163 Don’t mind your own business, this is a token given to us by Mr. Gai (please subscribe)

“Several seniors in the portrait, help.”

The sudden sound of a life-saving voice made several portrait clan elders who were discussing leaving this place a little stunned.

The rest of the portrait clansmen also looked towards the place of the voice.

“Is this someone calling us?

A portrait clan man couldn’t help but ask, his face full of doubts.

A few people next to him also reacted similarly.

They were stunned for a moment, then reacted, and finally determined that someone was calling for help.

But in this crisis-ridden ancient god cemetery, they weren’t very good people, and they went to save anyone who called for help.

“The voice came from that side. I heard the voice was a woman shouting. Could it be ~ earning a girl?”

“Minghan told us before that we should take care of Miss Ying. If she has an accident here, we won’t be able to explain it to Minghan when we go back.”

The portrait clan elder who had just opened his mouth frowned and looked towards the voice.

However, this ancient city is a bit special, and the consciousness cannot spread well, so even they can’t be sure who is calling for help.

Many portrait clansmen here are also looking towards that place, a little wanting to go there.

After all, if they really wanted to scare Mingyue, then if they went to save her at this time, after being found out by the young master Hua Minghan, they might still be appreciated and rewarded.

Another painting family elder said, “Then go take a look, although from the sound, it doesn’t look like a girl.”

Zhuan Mingyue has a decent and generous personality, and it is impossible for her to yell like this, unless she is really in big trouble.

Several clan elders did not hesitate, they were very confident in their own strength.

In this ancient god cemetery for a long time, they have not encountered any crisis that makes them feel thorny.

“Senior Jiang, please help…”

It is also at the end of this ancient city, at the fork of the several corridors.

Tang Mei’s face was a little pale, with Wang Yu, like a burst of purple smoke, quickly swept in, and the breath fluctuated greatly.

Obviously, taking Wang Yu to escape for her life is still a lot of consumption for her now.

And she is not sure which side the people in the portrait are ringing, just shouting like this, hoping to be heard by them.

Otherwise, the people from Wanlongling behind her would chase after her, and she would not be able to escape even if she put on her wings.

Of course, if there is only one elder from Wanlongling, she can still deal with it, but the other party has a large number of people, and there are three or four elders in the holy realm.

“Ah, still want the people in the portrait to save you?

“Do you really think this old man is stupid? It’s just a joke, just thinking about the banner of the portrait.

The Wanlongling elder who was chasing and killing Qi Mei had a cat-and-mouse expression on his face.

Although Tang Mei surprised him with the speed at which people escaped, their mana would be exhausted, and they couldn’t escape at all.

Moreover, after leaving the corridor, the front is more open, and he can use his methods better.

Long Sheng and the others followed behind, not in a hurry, they had already regarded Tang Mei and Wang Yu as closed fish.

Long Teng smiled lightly and said, “Let them escape, I’ll see how far they can escape, after all, after the nourishment of despair, killing them again, this process will be more interesting. 33

With his eyes on the show, he was chasing after him unhurriedly, although he heard Tang Mei’s cry, he didn’t care.

This is obviously a loose cultivator who is fishing for fish in troubled waters, and is trying to use the rest of the Immortal Dao forces to calm and frighten them.

Moreover, even if there is a protection of the portrait, what he wants, is the portrait still planning to take it away?

In Long Teng’s eyes, Wang Yu and the dragon egg were already in his pocket.

“Who are you?”

But at this time, a voice suddenly came from the front, and several old painting family members came over after hearing the news, and saw Qi Mei and Wang Yu who were being hunted down.

One of them asked directly, frowning, looking at Tang Mei and Wang Yu who were very embarrassed, but didn’t know them.

If they have seen it before, they are definitely impressed.

“People from Wanlongling?”

Another painting family elder looked behind Wang Yu and Tang Mei, and saw the Wanlongling elder who was chasing them.

His expression was very indifferent, and he did not take this elder in his eyes. In terms of seniority, these elders were all his juniors.

