177 Confused and confused, there are opportunities for negotiation next (please subscribe)

This stone lion, as tall as a hill, stands in front of the gate of the cave.

The whole body is gray-blue, and some places are covered with moss because of the dampness.

But now it was trembling slightly, like a broken goose egg, the stone shell began to crack every inch and fell off its surface.

The scorching fire was gushing and moving, like a terrifying stove, exuding an amazing and surging power of qi and blood, which was enough to make the timid cultivator tremble and kneel.

Those jade-green eyes like copper bells turned from hollow to agile, and with a sense of coldness, they stared at Zhao Wu, who was running towards the cave mansion in a hurry.

roar, roar, roar…

The next moment, many stone skins were melted and turned into a molten substance that flowed around.

This blue-eyed fire grey lion, who had been covered in dust for many years, as the real person Zixia guarded the cave, jumped up and down.

It raised its head and made a deafening terrifying momentum, and the drops spread out, almost making the eardrums burst.

The whole cave was shaking, as if a big earthquake had occurred.

Many ores fell, but they were shaken into powder by this chain in mid-air.

It just stood there, like a terrifying hill, exuding a terrifying pressure, its eyes were cold, and it seemed to have no emotions.

Every hair is like a flowing flame, scorching and dazzling, brilliant, and the temperature is terrifyingly high, and the ground is burned to pitch black.

If it weren’t for this place being very special, with the prohibition pattern laid down by Master Zixia, it would have collapsed long ago.

Despite this, the terrifying coercion filled the air, still making people tremble, to be subdued by this blue-eyed fire grey lion.

Zhao Hao fled all the way, coughing blood continuously, and he didn’t even care at this moment, he wanted to rush into the closed cave.

As long as he stepped into it, he could save his life.

This blue-eyed fiery spirit lion is very terrifying, and no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to stop it.

“Treading the wind, Gupei, I have to rely on it at this moment…”

The depths of Zhao Wu’s eyes flashed with madness, and he held a blue-green ancient pendant tightly in his hand, with complicated lines.

At this moment, he was completely activated, and a misty azure light diffused out, like a small hurricane, shrouding his whole being.

At this moment, his figure became pale, as if he was going to ride the wind, and the speed was frighteningly fast.

And his target was the cave behind the blue-eyed fire lion, and he wanted to take this opportunity to rush in.


However, the blue-eyed fire grey lion standing at the forefront obviously knew his intentions.

In those pupils with 563’s icy color, there was a bit of human mockery.

Immediately afterwards, it let out a roar that shook the sky, raised its terrifying claws, and swung it straight ahead.

The void vibrated, and the terrifying force that broke out and cut more than ten thousand kilograms was about to be penetrated.

The breeze created by Zhao Wu was not captured, but the aftermath also made him fly backwards, coughing up blood constantly, half of his body was about to explode, and he was bleeding all over his body.


Looking at Tafeng Gupei, which was already covered with rhythm cracks in his hands, a hint of despair appeared in Zhao Wu’s eyes.

He originally thought that he could successfully break into the cave with this wind treading ancient pendant.

But the strength of this blue-eyed fire lion is too frightening, it has surpassed the realm of the king of gods, and may even be close to the realm of the holy.

It’s just hopeless.

In the memories of his previous life, although it was said that this blue-eyed fire lion was very strong, there was no exact description of its strength.

If he had known that this blue-eyed fire greyhound was so terrifying, he would not have taken such a risk in killing him.

But in this world, there is no regret for selling medicine.

“This blue-eyed fire lion has the strength of a quasi-sage, and you are trying to escape from its eyes?”

“It’s ridiculous.”

Yue Qingyi appeared in the back unhurriedly, looking at all this with an indifferent expression, watching Zhao Wu almost explode, where he kept vomiting blood.

With a strange look in her eyes, she looked at the blue-eyed fire lion, not as uneasy as Zhao Wu imagined, but rather calm.

Zhao Wu spit out a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with visceral fragments, and his whole body was shaking.

At this moment, he regretted extremely, and at the same time hated his cheap father, Zhuge Xingchen.

Why are you reluctant to give even one thing to protect?

Before his life-saving thing, in the Black Death Star Mine, has been used up.

And this time, Zhuge Xingchen didn’t care about him, and he never thought that he would be in danger.


He looked resentful and stared at Yue Qingyi, never expecting her to be so cold and vicious.

Hidden so deeply, I am afraid that in the entire Jingyang Immortal Dynasty, no one can see her true face.

Yue Qingyi glanced at him calmly, shook her head gently, and said, “I know you hate me, but so what? Do you think I would care about this?”

