141 Is there something wrong with my brain? I have waited for eight thousand years (please subscribe)

This island is located in the center of the lake, but the scope is not very large. From the shore, you can see the whole picture of the island, and there is a faint twilight.

Many mountains and rocks are lined up like jade, which is amazingly beautiful.

Huang Ming wanted to notice the three words “Liu Li Dao”, and his expression was a little surprised. Judging from the handwriting, it seemed that it came from a woman’s hand, which was very beautiful.

But in some places, it reveals fairy rhythm, which has a kind of otherworldly meaning.

From these three words alone, the owner of this Liuli Island will not be a simple person.

“Then Luo Xiaofan, didn’t tell me about Liuli Island, and there are no guards around, but since there is a forbidden area here, it means that it should be the owner.”

Hua Minghan pondered in his heart, jumped off the light boat, and landed on the island.

He didn’t know why Fairy Yan urged him to come here, but since he had already landed on the island, he should think about the purpose of coming here.


“What’s wrong with this place?”

In his mind, Huang Minghan communicated with her, walked to the depths of the island, and vaguely saw some bamboo forests, which were very lush, and the bamboo leaves were rustling.

There seems to be a bamboo house in the distance, which is elegant and quiet, and there is a faint fragrance of flowers in the air.

However, Fairy Yan’s answer to him was hesitant, as if she was not very clear, and then she stopped talking about this topic and let him go to the depths of the island to take a look.

Hearing this reply, Hua Minghan was also speechless, and then he wished to drag her and give her a hard lesson.

Why didn’t you say this sooner?

She also looked eager to keep urging her to come here, but when she arrived here, she suddenly told herself that she didn’t know?

This guy can really trick people.

At this time, Fairy Yan also seemed to know that she was wrong, and it was rare to hear Dong Minghan’s slander, and she did not think about teaching him a lesson and making him respect the elders.

Proving that Han can only go to the island with the idea of ​​trying it now, he is not worried about any safety.

Not to mention the ability of this Fairy Yan, even if he is himself, there are many things to protect his life. Even if there is any accident, it is impossible to affect his life.

Besides, Fairy Yan, although she is stingy and stingy, doesn’t seem like someone who will ignore him.

Deep in the bamboo forest, the environment is very quiet, Huang Minghan came in all the way, but did not see anyone.

However, it can be seen that there are still traces of people’s lives here. There are many flowers and plants, and the fragrance is light and not demonic.

He stood outside the bamboo hut and didn’t go in rashly. He didn’t talk about etiquette or rudeness. If there were any restrictions and accidentally touched it, it would be troublesome.

What’s more, there is no one in the bamboo hut. It is empty. In the pavilion in the distance, there is a guqin.

Huang Minghan came all the way to the back of the bamboo house, which is an open back mountain, with rolling mountains and mountains.

Suddenly, he noticed a gaze, looking at this place on the mountain, as if he was watching him.

“It seems that the owner of Liuli Island is on the mountain.”

Huang Minghan looked calm, looked over, and saw a figure on the mountain not far away, standing on a piece of bluestone.

It was a woman in a broad white robe, with silver hair dancing lightly, her eyes like water, like misty mist, giving people a dreamlike feeling. Looking down, there was a strange color on her face.

Between her eyebrows, there are peach blossoms but they are dotted, lining her complexion as delicate as snow, with a clear and demonic feeling, like a lotus flower blooming in clear water.

“The cultivation base is unfathomable…”

“The same goes for age.

While the silver-haired woman was looking at Hua Minghan, he was also looking at each other.

This cultivation level alone made Hua Minghan very surprised.

You must know that even those clan elders in the portraits, he can see some clues.

But the silver-haired woman in front of him gave him an unfathomable feeling.

This can only show that her cultivation is really difficult to guess, and it has reached a very advanced level.

“After so many years, the person who never wanted to land on the island again would be a strange man”. ”

“It really surprised me.”

