In the 284th era, the battle of the gods has changed, and the terrifying luck and blessings (please subscribe)

Kunlun Holy City, on the night of the full moon, the ancient god body Wang Yu broke through the border and broke the curse of the world, and soon swept all over the Sanji region like a hurricane, causing a great uproar.

At the most critical point, a vast power suddenly surged out of her body, shocking all the people who came to watch the ceremony.

Breaking the curse of the ancient gods means that she will have smooth sailing in the next practice.

As long as there are enough resources to support it, it will definitely go a long way, and it is not impossible to challenge the enlightened person in the future.

This news caused a sensation all over the Sancai domain.

In addition to the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, all the monks and creatures had another topic that they talked about before and after tea.

This matter is naturally a bit of joy and a bit of sadness. Long Sheng, the descendant of Wanlongling, originally planned to watch Wang Yu’s good show, but he didn’t want to be slapped in the face in the end.

With the protection of the Golden King, and breaking the curse of the ancient gods, Wang Yu suddenly became a hot figure in the eyes of all the tribes in the Sanqian region.

Many people offered her an olive branch to try to attract her, and some people inquired about whether she was married, whether she liked someone, and intended to marry.

Of course, many people know that her relationship with Huang Minghan seems unusual.

The King of Gold had intended to marry Jin Tuo, a descendant of the Golden Elephant family, to Wang Yu, but she also declined in the end.

“Six two seven” Therefore, this idea has also been dismissed by many people.

No matter how limitless Wang Yu’s future achievements are, in front of Dong Minghan, it is not enough to mention.

The older generation has already asserted that they are no longer Hua Minghan’s opponents. The existence of this Xuantian Chaos List has also revealed some of Hua Minghan’s strengths in some respects. The previously revealed cultivation is just the tip of the iceberg.

And at a time when all the places in the Three Cans Region are hotly discussing these things.

Among the Taoist traditions of many ethnic groups, there are ancient beings who are awakened, perceive the changes in the laws of heaven, and feel that the great world has come, and the luck is prosperous.

This golden age has already kicked off.

At the same time, many cultivators noticed that there was a surging fairy light at the end of the sky, and the flowers of the terrifying avenue were pushed by a mighty force and bloomed there. The light and rain were sacred and crystal clear like petals.

The eras changed, the heaven and earth manifested a vision, and there was an aura of infinity throughout the ages, floating.

The appearance of the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao also foreshadowed these.

“The battle of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder has already begun, but it has not yet spread to our side of the world. Because of the change of era and the relationship between the manifestation of visions, many of the previous speculations have been verified in some respects.

“The previous Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle, just like the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, did not spread to the heavens, but only included our world.

The ancient existences of all ethnic groups are whispering softly, and their hearts are inevitably shocked.

After the breath of the heavens infiltrated, the Three Cans Domain was changing all the time, especially some ancient records were confirmed.

This battle of the God-Conferred Heavenly Ladder has attracted all the attention of all parties, and one can feel that the fate of the Dao lineage forces is somewhat implicated.

When the arrogance of the heavens is strong, the qi and qi of the Taoist system will be prosperous, and the two will complement each other.

During this time, the portraits and Jingyang Xianchao were the objects of envy of many Taoists. Naturally, the portraits did not need much. After all, Huang Minghan came from the portraits.

Because of the marriage, Jingyang Xianchao bound Hua Minghan to his own chariot and ran a strong camp, in the eyes of some hopeful soldiers.

The transpiration of the vast air luck, like the turbulent Yangtze River, has turned into a golden air luck true dragon, and has evolved into the real scales, dragon whiskers, and dragon claws, and has a tendency to turn into a true dragon.

As long as it continues, in the near future, it will definitely evolve into a real golden dragon and become immortal in one fell swoop.

With the experience of Jingyang Xian Dynasty in front, many forces moved some thoughts and contacted the portrait.

Hua Minghan also learned about these things from the painting family, but he didn’t care.

The marriage between Jingyang Xianchao and the portrait was only for profit, and he agreed to Yue Qingyi’s request only for that piece of space-time origin.

Besides, he has no idea about Yue Qingyi.

At most, it can only be regarded as a stranger who has had a few chats, that’s all.

Now that the various timelines are in chaos, Yue Qingyi, who is also a rebirth, must also be secretly planning.

And as long as she doesn’t affect herself, Huang Minghan will not have the slightest opinion as long as she does what she does.

This time, the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle started very suddenly, but Hua Minghan had been to the Hall of All Heavens, and he was used to it for a long time, so there was no surprise.

In layman’s terms, the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle is a battle for the resources of the gods, forces and ethnic groups in the heavens.

And this competition is mainly judged by Tianjiao’s end and the competition for the ranking on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking.

Like the ranking on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking today, it is only a preliminary rehearsal. It has not yet reached the end of the era, and before the final settlement of the era, no one can predict what the final result will be.

