176 The cruel ending that was doomed from the beginning, looking for a dead end (for subscription)

With all kinds of thoughts passing by in his heart, Zhao Wu smiled slightly and walked ahead.

While looking at the surrounding environment, he determined the hiding place of the cowherd.

At the same time, with a worried look on his face, he said to Yue Qingyi behind him, “Senior Sister Qingyi, there may be some hidden danger here. 9

“For a while, you will follow me closely, don’t get too far away, or it will be difficult for me to hook up and save you when your life is in danger.

The strength of Yue Qingyi is only at the peak level of Feng Wang, and it is not even in the False God realm.

There is no strong protection around, and it is easy to fall into a life-and-death crisis at this time.

At this time, Zhao Hao couldn’t let her be in danger.

Otherwise, after returning to the Jingyang Xian Dynasty, he would not be able to explain to the Emperor Jingyang Xian Dynasty and his cheap father.

Moreover, he also intends to climb the Jingyang royal family through the relationship of Yue Qingyi, which will be beneficial to his many plans in the future.

From a certain point of view, Yue Qingyi was beautiful and was very much loved by the Emperor Jingyang.

Zhao Mei inevitably has the idea of ​​a police officer in her heart, and it is impossible for him to give up such an entire forest for the sake of the goddess Zhao Qingya.

What’s more, they went through life and death hardships together, sharing weal and woe, during which he hooked his hand by the way, and the hero saved the beauty.

Isn’t this a well-arranged Destiny’s Son script?

“The hidden crisis here, what are you referring to?”

However, Zhao Hao, who was thinking about it, was suddenly interrupted by Yue Qingyi’s words.

He was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted, Yue Qingyi was curious about this place? So I would ask if there is any hidden crisis?

Ordinary monks should all understand that in such an unknown place, what is likely to happen.

After all, she had never left the Imperial Capital of Jingyang. She had seen the scenery outside with her own eyes. Naturally, she had no chance to encounter such a romance.

At the moment, Zhao Wulubao smiled a little, turned around and explained, “Senior Sister Qingyi, there is something you don’t know, in this place where you don’t know the origin, it is very likely that there is a forbidden formation left by the predecessors. If you touch it, it is likely to be the end of the body and spirit.22

“So, we still have to be careful and don’t touch many things…”

These are some common sense things, as long as the monks who have experienced it will understand.

However, what surprised Zhao Wu was that after he finished speaking, Yue Qingyi’s expression did not waver, but instead he looked at him with a very strange look.

The rhythm of this look is now more than Qingyi’s body, and for some reason, it makes him a little creepy.

There was even a feeling that the whole body was being seen through.

“What’s wrong with you? Senior Sister Qingyi?”

Zhao Wu couldn’t help the palpitation in his heart, he quickly recovered and asked.

Hearing this, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Yue Qingyi’s cold face, making her even more icy and moving.

“I found your nonsense, sometimes it’s really a lot.”

“However, I can’t blame you for this, after all, every step needs to be cautious, walking on thin ice. It is not easy to come here.

But this wipe the smile soon Lianqu gone, her old well not wave authentic.

Zhao Wu’s brows suddenly wrinkled, and he sensed something was wrong from these words.

The more immediate clean clothes, so he was very strange, cold soft flowers like that is simply not before the performance.

But let him have an incredibly freezing cold biting chill.

“Qing Yi senior sister apprentice,` What do you mean? “Zhao Wu Chen Sheng asked.

The more clean clothes did not continue to say anything, just in a different color with the eyes, looked at Zhao foul.

And at this moment, Zhao Wu temple just feel tingling, as if there is some kind of crisis what huge hit.

Under his heart aghast, alarmed at the same time, this is a sign that he has been experiencing dangerous time.

When Black Death Star before mine, that is because this sign, following him to react, to reposition itself in the domain of ancient broken character, escape to heaven.

Otherwise, he would definitely die there tragically like the Holy Spirit Son.

Now that this kind of feeling comes again, only Zhao Wu’s heart is horrified. Is this Yue Qingyi trying to kill him?

But why…

He didn’t have time to think about the reason, so he could only move to the side to avoid it, but the void in front of him was a thud, and there was a terrifying force that exploded, sending out an astonishing momentum.

– Just a small hand as white as jade, slapped it down, it contains terrifying and unimaginable power, it can blow a mountain away.

Yue Qingyi’s face was expressionless, he started, and slapped Zhao Wu with his palm.

The white clothes fluttered, with a sense of independence from the world, but it was chilling and trembling.

