220 Real control of the power of creation

The matter on the Cangming Mountain side was so turbulent that all parts of the Sancai region were talking about it.

Ancient warships swept across the sky, galloping over from a distance, and many people were on the hilltops, densely packed and full of voices.

In the cloud layer, there is extreme pressure emerging, strand after strand, like rays of light intertwined, with a breath-taking aura, shocking all directions.

Many strong men of the Golden Elephant Clan, with solemn expressions, were cautiously guarding outside the mountain range, ready to attack at all times.

Some old-fashioned figures who came to hear the news also gathered around to discuss, with very solemn expressions.

The Golden King was the peerless arrogance of the golden statue family 100,000 years ago.

In terms of seniority, all of them have to be called ancestors.

It was just such an invincible object that was crushed at the time, and was swallowed by Cangming Mountain for 100,000 years without dying.

Once Yun Shi is saved, it must be a foot dragon ascending to the sky, invincible in the current world, and his cultivation base cannot be imagined.

What’s more, this is a blood relative, and many people in the Golden Elephant Clan are their descendants and grew up listening to his original rumors.

In the face of such things, the Golden Elephant Clan did not hesitate to use the strength of the whole clan to attack Cangming Mountain and rescue them.

Wang Yu and Tang Mei were greatly shocked. This golden statue family, which is worthy of the name of the uncrowned family, is united.

Many clansmen even made plans to die in order to save the Golden King Patriarch.

Moreover, this senior Golden King must have thought of this.

He didn’t want to let the Golden Elephant Clan, so there were casualties, and there was no need to save him.

The two women were very impressed. In the depths of Cangming Mountain, they did not actually see the real body of the golden king senior, but only learned something through his voice transmission.

The other party has reached the point where the fuel is exhausted, but they are still willing to use the last resort to send them out.

This kindness is really difficult to repay.

One hundred thousand years ago, the golden king was kicked on Cangming Mountain, like a thunderstorm, it exploded on the ground, causing turmoil in all parts of the Sancai region.

In addition to the Golden Race preparing for this, some ethnic forces that have grudges against it are also secretly conspiring.

Naturally, they did not want to see an unparalleled figure born 100,000 years ago.

The people of the Golden Statue Clan also felt that there was some terrifying aura hidden in the dark, hidden in the depths of the sky.

“It seems that the other party has also invited the Extreme Dao Emperor Artifact to interfere with me.”

Many old people of the Golden Elephant Clan have heavy faces, but they will not give up.

Of course, the Golden Statue Clan also has allies, and they are now trying to find a way to contact each other and want to get help.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the Golden Elephant Clan is, it is impossible to compete with many opponents, unless it is really planning to launch a battle of longevity to destroy one Dao Domain.

The determination of the golden statue clan to rescue the ancestor of the golden king can be said to be unprecedentedly strong and determined.

In the mountains in the distance, many people are watching and watching this matter.

Some people also care about Cangming Mountain’s vision of Chuanqin during this period, guessing whether it has something to do with the Golden King.

Of course, they would never have imagined that the treasure that caused the vision of Cangming Mountain had already been taken by the two girls, Ji Mei and Wang Yu.

For the two women, this was a complete surprise.

It’s just that the top priority now is to save the senior golden king, and the rest have to lean back.

A few days later, as expected, the Golden Statue Clan dispatched many strong men to go straight to Cangming Mountain, carrying many treasures.

The iron cavalry treads the sky, soars into the clouds and rides the fog, the iron armor is sturdy, and the scales of the alien beasts shimmer, lingering in the wind and thunder, and with a shocking momentum, they enter it.

In addition, many monks followed behind, driving ancient chariots, rumbling loudly.

The sky is trembling, rolling over, killing the sky.

There, the divine light of the sky erupted, and there were divine soldiers making money again.

Among them, the ancient gods were majestic, and they pressed down towards Cangming Mountain with the palm of their hand.

It’s just that the majestic mountain, if it is made of immortal gold, is indestructible and flows with divine light.

Various runes and patterns erupted, like a mountain torrent, and a torrent-like force rushed out, directly drowning the god.

There is no doubt that this divine weapon shattered and turned into pieces that filled the sky.

