142 Everything is settled, and sure enough, the dog blood routines are all deceptive (please subscribe)


The sun-like divine light fell from the depths of the sky.

The Zhaotian Mirror was ups and downs, and wisps of aura hung down between the tremblings. It was thick like the black and yellow chaotic energy, heavier than the mountains. The moment the void touched it, it became a powder.

Under this kind of divine might, there is simply no creature that can resist, the army that kills is like flying ashes, and disperses as soon as they touch it, and they don’t even have time to ask for a scream.

One of Sun Xiang’s ancestors didn’t have time to escape, but was swept away by the mighty emperor, and his body instantly collapsed and exploded.

The sacrificed ancient treasures became fragments, and they died tragically.

Everyone is evacuating, their expressions are terrified, the void behind them vibrates, the army of portraits chases away, and the iron cavalry crushes the sky, shaking all directions, like a death god from the Nine Serenity Hell, harvesting life at will.

In the royal family’s land, all the clansmen were ashen, standing there, watching several ancestors vomit blood, and then fell to the ground.

In the end, I can only choose to surrender, hoping that the army of the portraits can spare the innocent old and weak.

“How can it be……”

“Impossible, why is this happening, we are descendants of true immortals. 59

Many young people haven’t reacted yet, their eyes are wide open, full of disbelief, unable to accept this.

As a descendant of a true immortal, with a strong background and an unfathomable ancestor in charge, why can’t he even resist a foreign enemy and collapse in an instant.

This makes their worldview collapse and they are reluctant to accept it.

“Aah, ask yourself the descendants of the true immortals, are you worthy of waiting?”

“Do you really think that you can claim to be a descendant of immortals by occupying a little bit of the real immortals? Your ancestors have never even been born to become enlightened. Where did you come from to dare to provoke me to draw you?”

“How come you guys have the courage to kill my painting family?”

The immortal pattern has long been bleak, and it can’t compete with the power of the extreme way.

The portrait depicts a clan elder falling down, surrounded by glowing rays of light, like an unparalleled supreme, spleen out of the world, he sneered and shook over a crowd of frightened royal clan people, his words were cold.

Behind him, many portrait powerhouses stepped forward and completely surrounded the royal family, preventing anyone from escaping.

Hearing these words, Wang Jing’s face turned gloomy.

Several of the ancestors, whose qi and blood were weakened, were already full of humiliation, and felt that these words were mocking and insulting to the king.

But they still have no reason to refute this, and they can’t even find any words to justify.

Facts have been doomed, any words are pale and powerless.

They claimed to be the descendants of true immortals, but in the face of a pole-dao emperor weapon, they had no way to break through the great formation easily.

At first, they felt that they possessed several immortal patterns, and as long as they were triggered, they would be invincible.

Like an indestructible turtle shell, it can resist attacks of any level.

But when they really faced the disaster of extinction, Ji found that everything was too good for them.

We “kicked the real Tietu, not because our family is not strong…”

“The portrait in front of us is the truly immortal Xiandao family, and we didn’t have any chance from the very beginning.

The mouths of some old men are full of bitterness, and they understand the truth of the matter. The portraits in front of them are probably the real immortal forces.

Dispatch the ancient warships that break the domain at will, and also have a pole emperor weapon that can be repaid independently.

This unfathomable terrifying background, even if a hundred kings add up, is far from comparable.

And they even tried in vain to think that they could use this to compete against the portrait and destroy all foreign enemies here.

The police say that they are the king, even if all the forces of the entire Meteorite Shell add up, they cannot be your opponent.

“We are willing to capture it without a hand, and hope that you will spare the innocent old and weak in the clan…

Many members of the royal family have chosen to surrender, knowing that the gap is too great, and it is impossible to compete.


“Why is this happening? Why is it an immortal force?”

However, there are still people who are desperate and choose to fight with the strong portrait, but before they can do it, they are slashed by a knife, and the corpse is directly separated.

The many powerhouses in the portrait looked at them indifferently from the sky, as if they were looking at a group of ants, their expressions did not waver.

Huang Mingzhuan was a little unaccustomed to such a cruel scene and stood silently behind him.

On the other hand, Dong Mingxian had a calm expression, and instructed many painting experts to keep an eye on Wang Zhongren and not let anyone go.


