Abandoned Land in 271 Days

The magnificent and simple portal is extremely bright and dazzling, flowing with brilliance, as if a long and vast world is connected behind it, mysterious and profound.

A figure resembling an immortal guard, guarding in front of this portal, the killing energy is so strong that the void is shaking violently.

Everyone was extremely shocked. The All-Heaven Sect, which had only been seen in the ancient books in the past, has now reappeared in the world.

The wind, fire, thunder and lightning, the profound light of the sun and the moon, and all kinds of divine lights that rush into the sky, converge there, and it is faintly necessary to drive away the chaos.

At this time, a slender figure rushed out from the Hall of the Heavens, with a cloud-white robe hunting, and his hair was crystal clear.

After half a month of seclusion in the Hall of All Heavens, Huang Minghan finally appeared, and now his breath is more restrained and deep, like a calm sea, without any waves.

When this palm was slapped, there was no fluctuation or any firework smell.

It’s just that many of the arrogances below felt their hearts tremble, their souls were trembling, and there was a feeling like facing a young god, and they wanted to kneel down towards him.

“It turns out that this is the gate of the heavens obtained by Liuli. I don’t know what will happen if you open this gate.”

Hua Minghan said to himself that during the period of retreat and cultivation in the Temple of the Heavens, the benefits he received were innumerable.

No wonder the arrogance of the heavens and the races all tried their best to get a ray of good fortune.

It’s just that now, their thoughts are probably going to fall into place.

In fact, Huang Minghan completely condensed the prototype of the world seven days ago, and his body has also transformed into a holy body, reaching the level of uniform size and impermanence of gathering and dispersing.

His vitality is even more surging like a volcano, the vastness is unimaginable.

The three realms condensed the meaning of truth, among which the mountains and rivers manifested, the rivers surged, the sun and the moon revolved, and there was boundless mystery.

If you look at the practice standards of the Three Cans Domain, he is now a standard Great Sacred Realm cultivation base, of course, the real combat power is definitely not only at this level.

Therefore, after absorbing the qi of good fortune, Huang Minghan set his eyes on the four-legged golden cauldron, thinking of taking it and the mysterious tree whose fruits were all picked by him.

Huang Minghan discovered that the so-called Qi of Creation was actually condensed and condensed by the four-legged golden cauldron.

As long as he gets the golden cauldron, it also means that he can get an endless stream of good fortune in the future.

In the next few days, Huang Minghan was trying to shake the four-legged golden cauldron, but no matter what means he used, there was nothing he could do.

At the back, even the entire All-Heaven Temple trembled slightly, struck by the terrifying power of Hua Minghan.

However, the four-legged golden cauldron remained stable, as if it was suppressed by the will of the heavens.

However, he found that when he used the self-intellectual method to stimulate the power of his mind and gave birth to the idea of ​​taking this four-legged golden cauldron away, it trembled slightly to dry.

Hua Minghan was surprised by this discovery, and then he directly wrapped it with the power of his mind.

During this period, the power of his mind was continuously consumed, and his soul was almost dry.

If he hadn’t swallowed a large amount of ancient elixir and replenished them in time, he would have died of exhaustion in the end.

In the end, it took seven days for Dong Minghan to take away the four-legged golden cauldron.

The river of the sea of ​​consciousness, which is suspected to be the long river of destiny, surging, directly swept in, wrapped the four-legged golden cauldron, let it rise and fall in the middle, and was washed and baptized by the river.

If it weren’t for the rhythm of the river that was suspected to be a long river of destiny, Huang Minghan estimated that his sea of ​​consciousness space would not be able to carry this four-legged golden cauldron.

This process is very dangerous, and it is even more terrifying to encounter a big enemy. Hua Minghan is also amazingly courageous, not afraid at all, calm and composed, and finally takes this great creation away.

During this process, the Temple of the Heavens only trembled, and then it stabilized without any abnormality.

Huang Minghan also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, his actions, for the world of the heavens, were tantamount to killing and recruiting eggs, which was not right.

I just don’t know how much disaster and sensation it will cause if this matter is known to all the worlds.

Although after the four-legged golden cauldron left the Hall of All Heavens, the speed of gathering and condensing the energy of good fortune was very slow, but Hua Minghan had time, and as long as the four-legged golden cauldron was given enough time, it would naturally be able to collect enough energy of good fortune.

