.

Mr. Young Master, Liyue's electric vehicle production capacity is not enough to satisfy Liyue itself, so it is currently unrealistic to sell electric vehicles until winter.

Looking at the young man in front of him who seemed quite impatient due to the long negotiation, a smile flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect that among the Fools' executive officers, there was a pure martial artist like Dadalia, who was much easier to deal with than the rich and others.


Dadalia suppressed his impatience and nodded, then talked about another thing.

Lord Ningguang, first of all, I apologize for what the previous envoy did to Liyue. However, after so many days of sorting it out, I found that there are many people in Liyue Port who owe Mora from the Northland Bank and have not paid back.

As he spoke, Dadalia looked at Ning Guang quite seriously.

As for the merchants in Liyue Port who owe money, are we also allowed to come to deal with them?

This is natural. Paying back debts is a matter of course.

Ning Guang answered quite simply.

There were many people in Liyue Port who owed money to Beiguo Bank, and she also repaid some of the debts owed by civilians and well-respected businessmen through Liyue Bank.

The debts of these people were transferred from Beiguo Bank to Liyue Bank.

As for the remaining group of people, after Ye Lan's investigation, they were all habitual criminals and old gangsters.

As the saying goes, evil people will be punished by evil people.

Ningguang thought it might be a good thing to let them taste the suffering the Fool Executives gave them.

Chapter 219 Dadalia: It’s so difficult for me

Speaking of which, Dadalia has actually been quite anxious lately.

At first, I came to Liyue mainly for the Heart of God, but I didn't expect that Zhiyi would happen just after taking over the position of envoy.

This forced him to deal with the troubles caused by Ningguang's Liyue Bank to Beiguo Bank, and finally stabilized the situation at a considerable cost.

After stabilizing the situation, Dadalia found an expert on the road, Mr. Zhongli from the Hall of Rebirth. Just when he felt that things were starting to get on track, Han Xiao appeared again.

As a result, Mr. Zhongli spent most of his time in Guili City after that, and Mr. Yun could only see him in Liyue Port when he was performing.

Until now, Dadalia believed that the reason why Zhongli changed his residence was probably because he invited the three of them to dinner after the Immortal Ceremony.

Han Xiao must have noticed something, but there was no substantial evidence, so he used various means to attract Mr. Zhongli to Guili City.

For this reason, Dadalia, whose plan failed and was stared at by Ningguang, has always been a bit defensive. He can't even start normal debt collection activities and has to come to discuss with Qixing.

It's so hard for me.

Dadalia felt extremely bitter in her heart when she thought that she had never had a fight since coming to Liyue, but instead was always dealing with Beiguo Bank and Qixing.

After taking the last sip of tea, Dadalia stood up and left after receiving Qixing's consent.

The Qun Jade Pavilion became quiet.

Looking at the other party's leaving figure, Ningguang picked up the cigarette rod and took a puff, then blew out a puff of white smoke and called his secretary.


Lord Ningguang!

Hearing Ningguang call his name, the secretary Baiwen who was waiting outside the door quickly walked in and asked in a low voice.

What are your orders?

Let the people below keep an eye on Beiguo Bank.

Now the annual ceremony of inviting immortals is about to begin, and she will host it this time, so Ningguang doesn't want to see the fools causing trouble for her during this period.

Originally, Ning Guang planned to find someone to keep an eye on Dadalia, but thinking that Ye Lan had been investigating the issue of the Strata Abyss recently, he couldn't get away from it.

Others could not guarantee that they could keep an eye on the other party, so she changed her mind and asked the people below to keep an eye on Beiguo Bank.

Yes, I'll do it right away.

Baiwen nodded, turned around and left the office.

After seeing off his secretary Baiwen, Ningguang stood up and walked to the window sill of the office. He leaned against the window edge and looked down, taking in a panoramic view of Liyue Harbor.

There are so many thoughts in my mind.

With the development of Hanxiao Guili City and the emergence of novel policies and various commodities, Liyue Port, which had gradually stagnated in development, also faced a big impact.

Fortunately, Qixing was well prepared. Not only did these impacts not have a negative impact on Liyue Port, they actually accelerated the development of Liyue Port's business.

Ningguang also used the help of the Liyue Commodity Pricing Guidelines Catalog and Liyue Market Management Regulations promulgated by Han Xiao before, as well as the price bureau, to clean up a group of unscrupulous businessmen in Liyue.

The reason why she agreed to Dadalia's request to collect debts was because she wanted to use the other party's hands to deal with some unscrupulous businessmen who could not find a handle.

I don't know if the emperor will be satisfied with the current situation?

