164 This Shura field is outrageous, and the wind and clouds gather in Zixia Mountain (please subscribe)

After listening to Mei finished saying this and took the jade pendant, many people in the portrait looked over and were very surprised.

There are not a lot of young people who draw you. They seem to be walking outside. Sometimes, in order to confirm their identity, they will carry jade pendants with the imprint of the portrait.

This kind of jade pendant is not only a symbol of identity, but also through the jade pendant, the position of the portrait clan can be determined.

However, this kind of jade pendant is generally placed close to the body and will not be easily given to others.

However, judging from the words of several clan elders, this jade pendant was really a personal item for the young master, Hua Minghan, and he gave it to the two women in front of him?

Suddenly, the expressions of all of them looking at Tang Mei and Wang Yu changed.

Naturally, they couldn’t think that this jade pendant was snatched or picked up by these two women, and they didn’t have the ability.

“What is their relationship with the young master?

“I really didn’t expect the young master’s jade pendant to be in their hands?”

Many members of the painting family couldn’t help but talk, their eyes were extremely surprised, and they wanted to know the identities of these two women.

Originally thought to be two unrelated people, they were using the banner of the portrait to shock Wanlongling, but they never thought that they actually knew the young master of the portrait.

The expressions of everyone in Wanlongling, including Longteng, also changed at this moment.

There was a sneer at the seam just now, but the next moment it was directly stiff, a bit unbelievable.

“Portrait of the young master’s jade pendant?”

The expressions of several Wanlongling elders turned gloomy.

Long Sheng also became cloudy and uncertain, and the folding fan that had originally brought Yun Yun because he was in a good mood suddenly asked. “Five six three”

He really didn’t expect that these two women even took out Hua Minghan’s token.

Why did Hua Minghan give them personal jade pendants?

“It is indeed Minghan’s jade pendant, girl, please keep it. Since he gave it to you personally, it naturally has his intentions.

“Don’t worry, with me waiting here, I won’t let the people of Wanlongling touch you in the slightest.”

The clan elder in the portrait, after carefully looking at the jade pendant, covered it up and returned it to Tang Mei.

The cold and stern expression from before has also disappeared, revealing a bit of gentleness.

The rest of the clan elders also nodded and showed their attitude. If there is a token, they will naturally not stand idly by.

Moreover, since Hua Minghan was willing to give his personal jade pendant as a gift, it meant that these two women were definitely not ordinary to him.

In terms of love and reason, they can’t say that they will leave.

Thank you “several seniors.”

Qi Mei and Wang Yu were both worried that the jade pendant would not work, but now they both breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is a place where it is painted, this jade pendant is like a talisman for them, and it can protect them well.

Wang Yu was even more grateful. If he thought about it carefully, Huang Minghan had directly or indirectly rescued her several times.

This kind of kindness, if there is a chance in the future, she will definitely find a way to repay it.

“A few seniors are determined to oppose my Wanlongling?”

Seeing the portraits who were going to leave, they suddenly changed their minds and wanted to protect the two women.

The elders of Wanlongling asked with extremely ugly expressions.

Long Sheng was also uncertain for a while, and said in a deep voice, “These two women took the fortunes of our clan first, and then they were chased and killed by the strong men of our clan, and they fled all the way to this point. Seniors, don’t believe their words.”

At this moment, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and things were a bit beyond his control.

If Wang Yu and Tang Mei learn the secret of his possession of the original body, then he will have the day to expose it.

Although the talents of the Heavenly Ghost Clan are strange and tricky, they are still a little worried in the face of the huge immortal power.

Long Teng was worried that the old guys in Wanlongling would see something unusual.

When Mo Mei heard the words, Liu Mei immediately went to the doctor and said angrily, “Blood spit, obviously you want to kill people and steal treasures, don’t make these excuses.

“Think we don’t know your tricks and thoughts, and you have the ability to kill us today?”

However, when her words were scolded, she felt that it was somewhat contradictory to her pitiful and sullen appearance.

The surrounding portrait clansmen looked over in a bit of surprise.

So, she swallowed all the words she wanted to continue scolding.

Mo Mei wanted to expose Long Teng’s true face in front of everyone at this time.