These good fortune qi are enough for Hua Minghan to do many things, whether it is refining it by himself, or giving it to others, cultivating confidants, etc., it is of great use.

There is also that mysterious tree, which is also slowly breathing the breath of good fortune, and I am afraid it will not take long before it will bear fruit again.

His thoughts converged, and Hua Minghan focused more on the portal to the heavens in front of him.

He hooked his hands without mercy, slapped it with a palm, and the pure and vast mana exploded, as if a Wang Yang slapped away.

The immortal guards who came here could not stop him at all, and were directly scattered into a light and shadow.

The Tianjiao who witnessed all of this felt frightened. Although the strength of these immortal guards was only a phantom, their strength was not weak at all, and they were all holy realms.

As a result, in front of Hua Minghan, he couldn’t resist even a palm, and they exploded and collapsed, unable to stop him.

“His strength is much stronger than before entering the All-Heaven Palace, I don’t know what kind of good luck he got.” ”

“This time, in the All-Heaven Palace, there is not even any vision transmission rhyme.

“Would it be that he took it away by himself, so that the outside world would not know about him and perceive his details.

Many people speculated and looked shocked.

And just when Hua Minghan was about to touch the portal.

Suddenly, a dazzling brilliance gushed out, like a heavy fog, falling on him.

Chains of black chains, as if they were seen by some substance, actually manifested and wrapped around his body.

There are hundreds of them, and at the same time when Hua Minghan started, there was a crashing sound of the hooks.

These dark chains are tightly bound to Hua Minghan’s limbs, and under the reflection of the heavens, they are particularly clear.

It seems to be condensed from the rules, and it seems to be real.

“The land abandoned by the sky, dare to open the door?”

The moment they saw these pitch-black chains, these immortal guard shadows seemed to have come to life, scolding and scolding, and even began to set up a great formation to meet Huang Minghan, which was even more terrifying than the seam.

The sky is full of terrifying murderous aura, and it is biting to the bone, almost freezing the soul of a person.

“In the ancient books, which place was abandoned by the heavens?”

Many Tianjiao below saw this scene, and they were also shocked.

Many people even exclaimed directly, their eyes widened as if they were unbelievable.

“It is indeed the place abandoned by the heavens. These cursed chains are the best proof. That place has actually reappeared, and there is such a terrifying young existence.”

Many people’s voices were trembling, as if they were thinking of a lot of ominous things.

No matter who it is, at this moment, the face is changing drastically, as if seeing something that shouldn’t exist.

The arrogance of the geniuses who had followed Hua Minghan on a escorting boat before had also changed.

Ningyu was also a little scared and couldn’t help but muttered, “In the rumors, there is a place abandoned by the heavens, which represents unknown and destruction, and anyone who is contaminated with a trace of cause and effect will lead to unknown unknowns. , Lightly, the road collapses, and at worst, life and death disappears, the nameless fire burns the soul, and the smoke disappears…

She didn’t know if this was true or false, but it was recorded in the ancient books that that place was abandoned by the heavens, was lawless, and was not tolerated by the laws of heaven, and had long since been removed from the heavens.

The connection between the heavens and that land has long since been severed, and there can be no more cause and effect.

But today, in front of the gate of the heavens, light and rain fell, reflecting on Hua Minghan’s body, revealing those shackles, obviously a symbol of the land abandoned by heaven.

These shackles are left by the will of heaven and earth, in order to suppress the uncertainty and destruction of that place.

But now, Dong Minghan has reappeared here, and even has the intention of breaking free from the chains and pushing open the gate of the heavens.

“Not good, he intends to open the gate of the heavens and bring ominous and disaster to the heavens, stop him quickly.”

Some Tianjiao reacted, although their expressions were still frightened, but they also hurriedly took action, sacrificing each piece of powerful ancient treasures, the Taoist method rang out, and evolved to hook all kinds of shocking visions, bombarding the painting Minghan together.

Huang Minghan was still a little stunned at first. He didn’t understand why many dark chains appeared in front of him. In front of this portal, he was hooked by the light and rain.

However, these arrogances actually stopped him in unison, which made him a little annoyed.

“The Land Abandoned by Heaven, does it mean Daluotian?”

In Huang Minghan’s mind, all kinds of thoughts flashed through, and the movements of his hands were also non-stop, his sleeves were rolling, and he was born flat on the ground.