Thinking that Liyue did not develop on her own according to the tone set by the emperor for the first time, Ningguang couldn't help but mutter to herself.

Although the emperor showed up in person to commend Han Xiao last time, she was still a little worried when things came to a close.

emmm, this is probably like you knowing that you did well in this exam, but still worried about overturning before the results come back.


Well, actually Ning Guang doesn't have to worry so much, because Zhongli is still very satisfied with Liyue's current development.

For example, he is sitting in the pavilion on the balcony of the school building, with freshly brewed tea and Liyue Daily on the table, and Yun Jin's melodious lyrics are heard from the gramophone nearby.

On the playground below, children who had just finished school were heading towards the school gate in small groups. Everyone's face was filled with happy smiles as they chased and fought.

All of this is so beautiful in Zhongli's eyes.

Except for a certain guy who was not doing anything serious and was drinking at the table across from him.

Barbatos, why don't you return your Mondstadt?

Such a beautiful scenery and artistic conception were ruined by this dishonest drunkard in front of me.

Zhongli couldn't help but put down the tea cup in his hand, and his tone became more emotional.

Wow, old man, are you so heartless?

Hearing Zhongli's 'expulsion order' tone, Wendy quickly shouted, with a hint of grievance on her face reddened by wine.

Now that you've woken up, you have to do something serious.

Seeing Wendy's attitude of not being afraid of boiling water, Zhongli reached out and covered his forehead with a look of helplessness.

Today's Mondstadt itself has little combat power, and it has also experienced a dragon disaster. Barbatos not only does not go to Mondstadt to stabilize people's hearts, but instead relies on him to stay.

With so many things happening to that little girl named Qin, wouldn't his conscience hurt?

Hey, old man, you and I have different ideas.

Wendy shrugged and continued to take a sip of wine without caring before explaining:

I once promised that Mondstadt would be a free city. As the God of Wind, if I regain control of Mondstadt, wouldn't it be a violation of my original promise?

And old man, aren't you ready to let go?

As she spoke, Wendy raised her head and looked at the looming shadow in the sky, and said meaningfully:

Human beings will never be able to grow as long as they are protected by gods.

Following Wendy's gaze and looking towards the sky, Zhongli suddenly asked another question in response to the other person's words.

Remember the Su Mo Han Xiao talked about.

How could such a person forget.

Do you think the gods are protecting their people from being exposed because it's too dangerous outside?

Well... who knows.

After adding another glass of wine for herself, Wendy didn't know how to answer Zhongli's question.

He really didn’t understand what Sky Island, or the keeper of heavenly principles, planned.

Maybe the other party is simply implementing a policy of obscuring the people and does not want her rule to be threatened.

Or maybe, as Zhongli suspected, the maintainer of heavenly law and the original solitary king of the tower, Diekalapian, both had the same idea, thinking that they were protecting Teyvat?

For a moment, the two people in the pavilion fell silent, leaving only Yun Jin's melodious voice on the gramophone.

Chapter 220 Ying who wants to buy a car

Kuixing Tower, Paimeng and Yingzheng walked out of the building staggeringly, their faces full of surprises of 'survival after disaster'.

It's finally over. That lawyer named Yan Fei is so scary.

After he was some distance away from Kuixing Tower, Paimon reached out and patted his chest with a look of fear on his face.

Because Ying was not only driving without a license but also speeding, they were caught by Yan Fei and brought back to Guili City for education on traffic laws.

Over the past week, hearing about those laws and regulations made her head spin.

Who made us make the mistake first?

After hearing Paimon's words, Ying on the side said listlessly, and there was a faint black frame near his eyes.

No way, this week she not only had to go to the adventurer to do tasks to make money, but also went to Kuixing Tower to receive traffic law education from Yan Fei.

After finally listening to it, Ying had to follow Yan Fei to the driving school to take a dual test of theory and practice.

But fortunately, all these efforts paid off.

Thinking of this, Ying took out a small notebook from her arms and looked at the three characters of driver's license made with golden silk thread on the cover. She couldn't help but laugh happily.

With her driver's license, she could finally legally drive the motorcycle in Guili City that she couldn't let go of once she got it.

Moreover, the traffic regulations this week were not read in vain. Guilicheng officials only stipulated that speeding was not allowed on the mainland.

Then when you go to the wild, you can wander around as you like!

Han Xiao said that this customized armored cavalry can adapt to many wild terrains.


Just when Ying was imagining riding a motorcycle on the wild land, Paimon suddenly heard a sound like a drum in his belly.

Ying, I'm hungry, let's go eat, okay?

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