The gods among them, even before the screams could be hooked, were already wiped out.

This scene shocked everyone watching from a distance, and it is indeed a forbidden place for the day after tomorrow.

At the beginning, Cangming Evil Ancestor used this place as the eye of the formation, and laid down various forbidden formations. Except for the high-ranking people, everyone else would have to die if they stepped into it.

If you dare to attack, the scene of just falling in love is the best example.

Everyone was terrified, and even the Golden Statue Clan, known as the Uncrowned King, had such a result.

The rest of the forces will probably be wiped out in an instant.

In the days that followed, the divine light in this place shot into the sky, and the runes filled the sky, as if it were about to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

The Golden Statue Clan brought many sacred weapons and attacked them together, and even many old and antique figures with high cultivation bases also shot.

In addition, some allied forces of the Golden Elephant Clan also came to help and sent many strong men to come.

For a time, the eyes of the entire Three Cans Domain came together to pay close attention to this matter.

The portraits of the hidden immortals are also paying attention to this.

It’s just that the portrait and the golden statue family are not close friends, and there is no hatred in the past days.

What we can do now is to watch from the sidelines, neither blocking nor helping, and holding a neutral attitude.

If the Cangming Mountain stands here as a war bunker, it will be integrated into one, and the evil spirit is soaring.

No matter how terrifying the offensive, it will be resolved, and finally disappear in the sky.

The golden statue family paid a terrible price for this, and many precious ancient artifacts were also reduced to ashes and blown into pieces of flying hooks.

This kind of scene lasted for more than half a month, and the golden statues finally approached the interior of the mountain.

But they knew that this was the beginning, because those hostile Daoist forces were still dormant and did not interfere.

When they really rescued the Golden King Patriarch, that would be the most dangerous time.

For this reason, they even woke up several profound figures in the clan from their slumber in advance.

For the portrait, Hua Minghan was still in retreat and never left the cave.

I don’t know anything about what’s going on in the Three Cans Domain today.

He named the method of “mind” practice as the self-knowledge method, but this is also a concept, not a truly complete practice of the heart method.

Therefore, he still needs to gradually deduce and improve in the follow-up process.

During this period of retreat, he was perfecting the first level of the self-knowledge method.

Huang Minghan originally planned to name this first layer of the self-intellectual method.

It’s just that after thinking about it, I feel that using the name to determine the level is not appropriate, and it is not appropriate to ask.

He named this method of “mindfulness” practice, the self-knowledge method, just to make it easier for him to evolve.

This is originally a kind of power at the level of the mind, which is illusory and cannot be truly manifested.

Now Huang Minghan doesn’t know what kind of concept the first level should be, and what level it should be.

What kind of realm would he be if he cultivated the first level to perfection.

There are too many unknowns in this, and he is still in a state of deduction and groping, so Hua Minghan can only call it the first layer for the time being.

And this first layer, the mystery involved and contained, is already enough.

Proving Han even felt that even when he really reached the point where he could do whatever he wanted and do whatever he wanted, it was only in the category of the first layer.

If you really want to touch the field of the second layer, you may need an opportunity.

And this opportunity is by no means what he can understand and comprehend now.

In Hua Minghan’s view, the cultivation method of “mindfulness” belongs to a process of truly controlling the power of creation.

This creation is not only limited to cultivation and Taoism, but also lies in all aspects of life level, soul realm and so on.

The so-called omnipotent, omnipotent and omniscient is only a superficial level.

And at the same time as it is proved that Han is perfecting the first layer of self-knowledge.

After Qiao Zhuang’s disguise, Lin Qian also smoothly blended into the portrait.

It’s just that his current identity is only one of the many followers waiting to be selected.

Coming from the depths of the Great Barren Mountains, he accidentally inherited the inheritance of a powerful loose cultivator and embarked on the path of cultivation.

In the rest of the ancient cities, when I heard that the portraits are ancient and long, I came here to seek Taoism.

I want to follow behind the young disciple of the portrait and look ahead for him.

Such an identity background is not easy to suspect, and before entering the many outer islands of the portrait.

There are some elders who have sacrificed to the ancient mirror and illuminated his whole body to ensure that it will not cause trouble for you.

