221 But I Can Get A Handful Favor, Meet Accidentally (Subscribe)

This area is very large, and as far as the eye can see, it is full of green mountains and ancient forests.

la la la!!!

Ancient chariots and Shenhongs came galloping, descending from the horizon and landing on various hilltops.

There are pavilions and pavilions built there, and the servants have long been covered, waiting here, preparing many materials needed for hunting.

Many young men and women dressed in luxury, smiling and born with extravagance talked and walked together.

There are many servants behind each person.

Each of these young masters of the painting family is confident, surrounded by divine brilliance, and is walking like a tiger.

Some people have glowing cheekbones and are very mentally powerful.

“You have to behave well for a while. If you are favored by the young masters and young ladies, then you will not be far away from flying into the sky.”

The portrait clansmen who were in charge of this matter spoke to the people in Lin earnestly, and then said the rules again.

After a while, I will take pictures of these young masters and young ladies, and I will come here to select suitable candidates and go hunting with them.

And then it’s time for Lin Qian and the others to behave.

If you get the respect of these young masters and young ladies when hunting, then they will definitely be chosen as followers.

After hearing this, everyone was very excited.

Some people are even more revealing, their expressions are firm, and they secretly make up their minds that they must be chosen as followers.

Lin Qian also nodded secretly, and began to look at the painters and young ladies.

Although they are both young disciples of the main line of painting, there are still some differences in their identities.

All he had to do was find the most honorable among them.

Soon, Lin Qian determined the target and looked at one of the attractive women in a light blue dress, with her hair like clouds, who looked dignified and elegant.

She looked only about twenty years old, with a faint smile on her face, giving people a gentle and polite look.

But the number of servants around is the largest.

Moreover, the rest of the portraits, young men and women, respected her very much and kept a certain distance.

Even the painting family member who had just explained the rules to them showed great respect in front of the woman in the blue dress.

“This is Miss Dong Minggang, who is a well-known young supreme in the younger generation, who once fought with the descendants of the Immortal Dao forces for several days without a winner.”

“I heard that she came back from the outside world specifically to tame an ancient alien beast with the bloodline of the Ice Moon Blue Dragon…

Suddenly, Lin Jiao’s ears moved slightly, and he heard a few Tianjiao talking in a low voice. Like him, he was quietly looking at the woman in the blue dress, with awe and admiration in his eyes.

Dong Minglan “?”

Lin Xue secretly remembered the name, and it might not be easy to guess her identity is painting you.

Maybe he can really get in touch with the core characters of the portrait.

Thinking of it this way, he must have some real skills, otherwise he might not be able to be favored by this woman.

“Cousin Ming Lan, I heard that you were attacked by the clan this time, are you really planning to tame that blue snake?

Beside the young woman named Huang Minggang, several young girls with portraits came over curiously and couldn’t help asking in a coquettish voice.

In this area, there is a very famous Cang Mosquito, possessing the bloodline of the ancient Ice Moon Canglong.

Bingyue Canglong, but a different kind of true dragon that can compete with true immortals, has an extremely terrifying talent for ice.

-Dragon breath, easy to freeze and difficult to empty.

There were also younger generations in the previous portraits who tried to tame this strange beast, but all ended in failure.

The older generation who painted you also asserted that if you don’t have a cultivation level above the god realm, don’t try it lightly, the chances are slim.

This time, after Huaminggang returned to the painting, he went straight to this place, trying to tame this strange beast, which naturally attracted a lot of people’s attention.

Some people speculate that she has got some kind of opportunity in the outside world and her strength has soared, so she will be so confident.

“Maybe you can try it, but it won’t necessarily work.”

When Huang Minglan heard the words, he only smiled lightly and did not speak to the fullest.

It’s just that the surrounding painter disciples can see the extreme confidence from her calm and indifferent tone.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to come here to try to tame this strange beast as soon as she returned to the portrait.

Maybe also want to take this opportunity.

“However, with my own strength, it is somewhat difficult, and I need to find some help.” Qi.

Hua Minglan’s gaze swept across the candidates for followers not far away, and she herself did not lack followers.

It’s just a sweep of the trend. If there are good seedlings, it is also good to accept them as subordinates.

Noticing that Huang Mingchao looked over here, many Tianjiao, including Lin Xue, were all shocked and looked over.