In terms of cultivation and status, the two are not the same level.

In some respects, Wanlongling and the portrait actually have a lot of friction.

Otherwise, Long Huang Goushi, the descendant of Wanlongling, would not have gone to the portrait to provoke him at the first time, and he would have to fight with the contemporary young master of the portrait.

The result was naturally delighted. Long Huang’s dragon horn was interrupted. If he hadn’t broken through the void through the secret talisman, he would have been directly beaten to death by Hua Minghan.

The Wanlongling elder, who was chasing after Wang Yu and Tangmei, obviously did not expect that the person in the portrait really alerted him.

He couldn’t help but stop, his face was a little unsightly, and the weather was uncertain.

“I’ve seen a few seniors…”

In front of these painting family elders, he still showed the etiquette of the younger generation and bowed his hands.

Otherwise, he is worried about being rude, and the other party will teach him a lesson.

In terms of strength, the several painting family elders in front of him are unfathomable and far from what he can compete with.

“I implore the seniors in the portrait to take action and save our lives.”

Tang Mei and Wang Yu showed a hooked figure, they were both panting and sweating a lot, and then said with their hands together.

She escaped all the way, if it wasn’t for her amazing secret technique, I’m afraid she would really be caught up.

But after seeing several painting family elders, she and Wang Yu both breathed a sigh of relief and felt a lot more at ease.

“Who are you? Why are you calling me for help for no reason?”

The portrait clan elder who just followed the conversation looked at the two of them carefully and frowned.

After thinking that they might have offended Wanlongling, they wanted to use the banner of the portrait to calm down Wanlongling.

This love shouted out the words to save their lives.

This kind of fox and tiger’s might, although it’s nothing, still made him a little unhappy, and felt that the portrait was not a tool they used to block arrows.

The group of painting family members who passed by behind also all looked at the two girls, their expressions were not good, and they were similar to the thoughts of this clan elder.

Seeing this, the elder of Wanlongling immediately understood, Qi Mei and Wang Yu obviously did not know the portrait, and in the end they wanted the portrait to save them.

This is simply ridiculous.

At the moment, he showed a somewhat mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, “Seniors, this is my Wanlongling matter, and I hope you don’t interfere, these two guys, while we’re not paying attention, take away a piece of my clan’s possessions. A treasure, all the way to escape.

twenty two

“Under the urgency of the meeting, he called out the name of the portrait, trying to lie to me and wait.

Long Sheng and others behind him also arrived at the capital at this moment, and soon understood what happened.

Several Wanlongling elders stood up and looked at Tang Mei and Wang Yu with a sneer, mocking in their hearts, wondering how they would end.

Long Teng glanced at Wang Yu and knew that she had actually changed her face and did not show her true face.

Through the original owner’s memory, he also knew that Wang Yu seemed to really know Hua Minghan.

But it’s just an acquaintance, otherwise Wanlongling wouldn’t have sent people to hunt down Wang Yu all the time.

Even if she revealed her identity at this time and said that she and Huang Minghan knew each other, everyone in the portrait would not necessarily believe it. After all, not everyone had seen her true face.

To put it a bit harsher, she is a lucky little person, who can remember her appearance?

She said she knew Lei Minghan, what about the evidence?

“Steal a treasure from Wanlongling?”

Another portrait clan elder who was looking at Tang Mei and Wang Yu’s faces, heard this, but smiled lightly, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

This rhetoric also deceives ordinary people. It is obvious that the people in Wanlongling, seeing Bao’s malicious intentions, chased and killed them all the way, wanting to kill people and seize the treasure.

“indeed so.”

“So I hope you, senior portraits, don’t mind your own business.

Long Teng smiled lightly, and surrounded by the crowd in Wanlongling, he showed a somewhat extraordinary bearing, “Could it be that you want to make a scene with me here in Wanlongling because of these two irrelevant people?”

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of many monks who were still in this abandoned ancient city, and they all watched from a distance.