“Senior Sister Qingyi, why are you doing this…”

Zhao Wu’s back was covered in cold sweat, and he managed to avoid the palm of his hand, and his clothes were already wet.

With a look of surprise on his face, he couldn’t help but ask, unbelievable.

At the same time, his heart trembled even more, although for some unknown reason, Yue Qingyi would suddenly hook his hand.

But what is certain is that Yue Qingyi’s strength is by no means what it appears on the surface, only at the level of a king.

Just walking around this palm was enough to inflict heavy damage on a Heavenly God Realm, killing a True God Realm cultivator in an instant, destroying both body and spirit.

She hides it so deeply that she hides it from everyone.

You must know that the younger generation, even the descendants of the Immortal Dao forces, definitely do not have such terrifying strength.

But Yue Qingyi was hidden so deeply before that everyone thought she was a little white flower who didn’t know much about the world.

“It turns out that you still have such an early warning talent. Did you rely on this talent to escape a disaster before?”

However, Yue Qingyi didn’t answer Zhao Xiu’s question, just raised her eyebrows slightly, then looked at Zhao Xiu carefully, and continued.

When many people are in danger of life, they may indeed be alerted by life and work.

For example, a splitting headache or a cold all over the body.

But this kind of thing, after all, is only a few, very rare.

It can be called talent, but some people are born with it.

In this way, it also solved Yue Qingyi’s confusion.

For the last time at the Black Death Star Mine, Zhao Wu walked with Holy Spirit Son.

As a result, only the Holy Spirit was robbed, and Zhao Wu, who was weaker, escaped.

Moreover, the fisherman, that is, Hua Minghan, his target must be Zhao Wu.

But in this way, Zhao Wu still escaped.

“Last time?

“Could it be that… it was you who attacked me and the Holy Spirit in the Black Death Star Mine before?”

Hearing this, Zhao Hao suddenly reacted, his pupils tightened, and he asked in a voiceless voice.

If it wasn’t for Yueqing’s clothes hook, why would she know so well?

“It wasn’t me who killed you last time, and it has nothing to do with me. I don’t want to blame him for nothing.

Yue Qingyi shook his head when he heard the words, and Bai Zhe’s thin face did not show much emotional fluctuations, as if he already regarded Zhao Hao as a dead person.

“You know the person who did it last time?”

Zhao Wu’s back was cold, and he couldn’t help asking.

He suddenly felt a little suffocated, and there seemed to be an invisible big hand that was choking his neck tightly.

He didn’t even notice it himself, his voice was starting to tremble.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through my mind, and finally they suddenly settled on one possibility.

Could it be another reborn person, staring at him? And secretly plotting him?

Moreover, that rebirth, also knew Yue Qingyi?

In addition to his anger, Zhao Wu also felt a deep fear, as if from the very beginning, he had been toyed with in the palm of his hand.

Until now, he didn’t know who was the one who framed him.

It made him hated by Holy Spirit Lake, Scarlet Phoenix Mountain, and Heaven-Mending God Sect.

“I do know who he is.”

Yue Qingyi just nodded lightly, and didn’t talk too much about this topic.

She walked towards Zhao Wu, the snow lotus-like jade hand slapped down, and the void suddenly made a terrifying trembling sound like a wave.

This is a terrifying power, and it is hard to imagine that such a slender and beautiful little hand contains such terrifying energy.

Facing this terrifying palm, Zhao Wu’s heart trembled, and he had no idea of ​​resistance at all.

His current strength, at most among his peers, is in the middle and lower reaches, and he can’t be Yue Qingyi’s opponent.


A khaki ancient talisman was hooked by him, and the bright rays of light intertwined, condensing into the shape of a shield in the air, blocking the palm of Yue Qingyi.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Wu quickly turned around and fled towards the side of the corridor.

He really did not expect that in the end, he would encounter a life-and-death crisis in this place.

Originally this would be doomed, for him to get a chance.

The inheritance of the Zixia real person is also close at hand.

But now, he was about to be killed by Yue Qingyi, and he was likely to lose his life here.

“Senior Sister Qingyi, we have no grievances or enmity, why do you want to kill me. Since I got to know each other, I have no offense.

“Could it be that someone wants you to kill me?”

While fleeing in a hurry, Zhao Wu asked unwillingly, not understanding that Yue Qingyi was going to kill him.

“Why should I kill you?”

Yue Qingyi was chasing after him unhurriedly, watching Zhao Wu hurriedly fleeing towards the other side of the corridor, his face was even more difficult to conceal the slight ridicule.

