189 Isn’t there another nine princesses? The identity is also worthy (please subscribe)

Yue Qingyi had already planned for this move today.

The greedy wolf and misfortune star that suddenly appeared now was also brought by her through the ancient method.

When Zhuge Xingchen was busy with Zhao Wu some time ago, she was preparing for it, which is why she has many plans for filling secrets.

Over the years, the salt has been hiding in the Xingxing Building, even if it is her master Zhuge Xingchen, she is not clear about her reality.

It was impossible to think that the matter of greed for wolves and disasters would have something to do with Yue Qingyi.


The next moment, the void trembled slightly, and two strange fragments shrouded in hazy brilliance suddenly hooked into Yue Qingyi’s palm.

Her expression was slightly different, and she looked at the two pieces of space-time origin.

It contains a very mysterious aura, involving the profound meaning of time and space, even those super powerhouses in the Supreme Realm will be moved by it.

However, she was indifferent, not even refining it from beginning to end.

Yue Qingyi collected the fragments of the space-time origin, not for his own use, but intended to use them as bargaining chips.

“Grandma, can you tell me why you are afraid of the young man you saw that day?”

Afterwards, Yue Qingyi sighed slightly, and covered the two pieces of space-time origin, and then asked the little girl not far away softly.

The little girl exposed half of her head from the door, and her dark and clear eyes flashed with a hint of cowardice.

Like a frightened deer.

Compared to the messed up appearance in Zixia’s real cave mansion, “580” now looks like a little princess.

His hair was neatly combed, and he was dressed in clean and beautiful clothes, like a porcelain doll.

However, she is still very afraid of strangers, and always hides in the room and does not come out.

Yue Qingyi said a few words to her, and then she would stammer back a few words.

Of course, after so many days of getting along, Yue Qingyi also figured out the little girl’s name.


A nice and cute name.

However, the little girl was still a little afraid of her, so she didn’t completely let go of her vigilance and vigilance.

Yue Qingyi also roughly learned some of Yanyan’s past. She couldn’t remember her parents, and she didn’t even know her origin.

There was a kind-hearted grandmother before, and seeing her poor, he adopted her.

However, one day, the old grandmother accidentally fell and took off her leg, so she couldn’t walk.

Yanyan didn’t know where she came from. It was more like instinct, she bit her finger, dripped her blood, and fed it to the old grandmother.

Then a miracle happened. The old grandmother’s broken leg became more and more perfect very quickly.


The whole person is even younger, and the complexion is much better than before.

The old grandmother became extremely excited and excited when she learned about Yanyan’s blood, and she thought it was a legendary fairy.

Because only the blood of fairy spirits can cure all diseases.

So she asked Yanyan to give her a bowl of blood to drink every day.

Behind him is Yanyan, pretending to be a genius doctor, relying on Yanyan’s blood, and deceiving everywhere.

Although Yanyan was not afraid of pain, she had to cut her fingers every day to bleed, and gradually she couldn’t hold it anymore and became weak.


But the old grandmother who was very kind at the beginning seemed to have changed her personality. She did not care about her weakness at all, and she insisted on bloodletting every day.

From the beginning, an inch long wound gradually became several inches long, or even several feet long.

At the back, Yanyan’s blood changed color, lost its color, and even gradually changed into clear water.

Yanyan began to fall ill, and often passed out in a coma. Most of the day, she was in a state of coma and high fever.

That old grandmother knew that she couldn’t hold it anymore, but she didn’t care, and even started to play Yanyan’s flesh and blood idea.

And on that day, something strange and terrifying happened.

The old grandmother, who had recovered from her youth by drinking Yanyan’s blood, began to vomit blood.

It was black blood at the beginning, followed by the rotten internal organs, all the organs were vomited by her, and the stench flowed down the brigade.

The whole person is old at once, leaving a layer of skin attached to the bones, and the eye sockets are sunken, like a ghost.

She just died like this, and at the moment of her death, she was still crying, as if her soul had been eaten away by something invisible.

Yanyan suffered from a serious illness, and after she woke up later, she left there and began to hide from everyone, wandering around.

She has lived in dilapidated temples and trekked in desolate ancient forests.

Yanyan didn’t know what to do, so she could only keep walking.

She didn’t even know how she got to Zixia Zhenren’s cave.

Some of the things in the middle, she almost forgot, the memory is very vague.

When Yue Qingyi learned about this, she was also very surprised, and then she felt that this kind little girl was very pitiful.

As for Yanyan’s peculiarities, she didn’t care much.

She wanted to adopt Yanyan, not because of her extraordinaryness.

“He…he…is scary…

“The… breath on her body makes… let Yanyan… be scared.”

And just when there were many thoughts in Yue Qingyi’s mind.

Yanyan stammered slightly.

Her voice was very nice, crisp and clear like a silver bead falling on a plate, with a bit of the softness of a little girl.

The young man in Yue Qingyi’s mouth, Yanyan knew who he was talking about.

After a serious illness, she can clearly perceive many breaths in this world.

Such as a person’s kindness or malice.

Just like when Yue Qingyi first saw her, although there was no malice, it was not related to kindness, so Yanyanrao would be very apprehensive.

Although she can simply judge a person’s quality, but Yanyan is still reluctant to contact people.

Yue Qingyi only has kindness towards her now, and doesn’t mix other emotions, so Yanyan is not as resistant as before.

And when she saw Hua Minghan, Yanyan couldn’t feel anything except fear, so Ji Hui was so frightened that she fainted.

“Do you even know he’s scary?”

Hearing this, Yue Qingyi smiled slightly and walked towards Yanyan.