She didn’t care about the mountain-sized blue-eyed fire lion beside her, and walked slowly towards Zhao Wu on her own.

In the palm of plain white as jade, the rune disappeared, the sound of wind and thunder lingered, and the void was crackling instantly.

“In front of me, don’t try to use that piece of space-time origin fragment. Because I understand its function far better than you.

She seemed to see Zhao Wuyou’s intention and continued to speak calmly.


At this moment, the blue-eyed fire lion on the side suddenly roared and turned into a red shadow.

Like the sun, hot and eye-catching, it rushed towards Yue Qingyi.

It felt that this tiny human woman was very dangerous, far from being comparable to the human man in front of her, so it wanted to get rid of her first.

Seeing this, Zhao Wu, who had already been desperate, couldn’t help showing a touch of surprise, feeling that things might turn around.

No matter how deeply Yue Qingyi hides, is he still the opponent of this ancient alien beast comparable to the holy realm?

But the next moment, the surprised expression on Zhao Xiu’s face stiffened, his eyes widened, he couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him.

“Do you want to die too?”

Yue Qingyi didn’t make any movement, just looked sideways at the blue-eyed fire grey lion rushing towards her, her tone still unchanged.

And at the moment when her words fell, she saw her crystal clear amber-like pupils, as if smudged with blood, revealing a thick bewitching color.

The entire pupil is like a red moon, revealing a strange and beautiful breath.

“Frightening confusion…”

Yue Qingyi spoke calmly, and under the gaze of his eyes, the blue-eyed fire lion that rushed over seemed to suddenly stiffen.

In those eyes full of humanity, there was a thick color of fear, as if something unimaginable had happened.

I saw its body surface, as if countless invisible silk threads were entangled and fell, binding it tightly.

Even the emerald green eyes were dyed blood red.

These invisible threads grow from nowhere.

It was more like floating and falling from the depths of the unknown void, directly contaminating its body, binding its limbs firmly.

The eyes of the blue-eyed fire grey lion are full of fear.

But soon these fearful colors gradually disappeared, becoming dull and dull, losing all spirituality.

“What kind of magic is this…”

Looking at this scene, Zhao Xiu felt even more frightened and trembling in his heart. He had never seen such an evil and strange technique before.

Even in his two lifetimes, it was the first time he had witnessed such a strange scene.

However, Yue Qingyi ignored his question and said lightly to the blue-eyed fire lion, “Kill him.”

And as soon as she finished speaking, a piece of brilliance that seemed to be flying around with time fragments flew from Zhao Wu’s body, and then fell directly towards her hand.

This light is incomparably mysterious, and it seems to contain all kinds of mysterious magic.

“I have this shard, and I have the possibility of negotiating with him next…”

Yue Qingyi looked at this piece of space-time origin and whispered to herself, ignoring the desperate and painful cry of Zhao Wufaqin not far away.


The blue-eyed fire grey lion was rushing towards him, opening his bloody mouth and tearing at him.

However, Yue Qingyi just glanced at it, but didn’t pay attention, there was no wave in her eyes, she was indifferent.

“It’s almost time, I don’t believe you can continue to endure…”

Yue Qingyi looked at Yong Daofang on the other side, with a look of thought on his face, and muttered.

As she spoke, her sleeves were shaking, and the void in front of her seemed to be filled with mist, erasing all traces.

(bhcd) “Just following Young Master Minghan, did you feel that the mountain trembled a little…”

At the same time, in the vicinity of the Zixia Mountains, they were looking for Yue Zhangkong, where the formation restrictions were located, and suddenly shouted in surprise.

Just as he was just getting around, he felt the ground beneath his feet, which seemed to tremble for a while.

There was also a slight and dull sound from the mountain on the side.

“Could it be that what happened to Zhao Wu and Jiuhuangmei?”

Yue Zhangkong guessed like this, and hurriedly took someone to find Zheng Han, wanting to tell him about it.

However, such an obvious tremor proved that it was impossible for Han to pretend not to know.

He originally planned to wait a little longer, let Zhao Wu contact the cave mansion of Zixia Zhenren first, and then do it.

“The direction that the wave just came from is indeed near here…”

Huang Minghan nodded and looked around with a serious look.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi beside him had a hint of suspicion on her face, and she always felt that Hua Minghan was a little bit tricky.

He had already seen this place just now, saying that there was no restriction or fluctuation.

And just as the crowd continued to investigate, the ground beneath their feet trembled and dried for a while, which was much more obvious than when they were just around.

“Could it be that Jiuhuangmei encountered some danger? 99

The more Zhangkong’s complexion changed, he was very anxious.

