Margery walked in the dark passage with a dark flashlight. The lights flickered on and off. As soon as she could see the general situation of the corridor, she would turn off all the lights as soon as possible. Then he looked ahead in the dim light.

The third floor is very similar to the second floor. It is also a circular floor building. There are many rooms in the corridor, and these rooms have been opened. The ground is very slippery, and it feels sticky like glue when you step on it. There is still a faint smell of blood in the air.

Margery did not continue to move forward, but stood still and asked Cliff: Cliff, can Rebana come back alive?

Of course! He will definitely come back alive! Cliff's tone was very firm.

Does that mean he can't come back? Margaery was very calm and said what she said without any sense.

I said! He will definitely come back, that's for sure! Rebana is very strong, much stronger than you know. Cliff lowered his voice, not wanting to attract the surrounding monsters because of his quarrel with Margery.

Although I really don't want to admit it, Ray Banner is indeed very strong, but you don't believe it, do you? You keep emphasizing that he can come back. You just want to give yourself a positive answer, but you don't want to let yourself think about Ray Banner. You might die! Margaery's words were like a steel knife piercing Cliff's heart.

I won't doubt it. I emphasize that it's just because he is really strong. Ray Banner will definitely come back, that's all. I don't need to do anything else, I just need to believe it! Cliff's eyes showed. His identification was not an act, he really believed in Rebanna.

Margaery thought of those wriggling mite cannons and said: Can he really survive? Those are more than thirty mite cannons, and they reproduce the Gatling guns. In that narrow corridor, you can understand how How powerful is the Tling gun?”

I understand! But Rebanna will definitely come back.

Why do you believe him? What's the reason? Margery was puzzled and couldn't figure out why Cliff believed in Rebanna so much.

Because Ray Banner is a bounty hunter, a bounty hunter who wants to surpass the red wolf. He will not fall here. You don't understand how important it is to surpass the red wolf in his heart. That is to surpass him. Things of life. Cliff looked towards the end of the corridor, and a black shadow was squirming, moving towards the two of them little by little.

Margery also saw the shadow, but she didn't turn on the light again. Without turning on the light, Margery could know what the monster looked like. When she dreamed back at midnight, she could always dream of the monster and love him. The man Sun Yiming killed.

You go first! Margaery said. There is only one monster on this floor. You go to the fourth floor first. We will meet on the fourth floor!

Cliff said: You are confused! You are no match for him! I think you are no match for him either. The best way is for the two of us to join forces.

Margaery looked at Cliff and couldn't believe that these words came out of his mouth. Are you really Cliff?

You should concentrate on fighting! This monster is very strong, much stronger than you and me. If you don't want to die, just fight with the determination to die. A dangerous signal appeared in Cliff's mind. After fighting against the red wolf, he had this feeling, but it was not very strong. Until this moment, he felt that this was the perception ability that Rebanna said.

Rebana did not deceive him. Red Wolf was indeed helping them. Now that he has mastered the ability of perception, what has Rebana mastered? I’m really looking forward to Rebana’s abilities! But what is needed now is to focus on this monster.

Cliff turned on the flashlight, and then he saw clearly the monster in front of him, a one-meter-tall killer bug that was slimy and disgusting. When they were in Bob Town, they killed a lot of killer bugs. Although these killer bugs were powerful, they did not pose any threat to bounty hunters with enhanced abilities.

And Cliff would not be wrong in his perception. This killer bug is very dangerous, much more threatening than those killer bugs.

Under the light, Cliff finally discovered something was wrong. The color of this killer bug was completely different from the colors of other killer bugs. This killer bug was green, and it was just similar in appearance to the killer bug.

Margery said at this time: These are DNA amoeba, not ordinary killer bugs. These DNA amoeba have the ability to divide. After being attacked, they will split into several small DNA amoeba.

This is not the scary thing about DNA amoebas. The most terrifying thing is that they can spit acid. These acids will quickly corrode your clothes. If you don't tear off your clothes in time, the acid of DNA amoeba will be contaminated. Your clothes, then you're screwed and may need amputation to save your life.

Margaery looked at Cliff again, pushed him, and said: There is only one DNA amoeba on this floor. You go to the other side and I will contain it!

After Cliff was pushed, he did not choose to leave. He let go and walked to Margery, blocking the DNA amoeba, and then said: What are you thinking? I am a man! Let a woman cut off her own Escape? I can't do such a thing! If this spreads, I won't have to follow Rebana in the future.

Margery scolded: 'Stupid, is this the time to be a hero? Cliff, neither of us is its opponent, we will die here! You leave quickly and get the information. As long as I get the information, I am willing to die. ’

Isn't it good to live? Why do you always think about dying? Cliff stared at the DNA amoeba in front of him and asked. If I really leave, you are really dead. You don't have the slightest belief in living. People like you can't go far.

I won't die, and I can't die. I want to live, follow Rebanna, travel around the world, and see the most beautiful scenery in the world. I am a bounty hunter with the purpose of traveling around the world! How can I die? it's here!

When Cliff said this, Margaery also ignited hope in her heart. The fear of death made her lose her hard work and made her forget that she was a wind chime, a powerful thief. He is Sun Yiming's lover. Live not just for yourself but also for him.

Live well for me and protect Odo Town!

Yes! I also have dreams that have not been realized! How could I die in this place? Margery regained her confidence and courage and said to Cliff: Don't hold me back. I won't save you if something happens!

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