290 Someone is watching us, she looks a lot like my sister (please subscribe)

These doubts, Huang Minghan can only temporarily suppress, when there is a chance, and then find out.

The most urgent task now is to solve the things that Liu Li said first. The heavens invaded, and the target was still him.

In the next period of time, I am afraid it will not be peaceful.

Huang Minghan also didn’t know what level of opponents there would be when the heavens invaded this time.

Humanity is the pinnacle of the world, and it is considered to be a moat that is difficult to cross.

Although Huang Minghan is already evolving his own world, his current state can only be regarded as within the scope of humanity.


The realm of heaven that Liu Li talked about was still a long way from him.

However, Dong Minghan didn’t know if it was his own delusion, as if he wanted to, he could even enter that level in one fell swoop.

But this feeling gave him a dreamy, incredible illusion.

Liuli doesn’t know what Dang Minghan is thinking now, although she is already the second level of the Heavenly Dao Realm, the existence of the Heavenly State of Mind can condense the substance of longevity, but in the Three Cans Domain, she cannot exert her full and true strength.

If the actions of the heavens are too big, she is a little worried that her own strength is not enough to deal with it completely.

So after saying this to Dong Minghan, she planned to go to the Xuantian Temple to find the two mysterious angels, and let them pass on the current situation of the Three Rough Dao Domain to Lu’s side.

This kind of thing must be dealt with by the three saints of heaven, earth and man.

After Liuli left, Huang Minghan also began to think about it. Since the heavens and tribes had already attacked him, he naturally would not wait to die.

“I just don’t know how this group of visitors from the heavens will come…”

Huang Minghan’s figure disappeared in the cave, and now he is in the depths of the portrait’s clan.

With his current status, he can naturally enter the clan at any time. This time, he intends to use the portrait of the clan-suppressing tool to suppress the enemy.

Painting you as an immortal force, although this “immortal way” is worth thinking about, but the background of the portrait is definitely not to be underestimated.

And the weapon of the family in the portrait was left by the rumored distant ancestor who ascended to the Immortal Realm, named Xuanming Immortal Guangding.

It has always been in the depths of the painting family, and it is used to suppress the use of the family. Unless it encounters a catastrophe of life and death, it cannot be used.

The Three Cans Domain is very vast, encompassing many universes.

And just today, in the depths of a desolate and remote star field.

One after another divine light descended, like a streamer, penetrating from the pitch-black nothingness, and trailing like a meteor, falling towards this star field.

In the dark, there is a splendid passage that spans many time and space and the universe, which is opened up and runs through all directions.

“Is this the breath of Da Luotian?

“Sure enough, it’s completely different from the world we live in. It’s full of decay and decay… If I hadn’t known that this was Daluotian, I would have thought that I had strayed into a dead, lifeless universe somewhere… ”

In this path of divine light, there are many young faces, all of which come from the ethnic forces of the heavens.

They all came here to solve the calamity in response to the orders of the Ten Great Sages, except for the young taboo with the surname Huang on the Xuantian Chaos List.

In addition to them, the other ten young taboos on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking list have also come by edict.

“Our strength alone is not enough to pose a threat to the young taboo. We must have the young taboo to come forward to contend, and we will have the opportunity to flank.

“The purpose of my waiting is to solve the young taboo, not to be an enemy of this world. If a war breaks out, there will be more powerful people coming, …”

These young figures from the heavens are all decisive and smart, and they did not reveal their existence for the first time.

Moreover, before they descended on Daluotian, the holy monarchs had already started to cover up their auras.

In a short period of time, they will not be detected by the will of the world, and they can act with confidence without worrying about being noticed by others.

For a time, a stream of light, like a meteorite, quickly rushed from all parts of this star field to all parts of the bay and the Sancai field.

In Jingyang Xianchao, Yue Qingyi was playing the game alone when he suddenly raised his head, his eyes showing some strange expressions.

“The celestial phenomena are changing, does this mean that someone from outside the realm is coming?”

The chessboard in front of her forehead changed every moment, like a turbulent situation, unpredictable.

After all, Yue Qingyi chose to return to the present by his own choice from later generations, and he was originally proficient in divination and deduction.

But now in Jingyang Xian Dynasty, so many days of self-cultivation, keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile, have made her more diligent in Taoism.

In addition, the part of the power of luck obtained some time ago also made her deduction technique take a critical step, and even broke through to a field that had never been established in her previous life.

Yue Qingyi caught a lot of changes in the dark.

Moreover, these changes surprised her, twisting every moment, and the changes she captured in one moment became unpredictable the next.

These kinds of things even made her feel a great sense of absurdity.

It seems that the things that he experienced in his previous life are like a spring and autumn dream, both true and false, and they do not exist.

During this period of time, Yue Qingyi has also been verifying some things, but he did not expect that the astronomical phenomenon would suddenly change drastically, and people from outside the realm with unpredictable fates would come.

“The changes made by Yu Jian some time ago, as well as the so-called Xuantian Chaos Ranking, these people from outside the domain should be directed at him. 99

“I should remind him to be careful during this period of time. Besides, I have also accepted his kindness. The power of luck has made my Taoism much deeper.”

At this point, Yue Qingyi still turned around and went back to the house, picked up the pen and paper, and started to write a letter.

As for Yanyan on the side, she came over curiously to see what she was writing.

During this time, she stayed by Yue Qingyi’s side all the time, and gradually, she seemed to be like an ordinary child.

However, she glanced at it a few times, but didn’t see what Yue Qingyi was writing, and ran away again bored.

“Sister, how do I feel that someone is staring at us all the time?

Inside the house, Yue Qingyi was concentrating, thinking about how to write, Jineng would not appear to be living, nor close, so as not to be drawn to Minghan and think too much.

Yanyan suddenly ran in, looking out into the sky with wide eyes, and said curiously.

Yue Qingyi heard the words, and for some reason, there was some coldness on her back.

During this time, Yanyan could always see some things that she couldn’t see, such as Hua Minghan, who disappeared into a mysterious space full of mist.

She hurriedly pulled Yanyan over, unable to calm down, and asked diligently, “Yanyan, what did you see?”

“I saw someone who seemed to be looking at us all the time, no, she seemed to be looking at you, she was very far away from us… Also, I felt that she and my sister looked a bit similar. Yanyan whispered. , raised his head again, looked out the window,

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