It can be said that such an expression on her face is very rare, and it even makes her show a cold and glamorous meaning.

It’s a pity that such a stunning picture, but no one can see and appreciate it.

Yanyan opened her big eyes and watched her approaching timidly, half of her body shrunk behind the door.

“And the next step for me is to get along with such a terrifying person, which is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger and setting myself on fire at every turn.

Yue Qingyi sighed faintly and reached out to touch her head, but she put it down in mid-air.

The portrait, many clan elders who were still planning to marry under such circumstances, including the main painting Wuxuan, were also shocked at this moment.

“That’s right, what exactly is Jingyang Xianchao trying to do? Even in this situation, he still intends to marry us?

“Even planning to make the princess a concubine?”

Several clan elders looked at each other in dismay, and really did not understand the purpose of Jingyang Xianchao.

It stands to reason that the portrait has already rejected Jingyang Xianchao twice, and it is so straightforward.

So much so that there were rumors all over the Three Cans Domain, which damaged Jingyang Xianchao’s face.

It has already reached this level, but Jingyang Xianchao is still unwilling to give up, and insists on marrying the portrait.

Do you even hesitate to say, let a princess be a concubine?

In addition, Jingyang Xianchao is also willing to pay a great price for this.

This kind of thing, no matter how you look at it, seems to be tying Hua Minghan with them.

Moreover, no matter what aspect of the portrait, it is not a loss at all.

After all, it’s just a concubine’s room…it doesn’t affect anything.

“It seems that our Minghan is still very attractive, and even the princess of Jingyang Xianchao came over and wanted to be a concubine…”

A clan elder on the side couldn’t help but laugh happily.

“Minghan, what do you think about this?”

Hua Wuxuan wanted to know Dang Minghan’s attitude. If he was still unwilling, then the portrait would naturally have to refuse to go back.

It’s just that if he still refuses like this, it will likely lead to evil between the portrait and Jingyang Xianchao.

After all, people are so humbled that they don’t even care about their faces…

There is no hatred between the portrait and Jingyang Xianchao, so that this face is not completely torn.

In contrast, several clan elders present were a little moved, hoping to prove that Han could agree.

“The boy’s attitude towards this matter is similar to that of several clan elders.

“However, I’m thinking, Jingyang Xianchao’s move is why he is worried that the national fortune will be damaged in the next battle of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder?”

“So bet one share early?

Huang Minghan said with a slightly different look in his eyes.

No matter from which point of view, this matter is more beneficial than detriment to him, or to the portrait.

This kind of concubine status, in Hua Minghan’s view, is nothing more than a formality.

As for Jingyang Xianchao asking that princess to marry him as a concubine, he actually didn’t care.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll give Jingyang Xianchao an answer.” Gai Wuxuan nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Compared to the relaxed atmosphere of the portrait at the moment, the atmosphere in the Jingyang Xianchao Hall was rather depressing.

The low sobbing sound echoed in the palace, causing the Emperor Jingyang, who was carrying his arms, to frown tightly, and it was hard to hide the sadness between his brows.

He should be happy after getting the reply that the portrait agrees with reason.

But now I am not happy at all.

The national teacher, Zhuge Xingchen, stood by the side, looking at the nose and nose, and pretending to not be able to see the scene in front of him.

The other princes, such as the eldest prince Yue Changyang, the third prince Yue Zhangkong, and others, also stood on both sides with rather respectful expressions.

“Your Majesty, you have to be clear about how old she is, how can she just marry someone and be a concubine, what if she is bullied when she is in the portrait? Who will call her up…”

“She’s still so young, how could she marry so early…”

The Seventh Princess’ mother, the current Concubine Shu, was kneeling on the ground, wiping away her tears with a handkerchief.

It was a cry of tears.

Beside her, the Seventh Princess became clearer and sobbed in a low voice, her eyes turning red.

Behind the two, the current Jingyang Xianchao’s Zhenguo general, is also the father of Concubine Shu.

He also bowed helplessly and said, “Your Majesty, Qing Zhi is still young and has not yet reached the age of 2.3 for marriage. You have to think twice.”

In order to prevent her daughter from marrying away and taking the portrait as a concubine, Concubine Shu directly called her father, the general of Zhenguo, who held the power of the army and horses, crying here and putting pressure on the Emperor Jingyang.

On the side, the mother concubine of the fourth princess Yue Qingshuang, that is, Concubine Qing, was also wiping her tears, kneeling there, crying, not wanting her daughter to marry as a concubine.

Although the fourth princess Yue Qingshuang did not imitate the clear appearance of the seventh princess, she cried there.

But his expression also looked haggard and pitiful.

Of course, the current Taifu, the former teacher of Emperor Jingyang, is also behind the two girls, supporting them.

Such a scene made Emperor Jingyang a headache, and he didn’t know what to do.

He was naturally reluctant to let the two daughters who were like pearls marry far away as concubines.

But Jingyang Xianchao’s situation was like this, and he was forced to be helpless, so he could only deal with it like this.

“Hey, what do you do for me when you are like this?” Emperor Jingyang rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

“Your Majesty, don’t you still have a policeman’s daughter? Why did you choose between Qingzhi and Qingshuang?”

At this moment, Concubine Shu, who wiped away her tears, suddenly raised her head and said very unwillingly.

Hearing this, Concubine Qing on the side also grabbed a life-saving straw and said, “Yes, Your Majesty, besides Qing Jian and Qing Shuang, isn’t there another nine princesses?”

“Her status is worthy of being married, and she won’t let the portrait say anything more.”

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