Many young men have deep eyes, and it is even more difficult to hide their eagerness and fiery.

After all, Hua Minglan is not only a distinguished person, but also a beautiful beauty.

Compared with the rest, they naturally wanted to follow her.

They all stood up with their heads held high, their bodies shrouded in divine light, revealing a mighty aura.

Lin Xue’s eyes flickered slightly, thinking about how to attract Dong Minglan’s attention.

In his opinion, the actions of these young arrogances around him are inappropriate. What kind of arrogance has he not seen before painting a young supreme like Minggang?

So if you want to get into her sight, you must take an unusual path.

So after thinking about it, Lin Qian regained his calm, his expression was quite indifferent, showing a touch of confidence, as if he didn’t notice Hua Minglan’s gaze.

His move really surprised Hua Minglan and looked at him a few more times.

“It is indeed something extraordinary, no wonder you are so confident.”

A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then she stretched out her crocheted hand and pointed at Lin Qian, “What’s your name? Come here. 99

Amidst everyone’s astonishment and jealousy, Lin Lou walked out with a calm expression, and bowed his hands without being humble or arrogant, “San Xiulin, I have seen Miss Minggang.

He looks very dull and honest on the outside, but he has such a calm and indifferent look.

This also surprised many young disciples of the portrait. After looking at it, they obviously did not expect that Hua Minglan would choose such an unassuming man.


Huang Minglan nodded, then pointed to a servant behind him, and said, “How about you compete with him? 93

Lin Yu said confidently, “Yes.”

He knew that Lei Minglan wanted to see his own strength and let the servants behind him test it.

Immediately, the surrounding people dispersed, leaving this open space, Lin Xue and the servant stepped forward, without much nonsense, and directly began to fight.

After the next three moves, Lin Geng slammed a palm on his chest, causing the servant of the False God realm to fly upside down.

“It’s a bit extraordinary, no wonder cousin Ming Lan takes a fancy to it.

“There are some means. To easily defeat this servant, the strength is much stronger than the average young Tianjiao.”

The group of young disciples in the portrait were a little surprised and kept nodding their heads.

The rest of Tianjiao, who came here with Lin Gu, were also deeply shocked and surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lin Boots seemed to be mediocre, but his strength was so strong.


Huang Minglan nodded with satisfaction, a smile appeared in his bright eyes, and said, “Then you can follow me for the time being.”

Lin Yan acted extremely calm and composed, without too many surprises and surprises, he just cupped his hands, “Yes, Miss Minggang.

This scene made Hua Minglan look up a bit.

Many people also cast envious glances at Lin.

Huang Minggang smiled lightly and said, “I plan to tame a strange beast here in a while, and I will need a few people to help…”

She briefly explained the matter, and then selected several young talents who looked a little extraordinary.

Then he took a few people and rushed to this vast ancient forest.

The rest of the portraits of the young clan also followed behind, wanting to witness how she tamed the mosquito.

A few days later, in the depths of this ancient forest, an astonishing battle broke out, the surrounding mountains trembled, and the ground shook.

In a cold pool, a blue-blue mosquito with a huge head, spewing out extremely cold air, froze the void, and confronted Hua Minglan and the others.

The war broke out, the figures were flying, and the runes were intertwined, causing chaos in this place.

In the end, Huaminggang spent a lot of money and succeeded in subduing it, shocking many clansmen.

On the other side, Hua Minghan, who was out of the customs, was hearing the report of his subordinates and was surprised by what happened recently in Cangming Mountain.

“I didn’t expect these things to happen during my retreat.

He thought for a moment, and then instructed to let the people with the portrait over there help the Golden Statue Clan.

Huang Minghan actually did not expect that Wang Yu and Tangmei would be driven into Cangming Mountain by the enemy so skillfully.

Then he encountered the Golden King from 100,000 years ago.

Looking at the development of this plot, the next step should be to experience many twists and turns and successfully rescue the golden king.

Wang Yu might be able to get this opportunity and get a backer.

After all, as the daughter of luck, the opportunities are endless, so Hua Minghan didn’t have too many surprises about it.

At this time, it is also good for the portraits to help the golden statue family and make good friends.

Except for the news of Wang Yu, the lucky daughter.

