270 Endless qi of good fortune rises wildly, the portal of the heavens is now

“It’s more interesting than I thought.”

Huang Minghan was a little surprised, but it’s good to be knowledgeable, so as not to waste his time.

The interior of the entire All-Heaven Hall is extremely empty. There are many sky-reaching pillars standing on both sides of the corridor, which are shaped like dragon bodies and carved with dragon scales and dragon patterns.

The dots of optocouplers are still hanging high in the void of the All-Heaven Hall, shining like lanterns.

These optocouplers are either big or small, the small ones are as big as a fist, and the bigger ones are as big as a washbasin.

Huang Minghan had the idea of ​​catching a piece of optocoupler and studying it with his rhyme hand, but it seemed that he was shocked by the optocoupler just following the scene, so that these optocouplers could not help but retreat when he approached.

Even the largest pieces are hanging high in the void, not close.

“It seems that for Brand, there are many good things to stay here, and after I beat a piece, I don’t dare to take risks. 39

After Huang Minghan learned the truth, he didn’t care and continued to go deep into the palace.

After he came to the palace, he had not seen the All-Heaven Gate that Liuli mentioned, which made Hua Minghan guess, could it be that the gate is in the deepest part?

He also didn’t know what was behind the All-Heaven Sect, so he would ask Liuli to mention it.


Not long after, a faint heavy breath came like a stormy sea.

Even the surrounding void is rising and falling with this wave, just like an ancient giant sleeping in it, the breath of the hook.

– The four-legged golden cauldron, like a golden immortal gold cast, is firmly in the depths of this palace.

There are more than a dozen people asking about the size of the hug, and the surface texture is extremely ancient, including mountains and rivers, rivers, insects, birds and beasts, sun, moon and stars, and ancient tribes.

The dense and surging heavy breath, like the mother qi of Xuanhuang and the mother qi of chaos, floats up and down in this four-legged golden cauldron.

It seemed to be in the shape of a tree, with luxuriant branches and a mysterious fruit the size of a fist hanging on it.

Each fruit seems to contain the secrets of the heavens, records the essence of the Great Dao, expounds the truth of heaven and earth, condenses the greatness of the universe, the profound yellowness of the heavens and the earth, and the changes of the heaven and earth, which have infinite good fortune.

Under Huang Minghan’s detailed count, he found that there were a hundred and eight mysterious fruits, large and small.

“This is the fruit of good fortune condensed and rhythmic by the qi of good fortune? Each fruit is condensed and nurtured by many qi of good fortune. 93

Around this mysterious tree, a strong atmosphere of good fortune lingers, constantly spraying and condensing from the branches and leaves, and wrapping around, making the void hazy, and the time and space are twisted.

Huang Minghan estimated that the rhythm of this mysterious tree was relatively late, otherwise it would be impossible for people to know that there is still this thing in the Hall of Heaven.

The receptionist just talked about the qi of good fortune, and he mentioned that when the qi of good fortune is strong to a certain extent, some miraculous things may evolve.

“The appearance of these one hundred and eight fruits seems to be unexpected…”

Huang Minghan also didn’t know what the beauty of this thing was.

However, in the dark, there is a feeling that as long as he swallows it, it will have infinite benefits for him.

So he didn’t waste any time, the figure moved, the big hand rolled, and the biggest fruit of good fortune fell down.

However, the moment it was plucked from the tree, it became faint, and it seemed that it was difficult to continue to maintain the shape of the fruit.

Huang Minghan raised his eyebrows slightly, and without waiting for it to completely fade away, he put it into his mouth.

However, this speed is still very slow. He thought about it, and immediately sat down cross-legged. The figure fell into the sky above this four-legged golden cauldron.

The boundless energy of creation immediately drowned towards him like a waterfall.

The primordial spirit villain opened his mouth and screamed, and the space here trembled violently.

One after another, the fruits of good fortune fell from the treetops, then turned into streamers, and were directly eaten by them.

The surging and terrifying power of creation began to circulate in Hua Minghan’s body. Originally, after he absorbed many source substances in that mysterious space, his mana had reached a certain peak.