But she also did not have sufficient evidence and certainty to prove that Long Sheng is currently being occupied by that evil ghost.

“What? You think you have the ability to do it in front of me?”

The clan elder in the portrait just glanced at everyone in Wanlongling lightly when he heard the words, and there was a ray of golden light flashing in his eyes, which was terrifying.

For a while, the faces of the elders who had just walked around turned pale, and cold sweat appeared on their foreheads.

In terms of strength alone, they naturally cannot be the opponents of the elders of Gai’s clan, and the two are not of the same seniority and level.

Only those living fossils and old antique hands of Wanlongling can compete with such characters.

Moreover, the portrait clan elders in front of them are full of numbers, and the strength of each person is unfathomable, far beyond what they can compare.

“Damn it!

Long Teng’s complexion also changed and changed. From the words he just said about Tang Mei, he felt something was wrong, and he thought she should know something.

Otherwise, she would not have spoken words that could see his tricks and thoughts clearly, which made him feel a little uneasy.

“let’s go.

Immediately, he waved his hand, his face was ugly, and he chose to turn around to retreat and leave, but he was really a little worried. Qi Mei and Wang Yu said something that should not have been said, which made him suspicious.

If he is suspected, then he is really worried that he will reveal some flaws. After all, he has just occupied this body, and the width of the contract is not perfect.

As for the matter between Wang Yu and Longdan, he plans to slowly figure it out. People with portraits will fight against them here, and the matter is really not easy to solve.

“Yes, my lord.

Soon, the Wanlongling people left, and they had no choice to conflict with the portrait.

Although the elders are all in the holy realm, they are not stupid. They understand that the elders of the clan and the portrait will be killed or injured.

So after Long Teng made a decision, he turned around and left without saying a word.

“Ah, this young man is smart and has some ability.”

“But if he really dares to do it, then they won’t be able to leave alone, and they have to stay here.

The clan elder who had just opened his mouth in the portrait smiled faintly, and his words were full of confidence.

I thought that Long Teng was young and vigorous and would not be able to help himself.

But I didn’t expect him to be so decisive and take people away directly.

“Thank you a few seniors.”

After the crisis was resolved, Ting Mei and Wang Yu did not forget to thank them again, they were very sincere.

“Just a little thing.

“I’m curious, how did the two girls meet the young master of my clan?”

The clan elder still smiled and asked casually.

From the point of view of cultivation, the charm is not at the level of the holy realm.

Wang Yu, on the other hand, had just broken through the Spirit Sea Realm, and could only be regarded as a little monk who had just stepped into the threshold of cultivation.

As a result, these two women dared to take such a big risk to come to this place.

If he hadn’t met them, he might not have been able to leave alive under the leadership of Wan Long.

Hearing this question, Qi Mei was immediately stopped by the question, and the expression on his face flashed a little embarrassment.

She can’t say that she was trapped by your young master, and she is still wanted by Holy Spirit Lake now?

On the other hand, Wang Yu replied generously, “Senior in reply to the ticket, I was saved by Mr. Gai’s hook before, and later when I was in the Holy City of Kunlun, I had to save him. This jade pendant was also given by Mr. Hua at that time. .

Hearing this, several clan elders nodded slightly. They had heard about this, but they didn’t know much about it.

And it was like painting Minghan’s own private affairs, so they didn’t bother to ask more questions.

“The two girls leave with me. If they meet the Wanlongling people on the way, I’m afraid they will not give up.”

Several clan elders said, but they did not ask what the two women had stolen from Wanlongling, which would attract them to hunt.

Qi Mei and Wang Yu had this intention, and naturally they would not refuse.

On the way to leave the cemetery of the ancient gods, Qi Mei and Wang Yu unexpectedly met Zhuo Mingyue.

She practiced in the outer areas, but did not go deep into the innermost area. She felt that with her strength, she would not get any chance.

So wait here for the portraits to come out, and leave by the way.

From the mouths of several painting families, Su Mingyue squinted her neck after learning that Qi Mei and Wang Yu actually had a personal jade pendant gifted by Hua Minghan on their bodies…

Wang Yu felt uncomfortable by her, and from his expression, he sensed some danger.

