I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 92 Beauty God's Interests

The new product launched by Hephaestus was known to the entire Orari family and gods in just three days.

At the top of the Tower of Babel, that is, the mansion of the goddess who ruled Alari, her fingers gently touched the three minerals in front of him that were very cheap in his eyes.

At this moment, Freya, the goddess of beauty, became very interested in the hidden identities behind these three ores.

"Ota, what are the results of the investigation?

"There is already a result.

Freya looked at the subtle emotions on Ota's face, and a smile instantly appeared on her face.

"Looks like it's hitting a wall.

The expression on Ota's face became a little ugly, because it seemed to him that the task of the goddess was not fulfilled.

Because it was rare to see the complicated emotions on Auti's face, Freya watched for a while, but in the end she still didn't laugh, even if she really wanted to laugh.

"What are the results of your investigation?"

Ota paused for a moment and then lowered his head.

"As you guessed, the person who made these runestones is not a family member of the Hephaestus family. 99

"Well, not a very unexpected result."

It is true that the Hephaestus family is the production family, but to create such a runestone requires more than just the production of the family, which can be achieved by 16.

Freya's eyes were focused on these runestones. The special characters inside were like the characters carved on the outside of the runestones, but these characters were very unusual.

This is not a sacred script, nor is it any script in this world.

The text itself is very special, even if it is only contaminated with a little magic, but these words can always exist.

And these words are also very special, just the existence of words contains power beyond imagination.

"Otah, tell me who created these runes.

"It's a newcomer to the Hestia family."


Freya was stunned for a while because of this answer. She remembered seeing the white-haired child sitting beside Hestia through Seer's eyes. That child seemed to be Hestia's child.

But this result made Freya think.

"That child is indeed a child without any brilliance."

"Why would a child with no radiance carry such radiant words?"

Freya has always been very confident in how she sees people.

It is because of this confidence that she can meet so many children with soul-destroying souls.

But, suddenly there was a child who made her misunderstand, which really surprised Freya.

"Looks like there must be something in that kid that I haven't seen."

"It was an accident, I didn't expect such a thing to happen to me."

The surprised expression gradually disappeared from Freya's face, replaced by an expression full of curiosity.


"I didn't expect such a thing to happen to me."

This rare excitement made Freya amused at the moment, but she quickly suppressed her emotions.

"Oh, let's stop staring at Hestia and Hephaestus. 99

"If you keep your eyes on them, they will sooner or later find out the problem."

Seeing the excited look on the goddess' face, Otti just nodded slightly and stepped back.

Freya is not only interested in the runestones released by the Hephaestus family.

The Loki family, one of the two kings of Orari, is also very interested.

Today, the three major Lv.6s of the Loki Familia are sitting together in a room, but on the table are the runestones that the Familiar bought from the Hephaestus Familia.

As the main god of the family, Loki directly looked at the runestones on the table with his chin in his hands.

"So, do you think the runestones introduced by Xiaofei are really made by Xiaofei's family? 35

The three of them glanced at the table at the same time and shook their heads slightly.

The head of the Loki Familia, Finn Dimm, who knew the situation of the Hephaestus Familia the most, gave a very positive answer.

"No, according to what we know, the Hephaestus family does not have such special talents."

"Accurately speaking, it's not just the Hephaestus family, but the entire Orari in the past."5

"A gain magic that can temporarily increase one's own ability value to that level, such a character cannot be unknown in Orari.

"So, I also conducted some corresponding investigations."

Finn sighed helplessly.

"After my investigation, that person really lived in O'Larry for half a month in obscurity."

"Almost no one knows his name, no one has seen him in the dungeon, no one even knows his detailed information.

"It's almost like living a reclusive life."

"The conclusion I got after my investigation was that he didn't have the desires that an ordinary adventurer should have."


'Fame and power are not what he wants, right?

"Yes. 99

Loki continued on Finn's words.

Finn is very helpless, and it is also difficult to imagine nodding to admit.

"What if it was wealth?"

Grace Landlock, as one of the Three Pillars of the Loki Familia, made his own guess.

But this speculation was denied by Finn shaking his head.

"According to what I've heard from Tsubaki's side, the Hephaestus family and the Hestia family have developed a deeper friendship. 99

613 "Wait! That's not to say!? 99

Everyone present was shocked by the news, even Loki, the main god, was no exception.

Finn nodded helplessly.

"From now on, the Hephaestus family and the Hestia family have an alliance relationship. This is an unprecedented situation."

"This is not a merger, but a deeper friendship, so it will not improve the guild's assessment of the family's level. In addition, this is a cooperative relationship between the family and the family, and the guild is not qualified to interfere."

"However, according to my speculation, the alliance of these two clans should have a great connection with the runestones launched by the Hephaestus clan this time. 35

"So, I can also judge that his desire for wealth is not so obvious.

"Otherwise, with the value of runestones, he could easily accumulate unimaginable wealth. 39

An adventurer is not for fame, power and wealth, such a situation is really beyond Finn's imagination.

But Loki, who was silent, suddenly stood up.

Unlike Finn who didn't think of the reason, Loki already thought of the reason.

"So this is ah."

Now Loki understood why Hestia's children took the initiative to stand up so bravely when "The Mistress of Harvest" met for the first time that day, and now Loki finally knew the reason.

PS; Seeking collection... Seeking flowers... Seeking evaluation.

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