But now the power of creation that suddenly appeared is extremely rich, making his mana change from quantitative to qualitative.

“I originally planned to delay it for a while, and then condense the holy body, but according to this trend, I am afraid it will not be as I wish, but let’s not know, since this good fortune is extremely strong, then I will follow my heart. , break through.”

“Now that the heavens are manifesting, the attention of all races and lineages must be on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking of the heavens, and there is no need to continue suppressing my cultivation.”

Huang Minghan originally had a little bit of prudence.

However, the spirit of creation here was not as he wished, and it directly broke through the bottleneck that he deliberately suppressed.

His mana is more powerful and surging than many older monks in the holy realm, which can be described by the vastness of Wang Yang.

It’s just that he deliberately suppressed the cultivation realm in the realm of the gods before, and did not break through the realm of the holy realm for a long time.

Now that the qi of good fortune is coming in, Hua Minghan can’t suppress the shackles of his realm.

The surging mana had undergone some kind of qualitative change and began to condense his holy body.

What is the holy body? It is the most critical threshold for monks to enter the holy realm.

Originally, the mana of the Ming Han body was comparable to that of the older generation of monks in the holy realm.

However, his original body has also reached the limit that it can carry. Even if he accumulates mana, it will not be of much use. It will overflow, and it may even damage his spiritual sea.

If the body is a container, then the mana is the river Wangyang that it carries. The larger and more stable the container, the wider and boundless the river Wangyang it can carry.

Now condensing the holy body is equivalent to remodeling the container, carrying more and more vast mana.

At this moment, Huang Minghan could clearly perceive that every cell of his own was sending out a desire for thought, and sixty trillion cells were constantly absorbing the influx of good fortune.

In this four-legged golden cauldron, there is too much good fortune, an incomparably strong camp, I don’t know how many strands there are.

The outside world is eager for a ray of good fortune, and they are willing to pay a huge price, but here, he directly cultivates and casts a holy body with this thing, which can no longer be described as luxury.

“The strength of the holy body can already be compared to an immortal body, and it is easy to be reborn from a drop of blood.

“A drop of blood from a cultivator in the holy realm contains world-shattering power, piercing through the stars, and obliterating the law.

“However, the condensing of the holy body is not easy. The soul, domain, and own thinking are integrated into one…”

Dong Minghan closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, the strong atmosphere of good fortune completely drowned his figure, every cell of his was glowing, and some kind of amazing change took place.

At the same time, his primordial spirit villain is also shining.

One after another, the fruits of good fortune turned into streamers and were swallowed by the villain.

There are immeasurable lights and avenues of light all around, as if there are sounds of the world and sacrificial sounds, all kinds of visions that will appear when the heavens and the earth first open are manifesting.

The innate Five Elements Domain, the Zhou Tianxingchen Domain, and the Space-Time Good Fortune Domain all manifested, followed by the scattered Qi of Good Fortune.

The originally hazy surroundings began to take shape, as if they were evolving towards the real world.

“The holy realm is divided into four realms: quasi-sage, saint, most holy, and great sage. The mana is complete, reaching a certain bottleneck and shackles, and it can impact the holy body, so it can be called a quasi-sage…

“And after condensing the holy body, mastering the immortal body, no matter how serious the injury can be healed, it is called a saint, who can move mountains and fill the sea, and cross the starry sky, and is omnipotent.”

“The most holy realm comprehends the law, controls the power of the law, captures the real energy of the void in time and space, and makes the realm evolve into a cave and a blessed land… The great holy realm understands the power of the world, and the primordial spirit and the flesh are perfect. Scattered and impermanent, the size is the same, the heaven and the earth are difficult to bury, and the vitality is like a sea of ​​smoke.

At this moment of Huang Minghan, the distracting thoughts in his mind were eliminated, and all kinds of thoughts about cultivation passed by, and the three domains were all evolving.

Originally, the surroundings of Kongmeng were originally chaos before the creation of heaven and earth, but now there are real barriers.