Although this beautiful and moving woman is smiling, she is not so easy to get along with. She exudes coldness, and her words and behaviors reveal danger.

“I don’t know what to call a girl?

Earn moon dressed in white, fluttering sleeves, hair like clouds, exceptionally tall figure, bright eyes gaze, eyebrow if far Dai general, with a somewhat cool temperament.

When laughing, there is a little bit of a fairy’s sense of abandonment in the world, which is amazingly beautiful.

She asked, looking at Wang Yu’s face.

Although Wang Yu’s disguising method is very clever, Zhuo Mingyue can see that this is her true appearance.

She, who was cold and indifferent, had a rare feeling of comparison at this moment, and wanted to know what Wang Yu looked like.

“Wang Yu has seen a girl who earns money.” Wang Yu felt a little helpless, but he still behaved calmly and bowed his hands.

The people in the portrait, including several clan elders, avoided it from a distance. I felt that at this time, only the main master, Hua Minghan, would appear in person, and he would be able to hold the scene.

On the contrary, Qi Mei looked at Xi Mingyue without caring, and even smiled.

She knows Mingyue’s identity. She is the last saint of the Heaven-Mending Sect, and she is also Hua Minghan’s fiancee.

But what does this have to do with her?

Qi Mei didn’t even think it was a big deal, and said with a smile, “I have seen my sister. 99

She deliberately bites the title of elder sister very hard, even with a bit of a picky ending, which sounds a little crisp.

Zhuan Mingyue glanced at her, shook his head slightly and said, “Senior’s words are serious, junior can’t be regarded as such a title.”

Qi Mei lowered her eyes and said deliberately, “In front of my sister, I’m not a senior. If I mess up my seniority, I’m afraid Minghan will blame me.”

Su Mingyue raised her eyebrows, naturally she could hear the provocative meaning in the words of apology, the show fist under her sleeve pinched, and then said calmly, “Senior is not a small gap, I am afraid it is a few cans old. ? This kind of joke is better not to say.

She deliberately bites the word “age” very hard, just to let Qi Mei understand that she is not too young, at least she is a fairy for a few years or even longer.

And upon hearing this, even Qi Mei felt a little bit of a breach of defense, with great lethality, and gnashed his teeth secretly.

Her body is the all-phase demon flower, belonging to the longevity class of demon clan, her lifespan is longer than that of the human clan.

But if it is converted into the lifespan of the human race, she is not too old at 2.3, at most she looks a few years older than Zhuo Mingyue.

“What elder sister said, what if the years of practice are long…”

Tang Mei quickly recovered, and said with a smile, “The master is the teacher, and the generation that comes first can’t be messed up. 99

Wang Yu, who was on the side, couldn’t take it anymore, and felt that her saying that a master is a teacher is outrageous. How can you describe it like this?

But judging from these words, she can also see that Tang Mei seems to be very familiar with Huang Minghan?

Hearing this, Zhuan Mingyue was even more unbearable, but he still went back lightly, as if he was in conflict with Tang Mei.

But at this moment, Hua Minghan, who was far away in the ancient city of Zixia, did not know that an extremely outrageous Asura field was being staged at the cemetery of the ancient gods.

Most of his attention now is on the side of Dang Zixia Mountain.

Compared with the great disturbance, even the many Daoist forces that rushed over have damaged many strong people, and it is the cemetery of the ancient gods where they lost their lives.

Zixia Mountain is much more peaceful here.

However, it has not been calm in recent days. Many rainbows and chariots have descended, and the crowds have submerged the surroundings of Zixia Mountain.

The mountains and rivers are full of people, among them the number of the younger generation is exceptionally large. After learning that there is the inheritance of Zixia Zhenjun here, they rushed over.

The ancient city of Zixia, which is far from Zixia Mountain, is even more crowded, and the streets are full of monks, which is very lively.

Many rare immemorial alien species have appeared, and some time ago, there was a successor of Immortal Dao, who came with a large number of followers.

The saintess of Yaochi in the fairyland of Yaochi, the descendants of Chihuang Mountain, etc., also appeared here,

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