289 The master of the Grand Luodao Palace, the heavens have invaded? (Subscription required)

Huang Minghan didn’t expect that she would be so straightforward, but she took the initiative to find herself, she should have something to tell him.

“If you have anything, just say it directly. When you were at the trial grounds of the heavens last time, you kept a lot of things in the dark, so it’s time to tell me now?

He got up from the palm tree and came to the stone table. In the boiling tea, the mist was wafting and the fragrance was permeated.

Huang Minghan poured himself a cup of tea, and then sat down opposite Liuli, waiting for her to speak, listening intently.

Liuli glared at him and said, “This is how you treat guests?”

Huang Minghan smiled lightly, and said, “I haven’t seen any guests. They came in like you and didn’t say hello to the master. Can I say you and forcefully break into the cave?”

Liuli couldn’t say anything to him, she rolled her eyes, but Hua Minghan still poured her a cup of tea, after all, she had something to ask.

“I came to see you this time because I actually have something very important. I want to tell you that you should have noticed it during this period of time. When I was in the trial grounds of the heavens, I still had some concerns and felt that it was too early. If I tell you this, it will affect your cultivation, and it is likely to provoke some hidden cause and effect, but looking at your current cultivation, I think I am too worried about wishing.”

Liuli stretched out her little hands that were as white as jade, picked up the teacup, and gently blew the mist on it, her neck was hazy, as if there was water vapor.

“Oh?” Huang Minghan concentrated, and many thoughts passed through his heart.

He actually wanted to ask Liuli about these things. After all, she said that she had waited for eight difficult years in the Falling Immortal Valley, and would only wait until the person who asked Shishi.

Even though the life span of the creatures in the Sandi domain is long, they definitely can’t live that long.

As far as “627” is considered an enlightened person, it is at most a million years of lifespan, unless it is through police means to prolong lifespan, but it is difficult to live that long.

“You mustn’t be curious about what you encountered in the trial grounds of the heavens? The great world of the heavens, the gate of the heavens, and the curse that was abandoned by the heavens?” asked with interest.

Dong Minghan glanced at her, and said calmly, “Stop selling off, just say it directly. 99

Liuli shook her head and said, “It’s really boring, you can’t pretend to be surprised, does it give me a sense of accomplishment? 33

Huang Minghan didn’t feel that way, he joked with her, just said, “Are you trying to test me to see what I know? 22

Liuli didn’t expect his purpose to be pierced by him, and waved her hand a little irritably, “I didn’t expect that your cultivation base has not only improved so much this time, but even your thinking has changed a lot, and you can detect and understand the anomalies in the dark with wisdom. . This is the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and it can be done next…

Speaking of which, she was also defeated. Originally, she wanted to take a look at Hua Minghan’s tone to see if she could inquire about his follow-up.

But he is too smart to leak.

“I just know that there are actually all the heavens outside the Sancan domain. This so-called Sancan domain is only a part of Da Luotian, and there is another part called Xianyu, but I don’t know if it is a fairyland. Existing, if you are from the realm, you should probably know this, and you can also let me confirm the existence of the fairy realm. Huang Minghan said with some thoughts.

Liu Li was a little surprised, and couldn’t help but said, “I actually don’t know why there is a legend of the Immortal Realm in the Three Cans Realm today, and what you said, I seem to have some related memories. It’s really strange. It seems that I have never heard of the existence of the Immortal Realm, but I know that there are hidden immortals who live in endless chaos. The possibility of asking the immortals to ask…

“As for the place you’ve been curious about, where do I come from? I can tell you frankly that that place is not a fairyland, but a chaotic time and space, which we call the Endless Continent, also known as the Chaos Continent.

Endless Continent?

Huang Minghan was a little stunned. He always felt that the name was familiar, as if he had heard it before, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

But since Liuli has said it, the Immortal Domain does not exist, it is just a rumor circulating in the Sancan Domain.

Then why did she suddenly have the memory of Xianyu?

Isn’t this a contradiction?

On the other hand, she was very similar to the Yaochi Saintess Xiyan at the time. She was a little vague at first, saying that the Kunlun Fairy Ruins was a place full of chaotic time and air, and she herself did not have any related fairytales. domain memory.

On the contrary, after Dong Minghan mentioned the legend of Xianyu, she began to have that part of the memory.