The silver-haired woman on the mountain had a strange color on her face, but quickly disappeared.

She seemed to be stepping down, but she didn’t seem to be moving, and her figure was erratic, and she had already fallen.

If the flowers and trees pile up snow, the sound is sweet and soft, like the sounds of nature.

“Junior entered this island by mistake, and he has no other intentions, and I hope that senior will not take offense.

“If the senior is disturbed, the junior will leave now.”

Huang Minghan’s expression was calm, and he didn’t have much fear because of his unfathomable cultivation.

“Is it really a mistake?”

The silver-haired woman came to him, and those beautiful eyes with the color of glass seemed to be able to see through him.

“It was indeed a mistake.”

Hua Minghan replied calmly, after all, he was trapped by Fairy Yan, and without her urging, he would not have come all the way to this place.

It’s all said to be mistaken, that’s not a problem.

“However, for me, whether you enter by mistake or intentionally, the result is the same.

“You broke my rules.

The silver-haired woman’s mouth curled slightly, as if a smile appeared, showing some interest.

Huang Minghan guessed in his heart what she meant by saying this, but he still said calmly, “Oh, what rules did you break with the senior? If it is possible, the junior is willing to compensate.


The silver-haired woman suddenly laughed and said, “That’s good, my rules are also very simple. No outsiders, male or female, are allowed to set foot on my Liuli Island.”

“But if she sets foot, then I will give her two choices, either stay or die.

“Now, how do you choose this choice?”

After saying this, she stared at Dong Minghan with interest, as if to see his choice and reaction.

“Senior’s request, from the junior’s point of view, is somewhat harsh.

“Senior, it’s better to change one.

Huang Minghan didn’t think she dared to kill him, but it was indeed the problem that he broke into this island regardless of the reason.

He also didn’t want to make things worse. If he asked Shi, he would leave. He thought it would be a chance or something, but even Fairy Yan didn’t know what was going on here.

He wasted his time in vain.


“How can you break my rules and then negotiate with me? Do you think I’m someone who is easy to fool?”

Hearing this, the silver-haired woman did not get angry, she shook her head, and there was still a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Hua Minghan had no choice but to say, “But the seniors’ two choices cannot be made by the next, the seniors can mention one, and the juniors can make a choice. 93

At the same time, in his mind, he communicated with Fairy Yan and asked her to think of a way to shock or confuse the silver-haired woman in front of him.

After all, it was the trouble she caused herself, and she was the one who led the way and ran errands.

As a result, when she heard this question, she pretended to be dead, as if she couldn’t do anything, and let Hua Minghan figure out a way by himself, there might be something good on this silver-haired woman.

Huang Minghan directly called the good guy, don’t let him have the opportunity to take revenge in the future, otherwise this guy will definitely regret it.

“Another option?”

But what surprised Hua Minghan was that he just said it casually, but after the silver-haired woman heard it, she really showed a serious thought, as if she really planned to change her choice.

“If you say that, I really think of another option.”

She opened her mouth and said, “My Liuli Island, since the establishment of the island, has been in eight difficulties for ten thousand years. During these eight ten thousand years, I have been waiting for a person, but that person has not come.”

When Huang Minghan heard this, Lu Mian had a strange look.

Eight difficulties ten thousand years ago?

The silver-haired woman in front of her has lived for over ten thousand years?

Or does it mean that she actually existed a long time ago, and her real age is actually more than that, or even longer? She is a genuine old monster.

You must know that even if ordinary people reach the pinnacle of cultivation, there are many ways to prolong their life, but they cannot live that long.

Later, they will experience the decline of heaven and human beings, starting from the five declines, until the nine declines in the back, the blood is exhausted, and they gradually die of old age.

Therefore, we must find various ways to seal himself up, or seal it into the source of God, or seal it into some forbidden weapons.

