Rebana hid behind the wall at the corner of the corridor, listening to the sound of the mite cannon firing at the wall. Rebana took a step back. Just as he took a step back, the original wall was shot through by a Gatling gun.

Standing behind the wall with the Weeping Sword in hand, a mite cannon rushed over. Before the mite cannon could react, it was slashed in two by the Weeping Sword. Rebanna didn't use much strength, and the sharp Weeping Taida easily chopped off the mite cannon and the Gatling gun together.

The sharp Crying Taidao can help Rebanna save a lot of energy.

With the ability of perception, Rebanna clearly understood the number of mite cannons in the corridor, but the corridor behind him was empty. These mite cannons seem to be deadheaded, they will not retreat, they will only move forward.

What did Rebanna think of? Could it be that these monsters designed this circular corridor because they couldn't retreat? Suddenly inspired, Rebanna chose to give it a try. If this was the case, the time to eliminate these mite cannons would be greatly shortened.

Moving quickly along the circular corridor, Rebanna arrived behind the mite cannons in a short while. He took out the death revolver from his arms and pulled the trigger. The rapidly rotating bullets exploded into a stream of blood mist. Due to the close distance, , one bullet from the Death Revolver killed two Mite Cannons.

As the gunfire sounded, the Mite Cannon just accelerated forward without any intention of looking back.

Rebanna understood now that his guess was right. These mite cannons would not look back. In their limited programs, they did not understand what turning back meant and would only rush forward.

Rebana pulled out the Smiling and Crying swords, held the two swords in his hands, and moved towards the mite cannons like chopping melons and vegetables. There was no obstacle along the way, as if he was hunting one doll after another. With the sharpness of the two swords of Smile and Cry, the mite cannons in a corridor were eliminated by Rebana.

Just when Rebanna was about to continue chasing the mite cannons that had escaped, Rebanna discovered that two mite cannons had appeared behind him. The mite cannon is very fast, which Rebana did not expect.

But the two mite cannons Rebanna is not very worried about, because they have no bullets anymore. The mite cannons at the front are the ones that continue to shoot at Rebanna. They are getting faster. First, the bullets in their bodies are consumed. It was empty and the weight was reduced. Secondly, they walked at the front and could be the first to go around the circular corridor and walk behind Rebanna.

Without the ability to perceive, Rebana is dead, but there is no if.

Rebanna hurried to the end of the corridor and hid. The mite cannons do no longer have Gatling gun bullets, but these mite cannons are not exactly the mite cannons Rebana has encountered before. They have been given a new ability to fire shells.

The Gatling gun has been modified to not only fire bullets, but also cannonballs, which is not good news for Rebana.

He had already hid at the end of the corridor. Logically speaking, he could have avoided the shells. These shells would only break the glass and fly out of the window. However, Rebana's sense of crisis did not disappear.

Without the slightest hesitation, Rebana ran away as soon as he entered and continued running. Rebana's sense of crisis has not disappeared. This is completely out of the scope of the explosion. Why hasn't the sense of crisis disappeared?

Rebanna didn't understand, but he soon understood that the shell did not have a strong explosive effect, but after the bomb exploded, poisonous gas was released. The second floor was covered with bulletproof glass. Once the poisonous gas spreads, Death is certain here.

Before the poisonous gas could spread, Rebanna used Smile Taito to chop up all the glass in the corridor. And he took the opportunity to hide in an office on the second floor. Closed the door. This is a closed office with only one door in and out.

There are three desks in the office, and there are posters of sexy girls on the walls.

Even a small office can see everything. Rebanna was not looking for something on the desk in the office, hoping to find some useful information. However, it seemed that someone had rummaged through it, and it was a mess, with documents and notes thrown on the floor.

Counting the time, the poisonous gas in the corridor should have been blown away by the air, and then Rebana walked out. When he walked out of the office door, Rebana happened to see the remaining three mite cannons.

Looking at the newly added mite cannon, Rebanna's eyes showed a cold light. He didn't give the mite cannon a chance. When his Gatling gun started to spin, Rebanna had already rushed over. He smiled and swiped his sword across the three mites. Killed with cannon.

Rebanna was shaken slightly, and the blood stains on Smile Taidao were scattered on the ground. At this time, the moon had come out. Looking at the purple blood stains under the moonlight, Rebanna frowned. Marshall transformed the original mite cannon and gave it to They added a new ability, poison gas bombs. Because of the poison gas, these originally green mite cannons turned purple. He is physically smaller than before, but his brain is also more retarded than before.

Rebana put away his sword and walked out to the third floor. The moonlight shone on his head and covered him with a silver cloak.

Cliff pulled out the boomerang from his back. Since the DNA amoeba can spit acid, don't fight them in close combat. The boomerang rotated in the corridor and made a whirring sound. Soon the whizzing sound disappeared and turned. But a crisp sound.

Cliff knew that the blow hit, but the black shadow in front of him changed from one to two. Cliff quickly illuminated it with a flashlight and saw a pool of sticky green liquid on the ground. The DNA amoeba that was about one meter high turned into two DNA amoeba that were about half a meter high.

The DNA amoeba was still squirming towards the two of them, a little slower than before.

Margaery was loading the crossbow in her hand and did not notice Cliff's attack. After seeing Cliff's attack, she quickly pulled Cliff back.

The moment Margery pulled Cliff away, two DNA amoeba sprayed acid at Cliff's position. Instantly, there was a sizzling sound on the ground, and a hole the size of a human head was burned into the floor.

Margaery frowned and said: You cannot use conventional weapons to deal with them. Ordinary swords will only make them split infinitely.

Cliff also frowned. The DNA amoeba would be very strong, but he didn't expect that there would be such a bug. It could be split by attacks and spit out acid from a distance. Once it gets on it, it would be fatal. It might even damage an arm. It’s gone.

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