However, Wanlongling and the portrait are both immortal forces, and they are definitely not something they can provoke.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

So after looking at it, I quickly retreated and avoided it, not daring to meddle in my own business.

“Oh, are you threatening us?”

The old man in the portrait glanced at Long Sheng and did not know him, but he guessed that the hook might be one of the young supreme beings of Wanlongling’s generation.

“Don’t dare.” Long Teng smiled, “I just want you seniors to understand that this kind of troublesome thing is actually unnecessary.

He was not worried about the methods of Wang Yu and Tang Mei, but worried that the clan elders in the portrait would be interested in the treasures on the two girls, so as to save them.

When several clan elders in the portrait heard the words, their brows furrowed, knowing what Long Teng meant.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with them. If there is a conflict with Wanlongling here, there is no need for it.

The contradiction between them has not been said to be so big. After all, there are still police forces in the immortal way, such as the Holy Spirit Lake, the ancient temple of the God of War, and the Jingyang Xianchao.

“You can just do it yourself, I draw your banner, it’s not so easy to use.”

The clan elder in the portrait shook his head and glanced at the two women, Qi Mei and Wang Yu, and did not intend to worry about it.

The people in Wanlongling, including Long Sheng, seemed to have expected long ago that there were smiles on their faces, and some people even mocked Wang Yu and Qi Mei coldly, as if they were laughing at their ignorance.

Tang Mei was very unhappy with the expression of Wan Long Led people, and could not wait to step on their faces ruthlessly.

But here, she was still very forbearing, with a flustered look on her face, and said,

“Several seniors, please don’t take offense, we really didn’t shout indiscriminately, it’s just that there is really no way to continue this.

“My little sister and I didn’t provoke anyone from Wanlongling at all, but we just turned around in a deserted side hall and got nothing. As a result, they were stared at by them and wanted to kill us, thinking we robbed us. their treasure.

“I hope a few seniors will call the shots for us.”

As she spoke, her face was full of grievances that were about to cry.

Although it has been easily changed, it is not real, but it still looks extremely charming.

These remarks made many young people of Gai feel a little moved, and felt sympathy in their hearts, feeling that Wanlongling was too deceiving.

On the other hand, Wang Yu, who was pale and thin, looked weak at first sight, and apologized, “There is a reason for this, and I hope the seniors don’t take offense. 11

“Nevertheless, it’s not the reason why you asked me to draw your banner for protection. If you don’t do it next time, I won’t hold you two accountable this time.

However, the elders of the clan in the portrait obviously did not eat this set, they were all human beings, and it could be seen that the two women might not have a simple mind.

Seeing this, everyone in Wanlongling sneered even deeper.

“Several seniors calm down. My sister and I really have no choice. We will continue like this, or we will be killed by the Wanlongling people.”

Before, “Master Hua said that if we are in danger, we will go to the person who looks for the portrait, and there will be someone to help us.”

There was a helpless look on Qi Mei’s face, and she was about to cry, making her feel pity in her heart.

And her words made several portraits who were about to leave stunned. They all stopped to hang their feet and turned around and asked, “What do you mean by this? Who is the master painter in your mouth?”

“You know what you mean, if you dare to deceive me, the consequences are far beyond your imagination.

One of them looked serious, but he was still worried that Tang Mei was pulling the banner of the portrait.

-The members of Juhua’s family all looked over in unison, with extremely surprised expressions on their faces.

“The master painting in my mouth is master painting Minghan. 99

“Junior dare not deceive a few seniors, this is a token given to us by Master Hua, and we hope that a few seniors will learn from it…

At the moment, Qi Mei seemed to be frightened, and hurriedly explained, and then handed out the jade pendant that Wang Yu gave her.

Seeing this, a clan veteran in the portrait took it, and when he saw it, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

“This jade pendant…”

“It is indeed Minghan’s jade pendant. 99

“And it should be his personal jade pendant, it is impossible to give it to anyone.

he opened his mouth to speak.

And the rest of the clan elders also came over to take a look. It was true that they could not hide it from them.

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