283 The Will of the Dao of Heaven is just a decoration, true, whether it exists or not (please subscribe)

Fairy Yan would take the initiative to appear and express concern for him, which surprised Hua Minghan.

He didn’t think too much, and while making fun of her, he told Ji Lai some of his doubts.

Huang Minghan didn’t expect Fairy Yan to be able to explain his doubts.

Having experienced these few things, he had a little doubt and doubt about his own existence and the existence of this world.

These doubts and doubts were more and more verified after he spied on Wang Yu’s fate.

This kind of feeling is like being in a fog, unable to see the square, the sky and the ground are full of bleak and dense dream demons.

Fairy Yan is surrounded by misty clouds, as if standing in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, detached and refined, giving people a sense of distance.

Her figure floated in the void, quietly listening to Lei Minghan’s words, and some doubts flashed across her eyes.

“You want to know, what is real in this world?”

It was rare for her to say a word again, her voice was like a jade pearl falling on a plate, with a clear texture and coldness, and it was as moving as the sound of nature.

Huang Minghan didn’t expect that she would answer the conversation with him, after thinking for a while, he nodded and said, “I don’t want to know what is real in this world, but I suddenly doubt that the existence of this world is in the middle of nowhere. In such an environment, what kind of person is oneself?”

It’s not that he suddenly opened his mind, but he thought about why many things in the dark are evolving and developing in the direction he thought.

It stands to reason that some of the world’s trajectory has changed.

There should be the power of revision in the dark, just like at the beginning, he turned the chaos back and got the gift of heaven.

But now, Hua Minghan suddenly discovered that this world has no power to correct the world at all.

If he doesn’t interfere, the variables that have already appeared will always exist, completely disrupting the original world trajectory.

The will of the Heavenly Dao in this world can only be described as a decoration, so why did the gifts from the Heavenly Dao he received before come from?

The way of heaven cannot intervene normally? Or is there no real way of heaven?

Then I asked this time to spy on Wang Yu’s fate and learn the truth, which made Zheng Han feel a little terrified.

If this world is described as a sand table, then the four walls will definitely be riddled with holes.

Various chaotic timelines and trajectories overlapped and interlaced, and the real world line had to be perfected by him.

If you think about it like this, it will inevitably make Hua Minghan think of many things such as raising insects, breeding, or experiments?

If the brain hole was a little bigger, could the Three Cans Domain be just a cosmic space-time placed in a transparent cover, and the existence outside the monad was actually paying attention to everything in it at all times, including any changes.

The variables of these unexpected rhythms may be deliberately placed by them, whether it is to interfere with the trajectory of the world, or just to experiment, they are all like toys.

The ultimate purpose is unknown.

Of course, this is just a pure guess by Dong Minghan, he actually has other guesses, such as the authenticity of this world, whether it is a complete virtual, or a virtual with a real, or a complete real.

It seems that this world is broken from the beginning, but there is only a prototype of the world. The original world trajectory is vague and incomplete, and needs to be constantly improved and repaired.

The existence of the fairyland is illusory, but it seems to be real, and everyone has memories of the legend of the fairyland.

But who has seen the real Immortal Realm? Even the so-called Immortal Dao forces are only based on the records left by their ancestors and the so-called ancient meanings of scriptures to judge the ancient history.

Is the so-called fairy artifact a real fairy artifact?

And with his continuous exploration and imagination of the Immortal Realm, the memory of the Immortal Realm actually emerged clearly in the minds of others.

Isn’t that scary enough?

Or is the existence of this world just to deceive him and make him think that he lives in this world, has a certain identity, and needs to do something?

Too many unknowns and doubts made Hua Minghan have to think about the authenticity of this world.

“You want to touch these now, whether it’s true or not, it’s just your current conjecture.

After hearing Huang Minghan’s words, Fairy Yan seemed to have thought about it for a long time and continued.

Her eyes are very beautiful, looking at Hua Minghan through the mist.

In her opinion, whether the so-called truth or not, whether it exists or not, should not be something that Hua Minghan has to consider at the moment. Even if he knows about it, what can he do?

Of course, Fairy Yan doesn’t really understand what Huang Minghan said. Her mind is actually very simple. She just wants to restore her body, and she doesn’t want to be such a floating fairy fire. The real body carried by it cannot contact real people or things, and cannot experience the real life.

The existence of this world, or the reality, doesn’t seem to matter.

“Yeah, it’s just my fantasy. Even if I have come into contact with reality now, what can I do? I still can’t change it.” Dong Minghan still smiled.

·For flowers·

He also understands very well that even if he wants to understand all this, he can’t change anything. In a certain way, he is very powerful, and his thoughts can even control the trajectory of the world.

But in a certain way, he is also weak, and he is not qualified to touch everything he wants to touch.

“Instead of thinking about these things, I’m not trying to find a way to make myself strong enough to ignore all this.” Dong Minghan calmed down.

It wasn’t that Fairy Yan’s words made him understand, but he simply felt that going on like this would waste his time and do some useless work.

No matter what he is or what this world is, as long as he has enough power, he will naturally not be afraid of them.

Fairy Yan didn’t speak anymore, she was ethereal now, quietly looking at Lei Minghan with some inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

“Fairy, can you tell me about your past?” Dong Minghan suddenly glanced at her and asked.

He was actually quite curious. Fairy Yan was not supposed to be an immortal fire, but it was probably because of an accident that for some reason, she would become what she is now.

“What happened in the past?” When Fairy Yan heard this question, there was some brief confusion in her eyes.

her past?

What was she like before?

“I don’t have any memory.” After a moment of silence, she shook her head, showing a cold loneliness in her eyes.

Huang Minghan was also slightly silent, and then smiled, “Whether it is true or not, I will help you and reshape your body.

At the same time, in the always mysterious bronze immortal hall of the Sancai domain, the painted immortal in a white dress sat in the deepest part, not cultivating, but only holding the bronze immortal sword in his arms, as if he was in a daze.

After a long time, she sighed softly, took Yun’s golden cicada orb obtained in the trial grounds of the heavens, and looked at the haze of ammonia nitrogen in it.

“Looking at the past, the future, the present, is it just a void?”

Huang Mingxian said that only her own words could be sewn clearly, and her face became thinner and thinner.

Except for herself, no one knows what she saw when she first came into contact with this golden cicada orb in the trial grounds of the heavens.

This made Hua Mingxian have to doubt many things, whether the so-called memory of the book-piercer that she knew really existed?

This world is really just a story in the book, she got the memory of someone outside the plot, or is it some unknown force that modified her memory?

“Does the Chiming Realm really exist? Does the heroine in the original story also exist?” Dong Mingxian muttered to himself,

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