I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 268 Nakiri Mana Like a Little Girl 【Subscribe】

It's really not illegal.

However, Nakiri Mana was able to make such a big promise, and he must have sacrificed himself to be able to eat this fragrant rice.

"Ms. Nakiri is serious. It is not necessary to do anything illegal. If you do something illegal and it happens to the public, it will not be worth the loss. Everything, it is better to keep the water flowing. After all, the long-term is the best Good."5

Nakiri Mana looked at Jiang Yiming, "Then you agree?

"You said so, of course I couldn't refuse.

This promise is indeed too big.

No matter what, Jiang Yiming was still moved.

"Then say so, see you tomorrow. 95

Nakiri Mana was instantly happy.

At this moment, she was like a little girl who bought Xinyi rag doll.

Nakiri Mana drove away.

Jiang Yiming suddenly felt that as long as there was only one promised benefit, was it a little less.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, as long as Nakiri Mana only recognizes the food he makes, then he can get more benefits in the future.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yiming's mood also became lighter.

15 "With this coquettish expression, has something happy happened?"

Granny Wenxu suddenly appeared out of nowhere, startling Jiang Yiming.

"Mother Wenxu, why are you walking without a sound. 35

Jiang Yiming turned his head and glanced, just now he obviously didn't see Granny Wen Xu, why did he suddenly come out.

The current Polar Star Dorm, after a major renovation, is not like before, it is surrounded by trees, and people hide in one place without finding it.

The entrance to the Polar Star Dorm is a flowerbed.

Since the flower seeds of Isshiki Satoshi have just been sown, it is impossible to bloom brilliant flowers all at once.

Granny Wenxu couldn't hide in the flowers either.

But she did come out all of a sudden.

"Don't worry about where I got out. In other words, you seemed to be absent-minded just now. Even if I came out of the gate, you didn't see it."

Jiang Yiming thought about it and thought it made sense.

After all, Nakiri Mana has just received an important commitment, and Jiang Yiming's attention is definitely not there.

"Actually, there is nothing exciting, I just feel that I saved a little money today.

Granny Wen Xu put her hands behind her and stared at Jiang Yiming.

"You brat, you've been dishonest since the first day you reported to Polar Star Dorm. With the way you acted just now, I think someone must have been tricked by you.

After a pause, Granny Wenxu continued, "I just saw that there was a car that brought you back, and it must be the person you want to pit.

"Mother Wenxu, I don't like to hear this. 39

"Whether you like it or not, but in my opinion, this is a fact, aren't you going to trick people?

Jiang Yiming touched his nose and wanted to deny it, but Granny Wen Xu's eyes kept staring at him, as if she saw through him.

"Actually, it's not a scam, it's just that everyone gets what they need. 35

"Look, I knew you were going to trick people.""

Jiang Yiming didn't explain either.

"It's getting late, I'll go back to rest first."

"If you go to rest at this point now, it seems that you must have harmed another woman. Boy, don't think that you are young because you have money, you have to take it easy.

Jiang Yiming, who was walking in front, almost stumbled upon hearing this.

"As expected of the hag of Polar Star, those eyes are really vicious.

Jiang Yiming didn't say anything to her and went inside.

"Boy, wait a minute."

Jiang Yiming stopped, turned around and asked, "Is there anything else, mother-in-law Wen Xu?

"When are you going to pay the meals you owe me?


"When you checked in on the first day, you lied to my old lady and didn't cook for me to review. Now that you have moved in, you have to return your meal no matter what."

"Mother Wenxu, this is really none of my business. After you think about it, you have to rush to school when you wake up in the morning. When it comes to evening, someone invites me to dinner, and I rarely cook when I come back. Catch up with those who want to make breakfast. At that time, classmate Isshiki did it again; sometimes I want to make a meal for you to taste, and classmate Isshiki also took the lead. No, I really don't want to delay.

Jiang Yiming is telling the truth.

Mainly because Isshiki Satoshi is just too diligent.

Get up at dawn every day.

First, water the vegetables and flowers in the garden, and then feed the chickens and ducks.

When everything is done, come back and make breakfast again.

Unless Isshiki Satoshi doesn't have time to come back in the evening, dinner must be ready by now.

With such a diligent roommate, Jiang Yiming even made P's breakfast.

Rarely come back for lunch.

For dinner, Isshiki Satoshi always comes back earlier than Jiang Yiming, even if he wants to go out, he will go back first and make dinner before going out.

With Isshiki Satoshi around, everything about Polar Star Dorm, Jiang Yiming rarely has to do.

Mother Wen Xu thought about it, what Jiang Yiming said was indeed reasonable.

Isshiki Satoshi, that kid, is really hardworking.

But in this way, Jiang Yiming's laziness is even more foiled.

"Anyway, I don't care so much, you have to get a meal for me today.

Jiang Yiming thought for a while and said, "Mother Wenxu will forget it today, mainly because I'm full. I'll take a look. I have nothing to do the day after tomorrow, and I will definitely cook you a very hearty meal the day after tomorrow.

Granny Wen Xu thought about it, but she didn't let him do it.

"That's for sure, the day after tomorrow. Don't 570 make any excuses for me this time. If you make any more excuses, I'll kick you out of Polar Star Dorm."

Jiang Yiming hurriedly promised to cook her dinner the day after tomorrow.

But today I have to trouble Isshiki Satoshi.

Anyway, this guy is happy to do these things.

After returning to the room, Jiang Yiming asked Nakiri Le Aurora about Alice.

It was a surprise to Jiang Yiming to learn from Nakiri Leo Laura that Alice had gone home now.

I thought that Alice would choose to stay there for a while, and when Nakiri Le Aurora came back, the two mothers and daughters could have a thorough heart-to-heart talk.

Jiang Yiming felt that Alice, now, has entered her dead end.

Now her various performances are waiting for a huge catharsis.

If this catharsis does not happen in the end, and it has been backlogged in my heart, then the situation will go wrong.

She had to get herself out.

Otherwise, if the vicious circle continues and the pressure increases, it will be troublesome.

Tell Nakiri Leo Laura to talk to Alice, and if she really can't understand it in the end, then tell the secret between them directly.

However, Nakiri Le Aurora won't really go that far.

After chatting with Nakiri Le Aurora, Jiang Yiming put his phone aside and looked at the chandelier above his head, his eyes blurred.

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