Not to mention that Zhao Wu has the third piece of the space-time source fragment on her body, which is related to her next plan.

Even during this period, Zhao Wu’s crooked thoughts that should not be moved are enough to make his death ten thousand times more difficult.

Zhao Wu’s intention to show good intentions, she still doesn’t know?

“You’re just a lucky man, how dare you get my attention?

There was no wave in her eyes, and under the trembling, there was a cold moon-like sword light tick between her sleeves, which cut through the void like a shooting star and shot at Zhao Wu.

“Senior Sister Qingyi, spare your life, I don’t dare anymore…”

Zhao Wu did not expect that this would be the reason, and his heart was even more astonished.

But he just thought about it in his mind and never showed it, why would Yue Qingyi notice it?

And just as he was shouting for mercy, the sword light shot from behind him, and with a direct puff, it pierced through his forearm.

Yue Qingyi was expressionless, followed behind him, and said, “You should know what you will encounter in front of you, are you still going to continue to escape?”

“That blue-eyed fire grey lion is not something you can deal with.


“You even know the blue-eyed fire greyhound? 99

Hearing this, Zhao Wu’s heart became more and more horrified, and he suddenly realized that Yue Qingyi definitely owns one-third of the space-time source fragments.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the blue-eyed fire lion to come.

She is also one of the reborn!!!

“You know for a long time that there are fragments of space-time origin on me, so Jihui wants to kill me? 39

At this moment, Zhao Wu also fully understood, thinking about everything before and after.

He was full of regrets, and he had never doubted Yue Qingyi before.

Of course, he didn’t see the slightest abnormality in Yue Qingyi.

If it wasn’t for today’s incident, he would never have believed that Yue Qingyi was also one of the reborn people.

It can only be said that Yue Qingyi is really hiding too deep.

“Looks like it’s not too late for you to understand.”

Yue Qingyi didn’t do this, but Lugou looked at Zhao Wu’s fleeing figure with an expression of pity, just like watching an ant that could easily be crushed to death.

“If I were to tell you at this time, besides me, Hua Minghan would have long known that you possessed fragments of the origin of time and space.”

“How do you feel?” She said with a slight mocking look on her face.


And these words were like a shocking thunder, which fell in Zhao Wu’s heart, causing him to be stunned.

Then Nuo Da’s chill enveloped him, making his complexion pale and his scalp numb.

He didn’t think that at this time, Yue Qingyi would still lie to him.

That is to say, there is still a piece of space-time origin, which is actually in the hands of Hua Minghan?

Huang Minghan, like them, returned from rebirth after five hundred years?

No, Hua Minghan didn’t even show up in person at that time, the only one who hooked his hands was his avatar.

That is to say, the other rebirth was actually killed by Hua Minghan long ago.

So that one-third of the space-time source fragments will fall into the hands of Hua Minghan?

Thinking of this, Zhao Wei couldn’t help shivering.

(Li Wanghao)

That is to say, Hua Minghan understood everything from beginning to end and planned everything.

And he has been kept in the dark and played by Dong Minghan without knowing it?

“This guy… is too scary…”

Obtaining a piece of space-time origin, but it means that Hua Minghan has learned about the future.

How terrifying is this kind of painting Minghan, this makes Zhao Wu horrified, and his whole body is chilled.

“The person who killed me and the Holy Spirit Son before should be him…”

Zhao Hao suddenly understood this, his face was full of fear and anger, as well as a trace of unwillingness and despair.

“By now, you should also understand.”

“Even if I don’t kill you, you won’t survive, the ending is doomed from the beginning.

Yue Qingyi’s expression showed a little pity, but there was no mercy in his hands, he continued to shoot down, and with a sigh, Zhao Wu coughed up blood and flew backwards.

A piece of jade clothing saved his life, but there were cracks and cracks appeared.


The void trembled violently, as if an earthquake had occurred in this cave, many ores fell down, and graves were everywhere.

She did not use any supernatural powers related to Jingyang Xianchao, so as not to leave residual fluctuations.

At this time, Zhao Wu was already ignoring everything, his face was full of unwillingness, he got up, and he didn’t care about himself, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and rushed to the ancient and simple cave dwelling not far away.

In front of the gate of the cave, there is a very handsome and tall stone lion sitting, with a mighty style, his eyes are cold and oppressive.


Yue Qingyi, who watched this scene, did not change her mood, nor did she stop it.

And at the moment when Zhao Wu was about to rush to the gate of the cave.

The stone lion sitting there trembled slightly, the stones fell inch by inch, and the amazing blood filled the air, and the neck became agile and cold.

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