I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 782 [That’S Hope! 】

Standing up, Bell walked slowly to the front of the "Gate of Sighs".

The door looked very solid, but when Bell pressed his hand on it, it was pushed gently.


The door was pushed open through a gap, which was just enough space for him to shrink in and go inside.

"Is this an invitation for me to come in?"

In fact, Bell has no choice to retreat. Since the door has been opened, let's go in and take a look.

Bell took a breath to tighten his abdomen, held his breath and walked in through the crack in the door.

After Bell entered, he only heard a "bang" sound behind him and the door slammed shut.

Looking back at the door that was completely closed, Bell had a speechless look on his face.

"I really don't know whose soul is inside this place, even I am so shameless."

While complaining, he walked into the inside of the door.

Everything inside was immersed in darkness, and Bell couldn't see clearly what was inside.

"Isn't it just the power that's been taken away?"

Bell shook his head slightly. He did not continue to think about it, but just walked straight inside.

Although the eyes cannot see everything inside, the hands can touch it.

After walking some distance, Bell touched the edge of the wall.

So cold!

The cold temperature on the wall was instantly transmitted from the fingertips to Bell's nerves. The feeling was so bone-piercing that it could frostbite one's soul and was extremely uncomfortable.

But without any direction, Bell could only keep moving forward against the wall.

After walking against the wall for a while, my hand felt that the wall in front of me was gone. I continued to touch forward and found that there was still a wall at the corner, so I could continue walking.

As long as the passage is going to a normal place and not a zigzag, then Bell will keep moving forward without the risk of spinning in circles.

Keep touching the wall.

I don't know how long it took, but Bell, who was turning around and holding on to the wall, could clearly feel that he had walked a long way, but he still didn't seem to have reached the end.

It's like a dark abyss with no end at all.

But even so, Bell wasn't in any hurry. He had been an adventurer for some time, and his character had already been polished to a certain extent. He didn't have any fear even in the face of this situation.

Darkness and abyss are one of mankind's eternal fears.

"So, does this require me to face my fears directly?"

Bell smiled.

Fear is difficult to overcome because it all stems from the fear of darkness deep within.

But Bell knows that at this time, he can only choose to overcome it.

So he pushed the wall gently, then put down his hand and walked to a place without walls.

Neither the spirit nor the footsteps can sense anything.

This is the inner side of the soul, this is the closed world, and it is also the depth of his soul. Even here, he can only be an ordinary person without any sense.

However, don't be afraid.

Well, yes, no need to be afraid.

He made an agreement with Freya that he must go back before tomorrow, so he will never stay here too long.

Just keep going and don't feel afraid.

Indeed, Bell did just that.

Open your eyes, don't deliberately slow down your pace, keep moving forward, your brain is constantly analyzing the dark truth.

Power is useless here, but the knowledge required to master power is still useful.

"The darkness here is different from ordinary darkness."

"The darkness here wants to swallow everything completely. Even the light cannot escape the clutches of these darkness, and no power can work here."

"It's like my power has been completely taken away."

"If you want to move forward in the darkness, you need to light up the light in the darkness."

This is a given.

But can he, who has no power or even a little magic power, be able to light up this darkness?


Bell directly denied this. It was almost unrealistic to light up the darkness here.

He could feel that he did not have such power, and he even had a strange feeling that even if the magic and power were still there, Bell felt that this darkness could not be brightened.

The darkness here will cause even the soul to be completely dyed black, which is definitely not something that normal power can achieve.

So, black here is not just darkness?

This answer is not certain, because Bell has not encountered anything other than darkness.

But when it comes to darkness, the first thing Bell thinks of is light.

When talking about light, Bell will immediately think of the white power he possesses.


A ball of white light suddenly appeared.

That's right, it's a white light...!?

Bell nodded subconsciously when he saw the white light, and then his whole body froze like a puppet that had stopped spinning.

Bell froze and slowly lowered his head, and then he noticed a faint white light emitting around his body.

But at this moment, there were question marks on Bell's head.

Because he really didn't know where the white light around his body came from, and he didn't even have any control over it.

Then, hurry back before tomorrow!

"So, what kind of power is this?"

【come on. 】

That wasn't what Bell thought of as "self-discipline." That voice called it "hope."

【This is hope. 】

Bell really doesn't know about this part of the matter. He is still full of questions. The current matter is obviously beyond his understanding.

With the appearance of this sound, the darkness slowly dissipated, revealing the inner image that had never been exposed before.

Bell didn't speak, but continued walking down the stairs to the sky.

Goal, clarify what you should know.

At this moment, he was standing in the center of this staircase.

I'm afraid it's the white light emanating from around his body.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

He didn't know how far this staircase would go, but Bell knew that the agreement with Freya would be intact this time, and he should be able to go back before tomorrow.

A strange voice came from the darkness.

Bell didn't say anything and continued to move forward along the stairs.

The darkness just now was indeed a test. What was the test?

There are no walls around this continuously advancing staircase, and there is not even a handrail around the staircase. Below the edge of the staircase is an endless abyss. Just one wrong step will lead to falling into the endless abyss. .

Thinking of this, Bell started to take action.

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