In the distance, there was a shocking sound.

Bones are everywhere, rivers of blood are flowing, the land is broken, there are iron cavalry everywhere in the sky and the ground, hunting with banners, shouting to kill the sky. (bhcd)

Tens of thousands of rough troops passed by, killing the sites of the rest of the clans in the Fallen Immortal Valley, and the portrait army charged bravely and entered those pure lands.

This is a blood-stained picture, full of killing and death, and the momentary scene is enough to suffocate.


The screams came, a special high-level, was split into two halves, and an iron cavalry rushed through between the two halves.


A strong man hooked his hands and chopped off the head of an elder Sun Xiang, and by the way split the mount into two sections, bringing a large rain of blood, and the dead body fell into the sky.


The long knife swept across, hitting a middle-aged man’s head with 10,000 peach blossoms.

The red blood and the white brain were mixed together, shocking.


A golden chariot approached in a hurry, leaving a splendid brilliance on the sky, crushing it from the armies of the major families.

Suddenly, a piece of cultivator exploded, forming a blood mist, and the broken bones flew down, shocking.

“so horrible……”

“This is going to destroy the Meteorite Killing.

The monks and creatures in the remaining cities of the Meteorite Shell were stunned by these sights, trembling and terrified, never expecting such a tragic battle to break out.

The king has already surrendered, the clan’s soil is full of war and corpses, many places have been turned into ruins, and the accumulation of countless years has been reduced to ashes.

The rest of the big families were also not feeling well, they were constantly being hunted down, and many people shouted in despair, unable to see any hope.

If there is no blood curse, they can still find a way to escape from the Falling Immortal Valley.

However, now, they can only escape around in the Falling Immortal Valley, becoming the police in the urn, and in the end they can only be slaughtered by the painting army.

“Heaven kills my clan, why is this…”

Many people were yelling, their faces ramen, full of unwillingness and anger.

But in the next moment, he was rushed by an iron cavalry, sighed and was pierced, his body exploded, and it was torn apart.

As an army whose portraits have opened up many small worlds, these iron cavalry have experienced countless slaughter, and they are so arrogant that they are not comparable to these cultivators of all ethnic groups.

What’s more, the gap in mounts, weapons, armor, etc. is even more difficult to make up.


At the end of the sky, a purple light vacated the sky, like a box of purple fog, sweeping over at once.

Accompanied by the huge sea of ​​thunder that snapped in an instant, it pushed towards this side.

A supreme weapon was sacrificed, similar to a purple-gold war drum, and it rang there, and there was a thunderous sound transmission, like an ancient thunder, calling for a catastrophe there, to act for the sky.

“My clan’s supreme weapon, please follow the will of your ancestors, protect my clan, and burn all the enemies of all.

Many people knelt down and worshipped in the sky, kowtow to the Zidian War Drum.

At the same time, many old people recited words to summon the final essence.

Although they knew that it was useless to do so, and could not stand up to the extreme dao emperor weapons that were ups and downs in the sky, they also wanted to sacrifice and go to the last madness.

The divine light on the Zidian battle drum was blazing, the purple air was transpiring, and the avenues of the avenue were filled with breath, as if passing through the heavens of all ages.

It really wants to burn jade and stone, wants to self-destruct, and causes terrifying damage to the army of portraits.

“Everything is useless…” A clan elder in the portrait said indifferently.


Zhao Tianjing took the initiative to re-scare, and the deity in it was like an ancient creature with his own sanity, and his indifferent gaze swept away, like thunder rolling in the sky, and suddenly the Zijin war drum exploded.

The brilliance in it is poured out, and it is difficult to self-destruct, and it shatters directly, becoming a rotten meteor, falling from the sky.


The special people were shouting heart-breakingly, and it was difficult to accept all this. The ancestor who sacrificed to the supreme weapon was even more traumatized. With a puff, his head exploded, and his soul was instantly annihilated.

Compared with the existence of Emperor Fenghuang Chengdi, there is a gap that can be called a moat in the middle, and it is impossible to cross.

In fact, this battle has long been doomed, and all resistance is futile.

At the moment when the great formation outside the Meteorite Immortal’s shell was breached, for the elders of Gai’s clan, everything was settled and there would be no surprises.

It’s just that because of the resistance of Wang, Liu, Sun, and Wang’s families, it was delayed for a lot of time.