After all, after hearing about the prestige of the portrait, there are too many loose cultivators who want to seek refuge, such as the crucian carp crossing the river, there are countless.

It’s just that among these loose cultivators, there are many people who are not right, and the police are intentional.

The portrait has been passed down for countless years, has experienced countless hardships, and is still standing at the top of the Three Cans Domain, and naturally knows these problems.

So, there are already solutions.

If they are sincere and used for painting, they will naturally reward them generously.

But if you dare to rhyme with two hearts, you will surely suffer the anger of the portrait.

At that time, even if the body and spirit were destroyed, it was a kind of liberation.

Lin Boots and many loose cultivators, as well as the other young cultivators who wanted to join the portrait forces, were all placed in a police academy.

The environment is quiet, with purple clouds around the mountains, green peaks and forests, and the scenery is pleasant.

Everyone has a separate courtyard, and there are many young disciples who are behind the ancient Taoism. They are both male and female.

The portrait holds countless Taoist treasures and ancient scriptures.

They are here, more or less with such a purpose.

Lin Li began to chat with everyone, and by the way, he inquired about the news, and learned that many people’s goals were the same, and they wanted to become followers of the young disciples in the portrait.

For them, this is not only glory, but also a kind of strength recognition.

It has also been said that there are many resource benefits.

Lin Gu was secretly disdainful, and dismissed this idea.

From the very beginning, they became the vassals of others, and it was doomed that these people had already lost their will to fight for the Tao.

It’s just that although he thought so in his heart, he still politely approached the crowd, wanting to scrutinize and inquire about the younger generation of the portrait.

The area where they are now is only within the scope of the outer islands, and it is extremely far away from the core area of ​​the painting.

In other words, they are not qualified enough to contact the core characters of the portrait.

These young geniuses in front of them are all opponents to each other, and they have to go through layers of screening before they can be selected.

It’s just that everyone is wary of each other, even if Lin Boots seems to be honest and pure, few people will take care of him.

A few days later, the clansmen with portraits arrived, and they planned to select more than ten people from among them and go to the inner island.

Because there are several portraits of young masters and young ladies, who plan to choose followers, the talent and strength have to be seen in the past.

Lin naturally apologized that he was selected into the room without a doubt, and his strength was quite satisfactory, and no one doubted it.

“In addition to you, there are dozens of people who are also selected this time, you have to behave well and don’t miss the opportunity.

“Such an opportunity is very rare, you have to take good control of it.”

“The venue this time is in a hunting ground. Those young sons and daughters want to catch a few beasts and use them as mounts. You will naturally be valued by them if you show up well when the time comes… .”

The painting family who was in charge of this area told him several times with sincerity, and then took a few people to the inner island.

The portraits of young disciples who can live in the inner island area are all from the main clan, and their backgrounds are amazing.

If one of these people is selected, then he will naturally have a generous reward.

Lin Xue nodded secretly, just before the teleportation formation that was going to pass through the inner island.

All of them, including them, had what looked like hoops on their heads, men and women alike.

Although this is not a slave circle, it can decide their life and death to prevent them from doing unfavorable actions.

When he arrived here, no one dared to refuse, and Lin boots could only wear them bravely, feeling that even his own primordial spirit was imprisoned.

As long as he has a wrong idea, this tight hoop will immediately shatter his primordial spirit.

After arriving in the area of ​​the inner island, the clan members soon came to take them to the hunting grounds.

The vast and boundless primitive ancient forest is like an independent small world, with a majestic mountain and a tall ancient mountain.

Among them, many ancient beasts let out a roar that shook the sky, and in the distance, a Dapeng bird fluttered its wings, covering the sky and the sun, and the scene was terrifying.

In addition to the group of Lin Li, in other places, there are also some young men and women who were brought over by the band gap, and they are also the candidates for this time’s followers.

“It’s just a hunting ground, it’s like a paradise, the richness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is many times better than our Taoism…”

“I really don’t know what kind of experience it will be like to practice in this place.

Many young men and women are talking about it, full of shock and excitement.

Lin Yu was among the crowd, listening to these words, his mood did not fluctuate much.

After some painting family members showed up and told them the rules of this place, everyone quieted down and waited quietly, with anticipation in their hearts,

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