A large area of ​​rune flying has evolved into a terrifying scene, with the sun and the moon spinning, mountains and rivers falling, and landslides and earth fissures, heading towards those Xianwei towns ahead.

In an instant, in this place, electricity was generated from the void, a war broke out, and many figures flew over, killing Hua Hua Minghan at all costs.

The pitch-black lightning was intricately wispy, and fell from all over the world, mixed with some heavy chaotic mist, which was as heavy as a mountain, and the void trembled unceasingly.


Huang Minghan slammed his palm across the sky and landed on a Tianjiao body, causing him to scream in agony, and his body was covered in blood, his breath was dying, and the void was almost shattered, like a piece of rotten cloth.

The rest of the people took the opportunity to sacrifice fishing tools and came towards him. There were emerald green Dao swords with peerless sharpness, banners that called for wind and rain, sweeping the sky, and pagodas that shook the heavens and the earth. ‘s power.

Endless mana, pouring down here, like a waterfall, is extremely terrifying.

All Tianjiao did not hesitate to use their means to bombard away.

It became chaotic here, all kinds of weapons were manifesting, spears, war spears, divine knives, immortal swords… all kinds of weapons were constantly being smashed and killed.

While Huang Minghan was fighting against these figures, he was also fighting against those immortal guards who were in formation.

He felt that as long as he opened the gate of the heavens, he would be able to remove these dark shackles on his body, although he did not know how these dark shackles would affect him.

After all, he didn’t feel any suppression, and his cultivation base ran smoothly without any influence.

Around him, the innate five elements emerged, gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, coexisting with each other, evolving into an unbreakable territory, which formed its own rules, and the brilliance of Qing Mengmeng shrouded it, as if detached from the world.

All the attacks came, but they were all blocked by this territory and could not fall on Hua Minghan, only the large ripples swayed, causing the void to be turbulent.


Around Huang Minghan, time and space seemed to be twisted at the moment, he shook off all the attacks and quickly approached the door.

It’s just that he underestimated the difficulty of pushing the door open. It was as strong as gold and unshakable. He threw his fist and fell, as if he was shaking the legendary Nantian Gate.




Every punch fell, it seemed to fall on the veins of the heavens, and the whole heaven and earth made a violent vibration like a tsunami. .

This scene made many Tianjiao who killed painting Minghan feel terrified.

With their strength, they couldn’t get close to Lei Minghan, let alone stop him.

“.”Once he opens this door and lets that place reconnect with the heavens, it is the beginning of our disaster and ominous…

There are arrogant eyes showing fear.

They have only heard of these things in the ancient books, and have never seen them with their own eyes. (Wang Liao Zhao)

It’s just that when it comes to unknown and calamity, no one dares to slack off and underestimate it, because they are afraid of getting caught.

On those receiving boats floating on the sea, many receiving people watched this scene calmly, and no one made a sound and did not stop it.

Some Tianjiao noticed this scene, betting in their hearts, they were puzzled, why did these people not stop them?

Since they represent the will of this place, doesn’t Hua Minghan’s move to push open the door mean that they are resisting the will of this place?

What’s more, Dong Minghan came from a land abandoned by the heavens and was abandoned by the will of the heavens, so he should stand on the opposite side of them.

“This so-called land abandoned by the sky, I’m afraid I have to put a quotation mark on it. If it is really abandoned by the will of the heavens, then it is impossible for these people to sit still…”

Huang Minghan also noticed this scene now, and his heart was a little strange.

The movements in his hands did not stop, and between his fists, he was filled with many fist marks and landed on the gate of the heavens.

In an instant, Dong Minghan reflected all of what he had learned on it, his mind was empty and bright, and the surging power seemed to pierce through the void and crashed forward.

When! When! When…

One after another fist qi is like floating light, clear and hazy, as if it has penetrated the ancient time and space, and the vast fist power even exceeds the imagination of everyone here.

Everyone’s heart seems to have such a fist that rises up, runs through the sky, penetrates ancient and modern, and must surrender to this punch.

At this time, Huang Minghan’s mind was unprecedentedly accessible, and he felt that he had reached the point where “all laws are unified”.

The many Taoist and magical powers that he has learned have been completely integrated into one, whether it is magical powers or heavenly powers, they can all be summed up in that “-“.

This “_” can be a punch, a sword, a technique, or even an escape.

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