His realm is evolving into a paradise, and Yun has a real breath.

Moreover, when painting the space of the Cold Sea of ​​Consciousness, the stars of the heavens appeared, and along with the long river of vague fate, they faintly cast phantoms in his domain.

If you listen carefully at this moment, you will find that in his body, the terrifying sound of the rushing river and the rotation of the sun and the moon, the sound of blood flowing, is enough to shock a holy monk to death.

This is only the initial stage of shaping the holy body, every cell seems to be awakened, and the terrifying power of the tsunami is hooked.

The power of sixty trillion cells, how terrifying, can hardly imagine.

And in the process of this cultivation, the vast energy of good fortune, showing no signs of drying up, kept submerging Hua Minghan, causing his strength to undergo earth-shaking changes again.

There is no difference between the time in the Hall of the Heavens and the outside world, and in the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

The arrogances who were originally waiting outside the hall were also a little anxious. They had never heard of any arrogance that would stay in the hall of the heavens for such a long time.

The most important thing is that during this period, the Temple of the Heavens seemed to be silent, and there was no vision inquiry.

This made them want to spy on some news about Hua Minghan, but they couldn’t start, and they didn’t know what he was going through in the hall.

This process is very tormenting, making them more anxious, and they are very worried that the spirit of good fortune in the temple will be swept away.

“We don’t seem to have a chance, we can only wait for the next time when the All-Heaven Hall receives another invitation, come over again…”

Ningyu sees it very openly. Although the spirit of good fortune is precious, but offending Hua Minghan, what will happen next, I shudder when I think about it.

A young taboo, even those ancient Taoists, did not dare to despise him.

If you offend such a person, the only way is to do everything possible to get rid of him and not let him grow up.

But to really kill a young taboo is extremely difficult and difficult to succeed.

No one knows what kind of luck these young taboos have had, even if they are cultivators whose cultivation base is much higher than theirs, they would not dare to say that they can win.

Moreover, the luck carried by the young taboo is so vast, and it is normal for things to happen to them.

Offending a young taboo can be said to be one of the most terrifying things in the world of heaven.

This kind of waiting process was very tormenting. Three days later, another three days, and after half a month, there was no movement or inquiries in the Hall of the Heavens.

However, just when many Tianjiao were impatient and couldn’t wait any longer, they discussed together and planned to open the hall door and break in.


The originally silent All-Heaven Hall suddenly shook violently, and even the nearby time and space began to twist, creating a terrifying avenue storm.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling portal appeared behind the Hall of All Heavens, as if carrying endless black and yellow, grand, heavy and majestic.

Around this portal, many quaint figures ups and downs, humanoids and aliens, either holding celestial swords, or offering sacrifices to ancient cauldrons and pagodas.

They are all extremely powerful, and many visions have evolved around them, including palaces and pavilions, ancient mountains and rivers, and wild rivers.

Judging from the breath alone, any figure here is not simple. They Qi Qiyun are now around the portal, just like an immortal soldier and an immortal guard.


All the geniuses from all over the world were shocked by this scene.

Someone reacted quickly, and couldn’t help but shouted, extremely shocked, as if they recognized this portal.

“How can there be a portal to the heavens here? Since the ancient times, the worlds of the heavens and the world have been connected, the portals are connected, and the breaths are merged. The appearance of this gate of the heavens means that it is lying in the sky again. A new world of recognition?”

“There is a possibility that this mysterious young taboo, I don’t know where he came from, I don’t know which world he came from, but the only thing that can be sure is that he is not a figure in the top ten big worlds…”

“Not even the worlds I’ve known.”

“If he is from this new world, then explain it well.93

Many Tianjiao reacted, and their hearts were shaken. The hook of the All-Heaven Sect meant that one party had been recognized by the All-Heaven in the new world.

However, the portals of the heavens are not so easy to push open, and it takes an incomparably terrifying power to get the approval of the will of the heavens.

Although this young forbidden strength is tyrannical, he is still a younger generation, and his cultivation time is far from enough.

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