Dong Minghan also paid attention to the movement of Xiazhuan Mingyue. Although she appeared outside Cangming Mountain once, she disappeared after that.

Compared with Wang Yu, her deeds are more difficult to find.

And the speed at which the cultivation base increases is extremely astonishing.

Now that Nirvana is reborn, in terms of cultivation realm, it is already on par with some young talents.

Although it is not enough for her to return to her previous peak, Hua Minghan predicts that this time is not far away.

Shortly after Huaminghan left the customs, Zhou Chanxuan, who had been temporarily living in the portrait, took the initiative to visit after receiving the news, and asked Huaminghan to teach Taoism and practice.

Hua Minghan did not refuse.

Because he is actually quite interested in the forest prison that is suspected to be the son of luck.

After practising the self-knowledge method, his understanding of fate and luck has deepened a lot.

Huang Han felt that he might be transported by the carrier gas to thereby sharpen “,” mind “of the practice.

Like a son of air transport, air transport is carrying the body of generation, was the world clock, many opportunities, Fukuzawa deep, experienced and also very different from ordinary people.

Although not yet reached the extent of the number of so-called different, but it can take its destiny track to complete this deduction I Heart Ming.

Zhou Xuan Chan stature very tall soaring.

The hair is pulled together, the facial features are exquisite and beautiful, the legs are slender, the shoulders are cut like a knife, and the face is covered with thin powder.

Dressed in dark golden dress, skirt Department has pale gold gilt, exposed hook length legs.

Chen De skin is particularly delicate white, like fine snow flawless, noble and elegant.

Of course, the most notable was her pupil, actually present a pale gold.

Between Guanghua flow, giving a hint of a sense of dignity, as if the ancient Marie Dragon.

“Practice of the law, asked by his attention to road itself is going with the mind, should be considered natural, if not force it, but rather counterproductive ……”

She followed in drawing out the cold side, as he was walking between pavilions, heard these words, can not help but full of contemplation and admiration.

This is a natural transcended the heart and mind, quietism, not take the initiative to fight.

All the action, almost all ask God, in harmony with nature.

Chan Zhou Xuan ask her to repair the current terms, but also far short of the point.

Huang Han not only repair the great terror, and even the mood level, but also a need for them to seriously pondering the point of scrutiny.

“Listen to these words out cold little Lord, indeed benefited a lot.

Chan Zhou Xuan corners of the heart was very firm, can not help but admire Road.

Although the hall was beat up beat Dong cold, but it did not feel frustrated and gloomy, but the initiation of a more intense (Nuo Li Zhao) heart climbing Road.

Huang Han heard just smiled, he just casually talking about it, never even thought of how she was pointing.

They leave this palace group, walking and talking, many Serbs see the portraits are respectfully salute.

Jin Yi but her mother portrait of worship, a supreme environment of super-strong.

In this day and age, no matter in which forces will be treated as a guest.

Zhou Xuan Chan successor as supreme, one-on status is concerned, perhaps not as good as successor immortal forces.

But behind her Master, but it should not be underestimated, if angry, overturned some old enough to Orthodoxy.

And in the conversation between the two men, but it is far from approaching the number of shadows.

– pale blue head Cang mosquito whole body, rippling in the air, majestic, imposing intake.

Headed woman, with pale blue dress, the same good look beautiful, looks very is beautiful.

“Congratulations to Miss This is the first successful surrender Cang snake.”

In the women follow behind the name blue skirt many servants, they are respectful opening, congratulated Road.

Blue skirt woman is naturally drawn Ming Lan.

Heard this, she showing faint smile, he said, “I’m just lucky nothing more, but added a critical time, thanks to the help Lin Wo, or not so easy to overcome this first Cang mosquito.

She was feeling really good, not only surrendered a strong horse, also received a powerful strength of men.

In the process of the hunt, the Mingjiao Lin Wo stiff man, gave her a lot of surprises and unexpected.

Finally, even were he still hook shot, following the insurance, and insurance subdued lived this first Cang Jiao Yang.

In Yuehua Jian, Huang Ming looked behind him, but it is Weie look, somewhat puzzled.

At the moment, this man named trees stiff, but it did not seem to hear her speak in general, eyes peering at not far from the body seemed to be trembling slightly,

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