Take Hua Minghan himself as an example, he is listed among the young taboos on the Xuantian Chaos List, but between the other young taboos, who is stronger or weaker, and has not yet competed and compared, then no one knows. .

Even if it is the supreme figure who created the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, I am afraid they cannot really determine this.

The only way is to let them fight between life and death to determine the outcome of life and death.

If you want to get a higher ranking, then you can only find the corresponding person on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, defeat or kill him, seize his luck and resources, and then jump to his equivalent ranking.

Winning strategy, screening layer by layer, this is a stable but pyramid-like level.

And after the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle was launched, the arrogant geniuses who ranked on it could get the blessing of luck every day.

This luck, naturally, is not only the arrogance of Fu Ze, but also the characters and forces related to him can get countless benefits.

After all, the power of luck is the most mysterious and unpredictable.

People with strong luck can encounter treasures of fortune wherever they go, and they can pick up the secrets of Tiangong at random on the street, retreat and practice, the spiritual platform is empty, often have epiphanies, and are not disturbed by inner demons…

And these are just a hint of luck.

At a deeper level, it affects the changes of fate in the dark, and it often involves a long period of time in the future.

This is also why the ten strongest worlds in the heavens will firmly control the young taboo places on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, and will not let the rest of the worlds get them.

Because if things go on like this, the more this luck is tilted, the more it will naturally affect the rise and fall of one world.

The Dao lineage forces in one world, the monks and souls, will naturally be greatly affected.

The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker, that’s the truth.

The weak depend on and follow the strong, so naturally, they can also be blessed by luck and enjoy many benefits.

Among the small islands in the trial grounds of the heavens, this is also the reason why the woman from the Mingyu clan wanted to follow Hua Minghan, so she sacrificed her face to recommend herself.

All over the Sandi region, countless monks and creatures noticed the changes in the era.

The flower of the avenue, pushed slowly, rumbled past, and countless Taos were orderly, ups and downs at the end of the world.


In the middle of nowhere, a terrifying surging force, like the starry sky, the power of luck like Wang Yang, keeps rushing forward, gathering in the Three Cans Domain.

The power of luck, which is as vast as the stars and the sea, is too terrifying, turning into long golden rivers, rushing down.

Then, a part of the power of luck melted in the void, like a golden rain, pouring down from every side of the universe, blessing the entire Sanji domain.

The spiritual energy became more and more intense, the rules of heaven and earth became more and more perfect, and the wonderful trees of spiritual fruit in various places also blossomed.

The most powerful and astonishing force of luck, directly occupying 70%, drowned towards Lei Minghan, shrouding him in an instant.

Sitting quietly on the top of the mountain, he could feel the amazing power and fortune contained in this endless power of luck.

In the end, the remaining 30% of the power of luck, in turn, poured into those people or Taoisms who were related to him.

At this moment, all those who were related to Hua Minghan had the most intuitive feeling.

They were extremely shocked, seeing wisps of bright golden light illuminating their deep and dark Niwan Palace, reflecting the space of the sea of ​​​​knowledge into a sacred rot.

Some people have increased life expectancy and changed their roots, some people have broken through their cultivation bases, some people have transformed their primordial spirits, and some people have been practicing for many years in a magical art, and finally they have reached the pinnacle of excellence.

No matter who it is, as long as he is involved with Hua Minghan in the dark, or follows him, or is sheltered by him, he will get extremely amazing benefits.

In the holy city of Kunlun, after comprehending an immortal method, the Yaochi saintdess Xiyan, her forehead glowed, her immortal consciousness transformed, and she became more pure. In the dark, she even opened a secret treasure of immortality for her.

She couldn’t hide the surprise on her face, and vaguely guessed the source of this change.

In another courtyard, Wang Yu, who was stabilizing his realm, was also pleasantly surprised and murmured, “The power of the dragon egg has been refined by me a lot. This sudden drop of pure 2.3 power is enough to support me to cultivate to the realm of the gods. already.”

Jingyang Xianchao, Yue Qingyi was holding an ancient scroll and was reading it carefully. At this moment, he raised his head and felt some changes in his body, and his face was full of surprise.

“Such astonishing power of luck has flooded me from somewhere?”

“It seems that he has benefited from him again.”

She was silent for a moment and said to herself.

In the Lower Three Realms, Xuannv Palace, a golden brilliance surged on Xuanqing’s body, making her more and more aloof and divine.

“The crux of the absolute yin cold pulse has disappeared so much?”

She was incomparably astonished, seeing her own changes inwardly, both astonished and inconceivable.

Similar scenes occurred in various places, causing amazing changes. Some people were amazed and exclaimed, and naturally some people were worried and anxious.

The first day of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle was the new calendar of the era.

The Three Can Domains received the blessings of this rain of luck, and there were many good fortunes.

The characters and forces associated with Hua Minghan have also benefited greatly, attracting the envy and envy of countless monks and creatures.

This matter is also enough to illustrate the importance of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle.

For individuals, the opportunities and benefits obtained are even more difficult to estimate.

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