But in general, it’s still pretty much the same, and it won’t change anything.

Now, after the King Statue was breached, the rest of the major families, even if they linked up, would not help at all.

Their most powerful means is the immortal pattern obtained from the sedentary True Immortal Relic.

But the immortal pattern needs someone to motivate, and it is impossible to have the might of the world like an immortal weapon.

At most, it can only defend like a large array, and there will always be a moment when it is broken.

In the clan of each ethnic group, there are many ancient towers and pavilions, and there are many treasures and heritage, but now they are not even qualified to take hooks, and of course the portraits do not look down on these resources at all.

All he has to do is to avenge the seventh grandfather, the grandfather and father of Hua Mingzhuan.

Painting you can’t be shamed, even more so for the members of the family members.

In Liuli Island, the silver-haired woman was a little stunned because of what Hua Minghan said.

“Looks like something incredible happened in the valley…”

However, she was still attracted by the momentum and fluctuations outside the island, and her glazed eyes revealed some surprises.

“It’s really amazing.” Dong Minghan nodded in agreement.

Of course, the moment Zhaotianjing regained his profits, he knew that all this had become a foregone conclusion.

It is impossible for the other big families to reverse the situation, even if they sacrificed the real things of the immortal way, the portraits are not afraid, and there are ways to deal with them.

However, the silver-haired woman is obviously not interested in things outside the island, even if it concerns the life and death of Wang, Sun, Shu, and Liu.

“Are you just kidding me?

Her interested eyes landed on Hua Minghan’s face and asked again.

Hua Minghan actually let her continue to wait here?

A drop of water wears a stone, and hard work pays off?

Is this fooling her as a fool?

“The junior didn’t. I just felt that the perseverance and sincerity of the senior was commendable. I have been waiting here for ten thousand years. This determination is also admired by the junior.”

“That’s why this junior feels that Huangtian will not let down a person with firm perseverance like the senior. The person that the senior is waiting for should be coming soon.” Dong Minghan replied calmly without changing his expression.

“Are you really fooling me as a fool?”

The silver-haired woman was not angry because of what he said, but sneered and said, “If it wasn’t for the agreed problem, do you think I would be so stupid and wait so long?

Seeing that she still has some self-knowledge, Hua Minghan agreed in his heart, but he didn’t break it.

“It turned out to be a matter of convention. 11

He nodded, then thought about it seriously, and asked, “If that’s the case. Then what does the senior just say, want to leave the island, what does it mean?

“Didn’t you ask me to change my choice? Then my choice is to let you help me leave the island.” The silver-haired woman said with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

“Can I help you leave the island?”

Huang Minghan raised his eyebrows, this time he was too lazy to be polite, and did not use the title of junior.

He wondered if this guy took him as the one to wait?

There is such a coincidence in this world? Spraying, it feels a bit infatuated with waiting.

But could the person who has been waiting for eight or ten thousand years be him?

How does it look unreliable.

“Who else is that besides you?” the silver-haired woman asked rhetorically.

Huang Minghan’s eyes showed some strange colors, and he looked at her up and down again, and said, “Could it be that the person the senior is waiting for is me?”

The silver-haired woman was dressed in a large white dress, her eyes were like water, and it seemed to be misty, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Between her eyebrows, there are peach blossoms but they are dotted, lining her complexion as delicate as snow, with a clear and demonic feeling, like a lotus flower blooming in clear water.

In terms of appearance alone, few people can compare.

From Hua Minghan’s point of view, only the figure Yun had appeared when he visualized Fairy Yan in his mind could be compared to her.

There is also the saintess of Yaochi, Xiyan.

If he thinks about it this way, he doesn’t seem to be at a loss.

“What are you thinking? Of course it’s not you.”

However, the silver-haired woman interrupted Hua Minghan’s imagination mercilessly and said, “If it were you, I would have killed you before you set foot on this island.”

Her words were very cold, and they revealed terrifying killing intent.

Huang Minghan was stunned for a moment, and soon understood that this was probably the hatred and anger that had accumulated over the past ten thousand years, and it should be the same for a normal person.

I am afraid not only kill so simple, estimated to be thinking about dismemberment, cramps pull the bone.

What is difficult to wait eight years of infatuation idea that routine, it really is a lie,

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