As a result, she lived on this island for ten thousand years? Didn’t use various methods to avoid the five declines of heaven and man?

If it wasn’t for the shocking origin and terrifying cultivation, then she had a special way to cover up the secrets.

However, Hua Minghan did not interrupt her, and was listening to what she was going to say.

Eight rough years, all waiting for a person?

It sounds like bloody shit, isn’t it some kind of vulgar romance routine?

“You’re not curious, who am I waiting for?”

The silver-haired woman did not continue to speak, but looked at Lei Minghan and asked.

“Not curious.” Dong Minghan shook his head.

The silver-haired woman raised her eyebrows, and did not seem to expect that Hua Minghan would answer like this.

She couldn’t help but ask again, “. “You’re really not curious at all, who am I waiting for?

Huang Minghan felt that if she was not curious about the answer, she would have to ask again, wasting her time.

“When the senior said this, the junior suddenly became a little curious.” So he replied.

The silver-haired woman shook her head and said, “Actually, I don’t even know who I am waiting for. I was just told by fate that I am here to wait for someone. But I don’t know who that person is.

“The senior seems to have to continue to wait here. 3

Huang Minghan replied following her words.

“No, I don’t want to wait any longer.”

But when she heard this, the silver-haired woman shook her head and vetoed, saying, “I have been waiting for the dawn of ten thousand years, no one dares to land on the island, and no one dares to set foot on the island, but I have already I don’t want to wait here any longer and waste my time.”

“I want to leave this island.

“If senior wants to leave, just leave, I don’t think the big families in Meteor Immortal Kill will be able to stop you. 33

Huang Minghan felt that what she said was inexplicable.

And the so-called fate?

Fate told her to wait for someone here?

So she was here honestly and waited for almost 80,000 years?

So, she was so honest and never thought about leaving by herself?

Huang Minghan is a little suspicious, is her brain normal?

Unless there are some oaths or agreements that she must abide by and cannot leave, there will be a terrifying backlash.

Otherwise, he really can’t figure it out, why is there such a stupid guy in this world, really waiting for the eight wisdom ten thousand years?

“I can’t leave here without waiting for the person to wait.” The silver-haired woman’s eyes were fixed on Hua Minghan’s face.

(Li Li’s) “Since senior didn’t wait for the person to wait, it’s better to continue to wait and see.

“The younger generation thinks that the person you are waiting for is probably coming soon.”

“The so-called perseverance is always, and the emperor pays off.” Dong Minghan was a little uncomfortable at her gaze, but he replied calmly.

Different from the scene in Liuli Island, at this moment Yunxianyi, under the mighty power of the Jade Emperor’s weapon, is about to be shattered, chaos and battles are everywhere, and it is tragic.

Especially in the vicinity of the royal family, many mountains and ancient forests have been evaporated to dryness.

Zhaotian Mirror regained its profits, and the gods in it appeared, as if they had been hooked from ancient times, magnificent and brilliant, sitting at the end of the sky, the dazzling brilliance was even more dazzling than the sun, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

A terrifying great rift valley is densely covered everywhere, and even the void is shattered.

The armies of the three families, Shu, Liu, and Sun, were like snowflakes, constantly evaporating and melting, turning into ashes that filled the sky. Almost no one could survive this kind of offensive.

Moreover, some ancestor-level characters have already fallen, and I thought that these supreme figures of the portraits would be exhausted because of urging the emperor’s soldiers.

But I never thought that the gods among them would be awakened, so that they would be diligent in their own efforts to encircle the ancestors.

This made everyone feel hopeless. The ancestor of Shu, after realizing that something was wrong, fled as soon as possible, and did not want to lose his life here.

This is a one-sided terrifying situation, and everyone is terrified and afraid.

The ancestors of the king statue have long been exhausted and can no longer mobilize the immortal pattern. Now they can only withdraw from the big formation and choose to surrender. I hope the portrait can let the innocent clans go.

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