190 How many days the dream of a sweet girl, don’t let down the good intentions of the emperor

“Yes, Your Majesty, the identity of the Ninth Princess Yue Qingyi is also in the past.”

“She is also a princess and has been cared for since she was a child.

“Why didn’t you consider the Nine Princesses, but let Qingzao and Qingshuang suffer in the past? 97

In the magnificent palace, Concubine Qing and Concubine Shu burst into tears, one wiped away tears and the other sobbed, unwilling to let their daughters marry far away as concubines.

Now there are rumors everywhere in the Three Cans Domain, the portrait has been rejected twice, and Jingyang Xianchao insists on letting a princess marry her as a concubine.

The face has been lost on this.

This also makes this princess, how can she raise her head in front of the world in the future?

She’s taking a portrait, and she can’t be bullied?

Of course, behind Concubine Qing and Concubine Shu, there are two factions in the Jingyang Xian Dynasty court.

Before that, they had already negotiated, and each took a step back and came here to put pressure on Emperor Jingyang.

Then, for some reason, he pushed the matter of the distant marriage to Yue Qingyi, the ninth princess.

After all, for this sake, what else could Emperor Jingyang do?

No matter how much he favors Yue Qingyi, it is impossible for him to not give respect to Tai Fu and General Zhen Guo in this situation.


Emperor Jingyang obviously did not expect that Concubine Qing and Concubine Shu would mention Yue Qingyi, and a sullen look flashed across their faces.

But under this circumstance, he still forcibly endured it, but his expression was quite displeased.

Zhuge Xingchen on the side, also 170,000 did not expect that this fire would burn on his apprentice Yue Qingyi.

Although Yue Qingyi wanted to worship him as a teacher at the beginning, after the Emperor Jingyang spoke up several times, he continued to agree.

But later, he also fulfilled the responsibility of a master, tried his best to teach Yue Qingyi, and taught her a lot of divination techniques.

In fact, if you think about it this way, it would be a good choice for the nine princesses to be more clean.

However, he who knew Emperor Jingyang knew that Yue Qingyi had a special status.

Emperor Jingyang – I love him very much and feel guilty, how could he want to let Yue Qingyi marry away?

Especially as a concubine?

At this time, he couldn’t say anything, so he could only stay silent.

“Sister Nine Emperor?

The more the third prince is in the sky, he is also quite surprised at this moment, and the cold and weak appearance of Yue Qingyi appears in his mind, which is somewhat unbearable.

“Don’t make fun of you, Qingyi’s cultivation talent is mediocre, and no one knows her. 99

“Let her marry her, what will the portrait think? On the contrary, I will feel that I, Jingyang Xianchao, have no sincerity.”

Emperor Jingyang flicked his sleeves and said with a displeased expression.

Concubine Qing and Concubine Shu, who had long expected this to happen, were still weeping there.

“Your Majesty, this is a bad statement, the nine princesses are the real golden branches and jade leaves,

“Although the talent is average, as long as you ask about the portrait, you will understand that you have always loved her and let the Ninth Princess marry away, but you can see the sincerity of Jingyang Xianchao.

However, after hearing the words of Emperor Jingyang, General Zhen Guo stepped forward and said it.

The Grand Master on the side also said in agreement, “Your Majesty, according to the old minister, there is no more suitable candidate than the Ninth Princess. This is also good for the current situation of Jingyang Xian Dynasty.”

“Otherwise, when there are internal and external troubles, it will not be a good thing for the stability of Jingyang Xian Dynasty.

The two put pressure on each other, and their attitude was very firm.

At this moment, even if Emperor Jingyang is reluctant in his heart, he can’t say anything more.

There was a layer of melancholy on his face, and there was uncertainty for a while, and finally he couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

Apart from his father, Yue Qingyi had no support behind him.

And behind the fourth and seventh princesses, they are the two most powerful people in the dynasty.

In fact, before this, when he didn’t know that the portrait would refuse, Emperor Jingyang had considered letting Yue Qingyi marry.

It’s just that he expected that neither Taifu nor General Zhen Guo would agree and would compete for this spot.

So it is not mentioned.

As a result, now, when it was time to marry her as a concubine, the Fourth Princess and the Seventh Princess couldn’t shirk.

How could he not know the thoughts of the two of them.

The palms and palms are flesh.

It’s just that the fourth princess and the seventh princess have the support of their mothers behind them, and their cultivation bases and talents are very powerful, and it is unlikely that they will be bullied when they marry.

On the other hand, Yue Qingyi, who has always been cold and quiet, with average cultivation, is very weak in comparison.

How can this make Emperor Jingyang feel relieved?

“This matter… Lian had to ask Qingyi her opinion, Lian has been sorry for her enough, and she can’t be wronged any more. 93

Afterwards, Emperor Jingyang let out a long sigh, waved his hand, and signaled everyone to step back.

He needs to be quiet, how to talk to Yue Qingyi.

When he went to the Yu tribe to find Yue Qingyi before, he swore that he would not let her suffer any grievances in the future and would try his best to fulfill the responsibility of a father.

But now that he encounters such a thing, he must marry Yue Qingyi as a marriage tool.