Even the current Liuli is the same.

“Is there any power in the dark that is making the legend a reality? Why did this legend come from? According to a certain trajectory, it is rewriting and perfecting this world?”

Dong Minghan was silent, and many thoughts kept flashing in his mind.

Many things seem to be pointing to such a line.

The legend about the Immortal Realm in the Three Rough Dao Domain does not exist from the beginning, but can be understood as a certain day in the future, when there is a sudden gap, so from this legend as the location, it begins to radiate every inch of time and space, past and future. , Now, affected by Du Xiaobo.

In the minds of many ancient monks, the memory of the fairyland gradually came, and they knew the legend of the fairyland?

If you understand it like this, Dong Minghan also understands a little bit.

“Even if the Immortal Territory exists, it cannot be the so-called land of immortality and ascension, because the Sancan Territory itself is based on the world with the most complete rules, and the cultivator can cultivate to the top and bottom, and there is no need to ascend to other worlds at all. .

“For so many years, there has never been an existence beyond the top of the human realm in the Three Cans Domain. It’s just because the portal of Nirvana was locked up, and the monks couldn’t comprehend the realm of heaven, and they couldn’t understand everything in the realm of heaven…”

“And this time you pushed open the portal of the heavens, in a sense, it is also regarded as the three realm, pushing the door of the path of Nirvana.

Liuli continued, and he didn’t know why he was obsessed with such a legend that fate did not exist.

Although she didn’t know why she suddenly had more memories of Immortal Realm in her mind.

Immortal Realm seems to be a vast world filled with immortal substances and dazzling fairy light…

Moreover, from this point of view, Hua Minghan has pushed aside the door of Nirvana, giving the Three Cans Domain a chance to rise again. How could he be the projection of the heavens?

Liuli also didn’t know why the existence of that place would think so and prevent her from bringing Hua Minghan to him.

“The portal of Nirvana is locked?” Lei Minghan’s thoughts came back, a little surprised.

Is this the reason why there is no existence beyond the top of humanity in the Three Cans Domain?

“Daluotian was boycotted by the heavens, and many superpowers signed a covenant with the heavens, which blocked the road to the Three Realms, and the place I came from, in order to avoid the influence being spread and expanded, I had to Completely separate the three-dimensional domain from that side…”

“Before the endless years, the Three Cans Domain was actually one piece with that place, and also belonged to the Endless Continent.” Liuli explained again, telling these secrets.

Up to now, she also felt that there was no need to hide Hua Minghan.

She came from the Endless Continent with responsibilities and purposes to the Sanqi Domain.

Because the Heavenly Saint among the Three Saints of Heaven, Earth, and Man had deduced that in the future, there would be a destined person in the Three Damned Realm, which could make Daluotian rise again.

And the Immortal Phoenix clan she belonged to, for some reason, made a big mistake. Many ancestors were imprisoned in the cages in the depths of chaotic time and space, and they could not leave forever.

As the last princess of the Immortal Phoenix clan, in order to save the ancestors, she made meritorious deeds, made an oath, and came to the Three Cans Domain to wait for the destined person to guide him on the right path.

For this reason, she waited for eight or ten thousand years in Meteorite Valley, until Dong Minghan accidentally broke into Liuli Island.

At that time, when she first saw Dong Minghan on Liuli Island, there was no response to the token she was carrying, so Liuli did not think that Hua Minghan would be the destined person.

It’s just that she was really tired of being beaten up on Liuli Island for ten thousand years, so she thought of a way to let Prove Han pretend to be the destined person, so she could get away.

All of this is a bit of a coincidence, but after thinking about it, the so-called token is not necessarily accurate.

Although the Heavenly Sage has reached the point of cultivation, he is omnipotent, traverses all time and space, and deduces the past, present and future.

But he may not be able to really predict the destined person in the future.

The long river of fate changes every day, but from the moment we see the future, the future has changed.

Who can really tell this kind of thing?

“Daluotian was rejected and blocked by the heavens. Since the signing of the covenant of the heavens, those ethnic groups in the heavens have been plotting against the Daluotian all the time. Before ancient times, the heavens invaded the Daluotian and tried to occupy the Daluotian. Heaven, plundered the luck and fortune of Daluotian for his own use, and the various tribes and forces of Daluotian competed against each other. , but this also greatly damaged Daluotian’s vitality, and since then, his vitality has been withered, and he is no longer there…” Liuli said again.