Huang Minghan glanced at him and comforted him, “Third prince, don’t be impatient, this place is indeed a bit weird.”

After saying that, he let everyone around him back away, the brilliance condensed in his palm, and there was a fascinating aura.

Even the longer the sky is, the heart palpitations are felt, and from the brilliance of Mengmeng, fear and trembling arise.

If this palm slaps on him, I am afraid it will explode directly, and the body and spirit will be destroyed.


And at the moment when everyone retreated, Hua Minghan’s face was slightly solemn, and he slapped his palm directly at his feet.

Then he rose up into the air, standing in the air, overlooking the bottom.

When he was just walking around where he was standing, a large area of ​​land was cracked open, and the power of shock filled the air, causing the land for several kilometers to collapse at once, forming a terrifying pit.

“This is a corridor, and there is a cave in the ground…”

In the distance, Yue Zhangkong, watching this scene, couldn’t hide the excitement and excitement on his face. He didn’t expect that there was such a large area hidden under their feet, which turned out to be a deep corridor.

If it wasn’t for the vibrations coming from there, I’m afraid they really couldn’t find this place.

Of course, Hua Minghan is still amazingly perceptive. If he were to rely on him, he would probably have to waste a lot of time.

“Let’s go. 93

Huang Minghan nodded slightly, without talking nonsense, he turned into a rainbow and rushed into the corridor.

The Saintess of Yaochi followed closely behind him.

Huang Mingxian was a little suspicious, feeling that Hua Minghan’s palm was not simply shot down, but had long been expected.

So he knew this before? Or was it just a coincidence?

But at this time, she didn’t care so much, and hurriedly followed behind Hua Minghan and rushed into the corridor.

Yue Zhangkong and others also followed quickly. The corridor in front was very deep, with bursts of cold wind blowing, but it was surprisingly empty, with the sound of a dark river flowing, and it was like a waterfall.

“This corridor should lead to the depths of the Zixia Mountains…”

Huang Minghan walked ahead, looking at the terrain here, and said.

The fragrance came, and the Saintess of Yaochi walked very close to him, and was also looking at the terrain here.

It was corroborated with the records about the terrain source technique in her mind.

“The natural spirit gathering formation, the former lock spirit eye, should be in this place.

She is also speaking, and it can be seen that the aura floating here is very strong.

In some places, there are still several ancient medicinal herbs, which are filled with fragrant medicinal fragrance.

The spiritual mist drifted and the ores were scattered all over the place. It was indeed an excellent retreat and practice place.

However, Yue Zhangkong has no intention to pay attention to these now. He is quite anxious, worried that Yueqing’s clothes hook will accidentally appear.

Noticing this, Dong Minghan’s dew looked a little different, and felt that he still underestimated the importance of Yue Qingyi to Emperor Jingyang.

This strange woman should be hiding some unknown secrets.

At this time, in the depths of the corridor, there was another violent vibration, which directly caused many ores to fall to the ground.

Some fell directly on everyone’s body. Although it didn’t hurt, it was quite embarrassing.

“There should be a fight ahead.

The Saintess of Yaochi looked forward with her beautiful eyes, and then glanced at Lei Minghan calmly.

He just waved his hand around and knocked away the ores that were about to fall on her and Dong Mingxian.

Although it is only a small matter, in her opinion, it is a very important little detail.


At a distance, everyone could hear the astonishing roar from that place, wearing gold and cracking stones.

Many people in Jingyang Xianchao felt that their heads were about to explode, their eardrums were bleeding, and they couldn’t bear the roar at all.

“That blue-eyed fire lion? It seems that Zhao Wu found the cave…”

There was a strange color in Huang Minghan’s eyes, and his figure quickly swept forward, like a shock, especially conspicuous in the rather dark place.

Seeing Hua Minghan rushing over quickly, Yue Zhangkong couldn’t help showing excitement and gratitude on his face.

Although he is an outsider, at this moment, Hua Minghan is faster and more eager than his elder brother, thinking of saving people.

He was so warm-hearted and admired and moved.

In the dark depths, a dazzling fire was surging, as dazzling as the sun, sending out a sky-shattering roar, chasing towards a figure, as if to tear it apart.

It was a young girl with an exceptionally tall and slender figure, her eyes were like lacquer, her nose was like jade, and her lips were tightly pressed.

The original plain white dress was also stained with blood and sludge.

The Qingxiao hairpin that had been inserted on the head before, was now held in his hand, and cracks appeared.

The blue silk all over his head was scattered, and he looked very embarrassed. There were many injuries on his body. The arm area was more like being torn by sharp claws. It was full of blood, and some white bones could be seen.

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