“Ayi, I’m sorry for your spirit in the sky…” His eyes were full of guilt and self-blame.

On the way to leave the palace, the Fourth Princess, Seventh Princess and others changed their sobbing appearances when they were in the palace.

A smile appeared on his face, and he was clearly relieved.

“Fortunately, that guy Yue Qingyi is there, otherwise this time, one of you and me will definitely be married as a concubine.”

“Even though that person is Young Master Minghan, but being a concubine under such circumstances, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to raise my head for the rest of my life.

The Seventh Princess said with a smile on her face more clearly.

The fourth princess, Yue Qingshuang, was very calm, and said indifferently, “Although Yue Qingyi is low-key and indifferent to the world, her father and royal dote on her, and this time she married her as a concubine, and she brought it on herself.

“I didn’t think she was pleasing to the eye before, she is obviously useless, why does she still occupy the love that should belong to me.

Back then, “Father, I shouldn’t have brought her back from the deep mountains and ancient forests, and let her be eaten by beasts outside, it would be better than now…”

However, noticing the national teacher Zhuge Xingchen not far away, she didn’t say anything later, but she still couldn’t hide ridicule and disdain in her eyes.

The third prince, who heard the conversation between the two, became more and more in the sky, and he was a little hesitant to say anything, but he still swallowed it.

His elder brother, in front of these two imperial sisters, has no sense of existence.

In this respect, he is far inferior to the eldest prince Yue Changyang.

At this moment, Yue Changyang also talked to the two about Yue Qingyi, and was quite in favor of her marrying over.

“Sister Four Emperors, what should we do if Na Yueqingyi doesn’t agree to marry her, and the royal father becomes soft-hearted again? 99

The more the Seventh Princess knew, the more worried she was, so she couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s very simple, just as we have time now, we just need to go to Yueqingyi. 53

“She has a soft and kind personality. As long as we say it, can she refuse this little favor?”

Yue Qingshuang smiled lightly.

The residences of several princesses are not too far apart, but the place where the nine princesses Yue Qingyi lives is quite remote and quiet because of her personality, with no one around.

“I have seen the Fourth and Seventh Emperor Sisters.”

“I don’t know if the two imperial sisters are here today, what is the matter?”

When Yue Qing and Yue Qing Shuang arrived at Yue Qing Yi’s mansion.

She was stooping, watering the flowers, tending the garden, wearing a long, soft silk dress with a particularly slender waist.

Surprised, they hurriedly put down the flower pot, and the two greeted each other.

In terms of appearance alone, the clearer and clearer the two princesses, Yue Qingshuang, can already be called the allure of the country.

But in front of Yue Qingyi, it was still a little bleak, and people couldn’t help but look away from them and fall on Yue Qingyi on the side.

“In this mansion of Jiuhuangmei, it’s really deserted and quiet, why don’t you even have a maid?”

Fourth Princess Yue Qingshuang pretended to be surprised and looked around, then asked with a smile.

The Seventh Princess beside the clearer, she also took Yue Qingyi’s hand and asked her to rest aside, and said with a little concern, “Nine Huangmei might as well find a servant to do things like watering flowers, you are the golden branches and jade leaves. , Gold is very expensive, how can you do these rough jobs.

Yue Qingyi seemed to have no idea what the two of them were coming for, with a 580 light and decent smile on her face.

The whole person is like a cold and moving flower.

“I’m used to living alone, and watering the flowers is not abrupt, so it’s not rough work.” She shook her head gently, and then asked the two of them.

Hearing this, the fourth princess, Yue Qingshuang, didn’t talk nonsense either. With a smile, she went straight to the point and said,

“Actually, Sister Seventh Emperor and I came to look for you this time, because we have something to ask for your help.

“This matter is not troublesome. For you, Sister Jiuhuang, it is even a marriage that cannot be missed. 99

“You also know that you and I, Sister Seventh Emperor, spend a lot of time in cultivation on weekdays.

“Now that the great world has come, in the near future, there will be even more battles of the younger generation on the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder. You and I, Sister Seventh Emperor, have been thinking about it for a long time. Compete for a better ranking and restore Jingyang Xian Dynasty to the glory of the ancient times.

“So I can reluctantly give up this marriage and give you this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…”

Yue Qingyi’s face showed a strong sense of surprise, as if she was surprised by these words.

“Marriage?” she asked in confusion.

The clearer he nodded, full of reverence, “Yes, Jingyang Xianchao plans to marry the hidden immortal clan this time.”

“Do you know who is the object of marriage portrait it?”

“That’s the portrait of the young master painting Minghan. This is the dream of many beautiful girls in the world.

“Dong Little Lord draw out cold?

Upon hearing this, the clear coat is scared, and it seems a little difficult to believe.

The more Qingshuang next with a smile and said, “It seems Nine Emperors portrait sister also know who the Lord is less, so you can not disappoint me and your sister’s a seven imperial care and thought ah.”

Here, she stretched hook shot, forced patted the clear coat slim shoulders.

When he finished, she did not answer clothing and other more clear, and more clearly on the seven princesses left, did not forget for the clear coat closed the door of the mansion.

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