I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 269 My little man, you have to cheer up 【Subscription】

"In this game, I have an objection.

At the Tōtsuki board meeting, Daisuke Ge Sheng said, "In my opinion, this game has no meaning."

Nakiri Leo Ruola looked at Ge Sheng Daisuke, and Liu Mei raised her eyebrows: "How could it be meaningless. In my opinion, this should be a major event for Tōtsuki. 39

The contest between the first and second seats is definitely a big deal.

After all, if Kikuchienko loses, then Tōtsuki's first seat will be changed.

Nakiri Leo Ruola was very confident before, thinking that this was just a game of eating halberds, and even if it was a game involving the first and second seats, it would not be blocked.

Now it seems that she still felt too relaxed before.

Sure enough, as Jiang Yiming said, there must be someone to stop him in this match with Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo.

Ge Sheng's high price, before Nakiri Le Aurora did not pay much attention to the existence of this person.

Because every board meeting, in fact, he did not raise any opinions, nor did he express any dissatisfaction.

Unexpectedly, it was just a competition of eating halberds between students. In Nakiri Leo Laura's opinion, those who should have jumped out to oppose it, but they did not oppose it.

On the contrary, in her opinion, those who would not hold objections jumped out first.

This is where things get interesting.

"The competition between the students of Tōtsuki Academy, as long as both parties agree, can actually have a halberd eating competition. This is the rule that Tōtsuki has always set, and it has been implemented in accordance with this rule for so many years.

Nakiri Leo Laura looked at Daisuke Gesheng, "Although this match involves the first and second seats of the Elite Ten, the rules of Tōtsuki Academy did not forcibly prevent the match between them."

There was no expression on Ge Sheng Daijie's face, and he said in a low voice, "Head of Nakiri, have you forgotten something? At the beginning, Tōtsuki Academy did not have this rule, but later, it was avoided to eat halberds between Elite Tens too frequently, and It's too confusing, so I've added one later.

"The matchup between Elite Ten and Elite Ten must last more than a month.

"As for the games between the chiefs, it has to be two months apart.

"Jiang Yiming had just played against the second seat before, and now it has not been more than a month, so naturally he can't play the next halberd.

A good-looking arc appeared at the corner of Nakiri Le Aurora's mouth, "Director Ge Sheng, have you misunderstood the rules added later?

Ge Sheng Dajie sullenly said, "Everyone knows this rule! 35

"Then I'll tell you again. If there is a halberd-eating match between Elite Ten and Elite Ten, then the same opponent must have a difference of one month before they can apply again.""

"The halberd eating competition between the chief and other students or Elite Ten, non-Elite Ten members, must first challenge an Elite Ten, and then they can challenge the chief.

"If a member of the Elite Ten challenges the Chief, as long as the first supplement is met, the challenge will be deemed eligible."

"Then I would like to ask Director Ge Sheng, the competition between Jiang Yiming and Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo, which one is not in compliance with the rules?"9

Ge Sheng Dajie said coldly: "Obviously the first rule doesn't match.

"It turns out that Director Ge Sheng's comprehension ability is so poor."

"What do you mean by that!"

Nakiri Leo Laura smiled: "This supplement clearly states that the same opponent must be a month apart before they can apply again. The competition between Jiang Yiming and Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo this time, they did not have it before. They have played against each other. Therefore, in their halberd-eating competition this time, they just told the board of directors to do so.

"In other words, we only have the right to know, but not the right to object.

Ge Jie Dasheng had a gloomy face and said coldly, "Department Director Nakiri is so eager to facilitate this match, I don't know what the purpose is.

Nakiri Leo Laura kept a faint smile on her face, "Then what is the purpose of Director Ge Sheng's strong opposition to this reasonable match?


Ge Jie Dasheng was suddenly asked and didn't know how to answer.

"Anyway, in this game, I have an objection. 35

"Then I have to tell everyone again that the board of directors only has the right to know. If the right to object is to be carried out, this needs to be voted on.

After a pause, Nakiri Leo Ruola continued, "However, I still want to remind everyone that if the right to vote is used, then conversely, the right to oppose is also available in the Elite Ten. However, in this way, the board of directors and the Relationships among the Elite Ten will be strained."

"Also, I hope you will use this right of opposition carefully. Once you break this right, there will be chaos in the future."

Nakiri Leo Laura fell silent, and the board members began to discuss.

Dojima Gin glanced at Nakiri Le Aurora, but he didn't speak.

The commander-in-chief was sitting in the middle of the conference table at this time, but he closed his eyes at this time, ignoring other people's discussions.

After a while, the commander-in-chief opened his eyes, and said slowly: 正〃 Nakiri's words are not unreasonable, this is just a halberd eating competition among the students of Tōtsuki Academy, don't think too complicated... However, even if We know the rights, and we can vote to see how many people are against it. If everyone is against it, then after discussion, the

Use the right of objection.

Everyone looked at the commander-in-chief.

However, after speaking just now, the commander-in-chief closed his eyes again.

Since Ge Jie had already expressed his opposition, he was the first to raise his hand when voting began.

After he raised his hand, two others raised their hands.

The rest did not raise their hands.

There were a total of ten (Li Zhao's) five people at the board meeting. Except for the future two people who abstained, only three people are currently opposed to this game.

"If that's the case, then the match is scheduled for the day after tomorrow between the moon and the sky.""

The commander-in-chief said something, then stood up and left.

Hearing these words, Nakiri Leo Laura was slightly relieved.

No matter what, she managed to make the game go ahead as scheduled.

However, it can be seen from this board meeting that the current Tōtsuki Group has long had two minds.



This is what Nakiri Le Aurora has been planning for a long time.

It must be done without delay.

Right now, she has everything ready on her side.

The rest is left to Jiang Yiming.

Jiang Yiming's handsome face appeared in Nakiri Le Aurora's mind.

"My little man, you have to cheer up.

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