I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 91 Three Types of Runestones

There are only three types of runestones that need to be created this time, the additional type "weapon sharpening", the strengthening type "self-enhancement", and the attack type "fire bullet".

Although Bell has mastered a lot of ways to use rune words, there are some things that are not suitable for taking out too much, three is already a lot.

Just these three are enough to attract Euleri's attention.

Of course, there are also upgraded versions of the three types of runes. The difference is that the price of the upgraded version is very expensive, and it is a customized version, which means that it will never be made without an order.

Of course Bell also hopes that the upgraded version will be available for pre-order.

After all, making these runes is his daily exercise, and he can also use the products after exercise to earn a certain fee. Is there anything better than this?

In addition, the unshakable friendship was officially established with the Hephaestus family due to the reason of runestones, and only half of the income was discounted, which seemed like pure profit to Bell.

He exchanged the friendship of the Hephaestus family and half of the profits with runestones whose principal was almost zero.

This Nima is making crazy money.

And the rune script is something unique to him, which directly formed the momentum of monopoly.

So, no matter in modern society or in this world, monopoly is the best way to make money.

Bell picked up the blue stone and wrote "Weapon Sharpening" in it. At the moment of completion, a rune text was added to the surface of the blue stone.

This word was specially written by Bell, and it was just a rune script that didn't have any effect.

After all, these runestones are all to be sold, and the appearance has been polished and smoothed by Hephaestus, so he naturally has to add some extra packaging.

Of course, the more important thing is to add some mystery to make adventurers interested in the text above, but it will increase sales.

After completion, Bell threw the runestones in his hand aside and continued to make other runestones.

Tsubaki, who had been standing beside him the whole time, squatted down and picked up the blue stone with the rune written on it.

"That's it? Is this the same effect as strengthening the body?"

Bell glanced at the past and confirmed that it was Tsubaki who had met before, but he didn't care, but explained while writing the rune.

"Blue runestones are weapon sharpening, which can make weapons sharper for a period of time."

Tsubaki's eyes lit up.

"There is such a thing! What is the effect?

Bell, who had just finished making a red runestone, gave a slight pause.

"I haven't done the specific test, but God Hephaestus has already tested it, using a goblin knife and a weapon that I don't know much about.

"And then? What was the result?"

"The Goblin Knife with the "Weapon Sharpening" attached can easily cut another knife. I think "Weapon Sharpening" can increase the sharpness of the Goblin Knife by a notch. "5

Take it up a notch!?

Tsubaki was hardly frightened by the news.

The Goblin Knife is a third-tier weapon. If its value is increased from the third-tier to the second-tier, the added value is not a little bit.

If the top weapon can also be improved by a grade in sharpness, then this runestone can definitely become the best-selling consumable in Orari, and its value is no worse than the magic sword.

Moreover, Tsubaki watched Bell pick up one and put it down, and pick up one and put it down, and a different text appeared on the ore of different colors, which seemed to be ready.

"Is this kind of buff magic that increases the sharpness of a weapon a notch so easy to do?

It's so easy.

The speed of each one made Tsubaki a little suspicious of life.

"Easy is just for me.

"Anyone who doesn't understand this magic word can't make a sample no matter how long they play with it.

Are rune words such a cheap thing?

As the text found in the world tree by Odin, the rune script was almost born on the basis of a world, so the rune script has an all-encompassing function.

The reason why Bell can understand the rune script is entirely because the type-moon system has removed the concept from the spiritual base of the Dharma dog.

This concept is the part of knowledge that Bell has been forced to absorb and become Bell understands.

Therefore, it is not easy to make runestones, but Bell has the qualifications to make these things easily.

Is it appropriate for you to say this?

Tsubaki watched Bell quickly create those runestones one by one, the time for those runestones to be created is so short.

"What about the other two runestones?

"The red runestone is written with "Flame Bomb", and the green runestone is written with "self-enhancement", which is the same type of buff magic you are using now.

"Is this exaggerated buff on me the same as this stone?"

Now Tsubaki feels that she is really a person from the country, and she is a little dizzy in the face of such a perverted buff.

"It's the same thing, but this buff only lasts five minutes.

"Five minutes... huh~ it's fine."

As far as the time limit is concerned, Tsubaki is acceptable.

If there is such a perverted "ability value" increase, and the maintenance time is not short, then Tsubaki really can't accept it.

Of course, even if there is a limited time, the excellence of this kind of gain magic cannot be concealed.

"It's not very long, but five minutes is enough to do a lot.

Tsubaki didn't think five minutes would be enough for an adventurer.

Most of the monsters that adventurers face in the dungeon are either evenly matched or crushed. The difference is the difference between being crushed by monsters and the adventurers crushing monsters.

In the face of 0.5 pressure, as long as the gap is not large, this kind of gain magic that directly strengthens one's "ability value" is very effective.

Although there is a time limit, for a good adventurer, five minutes is enough to escape if the winner cannot be determined.

"What about the flame bomb?"

"Simply put, it is a small fireball formed by magic words, the kind that will explode.

The flame bomb is actually the same as a magic bomb, but when the flame bomb explodes, a flame will appear, resulting in a burning high temperature.

The positioning of the flame bullet is also for those adventurers who have no magic to use.

Compared with "weapon sharpening", the price is definitely much cheaper. Even if Lv.1 adventurers save money, they can reserve some to use in special situations.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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