“Daluotian has ever been invaded by the heavens?”

Huang Minghan raised his eyebrows slightly, although he had guessed that there should have been a war between Zhutian and Da Luotian, but there was no evidence.

What Liu Li said seemed to confirm his guess.

In any case, Daluotian and the worlds of the heavens should be in an antagonistic relationship.

After he revealed his identity in the trial grounds of the heavens before, the gazes of those arrogant people looking at him are the best proof.

Therefore, during this period of time, Hua Minghan has been paying attention to the actions of the various clans, guessing that the various clans in the heavens may have a hand on the world of Daluo.

Liuli nodded and said seriously, “A long time ago, the heavens were actually called the Nine Heavens Realm, and the Daluotian was called the Daluo Realm. Prosperity, at that time, there was also the Daluo Taoist Palace, which preached and received disciples thirty days away, expounded the method of the Dao and the Daluo method, and told how to be free and free, transcend the three realms and six realms, not to sit in samsara, not to stick to cause and effect, and all spirits in the world. Anyone who is destined can listen to it. At that time, many experts from the Nine Heavens Realm, when they heard the news, did not hesitate to spend all costs, traversing endless time and space, crossing the road storm, and chaotic turbulent currents. a sermon.

“The owner of the Da Luo Dao Palace is reported to be a far-flung, unpredictable, and indescribable existence. In essence, he has already stood side by side with the Dao of Heaven, and may even have transcended the Dao of Heaven…”

When talking about this, she couldn’t help showing a look of reverence and yearning on her face.

Although these are the things she has heard from the ancient books, and she has never really experienced it, she can also imagine that the prosperous scene at the beginning, all the heavens came to the dynasty, and all ethnic groups respected each other.

“Daluo Realm, Nine Heaven Realm… Da Luo Dao Palace…”

Proving that Han combed through these messages, he also had a vague concept.

“It’s a pity that the owner of the Da Luo Dao Palace only left the Da Luo Dao Palace, and then left the Da Luo Realm. It is said that he went to the police’s place to seek a deeper level and a deeper way. Because of this, the Nine Heavens Realm began to invade the Daluo Realm, wanting to plunder the resources and luck of the Daluo Realm, and to snatch the Taoist heritage left by the master of the Daluo Palace…” Liuli sighed again.

“Because of the invasion of the heavens, the circle will make the Daluo Realm become what it is today, and the existence whose cultivation base surpasses the absolute peak of humanity is not on this side? In the endless continent you said? 99

Huang Minghan did not completely believe what Liu Li said.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that there are no leaks or flaws.

Liu Li seemed to be saying that her mouth was a little dry. After drinking a sip of tea, she nodded and said, “That’s right, I’ve told you everything you want to know. 2.3.99

“It’s just a pity, the people on that side didn’t let me take you there, and there were a lot of concerns. But I think that this concern should be dispelled soon. I can already feel that the wall outside the three is not real. Obstacles, the fluctuations that were blasted away by several terrifying forces…

“The most powerful people in the heavens, I am afraid they have already planned to attack the Sancai domain, and their target is likely to be you. Originally, I was a little worried. I felt that your power alone would be difficult to deal with them, thinking about it. I came here to protect you, but I didn’t expect that after I haven’t seen you for a while, your strength has reached this point, my worry

Also redundant.

“The supreme power in the heavens has attacked the Three Can’t Realm? 99

Proving that Han Wenyan was slightly surprised, he didn’t expect it to come so quickly, he was thinking about how to deal with it.

“Those top powerhouses are very smart, and they are expected to be concerned about the powerhouses on the endless continent, and they will not choose to come with their true bodies. They may send some powerhouses who will not affect the error correction of the universe, and there should be many of them. A peer of the same generation as you… Liuli said.

What she said, Hua Minghan was relieved.

His current strength is beyond what his peers can match or imagine.

It’s just that what Liuli said to him still couldn’t solve the doubts in his heart.

What did the previous actions of the Golden King mean?

Who is the female figure in that mysterious space?

Huang Minghan always felt inexplicably familiar. He seemed to have seen it before, but he didn’t seem to have seen it before.

Moreover, the Liuli in front of me, and the figure of the woman, also have a trace of inexplicable similarity,

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