I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 783 The Dark Shadow Sitting On The Throne

After climbing up an unknown number of steps, Bell finally finished the ladder.

Went to the top and saw the scene at the top of the ladder.

Here is an aerial platform paved with pure white marble. At first sight, you can see a stone throne made of huge stone carvings.

The surrounding light is not very good, but you can still see a black figure sitting on the throne.

"Who are you?"

Bell took a deep breath and took the lead in breaking the awkward deadlock.

"I thought you took the initiative to come to me and guessed my identity."

There was a hint of surprise in the shadow's voice. It seemed that he really thought that Bell had guessed his identity and risked sinking his consciousness into the inner part of his soul.

With an aura of terror, Hei's words were a bit gloomier.

"Then you know what? Once you make such a choice, if I can leave the inside of this soul, your consciousness will be permanently blocked in this dark world.

"I know that. But what I'm more curious about is why you don't do that?"

The black shadow was stunned for a moment by the rhetorical question, and then chuckled.

"Ha~ It seems that you didn't come in unprepared. You are not an idiot, but you are indeed a very simple person."

"Is this a compliment?"

Bell couldn't help but ask.

"That's right. People like you are really rare, but I prefer to use "stupid" to describe people like you. "

Although he said derogatory words, Bell didn't feel the slightest insult, but the statement was still a bit venomous.

"I'm not a smart person to begin with."

Bell is all too aware of how much stuff is in his head.

That is because he knows that he is not a very smart person, and he may not be able to think clearly about things that smart people can figure out after just thinking about it. So he gave up the idea of ​​mentally comparing himself with those smart people. That kind of behavior just highlighted his stupidity.

"So, sometimes I prefer to solve problems in a direct way."

The black shadow looked at Bell, then he shook his head helplessly and let out a slightly depressed laugh.

"Yeah, your direct approach almost made me angry."

Black Shadow was really angry at Bell's behavior.

If He really has thoughts about Bell's body, then it can already replace it at this moment.

But Black Shadow understood that his substitution would be useless. The only one who could hold hope in his hands was this unintelligent boy in front of him.

Now he no longer even had the thought of preaching. For the first time, he even felt that he had made a mistake in his perception. He actually felt "hope" from such a guy who took the initiative to come to the door.

He even wanted to grab "Hope" by the throat and ask, "Where do you see hope in this crazy boy?"

Rather than saying "hope", it is better to say that "desperation is real" seen in this crazy boy.

But after taking a closer look, he realized that the boy in front of him was really suitable for "Despair".

"Despair and hope are condensed in one person..."

"This is really in line with the teachings I created, bearing all the evil in the world and carrying all the good in the world."

The shadow shook his head slightly and did not continue.

Although he has a slightly complicated mood towards the heir in front of him, because he feels that if he leaves, this crazy boy will soon embark on the road of self-destruction.

Seeing such a child go to destruction, He will also feel sad.

But everything is already destined.

"Forget it, you, I really don't know whether you should say you have a good mind or a bad mind."

"You vaguely feel that I won't do anything to you, so you take the initiative to enter the inner part of your soul to seek answers.

"Obviously just pretend not to know."

But Bell didn't care about this. He knew that his behavior was a bit stupid, and he still actively put himself in danger, but that was his character.

"This is my way of doing things."

"Only when I know the power can I want to use it. If it is not my power, the first thing I want to do is not use it, but doubt it. Even if you really send the power into my hands, I don't know anything. I won’t use it even if I don’t.”

"After all, I don't know what price this kind of power will cost."

The shadow was speechless at Bell's behavior.

"Hey... although I really want to condemn your senseless behavior, but considering that you stepped into the pit after seeing it clearly, I will give you the blame for your courage.

However, he can play with his own life like this. From Sombra, it seems that Bell has really reached a certain peak in playing with his own life.

"But I think you may have guessed wrong. The power you have now is not due to my intervention. I committed suicide a long, long time ago."


Bell's brows furrowed.

"Why is that inside my soul?"

"Fate made us meet. But the hope that we are constantly searching for is always outside. I am afraid those guys who have been searching for it will not think of it.

After saying this, the shadow paused slightly, and then motioned to Bell to forget what he had just said.

"Don't worry about what I just said. Just live your own life. Knowing some things won't do you any good.

"And you won't be targeted until you fully gain momentum."

"Well, so, it's okay if you can be more unscrupulous in the future."

But when he said this, the shadow's mouth stopped. Thinking about Bell's character, he smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, just pretend that I didn't say those words just now."

This kid's behavior is outstanding. Even if there is no one to guide him, as long as this kid senses danger, he will subconsciously hide himself so that he will not be caught so easily.

Could this be the reason why he was favored by Hope? Black Shadow thought of Claw in a strange way.

"Ah, let's continue the topic just now."

Black Shadow (the good one) did not continue the topic just now, but completely brought the topic back to the beginning.

"Actually, I don't have any power. As I said just now, I have been dead for a long time. Even if I am here, I am just a trace of my remaining soul."

"I am not qualified to give you power, nor do I have the conditions to give you power. Everything you have now is obtained by relying on your own conditions."

But when he said this, there was some fear in the black shadow's voice.

"But that little girl is lucky. She gave birth to a special human body for you from the very beginning. If you were infected with other spirits, you wouldn't have achieved what you have today."

"There is also the power of desire. That little girl may have misunderstood. Your fundamental strength lies in "hope", but she regarded it as "virtue". "

"Of course, for you, it should be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and you bumped into it."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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